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Everything posted by ZN23X

  1. @SomeGuy9283 it's so much less effort to put them in a body bag and leave them in the firing range though ??? Accidentally of course Consider it securities version of spacing a body to a place where it will most likely never be recovered. (I initially started typing @cremate and nothing came up n I was like ?)
  2. Honestly tho unless security literally keeps an officer in medbay who is keeping an eye on both cloning and the mourge (which we don't) the chances of us being able to figure out who cloned them is so slim. Most of the time when a criminal is cloned we figure it out after someone sees them walking around and calls it in. Part of the risk of antags tho. There is a chance the coroner or a doctor will be a antag. And a chance they will clone antag. Similar to an antag in any other dept helping other antags out. Fair play. If we have some super dangerous criminal killed in the brig I'll sometimes throw them in a body bag and "forget" to bring them to the mourge.
  3. This is why I'd like to see a mourge tray added to brigbay on the Cyberaid like Metastation has
  4. Who do you play? suddenly realizing this convo can be handled in PMs lol
  5. Tetra Vega. I only play sec but only have time for like a round or two a day. Cecilia is the boss tho.
  6. Isn't that what IAAs job is already? Coulda sworn I read something in IAA's SOP that says "Use your security headset and access to be as disruptive as possible to security" No in all seriousness tho, I 100% agree with everything you've said.
  7. "Initiating fetch protocol. Canines presence is agreeable." Spicing up the mourge and hanging with Ian in a full round that literally produced a grand total of 3 bodies. Two were suicides.
  8. Just steal the Warden's Krav Maga gloves and any time you have them equipped, deflection is turned off, right @imsxz?
  9. Sounds like Faustius Maximus requested it. Not sure how Alex is gonna take this...
  10. What's the most interesting case Sax ever investigated? (Detective corgi...right?)
  11. Yea Quinton was one of the better sec. Sad to see this one. Sec wears down the best of us. Gonna miss the unusual and unique interactions with him and his wife.
  12. POOT POOT AI Also whoever plays POOTPOOT: The routine is funny but please for the love of god never stand in the HOP line requesting a job ever again ???
  13. This one is what it would be if your profile pic was a clown ???
  14. Bender disagrees @Birdtalon ??? PR that causes alcohol to heal IPCs when?
  15. So SIT would sorta be like vox raiders except they wouldn't be as...visible? Sounds like it'd be a nice add-in antag to mix up other game modes. I like it. Was honestly sorta thinking do saying something like this myself but you worded it better than I would have ???
  16. I've been nuke ops 5 times, all 5 times we went "stealth", and all 5 times we got discovered way too early and the hell beaten out of us.
  17. Define "responsible for the brig" and the duties that entails. Yes they are supposed to stay in the brig. They are responsible for keeping records up to date, which involves paying attention to comms. Communicating with and ensuring the rest of sec is communicating helps this as well. They also become the HOS when the HOS dies, and can help coordinate sec when the HOS is otherwise incapable (in surgery, busy, or just bad?), so it's helpful to understand the HOSs duties. They aren't required to help the HOS with thier duties, but good wardens do. Bad ones sit in thier office doing barely anything and complain the job is boring. My point is a "prisoner job" isn't required to make the wardens job more interesting, which was the source of this suggestion. You can make it interesting if you need to. There's plenty to do. Or you can do the bare minimum and be bored. Just don't complain it's boring then.
  18. I'll say it again but shorter. The warden doesn't need more work. If you think the warden is boring it's because you aren't performing all of your duties, and in turn making working security more difficult for everyone else. Making security worse. Lavaland when?
  19. @Anticept question regarding the "gauze thier chest" thing. Does this stop the bleeding on thier whole body even if multiple limbs are classified as bleeding? Asking cuz I've been able to gauze multiple bleeding limbs without it giving me the "this has already been bandaged" message. I'll verify with the examine technique if you are unsure.
  20. I actually experienced a problem today where I stopped all the patient's bleeding (including internal) but my analyzer was still registering that they were bleeding. Advanced body scanner didn't show bleeding, only the handheld.
  21. ZN23X


    Good vampires are one of the most difficult antags to deal with, they don't need to be buffed. As is obligatory with vampire posts, making it so they couldn't use humanized monkies for blood would be awesome.
  22. It'd also be cool to see a pic of Tetra...cux you haven't done like 5 already. GET TO WORK @Pawneax!!!
  23. Are we allowed to lynch mimes who speak using sign language? I even detest mimes who dare write things. May as well have not been a mime. I like to think that my role as a mime is not vital to the station so if I'm incapable of communicating something through mimery then I need to get better.
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