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Everything posted by ZN23X

  1. ZN23X

    New brig

    Here's a more mechanical reason this can't fly. The grilles between the lobby and cells is shocked. When someone's attempting to break out it can sometimes go unnoticed when the brig is busy.The repeated sound of shocks once you get to the grille help let security know when you are breaking out. Plus can kill you if you aren't an antag with self healing abilities. With this new setup you are one windoor away from freedom. People who are both antags and non antags try to break out frequently, far more frequently than people accidentally get left in the brig for an extra few minutes after thier sentence is up. If you want to argue sec needs to do a better job watching prisoners, work sec for a few hundred hours and you'll see that sometimes its just too busy. Or too much of sec is dead. Especially when you frequently have non antags pushing the limits of nearly self antagging added on top of the actual antags chaos, and criminals who will literally kill themself because they can't wait the 5 minutes for thier sentence to be up.
  2. ZN23X

    New brig

    Doesn't happen often enough to be worth making the brig lobby look that awful.
  3. ZN23X

    New brig

    All of sec gets a radio notification when timers are up. Even if comms are down. This is the wardens job. Shoulda been here for the old brig when the cells were less visible and there weren't radio notifications on brig timers. If theres nobody around to let you out do what the rest of the station does. Pester the AI. Plus the blast doors kinda look like crap.
  4. There is tons of open space below escape, no chance of smashing shuttle. And you'd 100% get yelled at if you built something where the shuttle docks
  5. @Pennwick it looks like you made this by arrivals. Next time do it above or below escape, far more likely to get customers. I also wonder if you could disassemble and steal the oven from the old restaurant in Med Maint.
  6. Had to get a new pack from the vending machine cuz I had zero cigs left.
  7. Next we will want clowns that can't laugh or honk. Madness I say. MADNESS! Agreeing with Spark. Clowns are meant to be clumsy.
  8. Yea despite you not being in the photo, you are still my BFF @gangelwaefre Screw that Elbow guy @Darjeeling Honk
  10. Having a honkey tonk time with my BFF @gangelwaefre Credit to @Pawneax hence why I put it here lol
  11. People who go about thier normal business when there is a dangerous threat on the station because "thats what always happens" or "its normal" then cry endlessly when they become collateral damage for getting in the way because whatever they were doing was interrupted. Also both sec and antags (hell even other players) who play as hard as possible constantly and then cry that rounds are boring while failing to realize that thier inability take it easy for the sake of the round led to the it being boring.
  12. Trying to see if my sickness has been cured. Fffffv...Fffffv...FFFFO--ZERO! Still can't count past zero ???
  13. My suggestion if you aren't getting any patients as the psych is see if you can hang out at the brig. You can treat any prisoner who is freaking out about thier 5-10 minute sentence as if they are mentally ill. If nothing else security will sure get a kick out of it. And youll be punishing crininal for screaming like the angry child they are IRL Anyone can RP that they need help from the psych at any time for whatever reason. You don't need some sort of objective holding your hand and guiding you. We already have a game mechanic that causes people to start hallucinating. Many players largly ignore or just meme about because it's "normal" Adding random mental disorders would be treated the same way. RP heavy roles are only pointless and boring when people don't RP.
  14. You are a freaking maniac dude. Damn.
  15. Welcome aboard soldier. See you in sec.
  16. Thats all a matter of opinion. Like I said the most entertaining cling rounds Ive been in involved numerous people being turned into the wrong person/race/gender and RPing thier reaction to such change. Hell of alot more interesting than stealthy murderbone clings jusy removing people from the round while pursuing greentext (also just my opinion).
  17. It led to the death of the HOS which is hilarious. This is why I dont mind hiring fromthe crew from time to time in sec. Its super meta to be like "I cant hire from the crew cuz they might be an antag." If they go about asking for the job right, interview em and hire em, see if something interesting happens.
  18. The most fun changeling rounds I've ever been a part of are the ones where many people lose thier identities and the confusion and conflict that creates. This would allow that to be erased (partially, genetics cant change your race without a new body). The RP opportunities when you are turned into the wrong race or gender are hilarious, have fun with it ? I like the idea of stealing someone's identity and taking thier place, but do that when you are the appropriate antag to do so.
  19. I have almost 800 hours on the server and still don't know how to be a cultist cuz nobody who has ever converted me takes the time to show me. How many hours you want exactly? Ive been on about 20 nukie teams and havent blown the station up once. Its always a mixed bag. Work with what you are given.Thats how it is in any department and any role in this game. We all sometimes die and have our rounds ended unfairly. It happens to everyone from time to time. Its the nature of this game. Learn to accept that and you'll have a much better time playing.
  20. Yea the reason I suggested the department's that I did is cuz, even if you habe no clue what you are doing, there are other people on the department who can take care of the important things. If the round isn't too hectic someone will also be able to teach you. Again just let your co-workers KNOW that you are new. Sounds like you had one hell of a first time experience. As time goes on and you gain a better understanding of how the station functions you'll see how bizarre that first experience really was lol
  21. I'd say...cargo, engineering, or medbay. Let your fellow associates know that you are new and they'll most likely be glad to assist you in learning. Janitor is never a bad place to start for the sake of wandering around the station getting a feel for things. Also, how the hell did you manage to become the captains bodyguard so easily? And with that also the captain? What's a chain of command? ? Either way...welcome aboard!
  22. I've personally only know her as Jessica Connor. Also holy shit that's alot of marriages...so young too lol
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