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  1. Well, the time has finally come, I’m afraid. Effective September 15th, I will be fully retiring from Paradise. It’s been quite obvious, in the past year, that my involvement has dramatically fallen; it’s been a bit of a challenge to hold on this long. But here we are—I’ve served Paradise for a full 10 years now—an entire decade. It’s been a long journey, and one that I most definitely do not regret—and one in which I’ve managed to earn myself the title of “longest serving Paradise staff member, ever”. I figured it would be fitting to conclude it all with a story of how I got where I am, today, and all the people who touched my life, along the way. It’s a long story, so consider yourself warned! It started in the summer of 2013 with me just being a regular player on a SS13 server known as “BestRP”. It was a quiet little server, mostly focused on roleplay, but it was one of the few places that was generally ok with having someone with my name and my character playing there---that wasn’t just low RP utter chaos with little social engagement. It was there that I met and got to know Necaladun, MKenner, and Kodos MacArthur. They were an interesting bunch and I often found myself assigned curious antagonist task out of the blue by MKenner or Neca with a message of “have fun with this one”, “don’t’ go too wild”, or “let’s see if you can do this one”. I was something of an oddity at BestRP---these were the earlier days of SS13, and very few things about game mechanics were documented anywhere. The basics were, like surgery and setting up the engine, but a lot of other tasks (Botany, R&D, nuanced combat methods, etc.) were not documented, and a great many more just weren’t even discovered yet. As an understatement, I was obsessed with discovering every little mechanic, strategy, or detail within SS13 and was one of the only people playing on BestRP who had a grasp of those mechanics. Neca later confided in me that he and MKenner were “horrified” about my capabilities and worried that if I were a truly rogue player I could “blow up the station and we’d have no idea who was responsible”. It was here that I also met IcedV, Ours, and ABlueFoxNight/AoiKitsune—these were regular players who I formed a fast friendship with and generally hung out a lot doing various shenanigans (Aoi and I became well known for our Virology Xeno hijinks---with one of us turning ourselves into a Xeno to be other’s bartender personal bodyguard. IcedV, Ours, and I became a trio of nerds hanging out in science a lot). Eventually things started breaking down a bit at BestRP. The server owner and founder, Abbey, maintained a stranglehold on the server. She lived in a perpetual state of paranoid fear that one of her admins was going to hijack the server or somehow usurp control of it, through the code. She also developed a fixation on pushing player numbers up---at that time, turning her server into a TG-like server was the path she chose. This didn’t set well with a moderate portion of BestRP’s playerbase, and especially Neca, MKenner, and Kodos. It was at this point that I started bugging Neca to start his own server. It turns out Neca had already had this thought, and unbeknownst to me, Regens and Ponies had started playing on BestRP to boot. I knew of Ponies from the very first SS13 server I played on, Rocket Station 42. Ponies served as the head coder there, at the time. Unfortunately, Rocket Station died and all its playerbase, including me, were set adrift. In either event, I recalled Ponies time there and encouraged Neca to collaborate with him, due to his past coding experience. I was later informed that Regens and Ponies had spoken to Neca and also hoped to form their own server. After a few weeks we decided to finally do it. Several of us broke away from BestRP, held a meeting, and decided to found our own server. In total, there were initially 6 of us: Necaladun, Mkenner, Regens, Ponies, Kodos, El Diablo Shadow, and myself. These are the original founding fathers of Paradise and the original administrative team. The first time that all of us had logged into Paradise was September 5th, 2013, which is the date I consider to be our founding date (there were a couple individuals, such as Regens and Ponies, who had logged on a week prior, but no agreement about Paradise had been established yet). Paradise initially ran off a paid yet shared server hosting service that was specialized for BYOND. It was exciting, but in retrospect, the service was incredibly basic, lacking, and overpriced. There was no database, redundancy, or anything like that. You uploaded a few files and selected which was the executable. No real tools to reset things, no extensive logging---all basic. Still, it marked that we had struck out on our own. Paradise stayed quite small, originally—we rarely exceeded 20 players. IcedV, ABlueFoxNight/AoiKitunse, Ours, and a few others all migrated over from BestRP. I was even able to convince the person who introduced me to SS13, DaveTheHeadcrab, to join. It was also during this time that we acquired some future admins and coders, such as Heroo12, and Tigercat. Over the course of the next few months Neca asked if I’d be interested in also being Headmin instead of just a regular admin ---I accepted and helped keep an eye on the server and its administration. By December we were growing quite rapidly; we reached 50+ players by that point. That doesn’t sound like much by today’s standards, but that was quite large for SS13 in 2013. It was also around this time I started playing on Goonstation, where I was able to form friendships with Cogwerks, Keelin, and ISaidNo (responsible for chemistry, genetics, and botany respectively). It was through this friendship and working with VG Station’s N3X15 that we were able to bring the very first open-source garbage collector to SS13. As a side note, my time playing on Goonstation eventually led me to being the first and only person to discover Goonstation’s “magnum opus” secret chemical, werewolf serum. A few months later, however, I