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Everything posted by Knightedskull

  1. MANLY DORF! Passes out under the bar-stool again
  2. Was it Calico that 'borrowed' my extra pair of glasses?
  3. It's so cute and nice pixelization.
  4. As a security borg player myself at times...it is a very limited. You are literally trading your freedom for the ability of not being down from pain and other downsides to go along with other pluses. And I have had times where I was nearly the only security player but those were indeed during low pop times. But I don't believe we should remove them. With them there they would encourage antags to actually plan to deal with it. "eh, just one sec borg, no biggy." "A small mob of them this shift? Damn, I should break into the RD/barricade them somewhere." As was said before : a removal is an extreme measure. If they are so strong despite huge drawbacks then suggest a nerf such as a reduction in disabler spam ( can even make it to where after so many shots they have to 'reload' aka cooldown ).
  5. I forgot to put in "with the end of the feature freeze". My bad.
  6. I just had a sudden thought regarding flipping tables and with the feature freeze I start to wonder how nice it'd be to not only flip tables to their sides for cover but to then flip once more to where it is upside down and allow people to walk over it. To me this sounds like a neato feature and a method to deal with antags or greytide ( or general shittlery) that place tables in hallways as they run or such. No need to carry a wrench when you can just kick a table over or spend forever climbing. The exception I'd imagine would be reinforced tables. How hard would this be to code in?
  7. Keep your hands clean and wear your gloves, that should also be clean. Wash them before and after every operation. If you are tired of injecting spacecillin then, unless they changed it, you can wash the organ in the sink to wash off the infections...somehow...anyway yeah the act of transplanting organs is kind of a dead practice since they can all be fully healed faster than transplanting....the only exception may be a heart with a patient stuck going in and out of crit/dead.
  8. Yeah if people wanted to they can jump into disposals. I'm all for the ability to crawl cause WHY not?
  9. Yes indeed. People tend to not know or bother with the auto-injectors. I always use it when a patient is dying from oxygen loss and I keep some Epi for emergency crit surgery. And yes, the sleepers tend to be ignored enough as it is...and even it's special features like the dialysis pales in comparison to something like penetic acid which flushes the system pretty damn fast of toxins, radiation, and other chemicals. The chemistry makes a lot of medical equipment redundant.
  10. Again what is the point? If you put a delay to a hypospray then it is no different than a syringe. If not then medical gets a super tool....why does medical need a super tool? It's like giving all the miners giga-drills or something at the start.
  11. The idea behind me wanting the Hypospray is how in Surgery we have to deal with patients that don't go through cryo or sleepers when shit gets hectic. We have to stabilize them first and get them in and out more speedily than normal. I understand that you guys are apprehensive with the overall idea but I am asking for a back and forth here. As I said earlier I imagine the item wouldn't be immediately added with all sorts of good settings aside from the safety mechanism and a few other details like delay injection part. And the biggest difference between the hypospray and the syringe wouldn't just be capacity it'd be the fact there's less clutter for doctors to handle. They should be stabilized BEFORE they get to surgery unless an immediate surgery is needed (internal bleeding/septic organ) so if a MD drags a bleeding lump of a body into surgery it's their incompetency that is a factor there, not the medical equipment or surgeon ( though do remember just because you work in the morgue or are a surgeon doesn't mean you aren't an MD still ) Keep your surgery rooms stocked with a few supplies to handle what gets brought in the event that happens. How would it create less clutter? It'd be one more item that they not only would have to manage but as well as extra syringes to load the thing with the chemicals and...oh there defeats the point of having a hypospray at all...they already have the syringe of the chemicals...so it just creates MORE clutter.
  12. If you made a hypospray that would inject without delay then there is no difference with a Syringe besides how much it holds, seriously. And it would be extra taxing on the chemist as was stated earlier. They would need to make even MORE of the same type of stuff in bottles instead of pill/patches instead of focusing on making a variety of medicines.
  13. I'll try and make this as unbiased as I can (plays CMO) : The Hypospray is an extremely powerful tool, for good and evil. If they were standard then majority of other medical assets would be pointless. Syringes would be pointless, sleepers would be devalued even more. They will get stolen and abused, antag or not. It is instant injection without any form of resisting or possibility to react....as a CMO traitor in one round I instantly took down both HoS and Blueshield at the same time with the nifty device. It can devalue traitor items....why even bother with some of them when you can just steal one of the standard hyposprays in medical and load it with literally whatever liquids you get your hands on and effortlessly just inject your target? With enough noise going on it's possible they wouldn't even know it. It will make the jobs of antags so much easier. It's simply too powerful of a tool to freely hand out....someone competent enough and with access to the chem lab and the booze machine could bring down the entire station with just one of these...and you want them standard issue? The balance to the syringe guns is that they are actually treated as guns, by beepsky and protocol so you can't just go waving it around without being put into scrutiny. And that you have to manually load syringes with the chemicals and then into the one-shot device. As was mentioned...the hypospray is the ultimate melee weapon...perma-stuns and quick deaths plus whatever you can imagine to shove in one....instant-death viruses even.
  14. Just because they can't kiss doesn't mean they wouldn't be a cute a couple type of thing.
  15. Very nice frost nar, looks like it belongs in DnD and it'd wreck faces like a beholder. Thanks again for doing that drawing PD. I haven't turned it into an avatar yet. Great work. And of course the short comic still hilarious with context lol
  16. The garden room is too small but there are plenty of civ-access and unused rooms near the entry shuttle. That makes the PERFECT place to set up shops and markets.
  17. I'll cast in my vote after a few discussions. Before I forget : I don't think the bartender should be in the low class or any of the shop owners.+ While I like the idea of an economy system I don't believe it'd fit or work too well, especially in the medical department. Correct me if I'm wrong on the lore but I figure most of the crew workers would have some form of healthcare plan. I think what would be best would be just a budget pool for medical to spend as needed and gained from station funds (or donations/tips) for those with contracts to receive the health they need....the exceptions being civilians/tourists (yeah they'll need to pay and whatnot). Maybe different types of healthcare plans would help that covers this-or-that. Medical's budget would have to be used to get supplies from other stations but, currently, they are mostly self-sustainable with the abundance of supplies they start with and they have access to a chem machine... Oh, right, what kind of limitations will we have for things like the chem/booze/drink machines? Assign every thing a value for each unit and to be taken directly from budget? Refuel canisters for each chemical that you need to buy through cargo? That would be a way to include an incentive to put a value on stuff that is essentially limitless....without limitations then the economy will likely get tanked either by people abusing/massing funds with something unlimited or not even giving it a value/stupid low one because it didn't cost them anything.
  18. I really like the uniforms, I wonder what they'll look like in sprite form.
  19. Nice look for Garoon. For some reason ( blue and fins) I think of a water dragon and I love the stripes. Also it seems we have an Armstrong flexing going on in the sketches.
  20. Awww, poor Zeke...(completely ignores the damages and possible lost lives/injured) Very cute Chibi drawing (dem eyes). I like the sketches. Helps me visualize them. Really outstanding drawing of Khazar. Love the eyes, pose...really good work overall.
  21. Yeah I like this idea too. I'd try a few.
  22. Seeing Zeke like that with the robe for some reason takes me back to old runescape days. Anyway lovin' the looks of this and the angel on the side a good touch. The living furniture reminds me of Conker's Bad Fur Day too.
  23. I was gonna post my own suggestions about Viro after getting the knack of the new system but one of them would be somewhat like yours. Mid-round event (maybe) with one patient infected with something easily spreadable where the only cure is a vaccine from patient zero.
  24. lmao so true. Love the details on the robe.
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