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Everything posted by ZN23X

  1. New alternate lobby screen anyone? Why do you only draw sec? IMBA
  2. I like the idea, but from my experience in sec, it's just going to be another device that players who make it thier goal to mess with sec (antag or not) to do so. Admins regularly bwoink me asking me why I sentenced someone for a certain amount of time. After the prisoner has already wasted time argueing the legitimate charges I'm sentencing them for (both my time and thiers as they end up spending an extra 5-10 total in the brig since they can't stop running thier mouth), this is the method they then use to extend wasting my (and now an admins) time. Thier complaints are never valid and I'm always cleared after explaining what they've been sentenced for to the admin. I'll even say sometimes the person may have been sentenced incorrectly because I'm not on top of my game for whatever reason (possibly because someone has been being a piece of shit to me for the past 10 min), but the admin probably gives me the benefit of the doubt on account that I'm being calm and concise with them and chances are the person complaining to them is being as much of a shitter to the admin as they are to me, or the admin is cutting me some slack due to the fact that the accusing party has clearly been being a complete asshole to me. This will be one more avenue for those players to waste someone else's time. Essentially it's going to be flooded with so much garbage that people will just start ignoring it.
  3. @Purpose2 Wrenchable and movable would do the trick. Anyone who's tried tricking out escape bay knows my pain ???
  4. If you made watercoolers a deconstructable I'd love you forever. Pretty sure the only way to get rid of them currently is with explosives.
  5. This is as awesome and exciting as when I learned B.E.E.R. actually stands for something.
  6. @McRamon I play one of 5-6 jobs. Same as you. Jobs where there is only 1. Brig doc, warden, HOS, pod pilot, Blueshield...sometimes Mime. Depending on my mood I'll set 1 to high the rest to medium. I rarely don't get at least 1, but I definitely don't always get the high job. And yea, set preferences to "return to lobby if my preference is unavailable". Can also set a bunch of jobs you don't love but can live with to low. Like. I pretty much have every Medbay class and mechanic set to low. If you like brig doc, Medbay ain't that far off, and has a similar comradery to Security. You are correct. When doing selections the game first rolls for antags, then it rolls for all high jobs, then medium then low. So if 3 separate people have the 3 jobs you want set to high yo will NEVER get them. Which won't change if they had another tier because highest woukd be the new high and high the new medium. Same problem you have now. Especially if the server pop is pushing 90+ you HAVE to at least throw your hat in the ring with 1 set to high. Also if you like playing warden, HOS ain't that far off. Can be intimidating at first but, hell, as warden you are 1 heartbeat away from being HOS anyways. May as well throw that in the mix. Hope this helps.
  7. Can put a long cooldown on it. I'm sure people wouldn't use it any more than say...screaming. Slimes essentially already fart when they *squish.
  8. Yawning, farting, burping...let me shorten this: Any *emote that involves air entering or leaving your body from some orifice. I'd also love if Unathi had an audible hissing sound when they talk in the same way vox have an audible shriek at time when they talk.
  9. I've been working security for eons and didn't know this security newscaster existed.
  10. Escorting all the VIPs to the shuttle like a proper Blueshield. Demonic Gardening This is the aftermath of a battle with endless vines in space
  11. Me too! There was some point I reached with sec where I was powergaming HARD and after a few rounds where my powergaming helped lead to the quick demise of antags (mainly like...disrupting a cult early) what followed was long boring rounds that required adminbus and I eventually thought to myself "If I gave these antags more of a chance then it would make the rounds better" Leads to my demise at times but it has allowed for more interesting rounds more frequently.
  12. I just think the people who think they need this would be better off spending the TC elsewhere. Suppose thats not for me to decide though, right?
  13. This profile is inaccurate. Masters in virology a̶n̶d̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶c̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶v̶i̶r̶u̶s̶e̶s̶ ̶d̶o̶w̶n̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶r̶o̶a̶t̶s̶. That should be #1 on the qualifications list. "Tetra! Take my damn virus already!" If you could find a way to feed her the virus in the form of a cigarette it would be SO much easier Also you did fine with the English. As I always like to point out, anyone I run into online who's 2nd language is English speaks English a hell of alot better than I can speak thier primary language. Cuz I can't speak it at all.