decided it was time for me to step down and retire; SS13 had become so normalized for me that I felt it wasn’t really filling the initial gap it hit when I first started playing. I didn’t stay retired long though, only a few months; I got the craving to start playing against in late July or August of 2014. When I returned, Paradise was a bit on the decline, but I still met a few more great people---it was at this time that I got to know FullOfSkittles. That downturn at Paradise quickly turned into a crash, sadly. Neca retired again, Ponies’ real life and career became far busier, and he had to step away---there were no other Headmins and no Headcoder. Code contribution tanked, and we lost virtually all our admins, save a few (such as Regens and BoneWhite). To say we were on the verge of utter collapse would be an understatement; at times our population numbers sunk into single digits. Neca returned long enough to offer me the Headmin position again and Ponies also returned for a short period to offer me the keys to the code base in addition to all his authority. After thinking about it hard for two weeks, I decided I didn’t want to see this community I helped found and build die. It was a lot of hard work rebuilding what was lost, and I can’t put all that credit on my own shoulders in rebuilding things. I hired FalseIncarnate as an admin and accepted a lot of help from MarkVA to help get us back on track, code wise. A few senior admins, such as Regens and Kluys bumped up their activity or returned. It was also at this point that I got thrown into the deep end of the pool with respect to coding. I was by no means the most experienced at that time, but there was no one else to drive the codebase forward, so it was a sink or swim moment—again, I couldn’t let this community die. Upon having discussions with both MarkVA and DaveTheHeadcrab, I chose to start focusing on balance and leaning into TG for design cues and coding standards, as they were the highest form at that time. To say the least, this decision was a bit controversial. I definitely made my fair share of mistakes along the way that I take responsibility for, but ultimately, I did try my best and always had a mind for trying to make the server better for a larger portion of the community. This meant standardizing the rules, having less favoritism with certain players, and changing some long-loved balance and design aspects into a healthier mix. I knew it would ruffle feathers, but my motivations were always to try to make Paradise better. By December things were looking up again; our player numbers had recovered to a new peak, new admins were hired, and a few old faces returned. We were also invigorated by a lot of new designs, features, and a more balanced codebase. The foundations laid for the garbage collector allowed us to have improved performance, too. It was also during this time that DZD and Tigercat really started coming into their own as coders, with both starting to make major contributions to Paradise. This takes us up to 2015, when Ponies returned, and a new system was put in place for codebase contribution; instead of me making decisions by myself, there would be a committee of Maintainers; initially this was DZD, Myself, and Ponies. We could reach consensus on what we felt belonged or did not. After the dust settled on this new system, I took interest in designing a canine-like race for SS13. FullofSkittles had put a few of her sprites up on Paradise’s forums; I used her werewolf sprite as a basis and began coding and testing it out—I also mentioned my interest in a canine-like race to Skittles and showed her a few screenshots using the werewolf sprite. Unbeknownst to me, she also had an interest in seeing a canine-like race too and had been working on sprites. We continued collaboration which led to us co-creating the Vulpkanin, which I still consider the height of my SS13 contributions (garbage collector being second). The amount of people who played Vulpkanin, only to discover new aspects, traits, or dimensions of their personal real lives and personality and how it impacted them, has been especially heartwarming over the years. The creation of the Vulpkanin, though…unfortunately led to a dark period for me. You see, SS13 wasn’t nearly as open and accepting back then as it was now. It still carried a lot of baggage from its /VG and Something Awful roots; intolerance was high and furries were especially hated. Needless to say, creating such a race brought a lot of extreme hate directed at me. For the greater part of the rest of 2015 and into 2016, a dedicated group of players made it their sole purpose in life to show up to the server and kill me in game, inconvenience me in medical as much as possible, and trump up fake arrest charges. Eventually this graduated into the formation of the “Furry Freedom Force” who would show up and demand I be removed from Maintainer and Vulpkanin removed or the “bombings would continue” …. then 4-6 tank transfer bombs would blow across the station. When this didn’t work, they then insisted I was their secret leader and because the server wasn’t a furry oriented server, the “bombing would continue until the demands of our leader, Fox, are met”. Like most trolls though, they grew bored and eventually left. What didn’t improve, however, was Reddit. Here, vile statements were often made about myself and Paradise---which continued well into 2016-2017 and didn’t really conclude until the famous downfall of Feweh, who, it was found out, developed dozens of sock puppet accounts to parrot points of how bad I was and especially how bad Paradise was. I can’t help but think forming a good relationship with Goonstation’s staff (who were primarily responsible for handling Feweh) helped in this department. The next few years were defined by a continued expansion of our original scope. As Paradise shed a lot of the trolls and haters, it became easier to focus on code developments. Tigercat, Krausus, TastyFish, CrazyLemon, AuroraBlade/Fethas, and a few others all were major contributors that helped