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Everything posted by Mitchs98

  1. Have fun with chemistry making Hydrocone. And Calomel for that matter. That said, I'm 90% sure it's a bug for slimes to feel surgery pain in the first place. According to what a few others told me. I'm not putting this as a suggestion(at-least, unless it's not actually a bug), but a bug report.
  2. Basically copy pastaing my Github report. Was told to put it on the forums...but I put it in both places. **Problem Description**: So, apparently I was told that slime people are supposed to be immune to surgical pain for surgery with the recent change? Or in general? I'm not sure, that's what Landerlow and a few others told me. Apparently it's a bug that they DO actually feel surgery pain and they should not. Basically just get surgery as a slime and continue to have the standard fail chance that you have for every other race while being awake during surgery. **What did you expect to happen**: I expected slimes to be immune to the pain from surgery as it makes no real sense that they'd feel it in general as normal slimes do not. Apparently they were supposed to be exempt from it in general and well, it's a bug that they are not. **What happened instead**: Having to be dosed with a HUGE amount of painkillers/ether/morphine as a slime in order to receive surgery. Roughly 60u of ether or enough morphine to cause an addiction. **Why is this bad/What are the consequences:** Unneeded time in surgery, as I'm 90% sure slime people process chemicals differently leading to the issue with ether/morphine in general. And well, from what I'm told it's a bug anyway. **Steps to reproduce the problem**: 1. Get broken anything as slime. 2. Go to surgery. 3. Get surgery without anesthetic and good luck fixing it. 4. Need to be pumped full of 60u of ether or 30u+ of morphine. 5. Get an addiction/stay asleep for 10 minutes after as most doctors don't filter it out. 6. Be bored. **Possibly related stuff (which gamemode was it? What were you doing at the time? Was anything else out of the ordinary happening?)**: Dunno
  3. Never let me near the kitchen. You will turn fat. Trust me. I had over 100 Fish Fingers, 50-60 or more Cuban Carps, about 20 deep fried cheeses, 50 boiled shrimp, 50 fried shrimp, 40 or so fried tofu, over 100 burgers, and over 200 filet o fishes.
  4. Lol? No. It changes race and name entirely. It's annoying, serves no purpose other than to meme, and is just plain useless. It COULD be useful but most people just use it to meme and upset others. I'd be all in favor of nerfing it with any of the reasons stated above. I already hate most changelings for being murderboney jerks that think its their admin given right to do so, I hate the ones stinging everyone almost more. That's why every single round there's that one nerd that's memeing everyone I stay in my office or somewhere else no one can ever touch me provided I don't let them in, and I don't unless I know them or they have a really good reason. Everyone shouldn't have to worry 'Oh god is this jackass going to meme me next?'. It offers very little to the round and gets old after a while.
  5. Speaks for itself. Fucking lewd stinky lizard.
  6. This is why you do not attack a mouse imbued by the powers of a god.
  7. All hail The Great Horned Rat, Bringer of Food, Spawner of Mice.
  8. Literally no. That's a terrible idea. We can already get overwhelmed enough with thralls as is.
  9. This seems awesome! I tend to actually see 90% of the security calls, and relay them whenever I play HoS. imo this could be done with a decent enough HoS PENDING the round isn't chaotic as shit. That said, it's often chaotic as shit. There might be a way to code a telecomms script for to serve the same purpose, people calling for security and such. It'd be fairly complex to code in...but...it could be possible and well worth it. If it's at all possible to add it could still be cool.
  10. As a medical main I shall first post the medical issues: Players who pick CMO and have never actually done medical work beyond, at best, basic surgery. Failing to realize they're meant to do the jobs that need doing in medical that others fail to do and instead believe their job is to have a bappy stick and sit in their office/lounge around/occasionally slap a band-aid on Greytide McJackass. CMO's who don't give chemistry their hypo, or even the omnizine in it, and proceed to use up the ominzine and random jackasses thinking it's a miracle cure drug that never runs out. CMO's that DON'T FUCKING TALK OVER MEDICAL COMMS EVER. Or comms in general, for that matter. CMO's that run around stealing patients, you combat them over it they either get all pissy in IC or LOOC stating 'I'm the CMO, I'm more qualified' or some other such. 2 minutes later that patient is in cloning. CMO's that don't even know basic chem/can't be assed to load up a damned wiki. Chemistry that doesn't know how to make Strange Reagent but can make Meth within 5 minutes. People who sign up with the Surgeon job title, know jackshit about surgery and take 20 minutes fixing a simple surgery. People who join medical to try and learn medical, but refuse any help from experienced players and also refuse to read the wiki thoroughly, thus leading to malpractice bay. Genetics handing out hulk like candy. Medical not knowing how to recharge a defib and saying it's broken. Medical taking the OR's tools for themselves, because clearly they're master surgeon and no one else should do anything. Chemistry making SR, but not making Synthflesh.
  11. I actually just thought of a slime people weapon Goo Gun: Unsure of pricing, however it fits perfectly. Simply a gun that fires out orbs of goo that, when hit onto a person, works similar to a bola. First hit would slow them down a bit and could be resisted of out. Subsequent hits would apply further slowing power, eventually rooting the person to the ground similar to a resin nest from an alien that would either need someone to cut them free from or a successful(and decently long) resist period. Would be selfcharged from a slimes own, well, goo reserves. Would ONLY work in the hands of a slime and would require the slime to eat, would not work if the slime was starving. Utility based and based around escaping. Summarily; Goo Grenade: Similar to the Goo Gun, however instead would explode and cover everyone in the nearby area with one hit of goo and/or make the floor tiles 'sticky' and slow down movement speed. Possibly 6x6 or 9x9 AoE. Another good get away weapon. Absorb: An item that gives the slime a power SIMILAR to matter eater, but not. Now, this can't be used to eat whole human corpses. But the inventive slime could, say, implant an important item into a monkey and swallow them whole. Or items in general, up to a limit depending on size, to be retrieved at a later date. Theoretically, could be used just to troll the bartender and eat Pun Pun. CONSUME!!!! Stickiness: Enhance the slime persons ability to stick to things, including people, via a pill or injection. Would be uncurable VIA genetics. It would be toggle-able and allow the slime to have mag-boot functions at will as well as be unable to be slipped and harder to be shoved down. Grab intent would immediately upgrade to a hand grab though have a slightly longer cooldown to upgrade to a neck grab and/or make people have a timer to resist out of the hand grab. It would also serve SIMILAR to an anti-drop implant, though instead of NEVER dropping the item they're holding they simply won't lose it if pushed and have a larger chance of not dropping it. Perhaps a message such as , 'X is super sticky, the X seems to stick to their hand like glue!'. Body Sculpting: An item that allows the slime better control of its body. Be it popping off broken limbs to regrow them or outright sculpting useful items from their own body. Bolas, cuffs, things of that regard. Perhaps even traps of some kind. I dunno, this is just entirely random tbh. A lot of them could use better names perhaps, though they're all very cool ideas for our squishy brethren. *squish.
  12. In the words of every bug report/suggestion response I ever made on Archangel Station before it died; It's a feature!
  13. Squish lewdly.` ANd realize I'm now dumber than I used to be IRL in most regards and a fucking genius in others. Try to absorb Pun Pun.
  14. Right? Honestly that's the best thing I've seen on here this weekend.
  15. Oh my god I can't stop laughing. xD. It's just one simple sentence, but that smiley face, oml.
  16. I'd hug you if you drew Goobina for me :p.
  17. Crates with actually valid loot would be nice. Even if it was minor. The amount of times I've found ugly ties in a stack of loot crates is too damn high.
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