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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. I will turn Zeke into a pretzel.
  2. Is that bishop industries I see I use that for ANGELICA too, looks really nice. Drawing is good, too! New software seems to be working great for you.
  3. Great idea tbh I'll finally have a true place to post any abominations I create
  4. That's... actually a pretty good fusion of both. Good amount of space while giving roboticists themselves their own individual areas with the fabricators.
  5. Oh in that case I'm the big stupid That surgical area is largely fine then--it being cramped isn't really a problem, as it's really only generally used for the repair of IPCs or implanting/ borging crewmembers. Keeping things closer together and easier to reach in that particular instance isn't much of an issue imo.
  6. Conveyor belts in an already tight space is not the best idea, especially when you have multiple projects going on. It feels kind of pointless and looks a little ugly imo. More open space in robotics to be able to make things or just house more individuals in general--such as cyborgs that all tend to crowd the entire room when they feel it's upgrade time (yes, I'm guilty of this) or IPCs that get murdered by the droves and need repairs, is a very good thing. In my actual experience with my more open setups, the fabricators being where they are in my images doesn't really cause issues for roboticists. I would like to point out, however, that none of the two pictures place the welding tank into the surgery area--where else is it going to be needed besides the occasional welding of a mecha to complete it?
  7. We used to have a rainbow jumpsuit that you could hack a vending machine to get. I don't really remember why it was removed, was great to have around.
  8. Quick cut a wire and do a home run before she reaches you
  9. How's that tail of yours doing Lizzy
  10. I'd beat Shesi up but DTX deserves to be beaten with newspapers.
  11. Security has far too many problems as is without features that intentionally hinder them further. It's the same reason we don't have security antagonists. 'Protagonist' is also a term that should never be formally used within the game. There are no protagonists in this story. Skeptic doesn't really fit this; skepticism is when you're reluctant to believe something. 'Paranoid' would be a vastly better term. As for the idea, I really only see this leading to security being greytided, validhunting increasing, and more people grabbing the objective items and then sitting somewhere quiet the rest of the round. On the flip side, depending on chance ratios, people also running up to security to say they feel 'paranoid/ skeptic' and security deciding to take them into protection due to game mechanics knowledge. Making ERT more annoying to deal with means that less players will try to utilize the feature--I don't see what making them tax collectors does to make them better overall. As for the changeling idea... that's more than a bit much. Making them overpowered hunters dedicated towards one antag type doesn't really make sense. If administrators feel the need, they can always buff regular ERT equipment before sending them away.
  12. I'm a manager Die Spark smashes several mugs with Robbie's name onto the ground, shattering them into tiny pieces!
  13. The next person to post in here is going to be labeled as Kyet's goat.
  14. What about all seventy Sparks and ANGELICA
  15. Look, Gordian, a pile of nerds! We can use these to count basic numbers over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over-
  16. Kyet told me to pop some tires so all of your cars are now slashed
  17. It won't be an easy kill option if you play it smart. As it is, it would still be somewhat risky to pull off. If you want to walk up to random 'dead' bodies in maintenance and expect nothing to happen be my guest, man. Unlike easy kill haha meme tactics antags use, this can also be used by anyone.
  18. That's... exactly the point? Don't walk up to random bodies you find in maintenance without caution. That's exactly the idea. Report it and let the people who are supposed to handle it deal with it. I don't feel it really needs extra effort, although the slightly blinding piece might not be a bad thing. As it is, however, it's not exactly hard to pretend unconsciousness, and people that die don't always have their eyes closed. The core idea of my post is about removing the death text from an actual dead body. It shouldn't be easy to spot a dead person straight away, especially if they are, say, poisoned.
  19. Hello and welcome to another small suggestion thread made by me I'm not exactly sure when it was added (somewhere in the past few years), but I've always felt that the immediate message you get when examining a dead person was fairly... lame, for lack of a better word. Prior to this, you generally had to actually confirm someone was dead, typically via medical scanners, other obvious sighs that show up later during death (flesh rotting, bloating, et cetera)... or the most common, walking up to someone and taking their pulse. This, while somewhat small, had quite an interesting impact at times. It allowed people to do a much wider variety of things, such as playing dead, springing traps on the unsuspecting, and other miscellaneous things. It made people slightly more cautious about approaching random bodies in maintenance. I think this would be beneficial for elevating paranoia.
  20. I was going to let this end with Bryan's statement, but this is somewhat infuriating. You're not the only one here to have fun. Using such a tactic that fucks over other players is not alright, nor will it ever be. This is on top of the fact that it was triggering a bug that forced the slaughter demon out of blood crawl-the only reason it was even remotely as effective of a 'strategy' on it as it was. While I admittedly didn't mention this to you at the time, it wouldn't change much about the situation either way. As others have said, admin complaints or contacting staff over discord is your best route, not kicking a fuss in a public area. As it is, we don't need to 'come to an agreement'; we enforce the server rules, and what we tell you in PMs is how those rules are enforced. I hope this clarifies a bit to you.
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