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Everything posted by Eler00

  1. Botany is far from an overpowered department/job, if you ask me. Yes, they have access to very potent tools such as omega weed if they are skilled and actually focus on it rather than making a million bananas for the clown or whatever. But we have to compare them to departments like science which can print a whole armory and mechs or cargo with guns and more. I think in the overall department balance, botany doesn't need a nerf. If you really want to bring omega weed down, it should in my opinion come with buffs to other botany tools and plants to keep the overall powerlevel consistent.
  2. While you can't revive someone that uses the suicide verb normally, many people that kill themselves in sec custody do it via punching themselves or similiar. That doesn't set the suicide flag like using the verb does.
  3. All those job-exclusive items that never get bought, quite sad.
  4. How often would anyone check such a map? Probably as often as people check request consoles (IE never), unless you scream at them over the radio to look at the map, at which point you could just have told them on the radio.
  5. I always figured the shuttle console was there as a fluff thing, to explain how the base is supplied, even if no shuttle is available at the moment.
  6. Feel free to add some, it should be a fairly easy first PR and I would be pretty confident it gets accepted if the descriptions are good.
  7. See, the secret is to totally ignore the ticket machine and work with the line! Alternatively, remap the entire area so there's a waiting room/lounge rather than a line.
  8. Definitely in favour of using the mostly unused space to the left like that.
  9. That's why I suggest splitting off xenobio together with it into a separate job. It would mean golem production, slimecores and xenobio creature spam would be separate from RnD powergaming.
  10. Well I imagine there would be some remapping involved.
  11. Maybe you could bundle it with xenobiology and create a separate job for those two?
  12. Oh, it was hidden for some reason (still visible to admins though). I guess it's not the finished version then.
  13. While I like the idea of remapping robotics, I don't think your picture actually goes nearly far enough. It's still the same amount of space. Robotics simply needs to be bigger/have more rooms, which requires a general science remap, imo. Move toxin storage closer to toxins mixing and/or move the servers and you gain a lot of space for robotics to expand into.
  14. Personally, I think we should keep the number of players that are known to not be antags as small as possible. The entire game thrives on paranoia and knowing everyone could be a syndie. Having even more people be for sure not antags would go in the opposite direction. Personally, I think IAAs and brig docs should lose their mindshields.
  15. If your surgeon needs 20 minutes for a simple surgery, something has gone very wrong.
  16. You can already do that. You can remove them surgically like other implants of that kind.
  17. Traitor RD aren't that much worse than traitor scientists, both have full access to the RnD powergame setup. Sure, by default they can't make mechs but they can easily make the machines for it
  18. I am still in favour of replacing xenos completely with Terror Spiders.
  19. Honestly, I think death alarms should be able to be produced somehow, then we could also cut the number the BS starts with a bit. Maybe make them a mid-level RnD item with high costs.
  20. RD doesn't have a hardsuit on Para. And I don't see the need for the HoS to have one. For one thing, the HoS should be spending his time coordinating Sec and not chasing after criminals in space.
  21. Personally, I think there should be only a single loot item for defeating the death squid, just give one of the ones you have now at random. You can even just make them spawn when the squid dies like other megafauna and completely avoid the kiting away issue. Say he ate someone that had those items and you find it in his guts or something. Also, keep in mind those syndie mobs are pretty weak, especially with their slow AI. I wouldn't be surprised if someone could clear that syndie base with a single laser gun and a recharger, is that intended?
  22. He kept screaming for people to turn the PA down for over five minutes, but his headset was empd by the singulo. It was hilarious.
  23. That's why you call buzzsky to your core chamber, your only mobile asset. More seriously, maybe we should add the thing from other servers where AIs can manually control turrets?
  24. I've never tried to dismantle shutters. Can you break them down with tools?
  25. The protolathe can definitely print pAIs, the name might be written out or something.
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