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Retired Admins
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Everything posted by ZN23X

  1. The best part of this, when I examined the Gavel block, it actually did say it was a replica. Forgot to check the other stuff. Trader was long gone by then. I cant believe how much stuff I missed! It was so busy! I missed all the stuff about the Krab god. I just thought there was some vampire named Krab That was such an awesome shift. Come be my brig psych (or phys) any day please. Loved. It.
  2. I think it's fun for a shift or two, or if you have a companion who likes chess, but it can be boring.
  3. I like the idea of changing the labor camp to a feature like this. Instead of spending the whole round in perma, this would allow you to respawn as a different character. Sort of like the HRP servers allow respawn. The only problem would be people who use this feature with meta knowledge on the new character,l or literally just to respawn with the intent of harassesing sec for ending thier antag round. Admins could control it though. People can technically already do this as a borg, if they get borged after being executed, or volunteer to be borged as a perma prisoner. Another great feature that will probably never exist due to the small portion of the population who would abuse it. I feel like there would be antags who hide a "stash" for thier respawn in case it comes to that.
  4. ZN23X

    Vox Leap

    Imagine that, people used to abuse racial abilities and they had to be removed. Keep abusing stuff folks lol
  5. @EvadableMoxie There are plenty of abusable things at security's disposal that cannot be controlled mechanically that the admins already so a good job controlling. We will always have fresh blood that will break the rules but they'll be banned. This will be no different. I'm fine with it requiring 2 swipes and admin approval like an ERT, as I explained in my original post, this new code red would be used around the same time we'd currently call an ERT anyways. If you read my whole original post and understand all of it you'd get that this isn't just to make security more powerful. It is easier on the crew and antags early on as we wouldn't be able to go to an early red like we currently can, but easier on security once the station is tilted towards round ending chaos. Currently security has the upper hand early on and antags have the upper hand later. This is to balance that.
  6. Thought this would be a fun thread to start. Maybe not your first round ever, where you were just fumbling around with the UI. More like...what was the most memorable thing that happened to you when you first started playing? After a few rounds as janitor I decided to try something new. Journalist. I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing, asked around. Someone directed me to the HOP. I go to the HOP line, wait my turn, when it is I tell him I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. He says "You need a job?" I say "I guess" and he says "Come around to my door at the bottom of my office. I do. He let's me in. "Pet Ian for me" and he points to Ian. I'm confused but spend a few minutes petting Ian while he handles other requests. At one point I stop and he turns to me and shouts "I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO STOP!" I'm very nervous now so I'm petting feverishly. After 10-15 he informs me I'm done and I did a good job, says wait a moment. I do, he runs off (apparently to the ATM) gets 500 credits and gives it to me. I ask him what can I do now? He directs me to the bar and spend my hard earned money. I quickly learn no payment is required at the bar, but insist I pay anyways. Since I don't know how to split it I just smack the 500 on the counter. Bartender gives me 2 full bottles of whiskey for this. I got drunk, felt sad because I had no purpose. Began attacking another man in the bar. Security comes and arrests me. Brings me to processing. They search me. Ask me why I did what I did. I'm sobbing and slurring about how I have no purpose. Whoever was processing me says "Do you want a purpose?" I say "Yes!" "Would you like to be a public defender?" "A what?" "Would you like to protect this station, yes or no?!" "YES!" "Do you swear to spread peace and justice through the station?" "YES! I WANT TO SERVE! I WANT A PURPOSE!" "Very well then." Brings me to the locker room. Gives me all the proper sec gear. Through this process I've been vomiting and my vision fading. Alcohol finally taking it's toll. I can no longer stand. My new boss drags me out of the brig. An ambulance awaits me. The last thing I heard before I passed out as the paramedic drove off with me was my boss shouting "Save them! They're a public defender!" I pass out and die on the way to Medbay. Unaware of revival or cloning methods in the infancy of my SS13 career, I exited them game. Been hooked ever since. What's your story?
