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Genetics Mapping Suggestion


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The walls between the cloner and the tubes are a massive pain in the butt, and a window on the genetics wall is sorely needed.


Doors have been moved to the opposite end of the tubes, to still keep the rabble out of the cloner - this also has the benefit of keeping the rabble away from the tubes where bodies are generally stripped of belongings for cloned people to then take.


This not only looks a lot nicer, but it clears up room and allows the geneticist to actually see the cloner, and even as far as the cryotubes.


Removed a wall and added a locker, as per suggestion by FalseIncarnate.


Removed the excess alarms, as per suggestion by FalseIncarnate.


Added in a chemfridge, as per suggestion by Keroman.


Before any more door arguments pop up, if you can get past the first doors in medbay, you can get past this second set. It poses no real delay/issue in actual emergencies where you need to use the cryotubes.


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I'm not sure I can actually give this a +1, as much as a desperately want to. ANYTHING that might possibly make genetics more accessible is a positive in my books, but slapping doors in front of Cryo doesn't feel like the right way to do it. Even though this opens up the space near Genetics, it also closes off Cryo from the rest of the medbay, and that is most definately a big No-No. We all know that in medical, speed is key for the most critical cases, and if someone needs to be put in Cryo, there needs to be as few barriers as possible between the entrance to medbay and those tubes. This is why there are almost no doors at all for all treatment-related areas of the medbay (Excluding Surgery, as that area obviously needs to stay sterile, but even then I still have problems with having the patients have to go through the Observation Room doors to get into the OR's) since every second wasted waiting for doors increases the chances that someone might die on the gurney.


That would be nice, however, would be if we replaced the entire wall section with glass so you could see through it, at the very least. Also, they need a pair of patient lockers for the Cryo-tubes, as well as one for Cloning so that we can put any equipment we need to take off of a patient into something secure!


Maybe once I have unlocked Station Engineer I can try and convince the CoM, the RD, and the CE to let me spend a round fiddling with the layout of the Genetics area as a whole and see if I cant put together something better. (I actually love designing areas) Maybe If I can come up with something good enough, I can pitch it to the admins to get it formally changed.


On a related note, how would one go about making example rooms to show like you did in the above picture, Shadey? is there a specific program or set of assets we can use, or do we have to do this all by hand in something like Gimp?


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Dreamweaver magic.


Personally, I just used paint.net.


Despite "every second counting" I'm actually in favour of blocking cryo off like this, because I want to murder someone every time there's 4 fully healed random people standing in the cryo tubes room simply because they slipped in when a door was ajar.


It also stops patient stealing by civilians dead in it's tracks.


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Dreamweaver magic.


Personally, I just used paint.net.


Thanks, I'll look those up right now!


Despite "every second counting" I'm actually in favour of blocking cryo off like this, because I want to murder someone every time there's 4 fully healed random people standing in the cryo tubes room simply because they slipped in when a door was ajar.


It also stops patient stealing by civilians dead in it's tracks.


Ok, I follow your logic here, though we could probably help keep more chaff out of medbay if we made more use of the Exam room as well, since that puts one more door between the grey tide and the medbay proper. Also I just wish the medbay doors in general closed faster -.- They stay open for what feels like an age. I personally always close it by hand whenever I go through to make sure no one slips in. That and I try and make use of the door controls from inside the Medbay's front desk, since then I don't risk people just pushing past me on their way in.


I should Bug the HoP and HoS one round to make a me a Custom job that is basically just a medbay security guard. No real secuirty access, just there to keep order in Medbay, since I don't know how many times I've had to call security tokick someone out who was just putzing around. Sit at the front desk, open and close the doors, eat donuts, kick out loiterers. Seems like a legitimate job.


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I should Bug the HoP and HoS one round to make a me a Custom job that is basically just a medbay security guard. No real secuirty access, just there to keep order in Medbay, since I don't know how many times I've had to call security tokick someone out who was just putzing around. Sit at the front desk, open and close the doors, eat donuts, kick out loiterers. Seems like a legitimate job.


There had been a suggestion for departmental guards that would effectively do exactly what this theoretical job you described would entail. I think it got lost to the annals of time rather than actually fully being shot down, but effectively was a door-man / coordinator for each department that acted as more or less their go-to man for tossing people out of their department, but didn't have the clearance to actually arrest people and such like actual officers.


