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=== Queen [[File:Xeno_queen.png]] ===
=== Queen [[File:Xeno_queen.png]] ===
The fabled singular matriarch of the hive. She's considered the ruler by all Xenomorphs below her, giving out commands to her loyal servants. Able to do virtually anything which the castes below her can, her only weakness is her heavy armor restricting her movement and ability to crawl inside ventilation shafts. She gives life to facehuggers by planting eggs that hatch them, letting her hunters use them to bring more Xenomorphs under her wing. Her Plasma reservoir starts at 200 with a maximum capacity of 500.

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Revision as of 19:28, 11 February 2024

This page needs to be rewritten


Superiors: The Queen
Difficulty: Medium
Guides: Guide to Combat
Access: Any non-welded vent and anything you can pry open or melt with acid.
Duties: Protect the queen, build the nest, multiply.

Xenomorphs are a hostile, extremely intelligent extraterrestrial species who follow the will of a singular Queen and are bound together by a hivemind. They may evolve into various castes, granting them various abilities and a specialization within the hive. Queens are responsible for their continual reproduction, as she can lay eggs hatching facehuggers who can latch onto and inject a parasitic larva into a living host, eventually growing big enough to burst out of their chest. Instances of singular larvae sneaking into a station's vents are rare, but due to Plasma being their main source of power it's important to stay cautious. They have shown to easily wipe out entire crews with their agility and wit, making them just another hive that will continue to spread the infection.


The terrible tales of the universe passed around by deep-space ship crews and station cantina patrons often contain legends of bluespace anomalies, treacherous freight routes, and the occasional pirate encounter; However, to a select few, there is a known threat that is far scarier than whatever the natural forces of the universe could produce: Aliens. Among experienced captains and crew, they're known as the biological terror that is responsible for the disappearance of crews and stations across the many systems. To your average spacefarer, they're nothing more than a monster in your closet.

Historians are unsure of when aliens were first encountered or how they came into existence, they often refer to the proliferation of aliens as a pattern more akin to the spread of disease. Most attempts to study these aliens have led to the loss of many scientific sites as well as high-profile biologists, epidemiologists, and zoologists. While Nanotrasen has never publically admitted to it, there are rumors that the corporation had lost a moon installation due to this exact reason. Once the intelligence and wit of these creatures became known to the scientific community, it opened up the doors for study by psychologists, although these studies have yet to progress very far.

Today, the community has only a basic understanding of the biological makeup of these aliens and some concepts of social structures. Scientists know that each alien "serves" a queen and that the hive as a whole work to constantly expand nests and integrate biological resources into the hive. What is not understood is why a creature such as a hyper-intelligent hive-queen often acts outside of its own accords and best interest, almost as it serves a higher power. This has drawn the interest of many theologists and has raised questions as to the origin and purpose of more specialized castes such as alien praetorians and sentinels.

However, the public does not know most of this. Once the true danger of these aliens was discovered by various organizations across the universe, a very tight lid was placed over disseminating knowledge regarding them. For many political powers, the "idea" of aliens served a better purpose as a political tool. While aliens are still viable as fear-mongering devices or biological weapons, it is unlikely that academic documentation regarding the species will ever be declassified.

Beginning Your Infestation

Aliens can arrive on to the station in different ways. The most common way is to have them rolled for a major midround role. Two alien larva will spawn, four if there are 80 players or more connected to the server. These larva spawn near vent ducts, and are set to be already 80% through their evolution cycle. Their presence will be announced to the crew in about 13 to 15 minutes after their arrival.

Alien Reproduction

As all other species, the Xenomorphs require a way to reproduce in order to not stay a singular member species. It's an extremely unusual process for most, as it requires a member of a species different than the Xenomorph. Their reproduction involves implanting lethal parasites inside a host for it to then grow out of them. Many face trauma from such experience even if the parasite is removed prematurely, so it's best that proper safety measures are applied during a Xenomorph invasion on the station.

