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Everything posted by Mitchs98

  1. There's been plenty of times that I've needed to make an announcement as Magistrate. Either shit has hit the fan SO HARD that I'm the only one left with bridge access that's available to do it, a general announcement that I'm handling shitcurity, or etc. etc. Really as @ZN23X said if the Blueshield has access to it; and they have literally no authority at all. I see no reason someone that could actually use it for useful information doesn't have it. They also have no access to swipe for ERT or code red if needed....so that could be another use for it. After all why bother a head that's likely busy with important things to swipe when you could get someone that usually has jackshit to do to help?
  2. I disagree entirely for all the reasons stated above. All this would do is slow down rounds as every single EoC and their mother would demand a trial, have their antag buddy sabotage it, and get away ezpz. Not to mention trials not being worth it or needed most of the time and its just antags trying to greytide or waste peoples' times by screaming over comms demanding for a lawyer/trial. The only time I'd ever agree to hold a trial is if a crime truly was something of a mystery that required decent deliberation but the fact of the matter is you really don't need to most of the time. Most people that ask for lawyers are greytide that tided too hard and got caught, or antags that wish to annoy sec just a little longer by screeching over comms about their rights. Competent security players are put off enough as is due to murderboning and other things, no need to add another thing to the list.
  3. Mime survived a mass bombing, casually pushing his statue as a decoy.
  4. Use the magazine to pop shells out individually.
  5. The rubber shot in standard riot shotguns is already insanely good(and it is buckshot form). People just never use them ever really. They bypass all armor, good chance to break bones, and do lots of stamina damage. They're far superior to beanbags really. Though more could be added, there is a better armmo type than beanbag and taser already in-game.
  6. My vote is on mafia. Would...make the syndicate make a whole lot more sense.
  7. Mitchs98

    Sushi Mat

    Hi all. So a while back I suggested a sushi mat be added. Someone mentioned if it got sprited that it could very well be added. And well, I dun it. Behold the glory that is my sushi mat sprite.Yeah...it looks a bit odd, but well. I tried making it better by adding shading and it just doesn't work well for a sushi mat. Only thing I can think of that may help is if I re-sprite it. May end up doing that. But for now that's basically how it looks, doesn't get better. Actually looked worse when I shaded it. Anywho. Everyone knows how hard it is to make sushi, well not really hard so much as it is annoying. The Sushi Mat would basically let you make multiple rolls of sushi at once by rolling a Makisushi that's then cut up with a knife(optional) to form four separate rolls of sushi. You would use the same ingredients you use for the amount of sushi you want bar rice; which would only take one bowl. Why? Have you ever only gotten one sushi from a large bowl of rice? Many people like to make sushi restaurants but they're very hard to keep up with demand, especially early on, ESPECIALLY if science doesn't upgrade your gear. Essentially, you'd put 4 shrimp and 1 bowl of rice to make a shrimp makiroll, and so on and so forth. 4x the ingredients in every roll bar rice, BUT, you still get four sushi rolls in a fraction of the time. I'm no coder, but I'd assume it could leech off the microwave code but tie in to the sushi recipes. You could still make sushi by hand, however it'd be much more inefficient than the mat. Mat may be a lil ugly, but, it does still sorta look like bamboo right? Mat would be able to be carried in your bag as well, as it's a small item that can technically be rolled up(I couldn't figure out how to make a rolled sprite so...ye.)
  8. I've Defibbed slimes and been defibbed very recently. They can, indeed, be revived VIA Defib with the same timer as every other race.
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