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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2019 in Posts

  1. USING ART AGAINST US HUH? Well. We'll see about that. QUICK EVERYONE, I'LL HOLD @MysticLiger AT BAY! Onward! TWO!
    4 points
  2. Voxxy shop now open in arrivals! Has got four fancy beret! What you mean stolen? *nod *nod *nod *wink
    3 points
  3. Spiders took over the station. There were only couple of survivors: few cultists in their base, magistrate Yaya as of managed to escape into the space - and this. Clown Bobo, armed with a chainsaw - and the holy blessing of the Honkmother, which he got after being able to sneak into the escape pods and kill some spiders in the process. While intensely praying to Honkmother on his sole honk-crusade, he taunted his petty adversials. This was my favourite: *saw *saw GET HONKED! Sadly, Bobo finally died in the pod while riding it to the safety. Even Honkmother couldn't stop his organs dying of the extreme violence. But the legend lives on, inspiration to later generations of happy honkers that you don't want to mess with.
    3 points
  4. How dare you bully our Trialmins. That's MY job! I hereby take back my welcoming hello to you. Sardele, get me my coffee, this has been an an upsetting occurrence!
    2 points
  5. Basic Summary: After participating in my first real round of the Vox Raider game mode (I got to wear the fancy leader hat, yaya) I have come to the realization that the game mode would be much improved by having it as a mid round event, rather than a complete game mode in of itself. Why this change?: The Vox game mode can be quite enjoyable, they are a mix between Sol traders and traitors, but are encouraged to keep things as non-lethal as possible via the inviolate. It can be quite an enjoyable role-play experience, however this experience is usually limited to the Vox and command, unless things go wrong, or people make a great effort to become involved. The main problem is that this game mode is basically an ‘Extended Round’ for all those not involved in trading, which would be fine if the round continued after the Vox have completed their objectives. As it stands at the moment however, once the Skipjack crew is back, they are able to end the round suddenly and without much input from crew. Unless the Vox have especially difficult/combative objectives (Nuke, Borgs, AI, I’m not sure what objectives are actually in their pool.), one of them is taken and they have to mount a rescue, or they come up with objectives of their own (Such as taking a hat from every head of department… which is what I was aiming towards. They were good hats.) the round usually ends anticlimactically with a small ‘skree’ of success. It’s a shame, because I see a lot of potential in an event that features such morally ambiguous event characters. What do I propose?: Making the Vox Raider game mode a mid round event instead of a game mode would drastically improve the game play, and allow it to be brought into actual rotation. It would also alleviate the lack of ‘trading’ events that are blocked when the station is on red alert, which is common. A Sol trader being blocked from coming into the station because command forgot to go back to Blue/Green is quite a regular occurrence. What changes would have to be made?: Certainly changing The game mode into an event would be the main thing that would need to be done, however there is some ballencing that would also need to be undergone to account from the reduced focus on the new Vox arrivals. Here are some of my own ideas, however I should state that I am far from the best game balancer: 1. Reducing the amount of Vox in the crew from 5~ to 3~ 2. Changing their objective pool to focus on less dangerous items, or at least, reduce the chance that they will show up. -Giving the pool more innocuous items (Such as hats, Borgs, Shiny coins) that aren’t high risk, but also unique. 3. Dock the Vox Skipjack at arrivals -The fact that Vox are not spaceproof anymore makes it an enormous hassle to go from ship to arrivals. You usually park next to arrivals anyway. If they could dock at the bottom of arrivals, with a small re-design of the ship, the ship would be a lot more viable, in my opinion. -This does have Lore problems, as I’m sure the Cyberiad would not give docking permission for the Vox traders. So perhaps this is not the best balance. -This might come with a removal of the ‘custom location’ option of the ship, which is usually reserved for more impactful round charaters. 4. Give Vox Raiders smaller Nitrogen tanks. -It’s very hard to do any trading when you don’t have any backpack to put the things you trade with in. The small Vox nitrogen tanks that the Cyberiad’s Vox wear are wonderfully convenient, and I’m sure Vox raiders would have snagged some somewhere. 