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Everything posted by Rumiluntti

  1. But the entire thread is you demanding us to "fix the rules" without you giving us any points towards the parts of the rules that you feel are broken. Tully made a good post about the warnings you got and explained the reasoning behind them. You decided to ignore the post for being off topic, I have no idea how this reasoning works. We will not stop enforcing the rules if that's the point? Seriously, I don't see any point in any of this.
  2. Seems to me that you are demanding us to either list a ridiculous number of potential situations in the rules or to leave you alone when you tiptoe the line of acceptable and unacceptable. Neither of these can be done. You act like the warnings we have given you about your actions is some kind of attack against you, this is not correct by any means. I can't really see what you want us to do for the rules.
  3. No, we are not going to list every possible situation in the rules. Read tully's post, good points there.
  4. If you are being a dick, we will tell you to stop being a dick. If you get your panties in a twist for admins ruining your master plan of being a dick without directly breaking rules, that's on you. If you can't control yourself for the rage this occurance generated, please leave. The rules are made by humans and they are being enforced by humans. It's pretty much impossible to have the rules take into account every possible situation, this is why we have humans enforcing them. You are free to submit your ideas if you feel something essential is missing from our rules.
  5. Oh yeah, let's spread the shitty snowflake code from IPCs into every species just so we can have robot vulvakin. Fantastic.
  6. Only if we also port the constable hat and get a whistle for the poor git. Fake moustache also mandatory for this very "special" officer. And you tought security job was thankless and shitty before?
  7. That would be kinda like the dimensional tear event. Making them player controlled sounds like a bad idea in general. Giving ghosts expendable mobs capable of harming and destroying is shit, this is the reason carps are unplayable.
  8. Techies were released too late for me to be arsed to learn new game mechanics. I just wanted muh Techies.
  9. I admit that playing this salt generator filled with toxic children is a guilty pleasure of mine. What would be a better way to get even more hate for your own species squeezed out from you than to play this abomination of a game with the random nerds from obscure spess man farting simulator? I play on EuNe server and my nick there is Rumiluntti, add me if you dare. I mostly play champions that cause people to dodge when you pick them, Teemo is my go-to champion. Let's be cancerous together!
  10. Do we seriously need to bubblewrap everything?
  11. Let's just say this, if it requires anything to be snowflaked in IPC code, it will not be feasible. The IPC code is already a horrendous clusterfuck of snowflaked bullshit, snowflakes made form yellow snow
  12. We are not going to give karma for doing your job. This has been brought up before.
  13. No reason to make it any more simple as it is.
  14. None of the suggested changes make the game any more fun or enjoyable for anyone.
  15. Finally my money trees that shit out client crashing piles of dosh have a use! I can get a clientcrashing pile of screaming justice helmets with cargobros!
  16. You could go under plastic flaps and other bullshit I can't even remember.
  17. "Murderkiller Slayermaster Thunderbisheps Mcfacepuncher - the nukie dude, shows you his ID" Nah, people will name it after their snowflake and it would make nukeops go sneaky every time and turn into traitor deluxe.
  18. Science needs buffs even less, so there's no place for this
  19. If this is the absolutely ass backwards system with metric fuckloads of unecessary and useless extra steps just for shit and giggles? If yes, no, we don't want it.
  20. We do not need any more ways of instantly getting chems into people, doubly so when it's stealthy as hell too. 10 units of memechems is more than enough to murderize anyone, there's a reason you can't refill autoinjectors anymore. The hypo is a valuable item and CMO only for a good reason.
  21. Good, nothing good could come from that shit.
  22. I still think sec should start with disablers, you know the things we actually have in the code. Hybrid tasers could be a RnD upgrade or even a cargo thing.
  23. Make kitchen into starbucks. "I want a soy frappuchino mocha dipple fancy-pancy decaf yoga pant espressionionolatterinomemeballsandswagetti uggi boot hipster glasses snifflederp, please!" "Fucking kill me please, bork bork bork."
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