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Everything posted by Pckables

  1. In your opinion, what is Paradise's biggest selling point that separates it from other servers at the moment?
  2. For the older Atmos Techs, who remembers when half of the stations scrubbers weren't even connected to Atmos and just formed a giant useless circle? At the start of every single round, you'd need an atmos tech to go to the front of the Janitors closet to properly connect the scrubbers to the network.
  3. Now you've gotten me thinking of playing this more somber song when the AI activates Doomsday, because who said Antags had to be aggressive? The AI didn't want to be Rogue, y'know. You've got 360 seconds to come to terms with your actions, AI. I've always liked the tragic type of AIs, so much potential. Also I just like Ghost in the Shell music.
  4. I often play "Run Rabbit Junk" from Ghost In The Shell when Nukies land on-station. It's all I think of when seeing a team of heavily armed infiltration team breach and clear now. For wizards, i don't think there is anything more relevant than "Benny Hill" I like the idea of having in-game music play nearby Aggro'd Megafauna The Ash Drake would have music from Monster Hunter Collosus from Final Fantasy Bubblegum from DOOM, obviously I'm drawing a blank on Legion though.
  5. Realistically, creating a situation to convincingly fake your own death would require set up. Generally, it'll be extremely easy to tell a corpse apart from someone just laying down, as the corpse is either going to be: 1. Covered and/or laying in pools of blood. 2. Looks Husked 3. Looks pale on examination. on top of not making constant gasping sounds. The only way someone would normally die without any visual hints is by suicide or lack of oxygen. I'm not sure if this would really give antags a larger advantage (considering they have to start in vulnerable position), but it'd definitely lead to security shooting corpses more.
  6. I wasn't there so I have no idea of how much damage was done, but I imagine it's the same as using a flamethrower or shooting Buckshot in a crowded hallway. You may have taken out your target, but there are more apt weapons to use that won't cause civilian casualties by proximity. If you have to use something like that, make sure its in an area away from bystanders.
  7. This is what happens when you let a single Mother of Terror die in an isolated area. I see now why they're put as the same tier as a Prince.
  8. I made more Wire art! This time the God of Aesthetics bestowed to me a suit that endlessly changes form every second. Truly an appropriate gift.
  9. Definitely a completely new antag idea. The focus of Xeno's is that its basically a conversion mid-round antag, which terror spiders also do but in a more balanced way. I personally like the "Sentient Virus" idea i've seen a while back, like Plague Inc. You start as a virus in a non-SSD person, vision is like a blob overmind and can jump to anyone thats infected. The initially infected person has the virus start with perfect stealth, undetectable through any forms of scanning (so you don't insta-die by spawning on a guy in medbay) until you evolve it. Goal would be to develop the virus and spread it to infect people further, and evolutions can be varied between beneficial (healing), deadly (bleeding), or insane (zombification post-mortem). I'd go more indepth but that'd deserve its own thread.
  10. Epinephrine, Atropine is only good for patients fairly heavily into crit, and despite it saying it helps cure cardiac failure, I've found its success rate way lower than Epinephrine. Epi is probably a good thing to have in the cryotube mix, just as long as its a low enough amount that you're not causing an overdose when they come out.
  11. Probably super old, outdated information, or just super poorly written. Neither of those abilities are accurate, and haven't been accurate for a long while. The only ability you have is putting booby-traps down on interactable things, which will explode a victim when they interact with the object. Trapping doors/computers/lockers will explode the next person to click on it, trapping items on the ground will explode the next person to pick it up. Bombs last for 90 seconds (I think) or until the holopara's user interacts with the trap, to which it will auto-disarm. You have a 30 second (I think) CD on your trap ability, letting you have up to 3 bombs placed at once.
  12. A plasmabar with a view to vintage, professional art. Sustained over 3000 years and surviving to this day. Even science had to give it the proper space needed.