5. Make Vox guns pattable -They’re PETS DARNIT (This is a joke) Potential benefits: I see a few good things that can result with this change. These event characters are a lot more role play centric as stated before, on account of the Inviolate, and it would allow the crew to show off their hard work for trading. Unlike Sol traders, Vox want more than only money or plasma (Though shinies are always welcome) which means departments that have done well might be able to cash in on that success with some new Vox technology. If the station is under great threat, the Vox may be able to offer their help in exchange for the items they need. If the station is not under great threat, Sec is probably itching for something to do, and guarding small troublesome birds is certainly something that can spice up a round. Likewise, the Skipjack does not have any loyalty to NT in particular, meaning antags would be able to trade for more items if they have what the Vox need. Their moral ambiguity lends a lot of flexibility to how they interact with others in the round, and unlike sol traders, they will be venturing throughout the station Conclusion: I’ve had little experience of coding in the game, it has mainly been spriting and casual investigation of the way it works. Difficulty wise, I am unsure how hard this would be to achieve, but would love to help out with this change in any way possible, as I feel it would add a game mode with a lot of potential into something many can enjoy. I hope this explanation was acceptable enough. I remember talking with Kyet about new forms of trading shuttles (Such as an IPC shuttle that aims to free the stations AI for advanced tech, or a Diona shuttle that seeks blood) and I’m hoping they are still up for changes. I think the implementation of mid round Vox would be a good step in implementing potential new trading mechanics. Others who may be in support this idea: Discord Inflectrum#8242 Portyble #0825 Captain Game#0578 Cazdon#5556
    1 point
  6. Be miner. Forget to turn on flashlight. Turn on to a pack of three golliaths. Get stunlocked and beaten to death. Be miner again. Find evil base. Get permission to raid from captain. Get RCD and friends. Forget matter cartridge. Decide to drop beacon and Fulton to station. Storm. Decide to throw shelter for some reason. Storm starts. Fulton anyway. Die
    1 point
  7. You don't really need dock permission to dock with a ship. A mobile ship could easily do some maneuvers to prevent docking if they wanted, but it doesn’t look like cyberiad has any forms of attitude control so I don’t think it could prevent docking. They can however keep the docking port closed and bolted.
    1 point
  8. I like, ever since i found out that it was not in rotation and all those lovely vox items never get used i've wanted it to be brought back in some form. The big Nitro tank feels like it may be a holdover from times when vox did not have the smaller tanks and the whole ship feels like it could use a rework to bring it up to speed. mmmmmmmmmmm, my skipjack trade shack may one day become an actual skipjack heh
    1 point
  9. Nerfing or removing the floor buffer is necessary for other janitor tools to have any purpose. Nothing beats instantly cleaning everything you walk with no slowdown or downside.
    1 point
  10. *stun batons @MysticLiger* what are you gonna do? Ban me? Also, THREE
    1 point
  11. No, you bring it back down to 0. Like I just did.
    1 point
  12. Okay, wow, rude. At least Qur doesn't push her friends in front of bullets after tricking them into flying to the syndicate asteroid so she can hear them crying until they pass out from pain. That's apparently not something you can expect from certain people.
    1 point
  13. What happens when I post here as a trialmin, do I halve the number we're currently at?
    1 point
  14. Nukies deployed a weapon of mass destruction.
    1 point
  15. After the singulo got released, engineering rebuilt containment and prepared for making a new singulo. but something about their setup seems a bit off...
    1 point
  16. These are old, so I don't remember the context exactly. I think it involved Captain telling us to finish BSA at all cost about 15 minutes before the round end. We have chosen this location because CE was useless/dead/gone/whatever. Good thing Captain was so dumb we looked remotely responsible in comparison.
    1 point
  17. ###INPUT AUTHORIZATION### ###USERNAME:### ComoJayDog ###PASSWORD:### ******************************************************************************* ###PROCESSING...### ###AUTHORIZATION GRANTED. WELCOME, COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER ROBERT D. JENKINS### ###AWAITING INPUT### ### ### ### ###run announce_cyb.exe### ###WARNING: UNAUTHORIZED ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE PUNISHABLE BY DISCIPLINARY ACTION. DO YOU WISH TO PROCEED?### ###Y### ###CONFIRMED. PLEASE INPUT MESSAGE### Hail Cyberiad, this is the Trurl here, Comms Officer Jenkins speaking. Following the disastrous attempts at improving workplace morale via the use of mutated teddy bears animated with the latest in Bluespace technology (apologies, Captain Samuels, you'll be well remembered), the NanoTrasen Board of Directors has opted for a more... subtle method of appearing marketable approachable, and to improve general crew morale, along with... whatever "Workplace Inter-Cooperation and Teamwork Doubleplusgood" is. Pretty sure that last one's not a word. In following with company tradition of not really wanting to waste a lot of money in things deemed "Class-3 Non-Essential Company Initiatives", they dumped the job onto me, and I frankly can't be bothered either, so when they told me to come up with something, I, being the well-beloved and attentive curator of the Cyberiad's airwaves that I am, decided to, I dunno, open a direct mailbox thing? Ask me shit and I'll spill company secrets because I'm bored. Just don't ask me anything about the non-existent Deathsquads, I'm not allowed to talk about those anymore. End communication.