Facehugger Facehugger.gif

The crucial aspect of Xenomorph reproduction is the facehugger. hatched out of Alien Eggs planted by the Queen. It is a parasitic appendage that attaches to the faces of living hosts, rendering them blind, causing them to mumble their words, and knocking them down to the floor for 14 seconds. After this, it implants an alien embryo inside the host before curling up into a ball and dying. Xenomorphs typically use facehuggers by either throwing them at potential hosts or pulling them into large piles of facehuggers. They are sensitive to fire and temperature changes, and will die immediately in rooms above 300 Kelvin. Their latching abilities may be easily countered by appropriate headgear, with them being:

MOD Helmets.gif
MODsuit Helmets
Comes with every MODsuit, which in turn are found in Engineering, Paramedic's Office, Cargo and Robotics. Can be made in Robotics.
Space Helmets
Found in EVA. Found in the "Space Suit Crate" cargo crate.
Bio Hood.gif
Bio Hoods
Found in Level 3 Biohazard closets in Virology, Janitor's Closet, Armoury and various locations of Science.
Riot Helmets
Found in the Armoury. Found in the "Riot Helmets Crate" cargo crate.
Knight Templar.png
Crusader Helmets
Found in the Chaplain's wardrobe.
Blob Hat.png
Blob Hats
Bought in the arcade for 125 tickets.
Bomb Hood.png
Bomb Hoods
Found in bomb closets in the Armoury, Toxins, and SciChem.
Radiation Hood.png
Radiation Hoods
Found in Engineering. Found in the "Radiation Protection Crate" cargo crate.
Cueball Helmets
Bought in the Autodrobe vending machine.
Snowman Head.png
Snowman Heads
Bought in the Autodrobe vending machine.
Welding Helmets (Hood on)
Found in Engineering, Tool Storage, and are able to be produced with an Autolathe.
Carved Pumpkin.png
Carved Pumpkins
Made by using a sharp object on a pumpkin.
Cardborg Helmet.png
Cardborg Helmets
Can be crafted with cardboard.
Plasma envirosuit helmet.png
Plasma Envirosuit Helmets
Found on Plasmamen. Found in the "Plasmaman Supply Kit" cargo crate.
Berserker Helmet.png
Berserker Helmets
Hood of the Berserker Hardsuit. Found in Necropolis Chests obtained by destroying Tendrils.

Alien Embryo

Next steps of the Xenomorph reproduction process happen inside the chest of the host. An Alien Embryo that was injected through the help of a facehugger begins to slowly grow about every 70 seconds, with the time slightly varying between each growth stage. The host will begin to turn sickly, experiencing a whooping cough and frantically sneezing, with the symptoms turning them more weakened the longer the parasite matures. The maturing embryo will grow regardless if the host is dead or alive. When the embryo matures fully, it will turn into a Larva, flooding the host with massive amounts of toxins and begin to burst out of their chest. This kills the host instantly by ejecting all of their organs onto the ground, but can be prevented if their chest was already open through surgical means. The only way to rid the host of the parasite is by performing Internal Organ Manipulation surgery, which will kill it. Xenomorphs and medical HUDs are able to identify infected individuals, but only Xenomorphs and medical analyzers can tell the current stage of the infection.

Alien Evolution

With each passing generation, Xenomorphs strafe further from their facehugger ancestors. They begin to feel a strong connection to their hivemind and Plasma after getting born as Larvae. Developing speech, heightened intelligence and dexterity, along with various complex abilities. They may as well be completely different species from the facehuggers. Their evolutionary cycles split into various castes, with some developing very situational skills and physical appearance. Their main power on their path towards evolutionary greatness comes from Plasma, which they can then deplete either by evolving or using their abilities. Plasma's flammability makes them susceptible to damage from flames and heat sources, which they instinctively avoid like plague. Queens are the highest evolution and caste that is possible to reach by the Xenomorphs, which makes them matriarchs of their respected hives.

Larva Xeno larva.gif

The most petite form of the predatory aliens that can be squished with a well-placed stomp, making all the horror stories about the Xenomorphs seem like deranged myths. Comparable to a snake in size and shape, all they are currently capable of is biting someone's shins. Despite their cute appearance, they should not be underestimated, for they are only a few generations from turning into beasts out of nightmares. After nearly 4 minutes of growing they can evolve into a higher caste. They are able to speed this process up by biting into alive humanoids and animals to feast on their flesh for strength, and by standing on Alien Weeds. The scales on their body change color depending on how close they are to evolving, ranging from a salmon orange to crimson red. Due to their small size, bodies, flags, potted plants, tables and ventilation shafts becomes their natural cover. They are able to hold a reservoir of 100 Plasma on them.