  13. I'm shocked this hasn't been made a suggestion yet, but here we go! - The bartender's drink dispenser can now be emagged. When emagged, the drink dispenser can output two new drinks/chems: Spiders and Clowns A Brimming Glass of Spiders: When drunk, spiders provide 1u of nutrients and 0.1u of toxin per 1u of spiders. But if a bottle full of spiders is smashed over someone's head, they get the effect "Covered in Spiders" Covered in Spiders makes the player flail around uncontrollably, scream, and fall to the floor frequently in a panic. This effect is removed after a shower or after being set on fire. A Brimming Glass of Clowns: When drunk, clowns provide 0.3u of nutrients (its junk food) and 1u of Jestosterone per 1u of clowns. When smashed over someone's head, they get the effect "Covered in Clowns" Covered in Clowns makes the player honk with every step until they shower or get set on fire. Additionally, a Mime Covered in Clowns reacts similarly to being Covered in Spiders. Coding required: A moderate amount. A machine would need to be made emaggable with a related effect, two new chems added, and two new "covered" effects (akin to being covered in something flammable) added.
  14. Cargo is definitely the most hit or miss... But when Medical is bad, it gets noticed. I remember spectating medical one day to see a geneticist and his coroner buddy getting a slow stream of corpses to clone and deal with, except these two dopes had no idea how to clone a body. So what do you do if you can't figure out how to clone a body? Throw it down disposals, of corpse! Cue cargo getting a worryingly large amount of corpses showing up in their disposals line, dragging them to medical to be cloned, the geneticist and coroner throwing them back down disposals once they left, and Cargo finding the corpses back in the trash. A single body was thrown down disposals more than 4 times, and this went on for at least 15-20 minutes. Eventually a Blueshield finally comes, partially unaware of the shenanigans, and at least tries to get one or two people properly cloned. Ghost chat was a riot, during all of it. Sometimes you just happen on pure gold while spectating.
  15. I agree with Icy Veins needing a bit of a change, not in the sense of it being "OP", but in that it's honestly uncontrollably deadly for a conversion antag and often hurts more than it helps, except in very specific scenarios. Shadowlings are supposed to be converting people into thralls, but a single Icy Veins in Line of Sight puts that potential thrall into crit, or even kills them in some scenarios. Its acted as a huge newbie trap with inexperienced slings using the ability in a panic when they see a lone threat, before thralling them as the victim dies from their wounds. I also agree with it becoming a single-target ability, but preferably similar basilisk/watcher freeze beam (but stronger) thats fired like a wizard fireball. Drop-down menus are hot garbage and should be avoided.
  16. I have noticed that Goliath tentacles are a bit faster than they used to be, but they're still very consistently dodge-able (unless you're a diona). On the other hand goliaths have lost the eye-flashy tell they'd do when they were about to attack. If you want to talk about a basic lavaland mob punishing players for a single mistake, take a look at yellow swarmers. They rush you down at max speed and instantly tase you in melee for a long 5+ second stun, after which you'll be dead because the other swarmers shot you with lasers on the ground. Also it seems swarmers detect and try to attack you through walls right now, which I think might be a bug.
  17. I make art. Captain tried to have me arrested for it. Engineering tried to cover it up. But I make art.
  18. While true, the fact that Abductors are heavily incentivized not to kill, and generally never kill at all, makes robust Abductors being tough to kill much less of an issue compared to skilled wizards or a slaughter demon. Not to mention the influx of newer players has brought in a lot of inexperienced, very killable abductor volunteers.
  19. Abductor rounds are a very fun, low-violence game mode that I've recently found out is actually NOT in rotation. This round type is admin-forced, much like Revolution or Nations. Unlike Revolution or Nations, Abductor rounds are not at all murder-y and can function without the aid of admins. I've tried asking around to see if there was a specific reason for this, but didn't get a concrete answer. If anything, my best guess as to why stems from this original thread from back in 2015, as it sounds like Abductor rounds used to be very buggy and couldn't be in rotation due to instability. Since then, most, if not all, bugs relating to abductors seem to have been iron'd out, and the round type seems to be able to function without admin intervention, unless there is something behind the scenes only the admins see. So to the general public: Would you like to see Abductor rounds become a regular round type? To admins: What do you believe the reason is for Abductor rounds not being in rotation?
