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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2021 in Posts

  1. Chiki posting Soy Latte addiction Pat the Vox!
    6 points
  2. I do like turning random unused maint areas into bars and such. This one was cool because my character's kind of industrial-themed so the pipes really added to the atmosphere.
    5 points
  3. Attempts at Drawing some friends; Bubblegum, Malo and Phoebe Dean!
    5 points
  4. Something I've been doing some sporadic work on: finally making a proper reference sheet for Rivera. It's taking me forever to finish though, so here's a WIP. Mostly, I just have some changes to make to the genetics jumpsuit, then I want to draw her in the mining suit. And honestly? Now that I look at this I sorta don't like how the cybernetic arm turned out. Might change that too, or make a separate, more detailed reference. But ehh, I'm being picky over a character reference... Then it's a matter of a couple more visual notes, and then additional, appearance unrelated notes for a second reference sheet for use outside of game. Maybe I put too much into the reference sheets for my characters? IDK
    4 points
  5. Officer Mongo Brooks brigs a dangerous criminal for destruction of company property (maint wires).
    4 points
  6. That's called atmospheric technician, sir.
    4 points
  7. One CURSED but really funny interaction with the admins. Context: There was a locker with 30 hotmic radios going around.
    4 points
  8. HERE'S YOUR SHUTTLE BRO... Project PENCIL turned project GLIZZY in anticipation of a rod.
    4 points
  9. Well, I will just... drop some the stuff I draw (mostly chiki) Jacob Pearls my OC!
    3 points
  10. I used to do this all the time. Perhaps we should get a bunch of nerds one round for a big custom room...
    2 points
  11. I'm going to move you to E5 and break you in half like a Harry Potter chess game.
    2 points
  12. I want to play checkers with people
    2 points
  13. More pokemon art and Fiona coping with the loss of a friend
    2 points
  14. Will add on to this assuming I draw again!
    1 point
  15. I had this thought while spending some time with the prisoners in perma earlier this evening. It would be amazing to have some simple board games such as chess and checkers available in certain areas and as a roundstart loadout option. There is currently a virtual chessboard in the Bar, but sadly, it is only singleplayer vs. AI., and not portable. My concept is to either have a singular "board game box" or one for each game. Like a body bag or portable stretcher, it can be stowed in bags or on surfaces, but using it in-hand folds it out into a gameboard that can be placed (or dragged?) onto surfaces. Clicking on the unfolded board then opens the UI, which would allow for game selection (if all of the games were contained in one board), resetting the board, or playing. Click-dragging the sprite back onto your player sprite would fold the board back up into its mobile form for safe stowage. I think this would be phenomenal for killing time in the bar, adding some more to a social hangout, and giving permabrig prisoners something else to do.
    1 point
  16. Quick, we need to make Big Jenga :p In all seriousness though this idea sounds great! Anything to comment ICly is great, maybe I'll finally relearn chess or something. I'd happily help with some sprite work if this is picked up by a coder.
    1 point
  17. How many green eggs do you take? Maybe three? More than that makes your belly ache. Don’t you agree?
    1 point
  18. Ooh, this is a perfect idea! As someone who tends to go for civilian roleplay on slower hours, it'd be a perfect fit for the entire rp routine! While the arcade has two (out of three) functioning arcade machines, it leaves a lot to be desired after you've beaten Orion Trail for the 17th time. I hope the board game idea gets implemented! I'd love to play Uno in game with my fellow crewmates!
    1 point
  19. Woje said it better than I could've. It's something that doesn't require 100% focus, but serves as way to spend time with one another and provide a vehicle for conversation and RP. Sometimes I want to spend more time with the prisoners in perma, but I don't really have a reason to. Playing games with them would be a great IC way to spend downtime while also creating good opportunities for RP. You're the best, Mochi! I'd be happy to get back into spriting by doing some game boxes/unfolded boards. (I was secretly hoping for a board flip option, too) I would imagine that if this was implemented, the virtual chessboard in the Bar could easily be tweaked to allow playing chess with multiple players. On top of that, you could probably just make it a static version of the board game box that let you select games at-will.
    1 point
  20. This would be a very interesting project! I'd be cool with taking it up, at least the technical side, and I'd definitely appreciate the help of spriters and players who'd like to chime in with ideas! cue the ability to flip the board on the other player's face
    1 point
  21. I love this. Here is a cardgame I just came up with. Glory to Nanotrasen - A card game for new employees This game was designed by Nanotrasen to teach new employees the right way to interact with people on the station. Setup: Shuffle a deck of card and every player takes one. A turn: A randomly chosen player reveals their card. Each other player needs to react appropriately to the card (based the list). The one who reacts the slowest is out. If someone reacts the wrong way they are also out. When only one player remains, they are the winner and everyone else has to pay them part of their salary (or buy them a drink). What the different cards Represents and how you should react if you see them: Suits are ignored Ace: Traitor - shout "SYNDICATE AGENT!" Any number from 2-9: Tourist - Say "Welcome to Nanotrasen!" 10: The Janitor - say " Clean up medbay!" (Can also be another location) Jack: The clown - Honk your nose Queen: The Captain - "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Sir" Depending on time of day. King: John Nanotrasen himself - Say "GLORY TO NANOTRASEN" This partygame can probably be played in the bar really easily. Roleplaying games Another option would be to import some ACTUALLY PLAYABLE roleplaying games (DnD is a horrible roleplaying game to play on paradise. Too slow and too crunchy). This would require no coding, only teaching people (who are smart enough to learn this annoyingly complex computer game) a really simple roleplaying system. Something WAY more simple and WAY more playable than D&D would be the following: Roll for shoes: https://rollforshoes.com/ Super simple D6 system where your character starts pretty worthless but then evolves into a unique character based on their actions. You can set this up in 2 minutes. Your character starts with only one stat. Would be super easy to implement a session. Honey Heist: https://gshowitt.itch.io/honey-heist Here is the plot: 1) You have a complex Heist that requires precise timing. 2) You are a GODDAMN BEAR. A bit more complex, but way less complex than D&D.
    1 point
  22. That's actually a really nice suggestion. Party activities like that are great for roleplay because they create situations to comment on ICly, and give players something to focus on while they're not talking. Big thumbs up from me, amazing idea. Though, you'd need to find someone to implement it :p
    1 point
  23. Ahhhh you're using my background <3
    1 point
  24. top 10 photos taken seconds before disaster. @Peak
    1 point
  25. When you are meant to be the Warden.
    1 point
  26. The airlock north west of the arrivals shuttle has no access restrictions.
    1 point
  27. I think this is a case where I prefer to encourage security to adapt to antag tactics rather than just giving a "buff" to make an antag strategy less viable. What I mean is that if you, as security, are in a situation where you see antags using space to escape, they might get away with it the first time, maybe the second time as well because you haven't prepared for this. However, once you see them doing this a couple of times it would be a smart move for the HoS to recommend a few officers to get airlock access and prepare themselves to deal with this. Doing it this way rewards security for thinking, planning ahead, and adapting to how antags are playing and also then encourages antags to not use the same tactics over and over if they see that security is adapting to their escape plans. It also avoids "nerfing" an escape route for antags right from round start. Getting the access isn't necessarily about stopping the antag who already escaped into space, it's about adapting to the tactics to get them next time.
    1 point
  28. Check my Twitter / DeviantArt for more examples ^ ^ You can contact me on Discord Synkkä#5542 or twitter.
    1 point
  29. Another thing to be noted. After cult summons, harvesters release knockout gas which effects IPCs and the only way to block it is internals.
    0 points
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