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Everything posted by ZN23X

  1. Put a whole toolbox then I won't need to fight people in tool storage for a full set of tools. *ping Yet another reason IPCs are superior. EDIT: Honestly tho. Full toolbox not in the cryotube room, but rather the medbay equipment room below the lobby so only people in medbay have access to it. Less likely for the tools to get thieved as the endless waves of bodies rotating through the cryotubes won't have access.
  2. I do think it would be useful if it was more common knowledge that cluwnes are valid. I personally didn't know I was allowed to kill them till after a few rounds of experiencing them and I'm sure many other newer players struggle with that. Not exactly a RED TEXT: IMPULSE TO KILL! but maybe a RED TEXT: A CLUWNE HAS BEEN CREATED. PUT IT OUT OF ITS MISERY! ...then again even my fist time I got an impulse to kill event I still ahelped it.
  3. I had originally wrote a bunch of pro sec salt then realized that both anti sec and pro secs animosity towards each other mostly spawns from experiences with players who have most likely been banned at this point. Pretty sure this will be a pain in the was code wise so I wouldn't worry about it being implemented. Bigger fish to fry.
  4. I feel this (or something like it) would help balance shadowling rounds a decent bit. Any time I've been a sling, once my thralls get thier hands on one taser I suddenly have an endless supply of thrall victims (literally faster than I can actually thrall them) and ascension comes quickly and boringly.
  5. Was on the shuttle lightly chatting with some fellow syndicate, I had stolen the pilots EVA so an officer comes over, tases me, takes the EVA and says "Carry on" then one of the other syndies, IC, says "Way to ruin our RP, bro" n I'm like ?
  6. I feel like if they could eat stuff people would abuse the hell out of that in a bad way. Greytide with pet slime disarms security officer. Slime eats baton/taser/gun.
  7. ZN23X


    Welcome aboard! You can sometimes find good RP on Paradise but there is still a good amount of madness to r̶u̶i̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶R̶P̶ make things interesting!
  8. Look...look with your status eyes. MUH BRAND! EDIT: Adding the awesome pic @PhantasmicDream drew up for this flub of mine ?
  9. There was a suggestion a bit back to add sound to pretty much any emote that is some sort of a bodily function and that was a hard pass.
  10. ZN23X