  14. I don't like it (POSSIBLY BIAS SEC MAIN) Not because I don't want traitors cloning, but I don't know if it will fix the problem of "bad luck" Let me explain why I put "bad luck" in quotes. I imagine on the antag side, people are mostly only familiar with thier experiences and things they see as a ghost. I arrest, process, and brig countless people. I also have to let alot if people go, people who later are revealed to be antags. Most of the traitors we catch are because one traitor went loud, we are code red, and we are essentially allowed to search anyone at that point. You'll then have the less experienced traitors who seem to think a radio chip and/or EMAG are 'standard gear' that they MUST have, both punishable by perma, who get caught with these items while not even in the act of doing anything wrong. This is partially bad luck, partially bad prep on the traitors part. And it's how we catch the majority of traitors (excluding ones that are extremely loud and violent) The biggest advice I can give traitors is, know your contraband. If you are not actively in the process of doing something that would get you perma, do not carry around an item that will get you perma. Don't call it in till you need it. Stash it somewhere or get rid of it when you are done with it. If you stash it and someone finds it, if there's no prints, you'd at very least have only lost the stash rather than ending your round. This cloning pod feels like a mulligan for inexperienced traitors. I don't like the idea of the really good traitors who are already unbeleivably hard to deal with having a reset button. It's unfair EOCs aren't cloned. It's also unfair that EOCs throw bodies of victims into the depths of space where they will never be found. But both are legit. This is making me want to write up a "Security's guide to being a better traitor" post. Despite only playing sec, I don't WANT sec to "win" all the time, I personally hate round where we crush the antags. I don't think this cloner is the solution to balancing things out.
  15. Very exciting stuff. Looking forward to taking it for a spin again.
  16. Medbay looks MUCH better. Glad the brig has an official processing area now. Good stuff. When are we testing it? Also, is the goal of Metastation to just have an alternate map that is selected by the admins before round start or are we eventually going to have some system where the map randomizes?
  17. In jest sayin...MAYBE they have a chance with Zeke...gotta give them hope
  18. ??? My a cousin was married to a man for several years, she had a few kids with him n everything. He ended up divorcing her and leaving her because he was gay. She was initially very distraught, thinking "My god, whats wrong with me? I turned a straight man gay" and I told her "No no...you turned a gay man straight for 5+ years!" *snap
  19. Yea I've always viewed the mid round blob to be like a "Hey...one of the ghosts wanna take blob for a spin? Here ya go!" I'd like to see mid round blobs more frequently just due to how rare of a chance it is to BE a blob
  20. I might latch onto this since it tends to be the players who are like EWWW RP who make such a fuss. I'll be like "my god they are insane! They need help!" Straight jacket, roller bed, bring them to the psych. They'll be like wtf did I get myself into ??
  21. I literally never harmbaton unless I have the intent to kill. Justifiably. Meaning against KOS antags and I'm out of ammo. I do not get the point of harmbatoning otherwise unless you are just a dick. On an opposite note, I hate when a prisoner is struggling to get out of a chair or cuffs and I stun baton them and they are like OUCH. ABUSE. I'M BEING ABUSED. Mechanically it does no damage at all, and even IC if you don't want me to zap you, stop trying to get out of your chair.
  22. I can already see the LRPer referring to us as "The Herp" And we can call them Derps. @Malphystoh That reminds me of when I used to play coroner and I'd make these super thorough autopsies (I had a custom template for cause of death n all that) attached photo, and I'd get on the shuttle at the end of each shift with this clipboard full of autopsies nobody would ever see. It made me sad. Towards the end of that run I'd just start throwing the autopsies around the shuttle hoping someone would pick one up and appreciate it ??
  23. In general this is a perfect example of how RPing can make things interesting. All he did was sit in processing and outside jail cells talking to people the whole shift...and it was endlessly interesting. RP so boring though...right?
  24. ZN23X

    Vox Leap

    "Spess is goods, yaya"
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