  7. Sorry for the double post but I had to call out and make fun of myself for this instead of correcting it.
  8. I get bwoinked regularly as sec but it's usually just an admin asking me "why was so and so brigged for xx amount of time?" I explain why, they say thank you, carry on. I imagine criminals who are being jerks that I brig for the maximum regularly ahelp salt because it's thier "final attempt" to escape thier sentence. As long as you dot all your t's and cross your i's when applying space law you are good to go. I imagine security job bans are mostly applied to people who use deadly force too early and frequently...and I don't need those people working with me anyways.
  9. I always build my ship then go ask the HOP for EVA access. Adding an EVA suit to thier bay would save that step, but it's not like the mechanic has alot to do anyways. I personally don't mind the trip to the HOP line. Plus all those rounds where there is no mechanic or a late mechanic, you'd have people breaking into the mechanics office to get that EVA constantly.
  10. Part of the reason for the station currently going to red so quickly is because the required threshold for red is unbelievably low. Green is no threat, Blue is potential threat, Red is confirmed threat. As soon as one antag does something that confirms what type of threat we are dealing with, we are allowed to go red. The goal of this isn't just to give security more flexibility at code red, it's to raise the threshold required to reach red to compensate for the increased power. The station wouldn't go to red unless all hell was breaking loose, so security wouldn't be able to abuse red as much as they currently can.
  11. I'd just be super psyched if non antags would have the self awareness to stop wasting security's time when half of sec is dead and the station is near critical due to powerful violent antags on the loose. They are essentially being a self antag at that point by actively aiding the real antags, even if only by distracting security.
  12. Personally as Blueshield I just like having a sec HUD so I can quickly see what the role is of anyone who comes on the bridge or quickly locate command staff in a crisis. It particularly helps with the CMO and RD as they sometimes have a tendency to dress like a civilian. I think AHELPing rouge Blueshields can fix the problem. The closest I come to security work when I'm the Blueshield is clinging to the HOS when they inform me they are running into a dangerous situation.
  13. This is so bizarre to me. I never let anyone keep weapons ever. Or security gear.
  14. @necaladun...teach a man to fish...very good point... Doesn't help to scream at them and call them idiots for sure, if anything that will probably make them more stubborn and less receptive to change. Can be difficult from a IC perspective to try to teach someone who is above you in rank, but there are ways. Might be a good job for a NT rep or even the Blueshield to try to guide heads that clearly need guidance. I'll try to do my part when I can. There's also the question of how far down the rabbit hole you want to go. What one person thinks is a bad job another might not, I may think how I play HOS is the "right" way but someone else might think I should never be HOS. ...and honestly if command sucks, the station will fall to shambles and the round will end. A new one will begin. Life goes on lol Part of what gives SS13 it's unique flavor that we all love so much. Gotta take the good with the bad.
  15. Yea I'd say there is a wide gap between someone who isn't good at being a member if command and someone who is captain and literally does not know where the bridge is.
  16. Getting a full dose of SS13s madness on this intro post. As it should be ??? A true "Welcome Aboard"
  17. Further proof of some possible adjustment here. Just got done with a round. Started as warden. No HOS. 5 min in a HOS joins, someone I've never seen before. John Lennon :eyes: I find him in the officer locker room gearing up, he then asks me for a taser IC in the following fashion "I need a taser plz I didn't spawn with 1" I inform him of his X2 in his office, he has no idea what I'm talking about, I escort him there. I go back to my office. Captain is there. "Howdy cap" "Hi...can you show me where my office is?" IRL I'm like ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! "Follow me" Someone I'm sec comms who observed this says "Did the captain just ask where thier office is?" "I'm escorting them..." Panic on sec comms. I escort him to the bridge... It ended up being Nukies. Ended quickly. Mercifully. Oh the captain also ordered the crew over comms to murder the clown before the Nukies showed up.
  18. I read this as "Salt Pies" Need a PR to add salt pies to the clowns locker...craftable by the chef...and available thru cargo crate in bulk. For obvious reasons.
