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Everything posted by BiberDark

  1. Make Lawyer a separate jobslot. I think we need some defender for the crew. Besides it is ridiculous that the lawyer is under the IAA department. Because a prosecuting state attorney cant be a lawyer at the same time. This two jobs have to be separated or do we want a situation like in 3rd world countries here? Maybe we can add this to the Karmajobs.
  2. Could you not make it so that every machine type needs a specified value of power. This Equals in the different power requirements for the departments. Power-lines can only supply a definite amount of power. Random example: A Green small wire only supports 1 kw. If you request more the powerline will melt and burn --> damaging the interior. If a machine do not have enough power to operate (example only, 0.5 kw instead of 2) it will a not work at all or all products are failures (crap). If it has 2 kw it will work fine. More then 3kw on this line an this machine will burn and even explode with all problems ( exploding chemmaster ). Example: You have a Chemmaster (2kw), a oven (5kw), an autolath (3kw) you need a line with a capacity of 10kw (maybe a red one). But you need to check that all machines are connected at once, so that there is no overload. Maybe we could integrate a power supplier where you can select the power supply level (to boot each machine seperatly "on step after another, like the failure of the american powernet) like the apc in the room. Consequence is you need a technician to reboot a room in a safe way. ( Work for the Electrician ) Maybe they are provided with special tools to measure and improve the energy flow. So each room has a powerconsole next to or integrated in the apc . This apc is connected to the department SMES. The SMES is handled in the same way to few power system is unstable and will cut power (powerdown) to much power and the security system makes a emergency shutdown, far to much power and the smes explodes with a possibility to damage and explode all connected machines due to a powershock in the department. Highpowerlines are special wires who are isolated and cooled. Just my two cents. PS: This results in the need for an Powersupervisor in Engineering, who balance power production against power demand and controls amd adjust the powerlevels of the main powerlines. PS II: Maybe unused power of the engine results in heat, this heat has to be activly handled in atmos (cooled down). If not the systems overheats and the reaction fails. Dependent on his type. Maybe the temprature in the station depends on this heat. To much 40+++ degree °C to few the temprature drops below life sustainable values. --> Failure of Life Support.
  3. And exactly this is the point, i think should be the other way arround. The shittlers will never give the id to you , hide them somewhere in the station in a locker under the floor i dont know. You will never find it.
  4. I think the AI need the most support in this case. For an AI player the whole round is completly silent. Besides of explosions and people walking in his core. So I think the Ai room needs a ambient sound like this :
  5. All that said, i think the mainproblem is we have far to few security officer to enforce the SOP rules. And Greytiders and other shengians ignore you at all. Maybe on code Red all Person who are cought outside ( a special dedicated room ) should be free for arrest and brig.
  6. For that there are two instances the Ai and IAA to check for this misbehavior.
  7. Maybe the Console tells you that the id was disabled, but in reality it wasn´t disabled. So you only think it is. This would stop this kind of id check. Also you could have a cooldown so you cant autocheck all ids. You can use this, but only a limited time. Until you reroll your serial number on your id card * Remember other persons hop/cap /ai cannot see this. Yes they would be disabled. But this is normal everybody in a security branch would disable stolen cards or access from people who are captured. But until somebody notifies that someone is missing you can do as you wish. And an idea of an IAA and gameplay improvement should not only be denied because it could make someones live a bit more complicated.
  8. For that you can buy the serial id changer, maybe one telecrystal. This allows you to use the id two more times. And this tool can be used multiple times 2-3. As changeling your first priority it should be that the other people don´t know about you. If they don´t know your name they cant block your access. Maybe a separate tool/ skill for special antags. Changelings can cloak there IDs from scanners. Vampires could do something like that. If the other antags would have a way the hide and clock the id from sensors the crew cant determine what antag type is currently on the station. The change of the serial code of an ID by syndics will also hide the ID as long as they don´t use it. And yes they have to use a clever way. And do not forget if they can keep themselves in cover nobody will invalidate the ID´s in the beginning. This could also stop sensless mass murder of non targets. PS: As state this Idea should mainly focus on Non-Antags. If we could give real antags a relative easyway to circumvent this, then the problem is solved.
