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Mrs Dobbins

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About Mrs Dobbins

  • Birthday October 14

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Security Pod Pilot

Security Pod Pilot (17/37)



  1. This is hugbox station 13. God knows, we don't want anything ACTUALLY DANGEROUS in this game, someone might start crying.
  2. maint drones are good fun, and emagged maint drones are even more fun. "i ded nerf pls"
  3. Can we Also have Brezhnev eyebrows for the true USSR experience?
  4. I played bay for 2 weeks and hated it. Its probably just that RP doesn't agree with my neanderthal brain. I'll just ignore the cancers and stay in my corner of maint going toe to toe with validhunters then.
  5. You've clearly missed one of the main points of my argument, which is that individuality for its own sack is one of the greatest cancers in ss13. I don't mind silly RP, provided it is done spontaneously., And is done with character interaction, rather than shitty fetish gear or whatever. And yes, I agree that dank droid is not someone who you should look to for RP standards because he's a shitty forced meme and an awful character. And as for players, I'll point to those IPC players who run snowflake cliques and have lurid colours, yet still somehow manage to go under the radar for reasons unknown to me.
  6. The quality of the ss13 experience is reduced by lurid colours. Frankly, shit like maid costumes, lurid colours, fursuit characters and cat ears all pander to the worst kind of player. This isn't about how good or bad your RP is, it's about how aesthetically horrible those things are and how they attract the worst kind of players.
  7. I can think of a great reason to restrict them- they look hideous. Who wants a station full of Joseph's amazing Technicolor fursuits?
  8. being able to sliding tackle would be cool for that authentic bodyguard experience, if it knocks both people to the floor. Kind of like what happens if you crash into someone on a secway on goon.
  9. Can we have shutter shades? Shutter shades don't work as sunglasses and are critical for the Kanye look
  10. Puffer jackets would be cool, with tracksuit bottoms for that authentic roadman look. Even better: Varsity jackets. Animal masks when?
  11. 4 threads that should've been locked about 6 months ago
  12. I cry my way through tier 4 Japan and laugh my way through tier 4 Britain. Anyone else who is as S A L T Y as me?
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