  20. So you want to be an amorphous, station devouring scourge of space? Unfortunately for you, there are a hundred other smaller, less blobby people who want your yolk-y core on a dinner plate. The official wiki will tell you the basic functions, but what about strategies? Alright, settle down and lets get into the specifics. Note: Round-start blob infected people have an end goal, and will end the round after getting big enough. It's possible for a round-start blob to win before reaching the point of GAMMA Alert, and will almost never have a Death Squad sent against them. Mid-round blob infected mice, however, have no end goal and thus continue until killed, nuked, or otherwise. The round won't end until you die, with or without the station. -WHERE TO BURST The core (pun intended) of a good blob is location location location. The more time spent away from fighting early on, the better; that means NO BURSTING IN HALLWAYS, and definitely don't burst near engineering without a plan, lest you want to get surrounded by welders in seconds. Now assuming you're a human blob, obvious ideal burst locations are deep in maintenance. - Science maintenance, a bit above solars, creates several chokepoints and breaches that creates an incredibly difficult-to-assault position, impossible without a space-proof suit. Boasts a strong early-game at the cost of a vulnerable late-game. - Bar/Chapel maintenance can be maze-like, but lacks the size of sci-maint, and is much weaker late-game once all the walls are gone, not to mention its proximity to RnD. - Arrivals maintenance has a shocking amount of breachable space, and all of its hallways are 1 tile wide, but consequently being in arrivals means a very low chance of being hidden for long. However, there are multiple strong, non-maintenance areas to take advantage of: - Toxins Test range, should you be able to get into space to reach it, can have all its cameras cut for a perfectly isolated, large blob starting point. Expanding may be difficult, and you're extremely vulnerable to space pods and jetpack nerds. - Toxins Storage has a lot of dangerous gases that can be immediately unleashed, though you risk canisters and shrapnel being launched at your core at high speeds from the pressure. If you're a blob infested mouse, you can even get into areas you wouldn't normally be able to as a human. Namely: - AI satellite. The turrets do not target blob walls (they do target spores), meaning the AI is helpless against you. You can kill the AI instantly if you're feeling rude, but most people can't reach your core. If you keep the walls intact, your core will be near unnassaultable. Consequently, a skilled and organized crew can cut off your only expansion route and cause a stalemate. Of course better locations may appear depending on the situation of the shift. An example: Permabrig is a strong spot if all of security's weapons have been destroyed. Be smart and have a location planned in advance. -I BURST, HOW DO I START Assuming you picked a good spot, you should have a good few minutes before someone finds you, and before someone threatening appears. The focus of your early-game is RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. You have very few resources, so make each one count. -Ignore people with random blunt objects, a person whacking your tiles with a cane or a broken bottle isnt worth wasting resources attacking. -Build Resources/Factory NEXT TO YOUR CORE. You can destroy a tile with Alt+click if it got reinforced. Resources have MASSIVELY reduced output speed the farther away it is from a core/node. A resource 3 tiles away from a node/core might as well not exist with how few resources it creates. -Rally spores instead of attacking directly when you can. Spores are your main attack force, and the smoke they create when they die is DEADLY. Also they're FREE. Spending zero resources flinging an army of spores instead of 100 resources directly attacking someone with walls is the difference between a living blob and a dead one. -Nodes+Resource Everywhere. Nodes are how you should be expanding, and nodes are needed to get more resource blocks. You're entire goal should be to make as many nodes and adjacent resource blocks as close to you as possible. Create factories where you can, but never forget the resources. -SPLIT! Use your 100 resource split consciousness button on a node! It creates a SECOND BLOB controlled by ANOTHER PLAYER. You also GET THEIR RESOURCES. It's effectively doubling everything