  9. Please do not throw a comment in here, randomly. If you think it will be abused deliver us a reason. A description of how it is abused. So We/ I can think about a solution to this problem.
  10. As i said i will start a own thread for this suggestion. Here it is. Improving: IAA / ID Validation / Paperwork / AI
  11. I stated a long time ago, id´s should be remotely disable able. And this should be possible for the respective head of the department or the AI/Captain /HOP. A real Antag would not stop this, so there is no balance problem. But it would greatly improve department work , if the CMO or RD is finally able to fire incompetent and lazy people on his own. Mostly this people vanish into thin air and are never to be found but they still have there access. And it would be also able to stop a rouge head with all access if you can disable his id remotly. You can add a barrier for Command Level Access ID´s , so the AI has to approve the invalidation of the serialnumber of the specific id. My proposal would be: - every ID has a logged serial number - the serial numbers can be requested and listed at the Hop console ( special console in all department heads offices and the IAA office ) - the serial numbers of all employees in a specific department can be requested and listed in the heads office - the AI has a list of all serial numbers on the station, due to RFID magic in the station doors. It works the same way as the request console in cargo. {normal workers // not command} - Heads/ HOP( maybe IAA) selects a specific person to fire with a descriptions of the reasons - The Head can then select to approve or deny this request / if there is no head the AI can do this as well - if the request is approved the serial number of the ID is remotely disabled ( there should be two option reset to civilian or complete removal of all access invalid) - ( the AI or Head enters the serial number into the console and clicks on the specific button [2 minute cool-down] - this process is automatically printed out in the IAA office , so he can check and archive this files. Also he can see if it was a legit reason or not (check of SOP) --> also this stops one from secretly removing access from the complete staff) {command} - Captain or Hop has to request the removal of a head - they need two Command ID´s to start this process or the approval of the AI (the AI is the control instance, on the basis of the actual laws / or if there are no other heads around - dead /lost/ kidnapped...) - if the instance approves the request the id is invalid (see above) - a copy of this is send automatically to the IAA for check and balances { special case HOS} OPTIONAL - the Head of Security can request a temporal invalidation of a specific ID (15 minutes) in case of prosecution. For this there has to be added a reason and listed crimes of the person in the security database - as always a copy of this process is automatically transmitted and printed in the IAA office (for checks and balances) - is there is no HOS the AI has to approve this request (or Captain if available) REASONS - the IAA always gets a printed copy of this event -- > this will allow to identify misbehavior of Heads /Captain /AI - the IAA has more work to do he can start an investigation is somethings seems fishy, or he thinks a specific head is incompetent - the IAA is the second and final control instance - the IAA has also a request console for ID Invalidation - the AI is a helper and supports the specific heads in there work and is a first control instance - It is assumed that the AI has a general overview and is neutral ( Laws , and this laws could be checked easily ) - nobody can secretly do this there are always printed copies of this event , with the ID who allowed this to happen and a specified reason. - it will greatly improve the efficiency of a department, lazy, incompetent or misbehaving elements can be removed effective - this is for non antags crime prosecution NEW Antag- tool - ID Changer (2-3 time use)- changes the ID serial so it can not be found until you use it in a terminal or doors with special access ( then it gets uploaded into the database and is visible to the AI - this can be used to change your and others IDS ( maybe within a specific range 6 tiles ) over RFID NEW CONSOLE - ID Console allows you to search for serials numbers of specific ID´s by name or department ( depended of your access level ) - you can invalidate a specific ID as head with your ID and AI approval ( always 2 controls ) - you can temporally disable an ID for a short time - for invalidating Head ID you have to be on the bridge and you need 2 Command ID´s + AI approval IAA/Hop - Console - lists all IDs with respective department and serial number - for each even you get a printed copy ( ID / ID Owner / Reason / Time / Approved by (Name) ) This is so long maybe i should add this a own thread to the forum.