Xeno Larva2.gif - Larva scale color midway through their growth.

Xeno Larva3.gif - Larva scale color mere seconds from evolution.

Ability Plasma Cost Description
10 Allows to telepathically communicate a message to a living target. Useful if you like to play with your prey.
Plant Weeds
Plant Weeds.png
50 Plants Alien Weeds at your location, which regenerate health, Plasma, and speed up larva growth for all Xenomorphs currently standing on them.
0 If fully grown, let's you choose between 3 different castes to evolve into. Otherwise, tells you that you need to wait longer.
0 Conceals you under a variety of objects, including chairs, open lockers, people, plants, flags and tables.
Vent Crawling 0 Alt-clicking on any not-welded vent or scrubber will allow you to traverse the piping system, allowing for easy reconnaissance and travel.
Hivemind 0 Putting :a before your message allows you to send a telepathic message to all members of your hivemind, which all Xenomorphs can hear.


Advancing past the larva stage of their development, Xenomorphs are now seen with multiple limbs with a strong armored chitin and sharp. flesh-tearing claws that make them a terrifying threat, and a large stomach able to temporarily fit any prey for easier transportation. The differences between each caste make them all vary in their role in the hive, some being protectors of their hive while others being quick and valiant hunters. Their new appendages provide them with more ways to manipulate objects, making them a big danger in sensitive areas of the station, while also letting them show-off more complex moves in combat.

Xeno Help.png Help - Nuzzles creatures, which helps your fellow Xenomorphs lose immobilizing effects faster!

Xeno Stun.png Stun - Deals 30 stamina damage and knocks down for 10 seconds depending on armor.

Xeno Grab.png Grab - Grabs a target.

Xeno Harm.png Harm - Slashes a target for 20 brute damage.

Hunter Xeno hunter.png

Stealthy predators tasked with acquiring fresh new hosts to expand the hive. Their physical build sacrifices the weight and strength of their chitin for speed, making them the weakest and quickest caste of the three. As experts in stealth, they are nearly invisible to the naked eye when stalking their prey, making use of barely lit areas to their advantage. When they are ready to strike, they pounce on their targets, knocking them down and with haste taking them back to the hive. Their Plasma reservoir starts at 100 with a maximum capacity of 150.

Ability Plasma Cost Description
0 Empties the contents of your stomach, spewing out anyone you have devoured.
10 Allows to telepathically communicate a message to a living target. Useful if you like to play with your prey.
Plant Weeds
Plant Weeds.png
50 Plants Alien Weeds at your location, which regenerate health, Plasma, and speed up larva growth for all Xenomorphs currently standing on them.
0 Leaps at a distance of 7 tiles, knocking down any person in your path for 10 seconds and dealing 40 stamina damage. Leaping at crew with shields or into solid objects will stun you for 4 seconds.
Vent Crawling 0 Alt-clicking on any not-welded vent or scrubber will allow you to traverse the piping system, allowing for easy reconnaissance and travel.
Hivemind 0 Putting :a before your message allows you to send a telepathic message to all members of your hivemind, which all Xenomorphs can hear.
Devour 0 Aggressively grabbing a person then clicking on yourself will put them in your large stomach pouch, devouring them. Devoured people are dealt brute damage over time, and choke if without internals.
Stalk 5 per second Going into stalking mode turns you slower and nearly invisible, which will deplete your Plasma the longer you stalk.

Sentinel Xeno sentinel.png

The muscle of the hive meant to keep intruders out. Queen's own bodyguards, as they evolve a chitin that is close to being as dense as her's. They possess better combat knowledge and abilities, being able to secrete extremely corrosive acid and Neurotoxin inside of their stomachs to spit out at their attackers. Sharing Plasma is common among them, since each spit nearly depletes plenty of their Plasma reserve. Their Plasma reservoir starts at 100 with a maximum capacity of 250.