about you. It's your strongest ability, so make sure you use it. -DO NOT create blob tiles randomly. I know it looks pretty to fill a room with blob, but those blob tiles you spent 60 resources making can be destroyed with one laser shot each, and don't come back. Always make a node instead, which infinitely creates more surrounding blob tiles as long as its alive, and lets you make more resources. Use Blobbernauts, but sparingly-. While potentially strong, they are a big investment in the early game that may or may not pay off. One or Two should be enough to help defend you from short-ranged attackers, provided they don't run off to their death, or space. Create a Blobbernaut after splitting to help defend your backside, or scare away people from your expanding areas. Early Advanced Tactics: At this stage, people will be coming at you with welders, small laser guns, and occasionally flash-bangs. -Eat any weapons that fall on the ground. You will destroy/eat any object that you build a REINFORCED blob on. Use this to destroy flashbangs thrown too close and welders dropped by victims. -Hit welding tanks when people are nearby. Aside from destroying their source of fuel, anyone caught in the explosion will be set on fire and likely forced to retreat. Rally your spores on them if you really want to drive the nail into their coffin. -Put reflectives at the end of chokes/hallways. The thing that will destroy most of your tiles is laser fire. Reflectives are expensive, so try to get the most use out of only one or two. If theres a long hallway you know people will be firing lasers down, put one or two shiny new walls at the back end and watch as their forced to get into smacking range to deal with it. -Cut off their escape. Its a huge waste of resources to try to nip at someones back while they're running away. If you see someone diving too deep into your territory, close off, and maybe even reinforce their exit before smacking them into oblivion. -Make another hazard. As stated above, making breaches to space and/or busting open toxic gas canisters is an effective way on making sure the rabble leaves you alone for a long long time. -If someone refuses to die on the ground, destroy your blob (alt+click) and rebuild it on top of them repeatedly. Sometimes a person decides to make a blob tile their home and not die inside it. Destroy the tile on top of them and rebuild it repeatedly to keep attacking them. -Save up resources if you hear a mech coming. A well-built mech can be an unstoppable force even a large blob can't deal with. If you're dealing with a durand, you'll need a very large resource stockpile in order to deal with it. Try to cut off its escape and hit it as many times as possible. If its using lasers, block it with reflectives. Get your split to double-team the mech if possible. -Know the differences between the chemicals. Boiling Oil may be good for crowd control, but flames die in space, and you can't break bones with burn damage. Cryogenic Liquid may do tons of damage to people in hardsuits, but it's spread out slowly over time, which you may not have if they're assaulting your core. Memorize the colors and... -Change your Chemicals to best fight your enemies. The ideal chem may change through future updates, so know which ones best work to your advantage. If IPCs are giving you trouble, avoid being Lexorin Jelly, as both your attacks and your spores won't do much to races that don't breathe. Switching to something like Ripping Tendrils or Kinetic Gelatin will hurt them a lot more. -I'M BIG NOW, WHAT NEXT Once you've gotten big enough that a person with a welder is an ant squashed with a single spore rally, it's time to choose to make a play, because the station will be making theirs too. You'll experience a short lull where people are forced to retreat, but soon they'll bring in bigger guns, and the real fight starts. -Invest in reflectives around vulnerable points. This includes openings to space and windows, ESPECIALLY NEAR YOUR CORE. It's extremely common for a single person with a laser to shoot your core from behind, so nip that in the bud early. -Build a couple of storage blocks. Place these close to your core, but proximity to nodes doesn't matter, they just need to stay intact. Should you get even bigger, your resource input might be too high for a limit of 100 to handle. There are advantages to having large resources pooled up as well, as we will get into later. -Build MORE Blobbernauts. Should you have a high