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Everything posted by Fursamie

  1. Said Trubus, before arm-wrestling swole Zeke and having his arm torn off. "I only have one arm to flex now." Trubus, 18BCE - 1/22/19.
  2. "Well I take it this is not the bar."
  3. Tthhee jjookkee iiss tthhaatt eevveerryy lleetteerr iiss oonnee mmoorree tthhaann uussuuaall,, tthhuuss mmaakkiingg ttwwoo ooff eeaacchh lleetteerr. Hhaahha. Iitt wwaass ppaaiinnffuull ttyyppiinngg tthhiiss.
  4. I feel like in the course of @TheClosetMailman commenting on this thread over and over, he's slowly going more and more mad
  5. christmas passed we dont have to do the thing anymore for another year
  6. Edward, in his head: "She is melting on my designer clothes. My BUCCI clothes. I payed like 52k credits for these pants. And she's melting all over it."
  7. "Ho ho ho, I'm actually injecting you with an extremely lethal toxin!" "What the fuck, Santa?" "Nobody will hear the screams of a dying man. Ho ho ho!"
  8. They're only 5 alarms. You could have the situation remedied with the cost of a few dozen crewmembers' lives. No biggie. No sweat. No problem. Don't worry about it.
  9. grumbles angrily about all slimes looking the same. Tell your baby to step off of churchy's game, or there will be S L I M E G A N G W A R S
  10. "Zeke, we have a child now. Please stop." "Come on, just because we have Nora with us doesn't mean we can't have fun!" "I was talking about the dog, Zeke. The dog is still pure."
  11. Me and the boys pulling up to McDonald's.
  12. Why must you pain this poor player. His instructions were clear: for admins to do no harm. For shaaaaame. SHAAAAAAME.
  13. "Jenkins, what's this on your PDA?" "Uh.. Nothing!" "Are you.. Are you LEWDING with other people?" "No, I promise, it was just a one time-" gibbed
  14. Can't really stick in my two cents here but I believe he's saying there's a meta around invading the AI's sat that makes it easy - if it was already hard enough I doubt he would be making this post.
  15. Fursamie


    Just an idea, suits and blazers/coats/suit jackets should not be both in the jumpsuit/internal clothing area, the Blazer should be in the armour/external clothing area. Similar to how the detective's suit is just a shirt, his trench coat going in the external clothing area. IAA has a similar getup if memory serves.
  16. I was one of the ghosts and I can fully confirm that we were NOT metagaming, I have eight witnesses who can confirm this, we were all in view's range.
  17. ok class for today's lesson we'll be learning how to make "adminee disappearus", we'll need a couple things: A gun permit Strong dedication Ability to murder
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