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Everything posted by Malphystoh

  1. Glorious. Just simply glorious.
  2. Interesting premise. I know I've had a lot of fun taking the custom title Executive Assistant, and even if I don't get to actually "assist" the command staff my plucky good attitude and willingness to help assist seems appreciated :)
  3. not a bad premise. I'd love to see a couple real players in there too frankly. Good RP'ers.
  4. "Survivors" abandoned on station perhaps even :)
  5. I mean... I wish they had HARDER and more life like AI, but we make due with what we got :) I wish they were smarter and acted like people, had a random chance to charge you for melee combat instead of just shooting and hiding perpetually, or spider wise giving it a 1/4th chance to swerve to kinda make it seem like they are dodging and so on and so on. There's certainly a lot of room for improvement for the NPC Simple MoB AI.
  6. Totally off topic other than Cluwnes. Killer Cluwnes from OuterSpess wen?!
  7. Henk :3 I love sparing Cluwnes and helping them XD
  8. I just wanted to heckle IMSXZ. I actually had the opportunity to try this last night a few times oddly, and I agree its crazy. I've been on the opposite side of this and been killed suddenly which is very distressing.
  9. Shots of Whiskey, or a flask still. Though... if forced to use a normal glass.... Whiskey on the rocks is acceptable... Things get crazy lol. Some of my characters prefer Mojitos or Fancier drinks.
  10. Phobos is the name of my Plasmaguy. He.... is still feeling out his place, but has had a few command positions and enjoyed them. Current focus is getting the Cap's office converted into a plasma atmos so I can invite my Plasmafriends to relax out side of them stuffy suits :)
  11. Hello and velcommen! ;3
  12. I just figured I broke em every time >.< It would end up being my birth shriek at the beginning of the round. I like to think the rest of sec could hear it echoing down the halls... Welp theres the detective............. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <3 But totally. Timer would be awesome. That way dumb guys like me don't just hit it and waste it
  13. Ohhhhh! Martial arts scroll right! ok yeah. That is quite the conundrum. You figure you'd be trained to recognize real threats and knowing that laser tag guns are a common thing for crew morale be able to allow yourself to be hit. Perhaps a Toggleable icon at the top left, where they can enable or disable the parry? That way it could even be turned off when rando sec guy may or may not taze / disable you because they are officer hard ass and you don't want to spoil the secret yet. That to me makes the most sense. Making it so they can enable or disable at will much like heat vision for a changeling.
  14. Forgive my ignorance, as I've never used or held a sleeping carp. But you getting hit with a laser (or a laser tag in this circumstance) causes it to spawn? I had no clue!
  15. Erm ahem! Well.. I mean, Purple... ahem entities are the classiest.. .I.. er... *flees*
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