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I think there was something else going around, the vomit and dead bodies were causing malnourishment that people were not fixing and there was shouts of another virus. I was forced by the captain to cure the cat virus but it was mostly too late for the crew xD

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I really didn't understand why people were so obsessed by the cat thing. The ERT/DS that came on the station was a bunch of blood thirsty officers. They even changed the AI laws so they could take over the control of the station (At least of the AI).




Even if they are transformed into cats, they still remain crew members according to the Crew Manifest. This whole thing was a bit silly.


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The ensuing chaos of a round where two diplomats of kidan and diona were to meet on the station and discuss a peace settlement. The captain ignored centcomms orders to pacify the situation, and immediatly drew a gun on the queen of the kidan race. Ordering her to leave the station. The Queen being offended and quite pissed sent a warship to the station, and assaulted the station with assasins. The assasins took the captains head, and used the communications console to demand the dionas head. slaughtering wave after wave of crew throwing themselves at the kidans, the kidans finally began to falter at the final push, ERT missing the action completely. At the end, the station executed the Queens consort.


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I messaged the admins early on about my intent to be a cannibal surgeon. A few minutes into the shift, the AI reported me in the freezer as I was chopping up all the women's meat and Security came by to arrest me. 5 minutes later, I was out on the town, looking for some meat to chop. I took down 3 monkeys in quick succession before moving on to the sweetest meat of all. Human meat.

I managed to remove the limbs of 4 corpses and gib them before a Central Command Anomaly Investigator came aboard. I'd been so entranced by the butchering that I completely ignored the flickering lights and the chills I was getting. There were spirits aboard, and they were angry. The Investigator, James Hawke, made me look into his eyes. I was paralyzed and before I knew it, my brain had exploded in my skull. SQUELCH. I was gibbed. And thus, the story of ol' Butcher Hammond was complete.




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Nope. He didn't get b&. I took part in the Ghost Squad that round. (did you know you can make a ghost glow?)

Its so fun to break all lights in station, and set ghost glow to a normal PDA flashlight


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Commander Clucky let the fair animals and robots to the shuttle as the station was being attacked by a viscous dodge ball epidemic. And even managed to dragged a single lowly human to safety as well.. Years later, this event would be known as 'The Great Crusade'.


Long live his memory. Long live Commander Clucky


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ERT was formally invited as guests to Novus Lem's birthday party. However upon their arrival at the station we decided that the station was such a mess that we wouldn't want to party there. Instead we stole a few of the beerkegs and Novus Lem's birthday gifts and threw our own party at the ERT Dispatch Station




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