Back on topic though, I kinda like the mock-up design shown here, since cloning and cryo is a very commonly cramped area for the docs. I'd consider going a single step further and removing that little bit of wall where the middle air alarm is (and that alarm, since this is now one area and not two) and placing an empty locker there (there used to be a wardrobe in cloning, but I'd commonly dump it out and use the locker for moving cloned people's stuff to near the cryo tube they get put in). The lower wall (with the intercom) can stay, though maybe rotate the intercom to be on the north part of the wall instead of the west side so it is more accessible from both cryo and cloning sides.


The doors to contain cryo patients is actually nice in my opinion, because it's a pain to have to chase around the mentally damaged clones streaking around medbay after I go to grab mannitol and mutadone from the chem fridge to finish their treatment. If the docs want the openness of the old cryo, asking the AI, a borg, or a bored engineer to bolt open those doors is hardly time-consuming.


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For the love of god please yes.


That window alone is like a divine chorus for any geneticist that actually wants to be helpful (Like me) and not just hunt for Hulk (Like me, I actually hate having Hulk.)


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I should Bug the HoP and HoS one round to make a me a Custom job that is basically just a medbay security guard. No real secuirty access, just there to keep order in Medbay, since I don't know how many times I've had to call security tokick someone out who was just putzing around. Sit at the front desk, open and close the doors, eat donuts, kick out loiterers. Seems like a legitimate job.


There had been a suggestion for departmental guards that would effectively do exactly what this theoretical job you described would entail. I think it got lost to the annals of time rather than actually fully being shot down, but effectively was a door-man / coordinator for each department that acted as more or less their go-to man for tossing people out of their department, but didn't have the clearance to actually arrest people and such like actual officers.


It got shot down because when we DID have them, security never actually stayed there, used the door to storm medbay when they felt like it rather then being there to help on demand, and their supplies were stolen by Medbay and used to defend themselves.


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There had been a suggestion for departmental guards that would effectively do exactly what this theoretical job you described would entail. I think it got lost to the annals of time rather than actually fully being shot down, but effectively was a door-man / coordinator for each department that acted as more or less their go-to man for tossing people out of their department, but didn't have the clearance to actually arrest people and such like actual officers.


It got shot down because when we DID have them, security never actually stayed there, used the door to storm medbay when they felt like it rather then being there to help on demand, and their supplies were stolen by Medbay and used to defend themselves.


Maybe I should still ask the HoP for just a custom job then. I don't want any access or equipment, just the right to kick greytide out of medbay when doctors are busy actually doing their job. I doubt it could become an official position, but If I keep pitching it to HoP's, eventually one will say OK


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Updated to take new suggestions into account.


Looks good, though the double APC / double air alarm bugs me since logically that is now just one room, but is invisibly (from the player view) divided into two areas.


I understand your intent, but given that clone shunting is maybe a half-second of power loss, the cryotubes would be largely unaffected (short of possibly needing to be reactivated). Would need to actually look into that to be sure, but keeping it a singular area throughout would PROBABLY be fine.


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Since the tubes run off of cold gas and that gas being cooled by a freezer, the issue at hand would be the freezer turning off.


The tubes would still work, you'd just need to reactivate the freezer every time you shunted a clone.




Which you have to do already if the AI doesn't open the doors.


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I think this is going to, ironically, result in the geneticist being even less involved with helping out at the cloner, as there's even less justification for him to fulfill that roll when anyone who can remotely enter medbay can access+used+activate the cloner (chaplain, chef, detective, etc).


I do think it's good that the geneticist have a better view of the cloner though--that's very much needed and has been for a very long time.


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I think this is going to, ironically, result in the geneticist being even less involved with helping out at the cloner, as there's even less justification for him to fulfill that roll when anyone who can remotely enter medbay can access+used+activate the cloner (chaplain, chef, detective, etc).


Doors have been moved to the opposite end of the tubes, to still keep the rabble out of the cloner - this also has the benefit of keeping the rabble away from the tubes where bodies are generally stripped of belongings for cloned people to then take.


