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Everything posted by Rumiluntti

  1. This would require some heavy changes to score calculating thingeys. I'm no coder but that sounds like a pain in the behind parts. IF some (wizard-)coder finds this doable, I wouldn't mind the score system being changed to whatever is needed, nobody gives a helicopter johnson about the score anyways.
  2. Scrap 'em. 1.They look like butt. 2.If they really affect the server load at all, not worth it. 3.Old ones are pretty
  3. Ranged instastuns combined with inbuilt aimbot is just unnecessarily idiotproofed shooting. The second that aimbot overlay sticks on your character, you can kiss your ass goodbye.
  4. This could be later expanded into full blown Pimp-my-Robo -job. Diamond encrusted golden spinner rims for janiborg?! Turn your lame ass IPC into Bling'a'tron 9001 and see him whack the peasants with his new ruby nubbed pimp cane! Too bad I can't code or sprite.
  5. Printable torsos and groins? Yes please. IPC that loses their shiny metal ass should not be permanently ded, we have the science, we can rebuild them!
  6. Dean was pretty hard against the voice chat thingey. He seemed somewhat relieve when the ss13 community agreed.
  7. Exact translation of kalsari in finnish: Men underwear
  8. Salty I would imagine. Sulphurous. -Somewhat bitter -Pistachios nuts, oddly. -Metallic or bitter I studied this shit and this is how I use my knowledge.
  9. Cyanide tastes like metal but smells strongly of bitter almonds.
  10. I was on time? Fuck yeah! Phoron? More like BORE-on, amirite guys!? [insert idiotic emoticon of your choice here, preferable.] My life is complete.
  11. 6 is the smallest positive integer which is neither a square number nor a prime number.
  12. Rumiluntti


    We don't need this and the extra pain in the ass it brings to us.
  13. I observed everything from the tile ripping part forwards. I almost turned into a physical manifestation of pure confusion when I cast my eyes on the HoS ripping floor tiles wordlessly while atmos tech is chanting curses at him with the rage of a supernova. Decided to keep an eye on the comedy gold that is presented to me and was not dissapointed. It actually took me 10 minutes to find out what happened and another 20 minutes to ask everyone again if I understood correctly, my tiny mind was bubbling with confusion. And yes, HoS believed a confirmed traitor so much that he decided to toss the naked atmos tech into the same permabrig cell as the traitor. To be honest I have made stupid shit almost like that when I have been drunk/tired as hell...
  14. This would be a great addition for the quality hobo RP that has been reborn from the loving womb of the new maint labyrinth
  15. Forced RP ignorance does not work.
  16. Sounds like a nightmare for security, janitorial services, and engineers. It's not like the superheroes are supposed to be anything but cheesy oneliner spouting clowns with herp derp gear. It's like having a group of LARP nerds running around. I would find it hilarious to see a catman scream "IT'S RUN-TIME!" and smash to a wall with the speed that can outrun bullets.
  17. Tylsiys The god of boredom, virologists, miners, xenoarcheologists and xenobiologists. Praying to him is known to attract trickster gods, be wary!
  18. New cosmetic mutation would be fun, even if they lack any functionality. Geneticists should end up looking like hellish abominations slithering around. "Kill... me..."
  19. I have not changed my opinion on instastuns. They have proven again and again to be complete shit. I'm not going to spend any more time on this thread. My opinion has been thrown in and the facts to support my point have been said multiple times in older threads and in here. PS. Having a different opinion and standing by it is not grudging, holy shit fox.
  20. Sound great! Can't wait to forcefeed some poor skrell infinite amounts of synthmeat, they don't gain nutrients from it so they never get full from it. Riiight?
  21. I need to read this out loud and record it. Those who know how I sound might agree.
  22. Claw sharpeners for lizards! Yarn ball bolas for filthy catbeasts! Nyaa~ Queen bee pheromone gland for ant men! BZZZZ Wetskrell brain interface for skrell to make them permanently dripping wet and slippery! Concrete powder for slime assholes to turn from squishy and funny to ROCK HARD AND ROBUST! *squish squish CRUNCH CRUNCH* Stilts for Vox so they have as long legs as meats, let them run like the wind! Kiikikii!
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