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Everything posted by ZN23X

  1. I think Purpose was morso worried about people knowing your named toon ISN'T an antag rather than knowing that randoms are. Like if I say in OOC "I have random characters for antag when I play Tetra" then any time you see Tetra on the station you'll know I'm not an antag. But I already explained why that's irrelevant. Because people already do that even without this feature. Also wanted to add, playing sec 99% of the time I've noticed a trend of certain players who clearly have all antags set to yes all the time, because they are antags more frequently than others. That's meta knowledge on my end, and I don't use it to make them more suspect than others. I figure out who's the antags based on who's doing what each round and nothing more. Maybe this is also from working sec so much but quite frankly, I don't trust anyone, just the evidence lol
  2. @Purpose2 I'm just trying to help you see my perspective based on what you are saying. So you say people already talk about "I only play X as Y" all the time. If someone says they never have antag turned on as a certain character, they are already telling you they definitely are not an antag. There is no could be unless you think they are feeding you false information, or if they change thier preference without announcing it...which they could also be doing with this randomized character preference turned on or off. As things currently are, I could tell you right now I never have vamp turned on with Tetra. You'll then have that meta knowledge. Now, I could then turn vamp on without telling you. If you wanted to rely on your meta knowledge I'd previously given you, you'd beleive what I've told you, you'd never suspect me to be a vampire in a vamp round. Alternately, if you don't beleive me, I could be one, even though I said I wasn't. Theres also a chance I did as I said and left vamp turned off, but you still think I could be because you don't beleive me. Point being, your meta knowledge, the difference between "definitely not an antag" and "could be an antag" is based on what you want to beleive, not the actual preferences people say they have selected.
  3. Think of this though @Purpose2, based on this post alone, you already know I've turned off any antags where I don't spawn as a different person. There are other players who openly admit they never have antags turned on in OOC between rounds, on discord, or on the forums. People could already be using meta knowledge to know that some people aren't antags without the feature I'm suggesting. Also, unless people are talking about it as mentioned above, nobody is even going to know who has what preferences turned on and off except admins. Did anyone here know which antags I have turned on and off before this post? Most didn't, many still don't because not everyone is reading this.
  4. One of my reasons for this is because of meta knowledge the other way. Like anyone who is familiar with my character who saw me spawn as a non sec or medbay job would immediately be like "Oh...Tetra must be an antag this round..." From an IC perspective, sort of like some of the other snowflakes like mine, Tetra never WOULD be an antagonist (aside from a changeling due to the nature of changelings), and some people already know that and trust her. It's part of her character, part of her backstory lol
  5. I sort of like the idea in concept but gameplay wise I don't think it would make anything better. It would really suck to have to drag someone from the far corners of sci maint to the brig at walking speed. I'd feel like I need to carry metal on me to construct a wheelchair or drag around a roller bed all the time lol I know this is for realism but it'd be less real than it currently is if security was towing around roller beds or wheelchairs everywhere I'd be more likely to do "field processing" rather than drag them to the brig unless I KNOW they need to be brigged. As for the arguments about it hurting antags, it'd hurt non antags equally for all the same reasons. Someone wouldn't be able to just run in and snag a incapacitate person an antag is using for one reason or another and run off. Antags would have more time to call for help from other antags as well.
  6. Yup. I pretty much have every antag where you are someone else by default turned on I turned on sling yesterday and spawned as an atmos tech and was like "Oh crap, I couldn't even fake this if I wanted to" lol
