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Everything posted by Mitchs98

  1. That already exists. You aren't obligated to treat people in security that are harming themselves by any means at all. The only thing that's not in there is medbay reviving them after their sentence is over. People just choose to treat prisoners doing it, for whatever reason, and I have to constantly remind them they don't have to.
  2. Though the addiction symptoms aren't nearly as bad as they once were, I do still agree something needs to be done to them on a whole. I am entirely fine with the real combat drugs or omnizine and the likes being addictive. What isn't fine is developing crippling nicotine/coffee/tea addictions so easily and quickly, and then having to either go to medbay to get the addiction fixed or ensure you constantly smoke or drink whatever you're addicted to. Making booze no longer be addictive was a good step in the right direction. More changes still need to be done to the system however in my opinion. The minute, and in a lot of caches niche, benefits I see from smoking or coffee/tea drinking really don't deserve such heavy addiction penalties. Or in my opinion any addiction at all, as as McRamon, even if the 2 hrs are meant to be a 12hr shift or whatever only people extremely susceptible to forming addictions would get addicted so quickly and to such extents. The average person definitely wouldn't be feeling like they're dying from not drinking a mug of coffee or smoking a cig for a few days either.
  3. Certain implants, very specific, like perhaps breathing tube or job specific HUD's, could potentially be acceptable. Very minor more QOL things. Anything else, as said prior, wouldn't really be acceptable.
  4. I don't use bombs very often, but when I do, I'd prefer for the throw to be primed because I'm a very slow and forgetful person that often forgets...everything. TL;DR. I don't wanna explode myself thanks
  5. Me and Zeke dunked on a harbinger of slaughter. Ehehe.
  6. No riskier than anything else that antags can do. I see no reason for this to be changed for reasons I've already stated. Nor do I see the use for non-antags being able to use to to balance out antags' use for it. And I certainly don't consider it being this way in the past a merit in its favor.
  7. And that's exactly why I disagree with it. Antags shouldn't have it easier to kill people than they already do. They don't need more easy free kill options, at all.
  8. Disagree with this. I don't see this really increasing paranoia, all I see it doing is leading to people abusing it to get free kills/get out of situations they normally really wouldn't be able to basically for free. All it would really do is allow most antags to pop up when someone tries to examine them, stun them, and get a free kill. Which again, shouldn't happen. If it took more effort such as Mars' suggestion to add an option to attempt to fake your death, then I could see it being valid. Otherwise...big no on this. It's not needed and would only cause frustration from players that didn't abuse it as a mechanic.
  9. Moi: Fuck that bitch. Goobina: *Squish *Squish *Squish Boron Xerxes XII: What's up bruv.
  10. Ehh. Disagree with this as Gaty said. This'd basically make you never need to go to medbay almost ever except for Internal Bleeding. It'd essentially be having mito, mannitol, and saline in an infinite supply. Seems far more overpowered than it needs to be. I think they're fine as they are for now, personally, at-least in regards to this suggestion goes. I'd prefer no bones to some overpowered healing that would likely lead to nerfing of vendor machines/hunger gain from food from them and a whole lot of other stuff to consider. I agree they need some sort of changes to move them away from 'Human but X', but I don't think this is how it should be.
  11. Disagree with this. Somewhat neat in theory, but on paper as Bryan said it won't work out. It won't add anything but frustration for medical in the long run, which is something we definitely don't need to happen. Medical mains already burn out from frustration from players already. I just don't see why it's a needed thing or what it actually beneficially adds to gameplay other than yet another hurdle for medbay to have to jump through.
  12. You have absolutely no idea how hard it was for me to watch that video with those shield gens being so badly off center...
  13. Fingerprints are transferred over, I believe. Someone uh....stole a mans' arm one round and used it to frame them. Either that...or they were exceptionally good at lying, but I genuinely think it's the former.
  14. This. This is the medical I like to see, and why I wish you could give more than one karma point a round.
  15. Disagreeing with making them cloneable. However. A warning WOULD be a very nice change and something that would probably be easily coded in, something I might consider doing and seeing if maints agree myself. Also, it's under 150 combined brute/burn/genetic, not 200. If it's 200 they'll definitely gib.
  16. Once again, I'll use bullet points to address your responses. #define DEFIB_TIME_LIMIT 120 <-- Defib timers are only 2 minutes. Code doesn't lie. There IS a PR to bump it back up to 5 minutes, but presently it is in-fact only 2 minutes and has been for several months now back when Newcrit was first introduced. Roleplay has absolutely nothing to do with me having a case or not nor the point I was making. I was speaking on a whole, player experiences included. Easier and faster doesn't inherently mean it should be used, especially when you're signing up for a role to treat people not jam them into a machine that ANYONE can do. And them dying mid-treatment is far from and excuse to just give up and slam them into the cloner unless medbay is truly swamped with treating other people. Cloning takes much longer than a minute, especially unupgraded. And who cares if they're in surgery for a few minutes? Quite a few people don't LIKE being cloned. A lot of people that think doctors that do just resort to cloning are in-fact bad, lazy, and just tend to not care. And no, there isn't always plenty of biomass. There have been plenty of rounds I've been in first hand that we either run out or none is just ever made ever. Your guide on surgery is sending the message of newbie doctors avoiding it altogether, because why bother? Someone else will just come along and do it for me, why would I do it or try to learn? Yes, surgery can be intimidating. That's no reason to discourage people from learning it at any point. And again, if that is your personal preference, defer to my statement of not being in medical. At-least for the times it is very much needed to save crew when other surgeons aren't around or knowledgeable enough to do it.
