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  4. 25th July 2024: Promoted to Game Admin: @oksts2904 @Pyxis @Erikos @Hostail @ColKev1
  5. can make a request for a VPN pass in the "unban requests" section of the forums
  6. Issue: on the wiki, it says nothing about how the legion boss SHOOTS FUCKING LASER BEAMS. (that I might mention nearly insta crit me even in full heck armor but also carves through rocks and walls really well and is stationary going pretty far in one direction I say about 42ish tiles) Suggestion: add this fact as part of the legion bosses' attacks so another miner who reads won't suffer the same fate I did Page: https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Guide_to_Lavaland image is below on what it looks like right now
  7. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/26265 Balaclavas are now dyeable through this PR. Eyepatches & footwraps would need some new sprites but this is a good start!
  8. zombos are currently pretty underwhelming but itll get good soon trust me
  9. Earlier
  10. I'm visiting my relatives in China right now, but I would love to play some SS13 while I'm over here. I'm not sure if I NEED a VPN to play ss13... but it's better to be safe than sorry.
  11. It has come to my attention that threads like these are being used to farm forum points. I started this as a joke a long while ago, and i figure we let it rest now, before the joke grows old.
  12. May he rest in peace, and in our bellies.
  13. June: @TinnCatt - Retired from Game Admin. @Twinmold - Retired from Game Admin. @Fraility - Retired from Game Admin. @Xerdies - Retired from Game Admin and is now a server developer. @Shadeykins - Retired from Game Admin. @Abydos - Retired from Game Admin. @GamblerZ - Retired from Game Admin. July: @McRamon - Retired from Game Admin. @Denthamos - Stepped down as Head of Staff to Game Admin and @Tourte replaced them as Head of Staff.
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