  19. I'll have to remember that. I've honestly always walked into security with my captain ID as Blueshield and grabbed a sec HUD...never knew ? Like I'm amazed I've gotten away with it for this long. Holy crap. Won't happen again! ?
  20. In wake of the increase in security officers cap, any rounds I've played that have maxed sec crew, we tend to be short on gear, particularly HUDs, batons, and belts. I know theres 7 officers and 8 lockers but most of the time the detective needs some gear. The Blueshield usually likes a sec HUD. I've even seen the HOP coming in and grabbing stuff. Is it possible to add 2 more security lockers, either in the locker room or even the armory? Or can I at least AHELP to be allowed to strip SSD officers gear off and put it in a locker for active officers?
  21. Welcome aboard! The games mechanics can be quite cumbersome at first but once you get the hang of it, it's second nature. Don't be afraid to MHELP if you are confused about something. Cya on station! I'm the red headed bitch that works security all the time!
  22. @tzo I use red alerts "stay in your department" protocol and encourage it's use to the rest of sec all the time. I don't escort people back to thier departments, I use it as an excuse to search them, and if they refuse or resist in any way (like say, the clown slipping me) I book them for workplace hazard, possibly resisting, possibly 25% extra for being uncooperative. This IS allowed per code red SOP, and is an unbelievably powerful tool sec can abuse regularly because we always go to red so quickly. It can literally be used on anyone who refuses to follow secs orders, which could be as simple as "let me search your bag". If they say no, put up chase, scream shitcurity all the way back to the brig, we can give them 15 minutes easy. Mind you I only reccomend this stern method of handling people be utilized at red...and only on people who don't have the awareness to stay out of security's way because there is a major threat on the station. If an officer can't handle being slipped, called names, or seeing graffiti in the floor then they need to toughen up. I know it takes some time to break that threshold of not caring, but it's necessary if you want to work sec without going nuts. If the clown slips me at code green or blue, I laugh, stand up, and either get in a playful push fight with him or grab an extinguisher and chase him shooting him with it. My thoughts come from my experience playing warden alot. When people are cooperative I'll regularly let them off with a warning for minor crimes and a parole for medium. I'll give minimum sentences for medium and max if. I explain to them that I did this cuz they aren't being an asshole, and it tends to lead to them acting better going forward. On the flip side, if I just book everyone for everything regardless of context, it leads to more people hating security and wanting to get revenge. Now...that doesn't work on everyone, because quite frankly some people are just here to be trolls and chuckle fucks. I do also book for the maximum for people who ARE being assholes and explain to them how much thier sentence could have been reduced if they weren't an asshole. This tends to lead to them attempting to break out of thier cell over and over, me resetting thier timer repeatedly because of it, and them eventually committing suicide or going SSD because thier own antics have led to thier boredom. I've literally has 2 people brought in for the same crime at the same time, one was very cooperative, the other was volatile as can be. One got parole one got 20 (which turned into about 40 + SSD). Both were completely legal sentences per space law. I also search people in the halls all the time to save them time, and they usually appreciate it. Especially if you lay out the options to them. We can either do this here or tase, cuff, and go all the way to the brig. Then they make the choice by either handing me thier bag or running off. My field searches also are usually a bag only, so being cooperative would allow antags that aren't KNOWN antags to possibly slip by me with contraband in thier pockets or elsewhere. Again, rewarding good behaviour (even if the reward is letting an antag away...antags are allowed to win sometimes too). I'm very gentle when appropriate, merciless when necessary. It's shouldn't be securities goal to brig everyone for every crime all the time, it should be thier goal to keep peace. Constantly being heavy handed does not accomplish this. The reason for my proposed changes is because as things currently are, we go to red too quick. The early stages of the current code red are too advantageous too security, the fact that there isn't any protocol beyond code red aside from rarely used codes only activated by central is disadvantageous to security once the situation is becoming too out of control.
  23. I'm thieving this photo @Pawneax
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