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Everything posted by Rumiluntti

  1. Using karma cost as a balancing argument is bad, m'kay. If it's abusable, 100kp price tag does not make it any less abusable.
  2. I really don't like the idea about being forced to bother earthdivine or mel after every round to force restart the server via console. Giving everyone the ability to spawn crap from the list of !FUN! would hardcrash it. It takes a few second of clickety click to crash a server if you know what you're doing.
  3. Oh wow, whoever made these couldn't balance a goddamn cube. Holy shit this is broken as balls in slimfit mankini.
  4. I don't see why this should be a thing, brig medbay is supposed to be for minor boo-boos that officers and shitty clowns might get. It's not supposed to be yet another nerdfort with only interaction with rest of the station being hauling assholes to timeout in a cell.
  5. Let me tell you something about the spess worm. Spess worm is 5 tiles long. 1st tile is the head, this thing will kill anything and anyone it can touch for 3 seconds, diagonals apply. You can move in this 3 second period but if you are in the tiles next to it when the 3 second timer runs down, gg. The head deletes you, completely. The head can also eat mechs, walls, windows, spacetime, love and hope. Tiles 2-4 are body tiles, if you hurt one of these by accident, it splits into NEW WORMS, making a new head for the new !FUN! friend. Tile 5 is the asshole of the worm, you end up in here and so does everything you keep dear. It shits plasma sheets. This goddamn abomination eats greytide and shits plasma, sounds like something that NT would farm like crazy but the pure deadliness and fuck you factors this horrible fucker has makes it unfeasible option. "Yeah lol I just shoot the head until it dies!" No. It's bugged to shit. If you kill the head, you have something like 50% chance to spawn 2 NEW worms to fuck your shit up.
  6. Piggyback jousting tournees, yes pls.
  7. I play vox, option d) is my glorious RP in all its glory. We could just have Tully's newbie copypasta get sent automatically or something. Yeah Tully, robots be takin' yer JEEERB.
  8. You would instantly lose faith in our admin team if you saw some of the puns we say in asay. The puns... my gods.
  9. Giving random greytide access to chemistry is not a good idea.
  10. I have no interest partaking in that rapid fire spam ban marathon that this would generate. Unban forum would be full of "i punts guy and did't know was aginst ruls" Metric fuckloads of additional work that is extra super pain in the butt to potentially prevent a 30second bomb-freeze every month and protect the quality RP that the normal 60 second respawn timer provides.
  11. There is no reason for this to be a thing.
  12. Only times I ever used that place was when I was nukeop and wanted to escape the nuclear firestorm.
  13. I would cheese the everliving fuck out of this and it would be glorious.
  14. I played adventure a few times when it got the big patch. I haven't played it after this incident, I just don't it has lot to offerfor me anymore. -Be dorf, kill animals for sustenance. -Your best skill is biting stuff, because why not. -Bite boars to death, oneshot everytime. -Your inventory is full of shit you can't eat. Time to go sell it. -Mr. Generic merchant is willing to trade, cool. I should speak to his daugher first so I can learn more about this shithole town. -Fuck up. -Fuck up hard. -Dorf bites the merchant's daugher in the nose so hard that her brains fly everywhere. -Merchant starts crying and screaming. -Lick tears from merchant's face. Fucking dorfs.
  15. Dorf fort is a game where you can play god with minions so retarded they sometimes drown in a puddle after trying to wrestle a rat. I love it, I have dorf fort running on the background more then I dare to admit. Lazy newb pack is also great if you don't like to punish yourself with the shitty design of the game itself. Gold spike studded elf leather thogs are the mainstay equipment for my wrestler squads.
  16. Remember that law boards have infinite uses, go fucking ham. Nothing beats the feeling when your laws get updated every 2 minutes with more ridiculous shit. LAW:%&¤&/( Kill nerd x. They must be kil ok? LAW:(//&%¤ CAPTAIN IS A POTATO AND BELONGS IN HYDROPONICS LAW:%&¤ BUTT FART LAW:&%¤ CLUWNES MAEK ME KEK!!11 LAW:#¤% CHAIN OF COMMAND IS NOW IN REVERSE AYYYY LMAO!! AI-nerd, states: "Fuck."
  17. Rumiluntti


    Chaplain could use an update, I agree.
  18. Probably one of the manliest names on station. Jack the Axe
  19. How about these? Rössi! Basically bloodbread, add blood to bread dough! Pea soup! Tasty and fart inducing mess made from peas, water and meat! Black sausages! Sausage+blood! Tasty and as visually pleasing as the kitchen floor!
  20. 'Ere you go nerd. https://soundcloud.com/biblefarter_pro/ ... -is-a-nerd
  21. They should definiately spawn with maid uniform.
  22. They have ridiculous tankiness as a benefit, that calls for something significant as a drawback.
  23. It's broken and it's too shit for anyone to care enough to fix it.
  24. Use the doll in lower right corner of your screen to adjust the area you are aiming. Be sure you are not in anything but help intent. Be sure that you or anyone else is not pulling/grabbing the guy. If everything is fucked and you keep slashing the poor bastard, pull him from the table and slamdunk him back on it. This fixes like 9/10 surgery problems. Also, be sure the guy is healed of all damage before you do surgery, otherwise it gets messy and you break bones like breakdancing craze in a retirement home.
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