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Everything posted by necaladun

  1. If there's an actual threat that somehow requires this, that's one thing - same as any other response and preparedness. It very much counts as 'overprepared'. If there's something very bad like slings, or cult are continually using the incinerator as a base - then it comes under 'an attempt to fight back', and thus should only be done with authorisation, overseen by security etc.
  2. The brigbay isn't really meant at all to be a full treatment centre. It's intentional that they are lacking in many supplies - the kits and sleeper are enough to stabilize people and get them to the real medbay. It's meant for boo-boos and stabilization most of all. It's meant to be more of a medic role than a doctor/surgeon/etc. While you can set it up to do more, that can be said of any role or department. We have no intention of increasing the healing power of the brig phys at all.
  4. Yeah, if someone picks medical borg and then patrols maint 'just in case' they run into a changling they get to saw i'd kinda call that validhunting. But laws are laws.
  5. Yeah nah sorry mate - follow the lawsets and AI. If on crewsimov and the HoS says 'hunt down this changeling', law 1 and 2 require it.
  6. Borgs are to follow their lawsets/AI master, and act as if they were put on the station by NT to help the station. That often includes helping against terrorist threats, as long as that is within their lawset. Their chassis is their specialty in tools, but does not affect SoP/server rules/etc - just like when a civilian picks up a toolbelt, nothing changes. Their 'role' is borg, regardless of the chassis. A generalist module is able to do a variety of things. A service borg still has to follow their laws, which means preventing crew harm and following orders on crewsimov - including sacrificing themselves if need be to prevent crew harm. If they're on robocop or the like, then even medical borgs should be chasing down a changeling and circular-sawing them if it is in line with their laws.
  7. The problem is those players expectations.
  8. Oh it's this thread again. The emergency kit is not meant to be able to heal yourself with. It's meant to be short term protection from space and stabilization in an emergency. If you need to get repairs, go to robotics, or get the tools from one of the many, many places you can get them.
  9. 9/07/2021 - @MattTheFicus is a full GA. A bunch of TA's hired over the next few days which I'll totally remember to post in this thread soon. Totally.
  10. So as far as head approval goes - not an issue. We've approved about 100 or so. That's not an issue at all. Really, there's one perfect solution to this: We chain up the maints in a basement on an IV drip of Amphetamines. But supposedly that's 'illegal' and 'unethical'. It worked great with Ponies tbh. Look, frankly I'd love for the maints to be more active. I'd love more hours out of them. If you read this - please be more active and do more work for 0 pay and negative respect. But in the end, this is a volunteer project. The biggest thing that they've told me would help with this, is for the contributors and community to stop treating them like shit. Every. Single. Maint. Ever. Has complained to me about how toxic the github is, and how much they hate 'the communities' reaction to them moving rapidly. If you want more shit done, give us the permission to do move quickly on things without the abuse, toxicity, and general bullshit we have to endure from it.
  11. Yeah pretty much - it will need a fair few tweaks, but ultimately the idea behind it is solid and should help a lot of issues like the ones mentioned by OP, as well as meta-issues.
  12. This to me seems the best solution to this but a bunch of other things.
  13. Also what we are now as opposed to earlier is interesting - the early days were just outright dictatorship. Before we even had 'head admins' or any structure, I had the title "El Presidente" for awhile. It was a lot easier to run things when the staff team is a dozen people. Staff were hired at a whim with no accountability, and there was absolutely no rules for how staff have to operate. Some of our earliest ban reasons are things like "lol no go away". Did you know there are 97 people in the staff discord? If you include the people who were staff before the discord/left it entirerly, we've had over 100 staff over the years!
  14. Sorry if I came off a bit harsh there, my sincere apologies. I do get it's just playing around! I've had too many people over the years act as if by playing on the server for 10 minutes they're a citizen and the admins owe them something. Idiots invoking the amendments of the US constitution makes my eyes roll so much I have long term ocular damage. On top of that, people demanding things like 'transparency' at time has invoked a certain entitlement one has to the Government that rules you, as opposed to the nerds who post memes in their private staff chat (yes sometimes about players). A company is a better analogue, except we're a company that gives things away for free....so that's weird. We don't have a profit or loss or anything - the goal isn't to make a profit, so more akin to a non-profit company. Oligarchy works for the small group structure, that selects who can and can't joint it - although that is usually one that's emerged from other groups. In this case the oligarchy is like the...founding members of a new colony on a new planet. Constitutional I think is a bit wrong because it overstates how the rules and structure contain us. We don't really follow it that closely and just use it as a guideline. Technocratic would work for some of the maints, because technological skills are so vital to the position. Due to the small size, I think we're more akin to tribal structures.
  15. Looking at things in terms of a Government has a huge flaw - we aren't a country. The players aren't citizens. They can leave at any time, and come back. None were born here, all association is purely voluntary. We have no control over their lives outside the game. No one can be executed, imprisoned, or fined. We can't tax people. We're also subject to the rules and laws of other countries - we don't have sovereignty, and have to follow DMCA and GPDR and Githubs/BYOND ToS and all that jazz. The comparison is somewhat a irritating one to me, because it belies a certain entitlement and responsibility that is just not there. This isn't a country, it's a gaming server started by some like minded friends. Comparing it to a country starts to bring morality and politics into play in people's discussions, and that taints things. People start to feel their 'rights' are violated. Admins get called Nazis or Dictators or all kinds of shit because we banned someone from a game. People talk about 'freedom of speech' when we tell them not to use slurs. The best term for our form of "Government" is "Online Gaming Server". It's not a form of Government any country has ever had, because countries and gaming servers are radically different things.
  16. Have you been reading my DMs?! It's being considered, but how to integrate it well with the server and the other secret project(s) is gonna take a bit. ;)
  17. This is why I wish I could give you guys paid vacations. But also then I wouldn't because that would mean something horrible would happen while you were gone. Idk how many times I'll say this, but once again, thank you so much for the amazing job Arc.
  18. Maybe DNR in the coroner SoP, not-having-to-heal in doctor?
  19. Yeah thats not DNR or medical sounding enough. Frankly DNR could use a bit of work overall, to cover everything suitable for it - dead antags, suicides....surely something else?
  20. I personally do not like obliging doctors to have to treat people the first time. If people want to do that, it's fine, but I don't want people using SoP to force doctors to give them attention. I don't think NT would be very happy about it either. Nitpick the above, please.
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