    1 point
  18. So, you may notice that with the many suggestions here, few are implemented. This is intended to be a guide to how to make them well and increase the chance of them being implemented, as well as to explain why many aren't. First of all - Coding Difficulty: For anything to be implemented, it has to be coded. If possible, I'd love if some of the coders could chip in with what makes things easier/harder to implement. A few tips here: * Porting something from another codebase is generally the easiest. * Small changes, such as the text and description of an item are more easily done. * Graphical changes are generally fairly easy, it's just replacing a file. * The bigger the change, the harder it is. * Anything to do with atmos is trickier than it sounds. * It is easier to tweak something that already exists than it is to bring something entirely new in. Scope: It's generally best to try to keep things as limited as possible. Suggestions to overhaul or introduce huge things are likely to be put into the "too hard" basket. The bigger something is, the more work needs to be done - and not just once. As other things are changed, we have to maintain the rest of the code. Balance: Balance is very tricky to maintain. For a start, not everything is -meant- to be balanced. The clown isn't meant to be balanced compared to the Captain. Deathsquad are meant to be OP as hell. Ian is God, etc. If what you suggest would become the go-to weapon/item/etc of choice, there's a fair chance it's unbalanced. Suggestions of nerfing also need to be considered carefully. Unless you know the code very well, and all the numbers etc within it, then try to avoid giving specifics. Nerfing can come in many forms, from reducing availability, reducing the sheer numbers involved, or adding/buffing counters to them. If something is seriously OP, then there's a fair chance we're already looking into it. Finally, make sure your post doesn't read basically like this: Rock is OP, plz nerf. Paper is fine. Remove X: If something is problematic, we're much much much more likely to try to fix it rather than just straight out remove it. Posting "Remove X it sux" is unlikely to be listened to at all. Finally, don't take this as me telling you not to post suggestions - but the bigger the change you suggest, the less likely it is to happen, so don't get your hopes up. This has been made because I've seen some fairly well thought out (and some not-so-well) posts, quite long and detailed that most likely won't happen for some of the reasons above.
    1 point
  19. Preface So you want to contribute to the Paradise SS13 project? Awesome! There’s a couple ways you can go about this. You could just simply throw up a pull request on https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise and wait to see what happens to it. This is great for simple changes and bugfixes. If it gets turned down, then you haven’t spent much time on it. However, If your intention is to contribute something that you are spending a lot of time on, then STOP for a moment. Remember that staff are under no obligation to accept your contribution. We don’t want to see you spend a lot of time developing your idea, then have it shot down because it doesn’t fit what Paradise is trying to accomplish. We don’t want you to burn out because your code got rejected. That’s why there’s an OPTIONAL process you can use before you start laying the first lines of code, called the Proposal & Review process. In essence, this is more than just a 'suggestion'. A proposal is an idea you've taken beyond just the idea stage, you've organized it, considered its implications, and given it a lot more thought. It's become a PLAN. A proposal lets the staff and you about your idea a bit. If they like your idea, then you are far less likely to waste large amounts of time developing, as you’ve already got your foot in the door. You might even get help from various people to implement it! Writing a proposal really gives you a chance to think about and organize your idea. Often, an idea that sounds good in our head is under idealized circumstances, and once you really start considering implications, those circumstances can often fall apart. You really need to give some maturation time to a major idea, and a proposal is one way of doing it. Remember. Writing a proposal is OPTIONAL, but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for more than bugfixes and simple changes. Ultimately, it’s your own time that is wasted, but that’s still valuable time to you, and to the project. Time that you spend on an idea that isn’t well received, is time that could have been spent on something that IS well received. This is the recommended way to go about writing a proposal. Each step assumes the previous one was successful. Draft a proposal. Encourage feedback during the drafting process from your trusted peers. Create a few small, simple examples if you can, like with sprites. Don't do drafts openly. This is your DRAFT. It’s not even close to ready, and throwing it out in the open at the start of an idea is bad. You’re going to end up with people throwing wild ideas at you, and by the time you are done, it’s not even going to resemble what you might have had in mind. Design by Committee often doesn't work. You're having dozens, maybe hundreds of players scrutinizing the