Ability Plasma Cost Description
0 Empties the contents of your stomach, spewing out anyone you have devoured.
10 Allows to telepathically communicate a message to a living target. Useful if you like to play with your prey.
Plant Weeds
Plant Weeds.png
50 Plants Alien Weeds at your location, which regenerate health, Plasma, and speed up larva growth for all Xenomorphs currently standing on them.
Transfer Plasma
Transfer Plasma.png
50 Transfers 50 of your own Plasma to a nearby Xenomorph. Useful for helping hardworking allies!
Corrosive Acid
Corrosive Acid.png
200 Vomits out a pile of acid on anything or anyone nearby, causing it to melt or dealing huge amounts of damage.
Neurotoxin Spit
Neurotoxin Spit.png
50 Fires a Neurotoxin projectile onto a target, knocking down whoever it hit for 10 seconds while dealing them 40 stamina and 5 brute damage.
Vent Crawling 0 Alt-clicking on any not-welded vent or scrubber will allow you to traverse the piping system, allowing for easy reconnaissance and travel.
Hivemind 0 Putting :a before your message allows you to send a telepathic message to all members of your hivemind, which all Xenomorphs can hear.
Devour 0 Aggressively grabbing a person then clicking on yourself will put them in your large stomach pouch, devouring them. Devoured people are dealt brute damage over time, and choke if without internals.

Drone Xeno drone.png

The hive's hardworking builders who ensure there is enough cover in their sweet home. Evolving into this form, they are flooded with interior design and engineering information, letting them create a variety of structures using the resin forming inside their stomachs. Those range from walls, nest beds to even doors! They are important to keeping the hive afloat as maneuvering along countless defenses significantly slows down attackers. With enough Plasma at their supply, they may even evolve into a Queen if the hive doesn't already have one, making them the most important caste for starting hives. Their Plasma reservoir starts at 200 with a maximum capacity of 500.

Ability Plasma Cost Description
0 Empties the contents of your stomach, spewing out anyone you have devoured.
10 Allows to telepathically communicate a message to a living target. Useful if you like to play with your prey.
Plant Weeds
Plant Weeds.png
50 Plants Alien Weeds at your location, which regenerate health, Plasma, and speed up larva growth for all Xenomorphs currently standing on them.
Transfer Plasma
Transfer Plasma.png
50 Transfers 50 of your own Plasma to a nearby Xenomorph. Useful for helping hardworking allies!
Corrosive Acid
Corrosive Acid.png
200 Vomits out a pile of acid on anything or anyone nearby, causing it to melt or dealing huge amounts of damage.
Build Resin Structure
Build Resin Structure.png
55 or 80 Let's you build one of three resin structures:
  • Resin Wall (55) - Strong wall made out of resin.
  • Resin Nest (55) - A nest to keep hosts buckled to, preventing them from escaping the hive.
  • Resin Door (80) - A door that only Xenomorphs can open.
Evolve Into A Queen
Evolve Queen.png
500 Depletes your entire Plasma reserve in order to become a Xenomorph Queen. Unusable if the hive already has a queen!
Vent Crawling 0 Alt-clicking on any not-welded vent or scrubber will allow you to traverse the piping system, allowing for easy reconnaissance and travel.
Hivemind 0 Putting :a before your message allows you to send a telepathic message to all members of your hivemind, which all Xenomorphs can hear.
Devour 0 Aggressively grabbing a person then clicking on yourself will put them in your large stomach pouch, devouring them. Devoured people are dealt brute damage over time, and choke if without internals.

Queen Xeno queen.png

The fabled singular matriarch of the hive. She's considered the ruler by all Xenomorphs below her, giving out commands to her loyal servants. Able to do virtually anything which the castes below her can, her only weakness is her heavy armor restricting her movement and ability to crawl inside ventilation shafts. She gives life to facehuggers by planting eggs that hatch them, letting her hunters use them to bring more Xenomorphs under her wing. Her Plasma reservoir starts at 200 with a maximum capacity of 500.

