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Everything posted by AffectedArc07

  1. This is the mailing chute? Something thats just randomly in the middle of a room that you can not only easily walk into, but with nothing to denote the fact its the mailing chute? This looks more like an accidental placement than the actual mailing chute, and I guarantee no one playing would realise, and would end up dragging crates off to the maintenance room
  2. Im really not keen on this remap. Here are just a few of my gripes.
  3. Having implants in character creation is not a good idea. They take science time to research for a reason. Having security instantly be able to spawn with a CNS rebooter and the like is a horrific balance concern.
  4. Yet another thing caused by the garbage known as `SSinput`
  5. You've been abandoned for a vox
  6. Appropriate weapon to give You'll never steal my beret, it wont happen. Amazing art though.
  7. I suggested this after seeing the remap ingame, and even though I said it ingame, I will say it here aswell. If this remap does get made, this can go infront of map standardisation, because honestly, current robotics is just too damn cramped, especially when you have comparisons such as metastation robotics.
  8. Part of me wonders why you chose project ozone of all packs to make this, but its good nontheless.
  9. I have wanted this for years. My opinion is a lot less valid now than it was 2 months ago but this would be a welcome change.
  10. https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/pull/20559
  11. Alffd did us well, and it’s truly a shame he is gone. Godspeed my dude
  12. I think I was the captain, you tried in the meeting room first then the grav gen.
  13. People that call holoparas stands make me want to shit in thier shoes.
  14. I felt the APC frame item had the goonstation stlye sliders which dont look as good as the display APCs we have on here, I thought of modifying the image to update the sprite. http://prntscr.com/ctdlvg File is included as well if this gets used (High Doubts) apc_repair.zip apc_repair.zip
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