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Everything posted by Malphystoh

  1. Still classic :P I'd have to agree with James here. Moar plz an thanx <3
  2. Get back in your sec pod and keep your negativity to yourself!!!! HAH J/K Those are some pretty good points :(
  3. Feedback will really help people narrow down what it is they do that people like
  4. I think adding the "Reason for Karma" to other players would be really neat. I'd love to hear nice notes from people about RP interactions or the rare time of robustness / antagonist shenanigans.
  5. So exciting!!!! Love the detail and ambiance!
  6. so 357.. c4... One wonders what else he's rockin! Encryption key for headset? Crypto? Certainly some more ammo? Unless they are a sci guy who can print out 357 every so often? :) Enjoying the piece all together.
  7. Monster! I yelled at the chef to stop that and they did so Neh! :3
  8. I mean if I'm trying to take in two people alone that's not going to be fun >.< Assuming this is early round then maybe support officer. If truly alone who ever runs when both are told to come to sec to chat it out is likely the guilty party. Assuming they both come willingly then I'd run it myself and just hope I don't get muderlated XD still fun tho lol. If its mid or late round who knows it may not be realistic at all. Assuming there is a crack sec squad and full legal team it would likely roll pretty straight forward.
  9. I can tell you they are androgynous and magical but that's just my opinion :3
  10. Bring them both in. Force them to both give statements that are recorded and transcribed while separated. Then get them both together again and make them confront each other verbally. Work in close proximity to the Detective, Head of Security & IAA / Magistrate. Weigh all evidence and apply Ockham's Razor. Listen to the CE beg perpetually over command coms.
  11. I'd love to have a peek into Jonah's inner grim monologue, and Zeke's invariable effect upon it. The way his light pierces the gloom of perpetual murder and betrayal. <3
  12. Wizards for sure. Mass chaos and an 80% chance to be horrifically transformed. I don't mind if I get devoured by demons or exploded with fireballs. Ill do my best to help but sometimes you just get morphed into a slime and want to eat a bunch of people.
  13. Waiting for Nuke op Tea ;)
  14. Captain Tea *Snaps salute
  15. All of the yes. I'd love to spitball story ideas and so on.
  16. I've needed this in my life since before forever. Also I want this as a non contraband poster in the game like " WANTED " up at the top or "CAUTION" something to that effect. <3
  17. Well thanks for checking for my ID and PDA in disposal last night! That round was rough lol. You were my hero even if it was gone!
  18. or like the Tshirt you can get with the Corgi on it. But a Tea-Shirt. Heh. Get it? Eyyyyyyyyy :P
  19. And it was a good thing too, because the shuttle was coming in 6 minutes :D
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