Ability Plasma Cost Description
0 Empties the contents of your stomach, spewing out anyone you have devoured.
10 Allows to telepathically communicate a message to a living target. Useful if you like to play with your prey.
Plant Weeds
Plant Weeds.png
50 Plants Alien Weeds at your location, which regenerate health, Plasma, and speed up larva growth for all Xenomorphs currently standing on them.
Transfer Plasma
Transfer Plasma.png
50 Transfers 50 of your own Plasma to a nearby Xenomorph. Useful for helping hardworking allies!
Corrosive Acid
Corrosive Acid.png
200 Vomits out a pile of acid on anything or anyone nearby, causing it to melt or dealing huge amounts of damage.
Build Resin Structure
Build Resin Structure.png
55 or 80 Let's you build one of three resin structures:
  • Resin Wall (55) - Strong wall made out of resin.
  • Resin Nest (55) - A nest to keep hosts buckled to, preventing them from escaping the hive.
  • Resin Door (80) - A door that only Xenomorphs can open.
Plant Alien Eggs
Plant Eggs.png
75 Plants an Alien Egg at your location, which will grow until it hatches a facehugger.
Hivemind 0 Putting :a before your message allows you to send a telepathic message to all members of your hivemind, which all Xenomorphs can hear.
Devour 0 Aggressively grabbing a person then clicking on yourself will put them in your large stomach pouch, devouring them. Devoured people are dealt brute damage over time, and choke if without internals.

Catching your First Crewmember

You need to catch a valid host to get another member of your hivemind and impress your Queen, but how? It's simpler than it seems, since you benefit from many factors such as stealthiness, element of surprise and raw strength. Overpowering potential prey can be done easier if you consider these guidelines:

  • Go for the loners. Targeting singular, lonely crew without backup to get them out of your grasp is an easy path towards adding a new ally to your hive.
  • If you are in maintenance and are suspecting potential prey, use the cover of darkness or a locker to your advantage. It can catch them by surprise and leave them unable to react to your assault.

Alien VS Predator

As a crewmember, dealing with Xenomorphs isn't just about running into maintenance with a welder and a helmet. They can easily tear apart or impregnate unprepared attackers, which only makes things worse for the station. Just staying in your department and doing your job can be more of a help in wiping them out than picking up a weapon. Before you do anything, confirm their presence. Preparing for a threat that doesn't exist will cause massive chaos, so make sure to only trust Security's or Command's words on it. If you have valid information about their existence, here are some tips to avoid becoming a new host for these monsters:

  • Always stay in a group. You don't want to know how many people have died a lonely-chest bursting death due to not getting to watch their back if a Xenomorph does come around the corner.
  • Construct cardborg helmets. They provide protection against facehuggers latching onto you and are cheaper than all the other alternatives. Hydroponics is able to mass-produce cardboard for this, or you can simply just flatten your starting resource box.
  • If you have been eaten alive, you can easily break out by hitting an alien from the inside with the strongest weapon you have on hand. When it dies, you can simply move around till you burst out of it.
  • As a Scientist, you should construct and distribute flamethrowers to the crew. Make sure to aim while using them though, since it's a pain both for you and the Xenomorphs to be on fire.
  • As a Roboticist, constructing combat mechs should be your first and upmost priority.
  • As a Cargo Technician or Quartermaster, order bulk amounts of laser weaponry and EVA gear. Lasers cause additional damage to Xenos while being easily rechargeable for repeated use, while space suits and helmets will allow you to even the battlefield if aliens spacing parts of the station.




A parasitic cycle in xenomorph production with the appearance of two human hands held together and attached to a spiny, powerful tail. It has a proboscis it uses to implant embryos and provide oxygen while strangling a victim. The finger-like appendages are used for transportation and to attach itself firmly to a host body.

Once implantation is complete, the facehugger falls off and dies. Removal of a facehugger while it is copulating is always fatal for the victim, either because of a snapped neck, trauma from the facehugger ripping off the face of its victim, or the powerfully acidic blood of the xeno.

Like all of the xenomorph species, not much is understood about its growth, motivations, or senses, but it is known that a facehugger can tell the difference between a living humanoid and a non-living humanoid such as corpses or cyborgs and that they are suicidally focused on reproduction. Xenomorphs often use crowds of facehuggers to take down large prey or grouped or well-defended humans.