amount of resources flowing in, blobbernauts become a nicer investment. Blobbers will start acting like deterrents, forcing people to attack blob walls less while spores continue to spawn and whittle down enemy health. Ghosts will also be appreciative of being given something to do. -Always check up on your core. Again, you never know when someone jetpacks in from space with a big ol' gun to drill right into your core. They WILL do that, so don't get too distracted; use your "Jump to core" button frequently. -Expand towards vital station areas. Cloning, cargo, science, whatever is closest you should take out. If you're feeling cheeky, you can forget nodes and just tile rush straight to it. -Know your enemy. If they're shooting you with lasers, build a reflective wall. If they're not using lasers, build reinforced. Keep rallying spores if they're humanoid, and save up resources to rapid-smack mechs and cyborgs. Remember that if a mech only has lasers, then reflectives shut them out 100%. -Keep expanding. There is NO LIMIT TO YOUR POWER! Keep expanding until... - THEY CALLED IN GAMMA If you've made it this far, congratulations, you're a real, bonified threat. But unfortunately that means the stations called in its big guns, and its big cyborgs. The time for expansion has stopped. Now its time to hunker and survive. -Immediately surround your core with reflectives. They WILL attempt to laser into your core from space now more than ever. A core not surrounded by reflectives during GAMMA is a dead core. -If you're not under pressure and you're close to a vital machine, like cloning or robotics, try to rush it. They took their kids gloves off, now its time to take off yours. Hit the station where it hurts, and break open toxins plasma canisters while you're at it. Just make sure you aren't going half-way across the station to do it. -Check all your sides. You will be fighting a multi-front war, and it's a battle of attrition now. -Know who to rally your spores against. If to the east is a small team of ERT, and to the west is a durand, rally your spores against the ERT, who are vulnerable to the smoke, whereas the durand is immune. -Understand that you WILL lose a large portion of your mass now. Its a fight to see who gets whittled down first. Reinforce and build more nodes/resources close to your core and don't try to expand while under attack. -Kill those GAMMA borgs! These borgs now get really deadly lasers, which you will need to build a ton of reflectives to fight against. Take any opportunity to smack a borg around. Enough hits and you can destroy them for good. -A single reflective tile can be deadly. And I do mean a single tile. The weakness of GAMMA is that it can be over-reliant on lasers, meaning a single reflective tile in the middle of the room may be impossible to take out without getting into melee range. Take advantage of this. -Whats that? MORE BLOBBERNAUTS!? If your walls are not under direct assault, have one blob core expand/rebuild while another starts pumping out even more blobbernauts. The ERT only have so much ammo, and blobbernauts can eat up a lot of that without dying. GAMMA essentially ends up becoming an inbetween of Early blobs resource management, and late blobs mass resource expenditure. It will be a constant back and forth between the blob and the station until either the station runs out of ammo and manpower, or the blob dies. Don't give up hope, because when you least expect it, everything might suddenly get quiet... - THEY CALLED IN A DEATH SQUAD What now? -Build Huge reflective walls in the hallways and watch them friendly fire themselves to death. Many of them forget they have a ballistic pistol and an energy shield. Use your abundance of resources to block off areas completely with reflective walls, likely causing friendly fire. When they stop shooting, crawl a couple tiles forward before building another reflective tile that they cant destroy. Repeat with spores being flung at them and they'll soon be backed into a corner. -Die. They're called the DEATH squad for a reason. CONGRATULATIONS! You're a successful blob now! If you make it far enough to be nuked, that's still a victory! If you make it far enough to need a Death Squad called in, that's the biggest victory you can get! Now go out there and be a menace!
  21. Alexei got gibbed by a bomb next to me as the shuttle was called. Unable to make it to medbay in time, their only option for survival was to be turned into a cake cat. A syndicake-cat.