  7. Oh yea definitely. I wouldnt want this forced on everyone, just an option.
  8. This has probably been brought up in the past and is probably a pain in the ass code wise, but I figure I'd ask. Is it possible to make a preference option that makes it so your character can be randomized if you spawn as an antag? Kind of like how you are a completely different person a nuke op? Im literally only asking because I don't like when my snowflake is an antag, but enjoy antagging. Is this something I could ask an admin for at round start? Also asking because anyone who knows my toon KNOWS I only work sec and medbay, so when I randomly spawn as a bartender or engineer, some people will know something is up lol It's okay if the only response is "suck it up" lol
  9. Where's the people defending me from people putting me down in my suggestion posts? ??? My contribution here will be, I think any antag can be extremely powerful in the right hands and extremely bad in the wrong hands. It's hard to balance anything with such a wide disparity of experience and skill, and overall the ability of the antags vs the people fighting them is what leads to who "wins" more than anything. But as I've learned in some of my posts, generally if you make any suggestions that try to put restrictions on playstyle aside from restricting things that are excessive and malicious, you will get lots of push back. Also if any of those restrictions are put into place, it's just going to lead to more work for admins...and as others have mentioned, people powergaming the restrictions. Every action has an equal an opposite reaction ? +1 to vamps can only get blood from players. Aside from that, all the antags are generally fine.
  10. It was quick till the 2nd ops spawned, but yea that was pretty funny. I was warden and got sucked out thru a hole in sec bathroom
  11. This is so good ???? Yahiki you destroy me ???
  12. I've never used hotkey mode for anything but stomping out a cig and seem to do alright in combat. Admittedly, I'm at the advantage of having sec gear 99% of the time so I'm sure that helps. Big +1 to the "having items to heal yourself with" point. I try to carry a first aid kit on me all the time and it's saved my ass more times than I can count. As well as others. I might at least learn to use these keys I quoted. I don't like needing to toggle on and off a mode that disables my chat...too much work...and I talk too much I guess you'd call me a "clicker" ctrl+click to pull things did change my world when I learned of it lol I definitely enjoy the (hold a key) + click options.
  13. I love the "I've been on the forums forever bit here's my intro" posts lol
  14. Question regarding this. I've had times where antags who have been caught and sentenced to perma will literally say something along the lines of "Just kill me already" Does this qualify as asking for execution? If not, say I follow up with "Are you requesting an execution?", they repond "Yes", I've now verified they want to be executed. At this point...does the execution still require authorization from the magistrate/captain with a fax to central? Do I need authorization from ANYONE other than the prisoner? Or can I just inform security via comms that the prisoner requested to be executed and proceed with the request? I guess I'm trying to figure out how formal we have to be with the execution if the prisoner requests one. Less formal would just hasten the process for all parties involved, but I could see the necessity for the formal process for the sake of a paper trail if nothing else.
  15. I can also confirm being a player who primarily works sec that this is all spot on. I'll admit my first post was covered with salt so here is my more civil response lol The biggest part of the problem is, most petty criminals DO treat security like garbage. If you don't @Enginseer-42 then you are the rare exception. If you can figure out a way to get the angry teenagers who use the game to project thier hatred for authority to stop, I'd love to hear it. I like your attitude of "If you get caught, serve your time in the brig and carry on." Nothing you are doing will get you put in perma, and honestly if you aren't kicking and screaming I'm more likely to give you a lesser sentence or even just a warning. I might even "forget" to search your bag and find that shotgun. Wish more "mini antags" had this mindset, it'd make both my life and thier lives easier. The only part that makes me nervous is "Take risks, fortune favors the bold" because of how it can be interpreted. Ban declines are filled with plenty of Greytiders who kept seeing how far they can push things, how much they can get away with. 50 shades of Greytide However, if you have greytided for months without getting in trouble you are obviously doing it the right way. Keep it up, even if just one or two follow suit then you've made things better for everyone. I'd hope you at least understand how players who primarily work sec could look at this post from a negative perspective.
  16. Reference this guide if you play the game WAY too much yet still continue to play despite how bored you are because you have nothing better to do with your life. Forgot to add the disclaimer about how following this guide will inevitably lead to you getting banned.
  17. Ooohhhh I like the new "silhouette" style...more of those!
  18. A++ for creative antagging. That's how it's done folks. Take notes.
  19. Someone suggested this for admins a month or two ago. I like it in both regards. If you want to give someone a compliment and share a cool story or experience they created you can always post it here: https://nanotrasen.se/forum/86-stories-of-nss-cyberiad/
  20. The few rounds I've worked as sec and successfully "won" against shadowlings were the rounds where genetics discovered Xray early. Glowshrooms are a nuisance at best. "I ded nerf dis"
  21. Yus. Learned by accident trying to equip a second cig after I already had one in my mouth lol
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