shit out of it with little actual vested interest. You're going to rally a bunch of support for something that might not honestly even be possible due to technical limitations. If it gets shot down, you're going to cause a bunch of rabble rabble. Just don't do drafts openly unless you are TRYING to start a shitstorm, and don't be surprised if you get shut down because of it. This almost never ends well. Refine your draft into a proposal for review by staff. I would even suggest having at least a partial development plan done if you expect to have any points scored with the maintainers. Listen to their feedback, refine your proposal, or shrug and be thankful you didn't waste a whole bunch of coding time. You need a WELL DEVELOPED proposal. You are being GIVEN their limited time, so make full use of it. Submitting an amateur proposal isn't going to reflect well on you or your idea, and you shouldn't be surprised if it gets shitcanned because it looks like it would have been better done submitted in crayon. Examples are included later in what constitutes a good proposal. READ THEM! You want the first section to clearly address what it is you are adding or changing, and YOUR reasoning for doing so. Don’t leave it up to staff to try and guess why you are making this change. This seemingly innocuous part of a good proposal is actually quite important! Include a development plan. Can development of your idea be broken down into small, testable chunks? If so, DO IT! You WILL save yourself a LOT of heartache. Make sure the staff see your development plans too! When you try to make really large changes that take a lot of time to finish, you’re going to end up with merge conflict problems. Breaking things down into small bits avoids a lot of this, and also makes it easier to hunt down bugs. This also makes things much easier for people to contribute development time to your idea as well. Now for the hardest part. Submitting the proposal for PUBLIC consumption. You need to convince the playerbase that your idea is a good one, while still staying within your vision and what the admins and maintainers approved. The staff should monitoring and participating as well. Someone might make a really damn good point that causes you to do a big change, and you WANT staff to be part of it, because again, they are the ones that ultimately decide if it’s go/no go. Take the feedback you get, and further refine your proposal. By this point, the design is largely already done, so much of the discussion will revolve around refining the idea, rather than getting a ton of random suggestions. That’s another reason why you don’t publish your work in progress draft openly! Begin development! You're starting the longest part of this road! But the light at the end of the tunnel is within sight! Submit each chunk for review and testing, if possible, as PRs on github. Your idea, or portions thereof, could still get scrapped. Don't write off the possibility. Technical limitations can be encountered while implementing your idea, causing the whole thing to become infeasible. Or there’s a shift in philosophy and now your idea no longer fits the paradigm. That’s why you are encouraged to break it down! Tips for writing a good proposal: First and foremost. The less people have to assume, the better. It’s your idea. You need to convey it. If you leave gaps for other people to fill, they WILL fill it, and quite possibly with details that you didn’t make or intend. So that said, spend some serious time thinking through your proposal. For relatively small changes, this will still go relatively fast. For major overhauls, it’s strongly recommended you spend some serious time on writing up a good, solid proposal. You’ve already convinced yourself it’s a good idea, but now you have to convince others. Organization, spelling, and grammar You want to know the biggest thing between a good and a bad proposal? Presentation. If it’s well organized and doesn’t look like a 3 year old wrote it, people will spend more time reading it. That’s what you want, right? Imagine you are the hiring manager for a company, and you got a hundred applications. Chances are, you won’t even get past the first section of a resume if it is just a bunch of random things put on it that doesn’t flow. That’s the fastest way to get it sent to a recycling facility, and the applicant back applying for more jobs. On the other hand, even if the content is only okay but it LOOKS great, you, as the hiring manager will likely still spend the time skimming the first page! That’s just human nature. Fight it at your own risk. Remember. You are GIVEN staff’s limited time to look at your idea. Make it count. If you are crap at writing, find someone who believes in your idea who can help. Hopefully the way this document is written can give you some ideas on how to organize your proposal, because it was designed to do exactly that! If you follow the chapter “Recommended elements to include in your proposal,” it’s basically an outline! Recommended elements to include in your proposal: A Super Quick Summary What Your Proposal is for Keep it short and sweet. Details come later. What, at a glance, are you trying to do? Are you trying to add a sepia display filter for vintage feeling screenshots? Are you trying to add an item that allows double-jumping? Are you trying to add