  17. While I admire the fact that there's more medical players out there willing to learn and even write guides for other people, quite a bit of the information in this guide is a bit inaccurate or just untrue. I'll summarize my points VIA bullet, overall it's a decent guide for a brief touch on medical knowledge however. Strange Reagent is, in-fact, the only way to revive Slimes and Vox outside of debraining and putting them in a humanoid monkey body. It's also useful to use on other races that have only been dead for around 5~ minutes, which is 3 minutes past the defib timer of 2 minutes. There's absolutely no reason to not simply tell newbies how to use it rather than dissuading them from using it altogether. It is a VERY important chemical they NEED to learn to use as it is quite literally the main way to revive two races in the game. Revival timer for defib is, presently 2 minutes, not 5. There's actually five failed defib messages you can get. 1. Failed to pick up any electrical activity; this means their heart is no longer present in their body. 2. Failed to revive; patient's brain is unresponsive. This means they ghosted or left the game. Always hit them with a defib 2-3 more times just in-case to be sure, also ensuring you examine them to make sure soul isn't departed to make sure you aren't just wasting your time. Cloning is very much a last resort in most situations. The only real time it's acceptable to consider it otherwise are rare circumstances; 1. They have absolutely 0 blood. 2. They have MASSIVE Brute/Burn/Toxins(500+). 3. Medbay is utterly swamped and saving them would result in other patients dying or their conditions worsening beyond repair. If you don't know HOW to fix someone that's in need of more intensive care that's a different story, it's a far different tune to just be too lazy/not want to do your job because cloning can do it for you instead. "Let them die and clone them." doctors need to end. Your entire section on surgery is just plain wrong, and really only acceptable if your reason for not doing surgery is due to roleplay purposes I.E being a nurse. Surgery is not at all time consuming once you learn it, and it is VERY much a necessary part of medbay. You shouldn't refuse to do surgery, especially life saving surgery, just because you don't like to do it. Don't sign up for medical if you don't want to treat people fully when needed. Yes, ideally, there should be doctors around that know the surgery and are willing to do it but that's far from always the case. Someone working triage is all well and good but if shit HAS hit the fan ALL of medical should be able to be all hands on deck and do what's needed to keep the crew going, that includes surgery! Anyone and their mother can put patches on people or inject them with saline, it's genuinely not that hard of a skill to learn and master. But at the end of the day that won't matter one bit if your patient is suffering from bones stabbing into all their organs while they internally bleed out everywhere. "Someone else will handle it, it'll be fine." is the exact wrong message newbie doctors need to be sent, period. I really can't stress this point enough, anyone reading this guide should flat out ignore the 'guide' on surgery. If you're just starting out and trying to learn it's acceptable to not do it at first because you're trying to learn. Not because someone else will do your job, yes your job all doctors regardless of title should generally know surgery when needed, for you, or that you dislike it. While, yes, it does make the fair point of there's no sense in trying to do everything yourself if you're still learning you should still make a genuine effort to try and learn how to do it. Especially if you're playing a medical cyborg who is 9/10 expected and needed to aid in surgery.
  18. That poor fellow was me, out trying to kill... THESE THINGS!
  19. For the love of all that is holy do not bring back shrapnel/embedding. It is absolutely hell to deal with medical wise. Otherwise, the changes to bones breaking could be pretty neat I suppose.
  20. Slime people are genuinely fine how they are. I see no reason to change them. Sure, IB makes no sense logically. But that's no reason to entirely rework their blood nor other things about them to essentially needlessly nerf them. Big -1.
  21. I for one am fine with some races no having newcrit. Especially in the case of slime where they'd be 1. Hilariously harder to revive as Vox are with newcrit and 2. Need to be reworked to fit newcrit. Likely becoming something they weren't meant to be/something entirely different than they are now. Which I most certainly am not in favor of. Personally I consider not being affected by newcrit as slime a buff.
  22. Could be useful for that in that case yeah. Could actually see it being interesting in general. Maybe something else for atmos to monitor? A way for them to 'ease the pressure on the vents' via a command on the atmos console/finetuning them? Would be more for atmos to do in the long run, which lets be honest here, they often really need more to do.
  23. Thanks Alffd for hosting the memes over the years. Though I wasn't around for most of it I appreciate what you did for us while I was. All the best man.
  24. I'd personally rather not have a buff to xenos/terror spiders, as this'd effectively be what this would be in the long run, even if it would be a little nice flavor bit. It'd make it harder for crew to keep a handle on them than it already can be, unless of course the limit took a while to happen.
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