  12. Make the flowing Clown in the forums clickable. If you hit him, he explodes in gibs and messes up the screen. (:
  13. Why not put the IAA in the room north of the hop office, it is almost never used anywa. So he is near the HOP office and has a better line of communication to Command.
  14. Do they ignite and explode, if they are shocked by electrified doors .
  15. Maybe some Alienraces have a strong acid as blood. Like in the Alienmovie.
  16. Borg speed is fine, but the speed boost with vtec should re reduced so they are faster then human but not this fast. The normal speed now is good.
  17. Can you select more the one Articles from the list? Like Indecent Exposure and Drug Posession. And I think it is important that this is it automaticly added to the security database, as Minor Crime.
  18. If in Law 1 then only allow this law to be changed when the situation is under control/over. The important part is that it cant be easily changed if the pandemic is still going on. If not, all Captains/Commands cry. Change the law so that we can call a shuttle. Maybe we change it in a way that only the ai can call a shuttle under quarantine ( a special biohazard shuttle ).
  19. I think quarantine should replace all other law sets active , excluding Law 0 if it is present. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe there should be a lower quarantine level (code yellow ) like today and a kind of code black quarantine which has to be set by the CMO / CC / AI. Maybe with swiping cards. The first one is used for diseases with a slow progression and a moderate threat. The Second Code Black is used for terminal diseases which are fast and easy to get (airborne) virus (Brainrot / Designed Killervirus). Code Yellow - does not remove the old lawsets instead it adds them to the existing ones Code Black - replaces all previous lawsets as stated and described in my former post.
  20. Last time i asked the CMO to check and stamp my autopsy reports and he seriously asked me why he had to read them.
  21. I would love that, but i doubt it will be used, seeing that the medical database is also not updated. Because Hud only allows comments. I think we need a whole new databases to work with in this game. In many departements.
  22. As for me a foreign language speaker, this sound like you are not allowed to harm, do evil. incur expenses -- disrespect legitimate authority. And this directly conflicts with protect the station and prevent them from leaving. (This is maybe only me, but consider this a possibility) Conflicts with public trust ( a term i dont like in general to vague). And second public trust would be include people outside the station (the known universe) . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This should be used as law and Central Command Order for the Crew. (Replacing the Old Lawset as long as it is in effect) It should sound more like that: 1. The Lifeforms on this station are now defined as a danger to humankind and nanotrasen (alienkind whatever)/ Lifeforms are now defined as bioweapons. They are not allowed to leave the station under any circumstances. (It is what it is, a Pandemic which must be isolated. If this is not possible by other ways Nanotrasen has to send a Death Squad to terminate the problem.) 2. All Command authority is transferred directly to Central Command. Station Command is advised to follow quarantine procedures and support the AI in doing so. (This is to stop command and other people to order the AI to lift the quarantine) (Security has to maintain order and justice so that nobody is forced to use lethal force) 3. Lifeforms on this station are not allowed to lift the quarantine by themself. Exception: Only the Chief Medical Officer in direct unanimously consensus with the AI can lift the quarantine. *Only Medical Staff can apply as CMO in this case. ( A real CMO/ Virologist hast to prepare a cure , no way of leaving before that. Shuttle entry is only granted if you are healed. The AI has to check it too and has to approve.) 4. All Lifeforms who wants to leave have to be scanned and checked that they are not infected. If they are infected they are not allowed to leave (rule 1). ( Only non infected staff are allowed to leave the station after a cleaning process (shower-disinfection) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS: If the pandemic cant be handled the AI should have a way to contact Central Command to state this issue ( selfdestruct /death squad)
  23. Would be nice if it is like the cargo console. You have to swipe your ID card and it prints or stores your request in a separate database. So people could check later who took what. Important for the detective or security.
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