    Suggestion: Because they TOTALLY don't have enough racially unique emotes already, let's add one more for Synths. Take the "zap" sound and visual effect of an IPC who has consumed too much synthanol. Convert it into a *bzzt emote that is essentially an Synth specific *slap emote. Does a tiny bit of damage. You get the visual and sound effect. Give it a cooldown so players can't macro spam it. Tadah! Extra fluff for Synths to emote some sort of malfunction or glitch to assist RP or whatever. GLORY TO SYNTHECIA!!!
  11. As I always like to say, you know better English than I know whatever your primary language is (cuz I literally only know English). You did fine. Don't let anyone ever tell you that video games can't teach you anything! ??? I always suspected serA had some relation to Ares! Didn't know serA was played by someone different from the person who plays Ares. Interesting.
  12. SS13 stories are a regular topic at the dinner table in our house lol "What happened last night?!" Endless stories
  13. "Unit is unfamiliar with gooey humanoid with an unusually strong jaw." *emits an affirmative blip*" This is fun lol
  14. "Unit is unaware of who it's manufacturer is. Unable to verify request. *beeps*"
  15. I unlocked IPC months ago, created her, and initially only used her a handful of times. I didn't start regularly using her until just a week or two ago.
  16. Name: KR4-3SHA Age: Date of construction and activation unknown Gender: Feminine Chassis Race: IPC Blood Type: Oil General Occupational Role(s): Primary: CMO or Paramedic Secondary: Chemist, coroner, geneticist, therapist, or AI Biography: "She" is an IPC with a feminine chassis. There no records as to where she came from nor any memories of it. There is a serial number branded on the left side of her torso that reads "KR4-3SHA". She appears to be constructed unprofessionally using a variety of scrap parts; a mixture of older Xion and Morpheus parts, as well as a few limbs that are of makeshift design. She regularly consumes Servo and Ultra Lube in an attempt to mitigate the damage caused by friction in her poorly constructed joints. Her posture is rigid. She has a long ponytail of thicker wiring that looks similar to dreadlocks. She has one thin red eye scanning back and forth that goes from antennae to antennae. She lacks much of her plating, leaving her frame wiring, and other internals exposed. She is completely devoid of emotion, speaking everything plainly as if stating a command. She has been programmed with extensive medical knowledge that she uses to treat organic humanoids, however she views them as flawed, inferior creatures. Still, she feels it is her sole purpose to "repair" organics. While off station she simply stands in departures at Central staring into the distance silently while awaiting the shuttle to arrive for her next assignment. She frequently arrives on station with graffiti off her chassis that was applied while she is in this "sleeping" state. Qualifications: "Unit is proficient in the repair and deconstruction of organic humanoids via standard, advanced, and unconventional medical procedures." *pings*" Employment Records: "Unit has been assigned the roles of: Chief Medical Officer, Paramedic, Chemist, Coroner, Geneticist, and Therapist, as well as being uploaded into the NSS Cyberaid's Artificial Intelligence core." *emits an affirmative blip*" Security Records: "ZZZZT%#ERROR. DATABANKS CORRUPT. *emits an irritated buzzing sound*" Nanotrasens security database indicate this IPC has been involved in syndicate activities, however they appear to have no recollection of this, suggesting they are either hacked and/or their memory is wiped upon completion or failure of tasks. Medical Records: "Units chassis is of female design. Diagnostics indicate that limbs are prone to malfunction and require regular maintenance . Lubrication can reduce joint friction and prolong the need for maintenance. *emits a negative blip*" Personnel Photo:
  17. Added @Pawneax drawings and updated profile AGAIN
  18. "The t̶o̶t̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶E̶R̶P̶ Victory Shower" Excuse me if I miss the exact wording of the parties involved, let's say my quotes are paraphrasing. I join a round an hour deep as pod pilot. Vampires. 2 powerful vampires as far as we know. Within 20 min the vox vampire is dead. With about 15 to go the other is dead. On sec comms: Vince Piper: "Stingray, up for that shower now?" Steven Stingray: "We don't have showers anymore" (Someone had converted the bathroom by cryos into a fully functional medbay; Surgery, Sleeper, Body Scanner, Cryotube, even a chemistry station and DAMNIT I forgot to get a screenshot. It was marvelous) I say: "We have our own showers above the locker room in sec" Vince: "Yup" Stingray: "Really?!" I run to the bathroom in sec to see Stingray's reaction, figuring I'll get there first. I walk in. Vince and Stingray are already naked in a shower together. Vince: "Tetra! Join us for our victory shower!" Stingray: "DON'T LOOK AT ME!!" I scream and run off. I have an idea. Run to the public locker room then back to sec. I go back in the bathroom where the victory shower is still happening. Vince: "So you finally decided to join us?" I say: "Not quite...say CHEESE!" I start snapping a bunch of photos with the camera I just grabbed. They proceed to try to capture me. Chasing me around the brig naked with tasers. I manage to escape. Shuttle is on its way. There is an announcement about some sort of mech battle between one of NTs mechs and a Syndicate mech at the holodeck. I head there to check it out. Mike Murdock and Solessa Storm are there before me. I say: "Mike, I have something awful to show you..." Mike: "What is it?" I hand him a photo. ... ... Mike: "WHAT" "THE FUCK" "IS THIS?!" I say: "Vince and Stingray taking a victory shower" Mike: Crowd has gathered for the mech fight. Vince and Stingray show up. There is a bit of a scuffle. They taze and cuff me with fuzzy pink handcuffs. As they rip the cigarette from my mouth and stuff the ballgag into it I manage to tell Mike to escape with the photo. I spend the shuttle ride cuffed and gagged, Stingray and Vince are celebrating thier victory of capturing me. They are kind enough to remove the gag and give me a cig. Shuttle docks at Central. They drag me to the showers, strip all 3 of us and throw us all in the same shower for a final victory shower. 2 sec borgs show up, I inform them I'm being held against my will. They disabled beam us till we pass out. GAME OVER EYEAAAAAAH!!!! I attempted to take screenshots of the photos but apparently windows pulled up in the UI like that don't register on screenshots, so I have no evidence but this story. @Vargh @bigfatbananacyclops I'd tag Vince but I don't know his forum name. *FLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP
  19. I think the issue is, per what Fox pointed out, the behind the curtain processes involved in making this happen aren't worth the amount of performance it consumes. More processes running = more potential lag. Always something that needs to be taken into consideration when adding things to the game.
  20. @PhantasmicDream...Tetra as a shadowling? ?
  21. I like having multiple maps. I'd even be for having multiple versions of maint on each map (a while back box station had a different maint for a month or so then we reverted to what it currently is, having both randomly would be awesome). I'd also love if the multiple maps could randomize so we don't know what we are getting every round.
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