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Pretty much that, yeah - there's an extra set of doors on the west end between the tubes and the cloners. If anything this makes the area feel more or less seperate from the rest of medbay and should incentivize geneticists to help out.


If I recall prior to redoing the medical, cloning and genetics guides handling cryo was also part of the geneticist's job as it tied into cloning.


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I understand the need to keep the rabble away from the cloner and the recently deceased belongings but...those double doors closing off the cryo really irks me. It's going to slow down doctors and get in the way and that is the worst thing to happen during critical moments.

Could we please try a glass wall/door type of thing in the middle instead?


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I understand the need to keep the rabble away from the cloner and the recently deceased belongings but...those double doors closing off the cryo really irks me. It's going to slow down doctors and get in the way and that is the worst thing to happen during critical moments.

Could we please try a glass wall/door type of thing in the middle instead?


My thoughts exactly! And if you tweak things to include a Geneticists ID locked locker in there, they can keep the newly cloned and their items safe from the vultures that are the gray tide.


And remember that any door you put in should be put in with the understanding that it will, quite likely, get EMP'd, shocked, bolted by rogue AI or antags, or otherwise messed with and could possibly seal the area off until engies can come and fix it (never exactly a timely responce) and for something as VITAL as cryo, this could lead to very full morgues and VERY unhappy players, especially since anything done to seal the Cryo-side doors could be used on the Geneticist's doors as well, sealing both Cryo AND Cloning off until someone can fix it.


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I understand the need to keep the rabble away from the cloner and the recently deceased belongings but...those double doors closing off the cryo really irks me. It's going to slow down doctors and get in the way and that is the worst thing to happen during critical moments.

Could we please try a glass wall/door type of thing in the middle instead?


Not only this, but sometimes medical is overwhelmed, but the person that brought them in can at least get them into cryo; this would prevent that and likely increase the amount of deaths.


Not a fan of locking out the entirety of cryo.


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Not only this, but sometimes medical is overwhelmed, but the person that brought them in can at least get them into cryo; this would prevent that and likely increase the amount of deaths.


Not a fan of locking out the entirety of cryo.



Sure more Metaknowledge as we already have. It sucks as a Medic to see people storm medbay dragging people into cryo. And docs have nothing to do. Because Cryo is in my oppionion much to powerfull and has to be nerfed pretty hard. I think it would be good if cryo only accepts orders from medbay staff. Like the id-console.


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I understand the need to keep the rabble away from the cloner and the recently deceased belongings but...those double doors closing off the cryo really irks me. It's going to slow down doctors and get in the way and that is the worst thing to happen during critical moments.

Could we please try a glass wall/door type of thing in the middle instead?


Not only this, but sometimes medical is overwhelmed, but the person that brought them in can at least get them into cryo; this would prevent that and likely increase the amount of deaths.


Not a fan of locking out the entirety of cryo.


If people can get past the front doors in an emergency, they can easily get past the second set of doors.


This makes the sealed doors argument moot. You already have to come through a set of doors to get into medical, and if you can get through that set, you have the means to get through the second set.


In an emergency, the AI or any borg (or anyone with tools) is easily capable of bolting the doors open, or throwing them into emergency access.


What the doors do is keep the cryo area blissfully free of greytide, keeps clones from running off before you give them mannitol, keeps people from looting the belongings of cloned bodies, and stops people from patient stealing.


As for the every second counts argument, defibs take a very small amount of time to use, and if the person has died before you get there it's because they're either taking toxin, or respiratory damage - both of which you can defib a person from. It's also standard practice to stabilize a critical patient prior to cryo (namely because a patient with another drug + cryoxadone heals a hell of a lot faster), and I know of no competent doctors who don't carry some basic chems on them (such as salbut, and charcoal) to do just that.


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Would it be worth putting either a smartfridge or some sort of chemical rack (like the one that was suggested to replace tables in Chemistry) to the cloning area to hold things like mannitol, mutadone, cryoxadone, and other meds that are needed shortly after cloning? It wouldn't be difficult for a doctor, geneticist, or chemist, or the CMO to check it and make sure it's stocked once chemistry has made the appropriate meds.


It's not a major thing but it'd be a nice little quality-of-life addition.


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