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Everything posted by ZN23X

  1. Alright I'll reveal my cards now. Most vampires are too predictable. During vampire rounds as sec I will wander around maint alone with a SBR in my backpack with the microphone on. A vamp who is hiding in a closet or secret room sees me coming, attacks, I am like "Help! Oh no you took of my headset, oh god no, you monster, I'm doomed, don't kill me, stop killing me in SCIENCE MAINTENANCE, who knew you had a secret lair near with a fake wall near ESCAPE BAY. My fellow officers usually show up before im drained, vampire dead. I hate the types of antags that hide all round, defeats the purpose of having antags, so anything that can make it so the strategy of hiding is ineffective. What if the act of them draining someone was quicker but their blood supply also depreciated over time, like hunger. It would force them to be more aggressive seeking blood but also make their most vulnerable moment, when they feed, happen faster. I mean make it like alot faster. Like something they could practically do on the fly. Make it an activatable ability with a cool down that grabs and drains the target quickly. To the point where they could use it mid combat. I also think if more vamps used thralls they could play differently (do ANY of them thrall people?). Think...vamp catches someone, removes headset. Vamp says "you have two choices, serve me or become part of me" I like the idea of them not being an EOC. Make it so they are subject to space law rather than just HAH! YOYR A VAMP! PERMA! Make it so they can only be arrested for the crimes they've committed. Also I've seen vampires RP before but it requires a sec force that is willing to play along and not insta perma them. There was a round where peaceful vampires were protesting in security lobby for vampires rights. There were a few violent ones too which didn't help their cause but they were like "they aren't one of us! There's no blood on our fangs" lol
  2. Just got done with a shadowling round where @Sollessa was stomping a mud hole in shadowlings. By herself. Nerf Solessa Storm. ...and yes there are rounds where security literally relies on borgs either because of no, few, or dead officers. Their access is essential against certain antags too, like cultists that hide off station.
  3. Bump because @PhantasmicDream drew an awesome pic and it deserves to be seen
  4. People who just go for green text will still roll around in their glory with or without green text. I like knowing if someone actually had an objective or not personally so I like the wall of text at round end. It's neat going through and being like "OH...SOMEOME WAS SUPPOSED TO KILL ME!"
  5. ZN23X

    Leg Cuffs

    THAT would be too cruel. Pretty sure that's bannable ???
  6. Confused the HELL out of my at first tho. It be typing n think my eyes were playing tricks on me seeing something zing by the border.
  7. Half the people who play vamps would tell you this is the only way to play ??
  8. Only thing that sucks for the RP crowd is the non RPers can effectively destroy their environment they've been trying to create unless you completely ignore the LRPer where as people RPing doesn't really hurt people who aren't aside from maybe them being like "OH MY GOD, CAN YOU PLEASE STOP TALKING AND JUST FINISH MY FREAKING SURGERY" or something like that. I wouldn't mind an exact standard for how we are supposed to view previous shifts. I've found there are broad and varying viewpoints in this regard. Hell now I'm gonna start a new post based on just that cuz I think the results will be interesting. Stay tuned...
  9. I think that's why many here keep focusing on the RP aspect. When RPing you are trying to imagine how your character feels and how they would react based on the situation they are in as opposed to how you feel and react based on the fact that you are playing a game. But again not everyone enjoys RP...which is fine. The blessing and curse of a MRP server, you get a bit of both LRP and HRP players. I imagine as much as HRPers look at the LRPers and think "Ugh...this shit..." the LRPers look at the HRPers and think "Ugh...this shit..." It's still a more stable environment than a pure LRP server and it's not as slow and cringey as a HRP server.
  10. Chemists would prioritize SR. Again talking about min/maxing, if the CMO gives the omnizine from their spray gun to chemist, you'll have 90 SR pills within the first 5 minutes. I play chemist primarily when I play medical and I honestly hate SR because it feels too easy, but if you don't make it you have ravenous doctors going REEEEEE kicking your door down. If you want to do an experiment about people caring about dying, remove the magic pill Mind you I don't even think doing that will accomplish what you are hoping it would. I agree with the others that it's just about people needing to be more invested in RP. There's no way to force that. People need to want to do it because they enjoy doing it, and realistically it's not something everyone enjoys.
  11. I used to do that but I've become friends with too many regulars and IC we are all familiar with each other to some degree. Also hard to treat each round like a new round in sec. Even if you don't want to, you involuntarily carry over stuff you've learned from previous rounds to do your job smarter and better.
  12. ZN23X

    Horror Gamemode

    First time I ever experienced shadowlings I had such an intense level of paranoia and fear, it has not been replicated since then. I'd love anything to bring me to that place again.
  13. Tetra n Tay decking out Brigbay! @Tayswift STILL trying to wash the blood from that grey off my hands!!!
  14. I think it's a matter of attitude. I like to try to take death and cloning (sickness) seriously but not everyone does. I recall at the end of a shift me crying and pounding my fist against the side of the escape pod because our HOS sacrificed themself so we can get away and I was like "Goddamn you Alice! Had to be the hero!" and one of the other people was like "Hey...relax...theyll be back next shift" RUINER! Rule when playing games online. Someone is always going to be there to push everything to the max and make the game less enjoyable than it's capable of being, with or without even knowing they are doing it. As for wanting more RP on the server. Be the change you want to see.
  15. Officers who are proficient in processing and updating records can help ease the load on the Warden, but most of the time you just get a "Set so and so to arrest" with no reason over comms and when you ask for a reason you only get an answer half the time, then you get many officers who dump a prisoner in processing and just say "Warden or HOS to processing" and then run off. Half the time it's some sort of minor crime that could be let off with a warning of just a quick search and 5 minute sentence. Officers SHOULD be able to handle that. I'd recommend any new officers spend a few rounds hanging around the brig and observe processing just to get a better understanding of how to deal with different situations. This is where the extra roles could help though. Some officers PREFER sitting around the brig until the shit hits the fan. As for handling the roles IC...I don't mean going to the HOP and getting a title change, I literally just mean an officer at the beginning of the round stating over comms that they plan to hang around the brig to assist the Warden.
  16. Ohhh...the borg who wouldn't make me my servo cuz he was too BUSY making this lewd video Please fix my hand-less friend!
  17. I officially spend too much time on this forum. Sorry @Purpose2...you would have had 1 more rep ? There is always tomorrow ?
  18. I believe I've seen ya. Welcome aboard!
  19. Officially Unnofficial. Or Unofficially Official? My head hurts now.
  20. ZN23X

    Leg Cuffs

    One more thing to add to my overflowing bag of gear ??? I DO think they have to remove handcuffs before removing the bola though. I've never had a handcuffed prisoner remove their bola n run off. Maybe they just don't know how to.
  21. ZN23X

    Leg Cuffs

    Still making the shoes is less convenient than stepping back a space and throwing an energy bola. I'm looking for something easier than that. We all too damned focused on the shoes lol
  22. ZN23X

    Leg Cuffs

    Tested this. You CAN apply cuffs to a pair of orange shoes so long as you are holding both the cuffs and shoes in your hands. You cannot apply them to any other kinds of shoes. It doesn't work when they are wearing them even if they are orange. Must be holding them. This will be a useful alternative if we ever run out of bolas but it's less convenient. I'm looking for the ability to apply a bola to someone the same way you apply cuffs, just by clocking them while you are standing next to them and holding the bola in your active hand.
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