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Everything posted by S34N

  1. Welcome to briggston, where we aim to rehabilitate you. Enjoy sofas, socialising, and potential 4 way fights in our new gen-pop cell!
  2. So I think most of these are covered already, regarding these two: Floors do have dirs, mostly seen along the edges and corners of rooms. FastDMM should not really be used for mapping anymore, the only feature it has that is worthwile is the rotation function that lets you rotate selections in 90* intervals.
  3. Hi all, Now that we have map rotation and more users are picking up mapping, it has become apparent that our lack of mapping standards and lack of mapping direction has caused issues in the past. Why make these changes? Delta and is a spaghetti piped mess, and both delta and meta's standard map practices are all over the place. I've written a suggested addition to the Mapping Standards section of the current paradise contributing guidelines. I also feel there should be someone who ensures these standards are followed, considering how busy the maints and PRR's currently are, but thats a suggestion for another day. Here are some examples, illustrated by pipes and wires, of why we need these changes: Ask yourself, are these pipe and wiring layouts easy to follow or predict? Are they intuitive? The suggestion: Regardless, click here to view my suggested changes that are in green. I welcome any feedback or requests for additions. I wanted to avoid bloating the contrib guidelines too much but I really do feel that we need these. If there is general support for this change, it is easy for me to open a PR for the changes.
  4. Straying into design discussion with this one, but how do you personally feel about the fact that a lot of balance decisions are made by people who don't really play actively, or "bridge hobo" when they do log in? What would your thoughts be on a system not too dissimilar to EVE online's CSM? Also, Apple or Android?
  5. Gladly: is considered -> should be considered Making it more vague here lets doctors apply it in a broader way, rather than it always being true. psychological problem, and a waste -> psychological problem and a waste I think for readability removing this comma would help the sentence flow. Patients may be treated at the lowest priority. -> Injuries that are the result of self harm should be treated at the lowest priority. I think it would help to clarify what patients this is talking about, I know it might seem obvious from context but these policies need to be idiot proof. may recommend a demotion. -> may recommend a demotion to said crew member's department head. Again, might be best to idiot proof this bit. Psychiatric treatment is recommended -> Psychiatric treatment is recommended for those who self harm More idiot proofing. It's shocking how much SoP is taken out of context.
  6. This makes sense to me. Being punished for not trying to revive someone who offed themselves seems totally ludicrous from an OOC perspective.
  7. If performance issues are a problem, can the changes be staggered area by area to prevent the horrid lagspike it causes?
  8. A tale of 5 teslas, in image format:
  9. This is due to pods having the ability to explode. You would want the only places they can enter the station to be reinforced against this.
  10. I agree with some of the comments here, "meme chems" as they are known are already so much of a joke that the idea of buffing them truly leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
  11. Yeah, I'm not convinced unfortunately. The magistrate is not really a publicly-facing role, they already have bold radio messages if they want to make something clearly known to the crew. Adding this access would just contribute to the announcement spam that we sometimes see. They can do their job without it, why fix what isn't broken? Regarding bubbledumbs comment, yes that should be removed, but it's not really the point of this thread.
  12. Seems like its not a "solar flare" as thought before
  13. Perhaps once the ranged stun rework PR is merged, you could tweak the stun revolver properties. Tasers are being removed from it anyway, so its just fiddling with the energy per shot, really basic and simple changes that anyone could make to the code!
  14. Hi all, With fox implementing 3/4 "top down" perspective sprites from TG, I think it's time to put forward a suggestion fora radical change that will freshen up the paradise aesthetic. What I'm suggesting: Implement 3/4 perspective walls, windows and doors; similar to bay, CM, and goon styles. There are spriters willing to make paradise themed walls, and coders willing to help with setting up the smoothing code. What does all this jargon actually mean? Have a look at this handy stolen chart: Paradise currently uses "classic" top-down perspective. Of the other perspectives, "slanted" 3/4 would be best as all sides are visible for mounting air alarms, APCs, etc. Why I'm suggesting this: Paradise currently has a dated look vs other codebases, while this is not inherently a problem, moving all other sprites to 3/4 will leave walls windows and doors looking out of place. This will be a significant aesthetic improval to our server. The following screenshot gives an example of what a typical room currently looks like on bay, and while we have different textures it would be in the same perspective as this. Issues that need solutions: The biggest issue currently is knowing if this project will be approved or not. While it is a lot to ask headmins and maints this before any real work has gone into the project, it is a large undertaking that needs conceptual approval beforehand. Other issues include wall-mounted devices being out of place until they get updated and remapped. Something that won't be part of my initial proposal but can be done later, as that requires map-edits, and there is currently a hold on mapping PRs while we wait for the queue to start moving.
  15. Some game areas and Z levels are designated as no-teleport zones. They cant be targeted by teleports available to crew.
  16. Also, a point to address some concerns I've heard regarding CPU usage due to atmos having bigger rooms to work with: The actual floor turf count for cere is almost the same as box, just a few hundred more (~10k turfs). So a lot of the additional non-space turfs are just asteroid walls or airless asteroid flooring. So I don't actually think the atmos impact will be all that different between the two maps.
  17. The big problem with this is, how do the crew (or even sec for that matter) determine if someone is a hijacker, as opposed to a regular antag. By the time they've gone loud, it's already too late.
  18. PR for the port is up: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/15754
  19. It would not be perma death, you would end up in cargo and hopefully be taken to med by a CT. I don't think disposals riding without preparation being dangerous is an issue, it isn't really safe to jump into a waste disposal system to move about...
  20. While taking out a walkway would cause navigation issues, the quantum pad network is a robust backup to walking around. Another idea I've heard thrown about is implementing more vehicles for map traversal.
  21. Hi all, A number of people have expressed an interest in getting a new highpop map for us, once map rotation is in. CereStation fits this role nicely, and seems like a good fit for paradise. What I'm suggesting: Take TG's CereStation, give it some TLC, and bring it into paradise rotation. CereStation is a large map with departments spread across various asteroids, these asteroids are connected by walkways and by a quantum pad network. Each department has a small security office, with a large and spacious brig in the North West. The map is designed to evoke feelings of lonelyness and isolation, and can do this even on highpop, since the departments are so spread out and the map is quite large. Bridge hobos wont really have a place on this map, as its bridge design is quite unique (its on the east side of the NW asteroid, if you want to see) Why I'm suggesting this: We currently lack an up-to-date highpop map. We do have meta and delta, but they are severely outdated and broken currently. While work is being done to fix this, I think that time could be better spent maintaining CereStation. Issues that need solutions: So, the biggie. I've been able to port it over, and touch it up to be fully functional. An image of the map will be at the bottom of the post. HOWEVER, since it's a TG map, it has no facilities for our karma jobs, and its shuttle system is different to our current one. These things aren't the worst to remedy, but they require time that I dont want to committ unless I know people want this map. Main things that will need addressing are: Karma job locations; mechanic, secpod, barber, magi, blueshield, NTR, brigdoc, etc. Medbay remap SciChem Arrivals docking tweaks for ERT, medshuttle, etc. Brig remap for para culture, notably; perma expansion, processing room, better evidence, gamma armory. Move gateway out of maints More vending machines Click the image to expand and zoom in detail, its very large. (This image is taken from within a mapping tool, some things such as cables will not be visible. This map runs without issue on a test server currently)
  22. S34N


    While I see your logic, I think it should be a decision at the discretion of the HoS, as opposed to an SoP thing. Undercover officers should carry some form of ID though, be it a holobadge, properly idenfitied sec ID in the PDA, or something else.
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