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Everything posted by Fursamie

  1. TTTTTTThhhhhhheeeeeee jjjjjjjoooooookkkkkkkeeeeeee hhhhhhheeeeeeerrrrrrreeeeeee iiiiiiisssssss ttttttthhhhhhhaaaaaaattttttt eeeeeeeevvvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy wwwwwwwooooooorrrrrrrddddddd IIIIIII tttttttyyyyyyypppppppeeeeeee ,,,,,,, eeeeeeevvvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy llllllleeeeeeettttttteeeeeeerrrrrrr hhhhhhhaaaaaaasssssss ssssssseeeeeeevvvvvvveeeeeeennnnnnn eeeeeeexxxxxxxtttttttrrrrrrraaaaaaa cccccccooooooopppppppiiiiiiieeeeeeesssssss ooooooofffffff iiiiiiitttttttssssssseeeeeeelllllllfffffff....... TTTTTTThhhhhhhiiiiiiisssssss wwwwwwwaaaaaaasssssss pppppppaaaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnnnnfffffffuuuuuuulllllll tttttttooooooo tttttttyyyyyyypppppppeeeeeee.......
  2. Better better idea: Not just figures but fluff items in general like plushies, toy weapons, donk items, etc
  3. I know there's a literal fucking demon in the background but what hurts me the most is Jonas' tie in this image.
  4. I really love your signature. Not related to the post, but god your signature is just gold.
  5. There is a server called CEV Eris that, summed up, has a religion and only the members of that religion can be cloned. If you are not a member of that religion (which usually most of the station isnt), defibbing is the only way to go and it has worked fine so far. Mind you, this is a MRP ship where everyone knows all the antags, can buy guns with nonlethal (and i believe if you prowl maint, lethal ammunition), nazi roaches in maint at roundstart and a dictatorship-esque captainship. Granted it's population is waaaaay less than paradise so things are generally less hectic, but it's still SS13 so it is chaos half the time. (I would like to point out there is a 30min timer to respawn, and it can be shortened to 8 minutes if you are put in a morgue tray, however unless the round is tranquil this will not happen, and very few players wait for the 30min timer, as the round would be near end/ending unless they've died near roundstart.)
  6. "Shit, patient died." "Just defib him?" "Sounds like something a WITCH WOULD SAY! GET HIM!!" patient comes back to life, grabs pitchfork "HANG THE WITCH!!"
  7. yee(and i cannot stress this enough) haw
  8. Now I'm just imagining a station filled with Colins. "Hey, Colin!" "Hey, officer Earle. How's the family?" "Sorry to butt in, Colins, but I just saw Colin breaking into engineering!" "Oh my, Colin, that sounds serious! I will go over there immediately to reprimand Colin."
  9. Actually it's supposed to be zero considering that whenever an admin, trial admin, head admin, or community manager posts in this thread (reach the highest number without an adming posting, for context) the amount of posts (usually each post adding onto a defined number, starting from one whenever a staff member posts in this thread) are reset and set to zero. However, it has been documented that if multiple staff members post after initially resetting the count it will start counting in the negatives, where the members can reset the staff's counter and start off at one. There is also a rule of sorts that only dumbdumn5 can post and other players can continue the chain(﹖), usually only being if dumbdumn5 decides to continue the chain (e.g member 1 posts 5, dumbdumn posts 6, member 2 posts 7). However, it is common for admins to kill the chain if the following criteria are met: The thread has not been posted on for a long amount of time. The chain has just been revived recently (e.g member posting 1-3). The chain has gotten to a large number, usually double digits or near ten. It is possible for a large group of members to plan and coordinate together in order to reach a great number, but as far as I have personally seen this has not happened, as most posts on this thread are separated by hourly, or daily posts. Very rarely does it go by without being posted on weekly, but this has happened before. It has yet to be tested(﹖) to count with numbers that are decimals (e.g 1.1) but this is mostly due to the fact counting without them makes the process faster and less likely for staff members to kill the chain without the chain reaching a decent number (4-6). Also one
  10. IMO it would be a bit overkill to include it in the rules and limiting to add a way that certain departments cant use other departmental equipment. The only idea I have is making it illegal (e.g clumping it in with theft depending on the item, since thats usually how you aqcuire this equipment or making a new law like "lack of authorization" which delves into this very topic).
  11. I would twist the initial meaning behind the art with some less-than-funny dialogue but I have never watched/played/read star wars media so the only joke I can make here is my lack of one. You win this time, phantasmicdream..
  12. Personally it's never happened to me yet but I'd assume the most common cause for stuff like this is wanting to pull off a gimmick of some sort(e.g quantum pad to secret maint room like the one shown in the image you quoted, renovating it to be your house or shop, using the extra space to make another engine, morgue, etc).
  13. "Don't worry man, we all started out sometime on the cyberaid. Ignoring the gore makes it easier to adjust!" "⧫ ◆&✍"
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