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Everything posted by Fursamie

  1. Security, planning a revolution.
  2. I love this image for several reasons - how casually having a business trip between planets is mentioned, the username "lordzekiel", the fact that the image is supposed to be about Jonah (judging from the caption below)but Zeke takes up 70% of it, the attention to detail, and the cherry on-top is Jonah taking a pot of coffee.
  3. Edit: Changed the history, personal relationships and faction relationships.
  4. My favorite image is the one in the bottom right - a Shesi family, the father, mother and daughter, sitting at a table.
  5. You do have to intervene, yes, but don't do something like electrify all the doors to stop them from getting executed - rather, try locking off access to the execution room, or sending a borg to save the to-be-executed prisoner. A good rule of thumb is Server Rules>Your Laws>Space Law. So you can't bolt down all of security because one guy's getting executed.
  6. My favorite thing to do with a lot of servers is to read the lore, glad to see someone does the same.
  7. I don't think job stereotypes are followed often. Detectives aren't loose cannons (most of the time), doctors aren't these upbeat and/or cynical nurses, assistants don't assist anybody, and the janitor is the least humble person on the station. I think the poll was put in place mostly for cosmetic appearance.
  8. KiIEiiriITichIiKI XiAKiIAy kaIAY akiOiuayKiIKXixkVViV 4
  9. I like the colour scheme used here and the dots you can find in some areas of the drawing.
  10. Adding onto this, I think everything (or mostly everything) sci-fi in SS13 has the same excuse. Portals? Bluespace. Bluespace? We found it. Nanotrasen? Plasma. Plasma? Space... And you could go on and on, because almost everything in this game is nonsensical and whacky with little explanation. Why does a company have a team of essentially terrorists to kill their employees and destroy their assets if "it's too far gone"? Because. Why are assistants, bartenders, cooks, etc on a research station? Because. Why are we still here? Just to suffer.
  11. I appreciate how OP made an extremely detailed and intricate post on how to make vulpkanin more realistic and you just have ZN in the corner silently mumbling about vulp.
  12. clown mask, they dont deserve the mercy of any other clothing
  13. Chemistry is a very powerful tool in the hands of the right people, I don't think it would be a good idea to make it "easier". Cue traitor chemist with a chemical meth implant, black powder bombs, heparin, sarin and cyanide mix syringes in a rapid syringe gun
  14. Adding on to this, from personal experience I can say that security gets pretty stressful from either the 30min mark or the 1hr mark, what with 5 people being in processing for god knows why, with no notes, one of them is bleeding out, two are vox without their tanks, the other three arent cuffed and are trying to escape - security isnt very organized usually in normal rounds. This suggestion sounds well on paper, but the fact of the matter is that paradise rounds are not that slow paced (and with the 1k mark being hit everyday, it is even worse) to allow a role like this to function properly.
  15. Having a morgue in security, if added at all, should probably be with or extremely close to the brig phys, since it makes sense having the only trained doctor on the security team handle cadavers.
  16. Hey guys, did you know uh... Nevermind, I forgot. Hey guys, did you know uh... Nevermind, I forgot.
  17. Hate it when you pick out a fancy outfit but it starts raining blood
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