enumeration support to the code? These are already examples to show what I mean by a super quick summary. This could even be your headline! The important thing is to keep it a one or two line lead-in for your proposal. Your Reasoning and Justification. That is, your OWN reasoning and justifications. Don’t insert words into other people’s mouths. It’s a great way to start off on the wrong foot. You can still include links and sources to back up your claims (including links to other’s opinions), just don’t speak for anyone without their permission. Stick to what they’ve said if you are going to include them in your proposal. Examples: Bad: I’ve been talking to everyone, and we’ve all agreed that this part of the game sucks, and it’s about time that got changed. Who is everyone? That’s a pretty broad term to use. What “sucks” and why? This isn’t a helpful justification for your proposal. Good: I’ve been talking to everyone, and we’ve all agreed this part of the game is frustrating to play. The enemies are overpowered, there’s not enough engagement, and I find myself struggling to continue. A lot better. Still not defining who “everyone” is, and is probably inserting words into their mouths, but now we have something to go on. We can address specific elements and understand WHY you think this part of the game sucks, which is the biggest point you need to make. Best: I’ve been talking to playtesters John, Mark, and Tom about this part of the game. I find this section of the game frustrating to play, and they agree with me. The enemies are overpowered, there’s not enough engagement with some of the gameplay elements and are tedious at best, and I find myself struggling to continue because I have to restart several times from bugs. This is a GREAT way to state your reasoning. We have names of people and what they do, which carries a lot of weight. It just makes it sound so much more… important! It actually sounds like something that REALLY DOES need to be addressed now, and you even gave us the elements that specifically motivated you to make the proposal! Details of Elements that you plan to add, change, or remove. This is the meat and potatoes, and THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT PART. It’s pretty self explanatory what exactly this element of your proposal is trying to accomplish, so let’s focus on HOW you can make the most impact with this section. First, details please! Don’t leave things open for assumption! This is especially bad when someone doesn’t agree with your idea; they will be inserting their own assumptions with a negative spin, which means now you have to fight on their turf before you can argue on your own merits. That isn’t easy. That said, you need to carefully think through your idea. Abandon your preconceptions! If you have to make an assumption, so will someone else! Avoid using uncertainties excessively. “Maybe”, “Could”, “Might”, etc. are uncertainties. You’re the one making the proposal, be confident in your idea. You can propose alternatives or ask for feedback, but be assertive! Focus on the information people need to know, and keep the superfluous information minimal. Generally, it’s superfluous if you can take that information out or move it around, and it is making no impact on the point you are trying to make. Examples: Bad: I’m going to change the enemies so they are easier. They won’t die quickly enough! It’s a hard fight and I can’t seem to win! There will be more things to do, maybe some crafting, and an extra gun or two. This is amateurish. Don’t submit such dribble. This is what you say during a discussion, but it doesn’t belong in a proposal. A proposal is a formal piece of writing. Plus, there’s redundant crap that doesn’t need to be in there. Good: I’m going to change the enemies so they are easier. There will be some basic ammo crafting recipes to offset the ammo shortage, and two extra gun drops in a secret room behind the painting that will give more flexibility to the player to approach the upcoming fight. I am hesitant to call this “good”, but it does provide enough info to get an idea of what direction you are taking things. Best: I’m going to reduce the enemy health by 25%. There’s a hitpoint imbalance that I am addressing, which stems from the fact that I run out of ammo during the fight before I am able to find more. I also will add a simple crafting recipe to allow players to create more ammo from the scrap lying about, approximately three bolts for each piece of scrap, so that they don’t have to rely solely on finding ammo drops. That will add about 30 more bolts total in the level from crafting. Finally, as a bonus for exploring, there is a painting in the foyer that will have a corner torn and partially reveal something behind it. It will be a hidden room with two specialized weapons, one for sniping, and one for up close and personal brawling. Each will have advantages at different times in the fight, but these won’t be required to win. This is a BEAUTIFUL piece of work. We know exactly what you plan to do, and why. We have lots of information regarding your idea, leaving little to be assumed. Plus, there’s little superfluous information, helping to keep the reader focused. Concept Art Concept art does a fantastic job of helping illustrate how you think your idea will look when implemented. Concept art is