Xeno larva.gif

Also known as chestbursters because of their method of exodus from the host body, larval xenomorphs are the third known stage in reproduction for that species. While developing in the body, xenomorph embryos attach to blood vessels to absorb nutrients and complete its unstable genetic structure using the host's DNA.

Through an unknown process, this always results in a functioning offspring. This form is small compared to the adult, limbless, and serpentine. They have a strong instinct to hide after forcing their way out through the ribcage and violently tearing their host body apart. If left alone, xenomorph larva will undergo an unknown transformation process to adulthood.

It is believed at this stage that the xenomorph is at its most vulnerable due to its small size and apparent lack of many senses, though this should not be misunderstood—a larva is still deadly. Its powerful thrashing and sharp teeth got it out of a human sternum, after all.


Xeno hunter.png

This form is usually the last in any given xenomorph's life cycle. There are many variants of the hunter (including forms that do no hunting, per se), but the human form is the most commonly seen on stations for obvious reasons.

The hunter sports a phallic-shaped skull with hidden, mostly useless eyes protected by a one-way transparent dome. It has a host of esoteric senses, most prominently a theorized echolocation (explaining their near-constant hissing) and electroreception, though its primary sense appears to be smell. The scent of pheromones is experimentally shown to be the primary communication device of xenomorphs, most effectively transmitted by the ropey purple weeds the adults spread around the station. It is unknown where this tissue comes from, as xenomorphs refuse to make it in captivity.

The primary byproduct of this weed is the strange substance plasma and as such most corporations are extremely interested in the connection between the xenomorphs and that chemical for production reasons. Like the facehugger, the hunter's blood is highly acidic, and there are rumors that it is capable of eating even through space station hulls, though it must be said that this is only a rumor.

The adult xenomorph is a living weapon, with an exoskeleton thick enough to absorb or redirect most trauma and temperature extremes, scythe-like claws, and a multi-tiered jaw system capable of projecting an acidic compound presumingly from their stomachs. Some varieties of hunter are crested, and most varieties have a heavy tail with protective ridges. Xenomorphs at this stage show semi-sapience and problem-solving abilities, and are capable of using pack-oriented tactics, creative stealth, and psychological manipulation. It is reported that in the presence of enough plasma xenomorphs can communicate in a basic way with sentient species, but there is little evidence to lend credence to such an absurd notion.


Xeno queen.png

Very few xenomorphs undergo the transformation into queen. It appears to be done only in the case of very specific hive pressures. They are the only xenomorphs capable of laying the eggs that hatch facehuggers. While much larger than the hunters, they're also much slower, but are indeed much tougher. Even accounting for the size difference, a xenomorph queen can take drastically more punishment. A queen is most likely found where there are high levels of plasma, surrounded by hunters and swarms of freshly hatched facehuggers.

They are significantly more intelligent and highly protective of their offspring. While slow, they have all the adaptations and weapons of their previous hunter forms, a larger, thicker crest to protect their brain casing, and higher internal stores of plasma which they can utilize for the shaping of resin, the laying of eggs, destructive survival defences, and even a complex and poorly understood efficient means to form a natural cloak. Like all xenomorphs, there is little information about them.

CaptainHead of PersonnelHead of SecurityChief EngineerResearch DirectorChief Medical OfficerQuartermaster
Nanotrasen RepresentativeBlueshield Officer
Internal AffairsMagistrate
WardenSecurity OfficerDetective
Station EngineerAtmospheric Technician
Medical DoctorParamedicChemistGeneticistVirologistPsychologistCoroner
Cargo TechnicianShaft MinerExplorer
AnimalAssistantDerelict ResearcherGhostGolemSyndicate Researcher
AICyborgMaintenance DronePersonal AI
AbductorsAsh WalkerBlobChangelingConstructContractorCultistGuardianLavaland EliteMorphNuclear AgentRevenantRevolutionaryShadow DemonSlaughter DemonSITSyndicate ResearcherTerror SpiderPulse DemonTraitorVampireWizardXenomorphZombie
Central Command OfficerDeath CommandoEmergency Response TeamHighlanderTradersSpecial Event RolesSuper HeroesSyndicate Infiltration TeamCluwne