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Everything posted by McRamon

  1. I don't exactly understand what your suggestion is really, try to be more specific and put at least some time into thinking and coming up with an actualy suggestion on how to fix problems that you think exist, not some abstarct "i would like to see a system". As for all the "no rp" and "wordlessly baton and cuff", thats as old as Paradise itself topic. Yes, there are sometimes issues with security players, but there are as well issues with non-security players too, and it is a non-ending cycle of screaming at each other. I personally always give a wanted crewmember a chance to come to brig willingly (unless they are in the process of doing the crime obviously), but the higher alert level is, the less times i ask. I've been stunned and robbed/killed by antags for that countless times too, but thats part of the game. And here is a little fun fact, sometimes it is not "Security vs antags" or "crew vs antags". Sometimes it is "Security vs antags + crew". Some people migh have encountered a bad example of security officer in their playtime and now act against security. I am not talking about self-antaggin which can be easily dealt with by me or other admins, but rather in a more sublte way, which they have a right to do, but that also adds unnecessary escalation to the non-ending conflict between security and crew, similar to "bad" security officers. In the end, job of security officer is one of the most stressful jobs that includes great chances of being killed any time. Space law is law for everybody, and even though you broke into chemistry to make beneficial chemicals to help medbay or broke into janitor officer to get supplies and clean the station, that is still against the law and you should and will be brigged for it, despite your intentions. If you want to help the case, don't antagonize security. Even in fear of being stunned/cuffed (oh my god thats so bad, whole day ruined), continue to cooperate and roleplay with security, and you will be surprised how many people roleplay back and let you go with a warning. If you commit a crime, turn around when asked to follow to brig, and scream "shitsec" after getting batoned and cuffed, you get maximum time for every single pettiest crime you have commited. And for the love of god, be understanding of newbie officers. They have it rough already, and expecting heavy roleplay from them when they also try to learn new game mechanics and also try not to die is way too optimistic.
  2. Time to add something after the months of silence
  3. I don't personally think perma death is a problem, dying is part of the game and there is no need to make sure every poor gamer returns to the round. In my personal experience, the biggest problem of cult is shielded robes + mirror shield. It takes quite some time to actually get an autorifle through all the process of ordering it and waiting for delivery, while cultists (and it can be any cultist, not just one of them) basically immune to anything security has. Flahsbangs and bolas might help but still. I noticed someone mentioning wraith being an AI killer and after that they have nothing to do, but i dont remember last time a wraith killed an AI, they die to turrets much faster. Jaggers are the real AI killers. Constructs generally have things to do and are very useful in combat, and arguably quite op if done right. The very idea of a construct being created by cult is cool but maybe they would benefit from a major rework (the less simple mobs the better)
  4. Its hard to remember precisely for me, but at first back in 2015 I started playing as an Assistant followed by Cargo Technician and some Service jobs (basically following the guidelines for the new players because I am very responsible). After jumping from one service job to another I finally arrived to Engineering Department, where I eventually started maining Chief Engineer. Jumping from server to server I was mostly playing Engineering, while rarely trying other jobs. When I arrived to Paradise somewhere in late 2017 I played Medical and Science for a short period of time until eventually moving to my main and beloved department - Security. At some point I started playing HoP a lot (while still maining Security Officer). Somewhere in 2018-2019 I tried Captain for the first time, spent a month playing IAA only, earned 30 karma playing only IAA and moved to Nanotrasen Representative. Once I got tired of NT Rep at around 2020, I returned to Security full time. Tried HoS for the first time. That was the time I sarted forming my character around jobs I prefer as a player. Of course I play all kinds of job sometimes and have even dedicated RP characters for different departments/jobs, but my main character and job preference stays as Security, with a little bit of Medbay(Brig Physitian(rip)/Paramedic) and Command(HoP/Captain/Blueshield). Tried AI somewhere in 2021 for the first time, didn't like it that much. Preference tier list of jobs by McRamon: S tier - Security Officer, Clown, Assistant. A tier - HoP, Captain, Paramedic. B tier - Blueshield, Detective, Janitor, Mime. C tier - NT Rep, Station Engineer, Medical Doctor, Psychologist, Coroner, Scientist, QM, Cargo Technician, Cyborg. D tier - HoS, CE, RD, CMO, Warden, Chemist, Roboticist, Shaft Miner, Explorer. E tier - Atmos Tech, Geneticist, Chaplain, Librarian, AI. F tier - Virologist, Chef, Bartender, Barber, Botanist, Ghost Roles.
  5. It is always up to ai how to interpret the laws, within common sense ofc. Paradox laws can easily be ignored,.or AI go on an infinite loop and shut down itself until reset due to the "bug". Or understand laws how they were supposed to be understood.
  6. Damn! You significantly improved in terms of anatomy/shapes and dynamic of poses! Characters feel much more real, alive
  7. Lets add a mech to the thread. This mech picture was inspired by gygax, but i changed the design a bit.
  8. >be holy >Make people stomachs bleed for no reason Nice
  9. i had no idea this beauty exists <3_<3
  10. May as well post last non-ss13 related art, since i am here for once.
  11. For some reason this was missing from the thread, but its fixed.
  12. In my headcannon, both greys and swarmers are related to abductors. Abductors, being much more advanced specie from outside the milky way, have performed a lot of different experiments and made a lot of bizarre inventions which can not be even known by different communities of abductors themselves.
  13. And another vox, now for @Octus!
  14. Picture for @Varshie - lovely voxxy!
  15. Picture with details and a couple of examples. Commissions are currently open You can also check my art thread here with more examples:
  16. Some art of my character lately \
  17. I am pretty sure by "raging" he just meant the property of raging mages where its not 1 wizard but rather waves of wizards, which he implies here - waves of "nukies"
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