something that isn’t applicable for most things, but does a hell of a job of improving the quality of your proposal for things where it is applicable, IF DONE RIGHT. Stick to showcasing the main elements of your idea. Concept art is basically a REQUIREMENT if you intend to change… you guessed it, ART ASSETS! Describing art in words is extremely tiring, both for reader and writer. If you intend to change a bunch of sprites, for example, include a couple of mock ups. UI elements also benefit greatly from concept art, because it’s difficult to visualize complex elements. UI concept art doesn’t have to be a visualization of the final product though, just stick to approximations. You don’t have to make concept art as good as your final product, as long as it gets the point across. There really aren’t many tips that can be given here about what concept art should consist of, that’s something you have to decide how much is enough. Ultimately, the more time you spend on concept art, the bigger the impact it will make! Example: Consider the following proposal change element to a UI: I want to change the configuration settings from just input boxes, to sliders and input boxes. When you get past three quarters of the scroll, it will accelerate greatly. The first three quarters will go from 0 to 10, the last will scale from 10 to 100. Example: See what that does? Even in this simple example, it says SO MUCH when you make a piece of concept art! It didn’t even need to be something crazy professional; it still makes the point perfectly! Development Plan This is the part that appeals to the coders. It’s also the section that will greatly vary from idea to idea, and may not even be needed in some cases. Mainly, you want a development plan for BIG ideas. Things that do major additions and/or overhauls and require significant investment in time. The biggest benefit to a development plan, is the ability to break a big idea down into small, digestible chunks. Generally, huge additions aren’t terribly difficult to implement, but huge CHANGES are. They are worlds apart. If you can break down your change into phases, this is much more likely to get through the approval process as things can be done in small steps, and to observe the effects as each step is done. As a side note, the other useful and important thing about breaking things down into smaller chunks, is it makes it far less of a pain to eyeball your code. Short, small changes are much easier to digest and review. Big changes taking a dozen pages are a pain. Anything larger than that, and good luck getting ANYONE to dredge through that anytime soon. You’ll have to decide how you want to lay out your development plan, and this can vary a lot too. Just keep it organized and intuitive to follow. The more detail you place into it, the better, as you can also use it as a sort of roadmap when you sit down to code your idea. As an example, if our idea is to change weapons from hitscan to projectile based, that will probably take a lot of work. Think about all the time that has to be invested in something like that. Now, what if I told you the game engine you are using doesn’t support projectile weapons, so it’s something you have to spend time on as well? It gets daunting. Yet, if you break it down enough, it becomes manageable. Like so: Phase I, Implement projectile physics in the engine This phase will assess the feasibility of moving to projectile based weaponry physics. Select an appropriate physics library for use in the game based on expected operating parameters such as projectile speed, rate of fire, and complexity of firing solutions. Create test cases to measure performance Test multiplayer compatibility Compile results for review Phase II, Refine and alter library to our specific circumstances. Take data from Phase I, to make alterations with the following in mind: Changes to networking code to optimize projectile prediction on clients Alterations to the library as needed to better fit operating parameters. This will be further defined as development progresses. Determine what properties each weapon needs to have and test. Evaluate edge cases for re-design or stripping from the game Phase III, Convert weaponry Polish implementation of weapon properties and functions regarding use of new projectile physics. Test and re-balance weaponry as necessary. Ship it! Laying out a development plan like that shows you are also considering the technical aspects of implementing your idea. Complex ideas really should have a development plan! Closing Thoughts Ultimately, how you format and write your proposal is up to you. As mentioned, this is an optional process. You could take everything suggested in here, throw it out the window, and do everything from the ground up your own way. Just remember though, that the people reviewing your proposal will have certain expectations, so you really need to hit a homerun if you decide to deviate. Or, if you chose to forgo it altogether, that’s up to you. This is a suggested way for you to work with staff and the community to get a feel for your idea, to help you save time in the long run! Good luck!
    1 point
  20. This is now official! Remember: THIS PROCESS IS ENTIRELY OPTIONAL It is RECOMMENDED for large code changes, but still optional.
    1 point
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