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Everything posted by McRamon

  1. Using voice chat to communicate with another player during the round counts as metagaming, if you are using it to get information your character is not supposed to get. You can use our server discord help channel to chat with a mentor that wishes to help who can explain to you differnet aspects of the game and such, however it will not be used to simply play together. You can of course chat with different player or mentor or anyone else in discord voice, as long as you are not sharing IC intel.
  2. Commission for boardwalksky and some other art
  3. I like that, sounds really cool in theory. However players that gets such ability casted on him all round might get them to meta it. Perhaps like a 5-10% chance of predator sense sending boo message would be reasonable. Gotta ask design team tho and find someone to code it if approved
  4. Unathi, taj and vulp concept art. Alien version
  5. There is literally a PR that adds such role to tye game (mentor/admin locked)
  6. Ive experienced undercover cop from both sides a had great experience, so i can say it can be very interesting and engaging for all parties if done right. However i can agree that its pretty damn abusable and unfair quite a lot of the times. For sure support going undercover being against sop in normal circumstances. Not a big fan of mandatory uniform, drip is important
  7. Welcome aboard, and ugh, multitool please
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