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Aligote last won the day on November 4 2022

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  1. Greetings, I believe your idea is good. However, I would suggest just incorporating a step-by-step guide to setting up in the chemist wiki page. It may not be the best example, but a precedent is set in the botanist page if you want something to base it on. However, there are sentiments against making guides that just tell you what to do because some believe part of the fun of SS13 is exploring its mechanics, so I do suggest discussing it on the server's Discord Wiki Channel. They're very much open to ideas. Best of luck
  2. It's cool that you have your own interpretation of valid hunting, but is this a suggestion of what you want it to be or how you mainly assume it is right now? Because right now, there is no evidence that I have found, where you have to account for this affair with a "staging area". If your intention is to save someone, I don't think you're disallowed from even shoving if the antagonist runs away WITH the victim, from the initial attack, that's written in... the Rules/Advanced Rules of self-defense. If this is a suggestion, my thoughts are that this restricts players even further than necessary. Remember, I initially had a gripe with having to use nonlethal force and being unable to escalate when escalated upon, this suggestion grants the former and also forces players to leave their coworkers behind if the attacker runs away with the victim out of the bar where they attacked.
  3. It's good that you said that because after all, the first sentence of Space Law's Self Defense note is: I also made a hyperlink error, but in my first Admin Complaint (correctly hyperlinked), staff did argue against me following into the bridge after the abductor as well. However, in the same complaint, I was informed I could've tried disarming the abductor. I did ask about disarming in another department and if lethal measures are ever allowed to defend coworkers in my discussions with a head of staff. To my understanding, it seems like a blanket measure and players are generally restricted to disarming in most circumstances, regardless of whether they are in a public area or not. My understanding could be flawed and staff clarification could help but that's my perception as it stands. Perhaps I'll ask about it later IDK.
  4. I understand that's the concern but I do not believe the line of logic is sound. If you intend to save someone, if you meet an antagonist's level of force after they start coming after you, your intention can still be to defend yourself and your coworker. The attacker can still run away because your intention isn't to valid hunt. Objecting against substantially fighting back against an antagonist killing your coworkers, killing YOU, out of fear it can be seen as valid hunting when the antagonist is the one who initiates the conflict, I cannot support that. This can't be simplified as an attacker giving a warning shot and the player using it as an underhanded excuse to valid hunt, this is a broader approach that affects how antagonists could murder whoever they want without substantial resistance, because of an unwarranted fear.
  5. I tried to edit in a hyperlink directing towards Space Law's Modifiers and Special Situations section, but the forums keep freezing. I'm just gonna post to be thorough. Read the above post before going to conclusions. Space Law's Modifiers and Special Situations
  6. Hi, I felt I should discuss this topic since I think more people should know about and engage with it. I'd also like to preface that I will reference some of my past complaints for context, but the discussion shouldn't be about me complaining. The framework of this topic was the result of extensive "research", but I shouldn't be taken as an authority on valid hunting or whatnot. "My Understanding" is just that and should be taken with a grain of salt, the only definitive authority should be any appropriate staff responses, if there are any, I suppose. My Understanding Contradictions (For ME) Proposed Solutions
  7. As some know, there has been substantial progress made by the lore team recently. As a result, some discussion has started of lore team applications being reopened. I also know some people who are interested in writing lore, although I can't speak for them on whether they're interested. So I'm wondering, what are your guys' thoughts on lore applications opening or not?
  8. Remember Warriorstar's videos? It could be Paradiso's Archangles
  9. Almost forgot about this. New song on wiki Tide This Out Don't want to write this down I wanna say it while it's like this now so let me grab the tide Don't want to write this down I wanna say it while it's like this now so let me have the tide ♫I'm getting older and no longer the young pro♫ ♫So ain't no new kid going to tell me I'm done for♫ ♫And you ain't even worth it to tide to♫ ♫Just thought I'd go and leave a little note to remind you♫ ♫In case you wanna-♫ ♫stir the pot up♫ ♫Cause a little drama♫ ♫You don't really want to battle♫ ♫I'll do things you never thought of♫ ♫And have never seen♫ ♫You caught a line and became a fiend♫ ♫My moves rhyme like amphetamine♫ ♫You had a dream♫ ♫The type to make you think you'd pull through♫ ♫Who you think you are?♫ ♫You ain't too big to sock two♫ ♫I kick one, I grab the tide and I ride son♫ ♫Try to share the soul laying low in my system♫ ♫And say whatever it just don't-♫ ♫matter anymore I know my future is destined♫ ♫To carry on♫ ♫There's no backpacks too heavy on♫ ♫My shoulders are very strong♫ ♫Ya know...♫
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