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Retired Admins
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Everything posted by ZN23X

  1. OMFG I love this so much. PATCH riding Cheeseburger, shotgun wielded, dragging Slith away from a shadowling while he points a freaking flashlight at it. It's. So. Perfect. This is just making me laugh and smile so much. It's excellent!
  2. I nearly took 5 months off before I started playing again.
  3. I love the drapes for the beds in the blood room regardless.
  4. My first interaction with Maddie was when I was playing Warden for a solid week or so and every time I see her it's always "Hi wardens, how ish you?" She calls me wardens no matter what job I have ??
  5. Black sandals that aren't jacksandals and available in the public locker room.
  6. As chemist, when medbay is demanding I make SR before ANY other meds. Learn to use a defib yo. When botany wants me to spend more than half the energy in my machine on several buckets of UM within the first 10 min cuz they are getting unlucky. When ANYONE asks for a specific drug or chemical for thier own personal use in the first 10 min. You don't need meth and SG before I've had a chance to make all the basic healing meds. Go break into sci chem you p̶o̶w̶e̶r̶g̶a̶m̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶p̶e̶i̶c̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶s̶h̶i̶t̶ drug addict. When the CMO busts into chemistry because I don't play as hard as them and don't have the fridge fully stocked within 5-10 min. I've got one damned job. I'll have the fridge fully stocked in 20-30 min and then have mostly nothing to do the rest of the round unless I decide to play doctor once the fridge is full. Let me do my job. Also when the medbay accuses me of being slow because I make 20u patches and dipshits drain the fridge for thier own personal use faster than I can stock it. They'd for some reason be happier if I made a few dozen useless 5u patches just so the quantity is high.
  7. Was trying to change a prisoner into thier perma gear and they bugged out. They sorta looked like a firing range target so we executed them in the firing range.
  8. I've tried to make my own custom coroner report by looking at real coroner reports and I like yours more.
  9. We don't need more alerts or to alter the current alerts aside from one thing. I think the only issue is the threshold required for code blue and red. Currently Code Blue threshold is POTENTIAL THREAT (there is some stuff happening that indicates there are antags) Currently Code Red threshold is CONFIRMED THREAT (so literally if sec finds a blood rune or some traitor emags the teleporter and steals the hand tele 5 min in, we can now go red) If the threshold for Blue were increases to what code red currently is, "Confirmed Threat" and the threshold for red was something like "Active dangerous threat" or some other similar wording then nothing else would need to be changed. Antags stealing high value items, sending sec on a manhunt, and/or finding a body or two stuffed in a locker in maint would be code blue. Antags setting off bombs in several locations, actively killing multiple people, or more than half the sec force being dead would be a cause for red. Also emergencies like nukies n blob. Change the threshold for both as indicated, put a message up in big bold letters in the lobby screen indicating the change; just like we did with the execution change. Reprimand for failing to follow it correctly. We will all eventually figure it out and it will be the new norm within a month or so. No complex overhaul required.
  10. There is a possibility that as a young warden a prisoner convinced me they had a bomb implanted in them that they could set off with a code word and I continually neck chopped them on the way to the shuttle to avoid being blown up, only to have the brig doc inform me that I had killed them by the time we reached escape bay XD
  11. Antags who recall the shuttle over and over again despite 80+% of the playerbase being dead, there being zero threats left on the station to challenge you, and the station being a wreck. You already won. Allow the round to end do everyone can enjoy a new round. Antags who stun and kill without saying a word, or worse, initiate a conversation with you and then wait until they see that chat box above your head so they can do it THEN because they know you are busy typing.
  12. @ParemberKennard I find Warden to lead to some of the most interesting and rewarding shifts over any other role, including antag, as long as you can handle the BS. The reward is plentiful. Good stuff. And yea as @bryanayalalugo said, you were dealing with a SNPC. I remember the first time I dealt with one as warden I had NO CLUE they were not player controlled cuz I didn't know that much about the admins capabilities and didn't know it existed. Same story. Damned thing kept me busy for a good 30 min, it kept hacking it's cell door super fast despite me removing everything but it's jumpsuit. I was so confused. I kept trying different cells convinced the doors were broken or something. Damned thing hit SO hard too. At one point it ran into the firing range (this was before the brig redesign) and the thing hit me so hard I was fearing for my life so I said fuck it and lethaled it convincwd i waa gonna get in trouble but I was so desperate at that point. Immediately after it dies @Spacemanspark BWOINKs me saying "WHY'D YOU USE LETHALS ON AN UNARMED PRISONER?" and some sort of threat about being banned. I am flustered trying to explain what was happening and how I feared for my life and he's like "THAT'S NO EXCUSE!" citing how I'm a member of security and held to a higher standard than random greytide. I continue to plea and then he comes at me with "You've been pranked" and proceeds to explain to me what a SNPC. Good times. Speaking of, Spark, it's been a while since you got me that good. Challenge issued. Don't be gun shy, you know I won't make a big deal out of it if you take it too far. I enjoy my unique experiences lol
  13. Qualifications: Expert Knowledge in the Art of Victory Showers. It is an art. Right?
  14. Six vulps WERE harmed in the making of @SomeGuy9283's PSA
  15. Make a holy water singularity and toss them into it.
  16. The instant they get caught they scream for help, even if every sec officer carried duct tape they'd still get out at least one cry for help before being silenced, and even if not there is a chance another cultist SAW them get taken. At that point sec could blindfold, gag, straight jacket and buckle cuff them to a bed drenched in holy water and the other cultists could still be able to teleport them out. Only thing that stops it is death. And to back what @FPK said, one time as HOS I literally carried around holy water on me for the sake of attempting to do a "field deconversion" so we wouldn't have to kill cult and they still teleported away. It takes too long. There HAS been discussion about making it so cuffed cultist cannot be teleported but that's a whole nother thing.
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