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Everything posted by AffectedArc07

  1. Never rolling wizard doesnt make any point you make regarding wizards invalid. If you have played against enough of them, or tried any of the abilities on a local server, you have most likely learned enough. I said it before but ill say it again. Midround wizards arent going to happen for a variety of reasons. Its not what we need here.
  2. My word holds no weight now, but I am still saying it. TLDR: Midround wizards bad
  3. Archived changes wanted from the discord Yes (Things ill be in favour of) Conversion of ingame browser UIs to TGUI NOTE: This does NOT apply to admin UIs, as they must stay as regular browser UI, not TGUI Conversion of /New() to /Initialize() [Please be confident in ability to do this, dont just do it willy nilly] More unit tests Cleanup of old legacy module code for stuff we dont even use (IE: Appearance bans) Someone needs to go over the DB schema (specifically the characters table), and make columns that are meant to null (Autohiss, alt head, etc etc) actually accept NULL instead of just empty strings (""). Also remove cuiPropAdjust and cuiReason from customuseritems. Remove /obj/random and make it a subtype of /obj/effect [Map Edit Required] Make the end round auto reconnect not send to AFK players Make TGS testmerges log to the database via feedback so we can see what TMs are on what round [Port how TG does this] Have highpop jobs load before job selection instead of post roundstart Maybe (Please run details of these by me) TBD No (Things I will likely object to) Buffs to terror spiders Adding entire new Z-levels for singular things Dogborgs (no) Adding in extra admin verbs for stuff we can already do just for the sake of bloat (The verb panels are bloated enough) Nanites (good fucking god no) Anything which complicates the codebase build workflow (EG: Having to install node or docker, migration to tgstation/common-build-tool, etc) Migration of TGUI to TS from JS (If you do this I will impale you on a railroad spike) Changes to the IPC box items (they aren’t getting an instant welder and cable. No.)
  4. As the title implies, I am resigning from Maintainer, as I need to focus more on IRL things, hosting, and my own mental health. I wont go into too many details, but this is the way forward for me to preserve what remains of my sanity. FAQ Are you staying as Host? Yes. I dont plan to resign from Host any time soon. Believe it or not, its a lot calmer than Maintainer for a fair few reasons. Do you have a successor? No. Nobody at the moment has the required skills or etiquette to be a Maintainer. Can we ping you yet? No.
  5. Adding yet more power to three of the most overloaded departments in the game doesn't seem like a great idea at this time. The ???? trait was never really tied to anything other than debugging and bug-testing entities. A so called "Alien weed" is more theoretical in nature rather than anything concrete that ever existed.
  6. Please also remove this /obj/machinery/computer/aiupload/verb/AccessInternals() set category = "Object" set name = "Access Computer's Internals" set src in oview(1) if(get_dist(src, usr) > 1 || usr.restrained() || usr.lying || usr.stat || istype(usr, /mob/living/silicon)) return opened = !opened if(opened) to_chat(usr, "<span class='notice'>The access panel is now open.</span>") else to_chat(usr, "<span class='notice'>The access panel is now closed.</span>") return It is never used the var also isnt used anywhere As for the map edit part, please wait till the rest of the mapping queue is sorted. Free's remap will be TM'd at some point, I am just super slow atm
  7. I hope so because mass regex replacements are a gateway to "no thanks" Please do this TLDR: Approved, but you have to split this to manageable chunks, or its getting shot.
  8. Im not writing a response to the 80th iteration of this thread. Please see every other thread that has been made for this TLDR: They are not getting a welder and cables.
  9. Context: Read the 5th and 6th lines of his chat
  10. Clarification. Heads & Maints get design votes. CMs do not.
  11. I remember back in 2017 I rolled 2 rounds of hijack traitor back to back. No idea what the odds were, but that has to be low.
  12. Do you have a games controlled plugged into your PC?
  13. If the goal is to purge security borgs for being overpowered as shit with no real counter, this basically puts as back as we were. Malf AI can still do fine with no secborgs, I myself have done this. Have people go engiborg and use the stun arm and just harmbaton them to death. Range doesn’t matter if you can walk up and stun and drag them off before they even realise.
  14. You dont dictate how the repo operates, please stop acting like it. Now onto the question itself at hand. This one I think is fine since its just a big cleanup of existing stuff, not an actual big change in how the underlying code works. I also asked another maintainer how they feel about this, and they agree its fine to put up the PR, so feel free to open it whenever.
  15. They are not subtypes of mechs, but they really fucking should be.
  16. Valid https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/16622
  17. Another update. With a little AA magic, all of the GAs can now propose edits to SoP articles on a private git. You can expect things to start slowly being improved now that SoP can be modified by more than 3 people.
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