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Everything posted by Malphystoh

  1. These are just incredible!!!!! I hope someday to have some Tea ;3
  2. We often argue IC in what I assume is a playful aggressiveness. Often enjoyed working with you / traitoring with ya ;)
  3. That's a really good point. I didn't take the species thing into consideration. But just because we have lots of clothes doesn't mean we couldn't enjoy more :)
  4. Just a thought. There are plenty of sprites already in use (leather jacket for instance) that could readily and easily I suspect be re-colored to the usual range we already have, in addition to expanding the clothing vendors a bit more, either by just outright adding them as normal listed and available, or hacked / coin purchased. Examples include but are not limited to: Variously colored jackets. (White, Purple, Red, and so on) using the Leather jacket sprite. More ties of various colors. (Purple, White, Zebra, Green (not that horrible ugly puke tie). Dress shoes of assorted colors. Perhaps even utilizing the washing machine and crayon mechanics and expanding them to include more items, and also including more colors of crayons in the crayon boxes which also work ( the white crayon the detective starts with being a good example) I'm not really sure how difficult it would be to adjust the code for the clothing / costume vendors or the washing machine / clothing mechanics. Even if it was just piecemeal adding additional clothing is a great way to create visual diversity and unique character dynamics. Also consider adding some of the more benign donation items for rare coins ( like plasma or gold) (I really love the Nanojackets and think they are the bees knees :P ) Thank you for taking the time to read my rambling incoherent mess of a suggestion! <3
  5. Three peoples lunch money thrown in the opposite direction.
  6. Only if they have a conversion station to turn then into an Emagged Borgi and Syndifox :3
  7. Plasmaguy Traitor items? You can probably think of a few. Plasma Grenade - Creates a smallish explosion + plasma fire cloud. 9x9 at largest. Too weak to punch through the hull but flambe~ and concusses anyone caught within it. Extra points for residual toxin damage in the area to people breathing plasma. 6TC Plasma DNA scrambler- Fairly innocuous. Turn someone into a plasma guy. Extra points if mindslaves them to the traitor plasma guy. Be sure to provide them a suit. Alternatively if they need to die let them burn and rest assured their chances of resurrection are slim. 10TC Plasma Traitor Powersuit - Kinda like the nukeop armored spacesuit, but for plasmaguys! Has spooky skeleton paintjob. Glowing eyes. Only has the armored mode. Very slow movement unless in zero g. Extra heavy armor, resistance / immunity to radiation. Built in dragons breath round or flame thrower in the arm. Multi tool / Crypto in other arm. Extra points if the flame weapons are plasma themed. Extra Extra points if they can vent a plasma canister in dire situations and 'purge them all with purple flames" 16TC
  8. (Four) hundred screaming souls shall rustle your jimmies Sparks.
  9. Much desire to be the Magician :D Oh my. These are incredible.
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