  22. What's this I hear? Some poor soul wishes to make an abomination between Cake, Cat, and Human? A lofty goal, I must say! Fear not, for this achievement is possible for even the lowliest of civilians, provided you have the speed and charisma to back it up! What you'll need: In order of Most Difficult to Least Difficult to obtain: 1 Brain (If sentient, they will become the Cake Cat) 1 Beaker filled with: 5 units of Sprinkles 1 unit of Teslium 30 units of blood 1 Whole Birthday Cake 1 Heart 3 Pieces of Meat Quite the shopping list, yes? It's nothing like making your typical makeshift weapon. You'll likely need to get help from the chef, chemistry/sci-chem, and Surgery if you can't get the access yourself. Lets get hunting. Getting the Goods: Assuming this is the start of the shift: First thing to do is run over to the kitchen counter and grab 3 Pink Frosted donuts from the donut box before anyone else can take them. Brown donuts are useless. You only need the pink ones, as each one grinds down into 2 units of sprinkles; you'll need 3 to get the 5 units needed for a single cat. If there aren't enough pink donuts by the kitchen, there are more donut boxes in security maintenance, the conference room, captain's office, and in the Security vendor. Next, grab the cake hat from the bar before someone tries to use it for "Fashion" or the bartender tosses it down the trash. This is needed to make the birthday cake, and as far as i know, there is only one on the station. Don't lose it! Go to the arrivals maintenance abandoned kitchen and pick up the 3 meat on the floor, and optionally, 3 dough. It's an easy, free 3 meat to grab. You can also butcher and animal or mix cryox and blood to get meat if someone else took it. The dough is if you want to make your own cake instead of trusting the chef to do it. Make the cake! The cake takes 1 cake hat, 3 dough, 5 units of sugar, and 5 units of milk (Exact units. Don't put too much or too little in or you get a burnt mess!) If you took 3 dough from maintenance, you can ask the chef/bartender for the sugar/milk and make it yourself in the arrivals-maintenance oven (right above the vault). Otherwise, give your cake hat to the chef and have them make it for you. You can also wait for science to upgrade the kitchens oven so you get multiple birthday cakes! Make sure they don't slice the cake, you need it whole! Get the Sprinkles! Beakers can be gotten from Cargo or Medbay, and grinders can be found in the kitchen, botany, chemistry, xenobio, and scichem. Break in (CRIMES) or just ask to use the grinder and grind up your pink donuts. You'll end up with a beaker of Sprinkles, but also Nutriment and Sugar. Use a chem master, preferably the hidden one in sci-maint, to remove the Sugar, Nutriment, and Excess sprinkles. If you've never used a chem master before: Transfer all the chems you DONT want into the lower menu, and keep what you DO want up top. When the only thing up top is 5u of sprinkles, eject the beaker. Get the Teslium! If you can't make Teslium yourself, ask Chemistry or Scichem to do it for you. Like asking Mom or Dad for something, if one chemist says no, the other might say yes, so ask both. Use a dropper to put only 1u of teslium into your beaker, or use a ChemMaster again to separate the excess. Kalimah! (If your Cake Cat Participant has their own blood and heart, skip to next step) Grab a syringe from medbay and a monkey, Pun Pun will likely be available, but Genetics always has spares. Inject two full syringes (30 units total) of blood into your beaker and seal it. You should now have a perfect 36 unit mix of sprinkles, teslium, and blood. Have a surgeon take out the monkey's heart, or do it yourself. No one really cares except for the Janitor. (Robotic hearts work too.) A Willing Participant! Lastly, you need a brain that is willing to become a Cake Cat. While non-sentient brains work, it will result in a non-sentient cake cat (which a ghost can take over like any station pet). You can choose yourself, but then you have to trust someone else to put the Cake Cat together, else you might just end up a corpse. Robotic Brains do not work. Have a surgeon take their brain out, or do it yourself and get arrested. Additionally you can take their heart/blood if they have some and you haven't gotten that already. Make a Pretty Cake Cat! Now that you have everything: Put the Birthday Cake, 3 Meat, Brain, Heart and Beaker (The beaker must be UNSEALED to craft with. Take off the lid if it's on!) onto a table next to you, open your crafting menu (The T looking button on the bottom right of your UI, above throw and resist buttons) and scroll over to the food section. Should you have all the ingredients correct, you can make a "Cake/Cat Hybrid" at the very top of the list. Should you be missing an ingredient, it'll be greyed out. Hit the craft button, and 3 second later VIOLA! You've created a sentient Cake Cat! Don't forget to take the volunteer's ID and pin it to a pet collar so the Cake Cat can keep their old access. They can't speak Galactic Common anymore, but who cares, they're a Cake Cat! Congratulations!
  23. Additionally Vox raiders Traders came during all this to sell wares, but once the coup was announced, the Vox were told to protect their valued trading partner, NT, and were given some powerful arms. They cleared out all the mechs in escape, but unfortunately it was too late, and they were caught in the nuclear explosion a few minutes later while trying to retreat.
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