us grow by leaps and bounds. We were no longer a fly-by-night codebase or server—we had matured and come into our own. After this time, we encountered some unique challenges with hosting, but thanks to Alffd, we were able to get back on our feet and keep the lights on. It was also here that AffectedArc began his redemption arc---from, quite frankly, an annoying pain in the butt to someone who was a lot more thoughtful and considerate----and he showed great promise in his code contributions to boot; he later went on to become one of our best Maintainers and eventually later still our server host. It’s especially been a pleasure working with him over the years. Our code standards tightened further, we established more well documented standards, formalized the decision-making process for PR approval, involved the Headmins, and established more community input, which brings us to the present. To say the least, it’s been a monumental journey and one that I am immensely happy I was a part of. I’m happy to retire, having seen Paradise grow so much, and I truly can’t thank the community and staff enough for having the opportunity to serve Paradise for 10 years. I could go on and on, with all the people who I’ve met over the years, but those stories could fill a hundred pages. Plenty of people had high impacts, too, even if not detailed here, just to name a few: Kasparov, Tully, ChibiTaur, Denghis, Klees & Shina Hoonkins, RB303, Von Bon, Alex Shreds, Archie, Doc/Evie, Jovan, Lowlander, Paranoid Sofa, Pierre, Ryan/Zan, DarkPyroLord/Valthorne, Skyping, StreakyHadock, DragonSlayer932, SteelSlayer, Elysian Prince, ADRKiller, FlattestGuitar, FreeStyla, Fludd12, Ansari, Exa, DumbDumb/Slade, Jayfeather, Normaly, RadiantFlash, Sassnek, Saywat, SkyPing, GuiltyBeans, Rurik, Toodles, Twinmold, UC Guy, Kitsa, Mochi, Ty Omaha, all the individuals mentioned in the body of this post, among dozens upon dozens of other players and staff are to name just a few of the people who have all impacted my life through this journey. I’ll still continue to be active in the Paradise Discord and will likely even pop on the server from time to time, so don’t worry, I’m not going to completely disappear, so feel free to drop me a line on Discord some time. It's been a truly wonderful experience and ride, and I look forward to seeing how Paradise develops and continues to grow over the coming years. It’s been an honor. Goodbye, Farewell, Amen. - Fox
    48 points
  2. Hello Everyone! I've kept this pretty under wraps outside of the staff team so this may come as a surprise to some people. This upcoming week I will be stepping down from the position of Head of Staff and handing over my responsibilities over to a new head of staff (yet to be announced). This is for a myriad of reasons beyond just generally being less active in the server, I've taken on a lot more responsibility in my life and am now taking a much more active role in my own professional development as I finish my university degree and gear up for a career in public education policy. I think this will be a very positive development for the server, I've done a lot and I am also a firm believer that frequent but consistent turnover in roles such as head of staff will ensure that someone active and motivated will always be there to lead the way. For that reason I've very excited for our new head of staff to takeover and carry on this role. I would like to note that this is far from the end of my career at Paradise. I will be moving laterally into a role that more directly deals with player/community contributions. I hope to more heavily support the Lore, Wiki, and Development team in whatever ways I am able. These are the things that ignited my passion in this community and I hope returning to them will stoke that flame again. That being said, I've been grateful for the 10 months I've spent as one of your heads of staff and I felt like I built a much deeper connection with this community because of it. Thanks for putting you trust in me this year!
    36 points
  3. Warning - This is going to get incredibly nerd in places and I apologise. If you want clarifications in places, let me know. Chapter 1 - The warning shots For the past month or so, the server has been slightly unstable. As you can see here, theres server Watch Dog warnings about a server crash. This isn't good, but I chalked it up to BYOND for the longest time as that was the status quo, with everything recovering fine afterwards. Little did I know of the storm that was brewing. Chapter 2 - The first outage As a lot of you probably remember, we had an outage on the 15th of August 2023. Before making this announcement, I assumed it to just be the game VM itself crashing due to windows kicking up the ghost, with the only real indication being that Corn was unable to login to the management VPN. (For context - the management VPN is what gives access to all the Paradise virtual machines, similar to a work-from-home VPN you might have at your company). The fact that Corn couldn't even connect to this is what made me go "oh fuck its bad", especially with the hypervisor just not responding to stop commands, but after 6 hours and a full machine reboot (which it did itself), I assumed it was just a blip, and we moved on. However, this was indeed the calm before the storm. Chapter 3 - The real catastrophe Picture this. Its 10AM on a Monday morning (28th August 2023). You're lay in bed, enjoying a bank holiday (for the non UK people, we have bank holidays on random days in the year, which is basically a government mandated "ok its not a national holiday but you dont have to work" day), when I get the following message. Unbeknownst to Adri, the entire server had just shat itself, hardcore. A bit of background. Paradise is made up of 8 virtual machines running on the hypervisor (the server that runs the VMs). These consist of: A router for managing internal IPs and a management VPN (Own VM because pfsense + stability requirements) The core server with the database, ALICE, and about 10 internal automation tools (Own VM because its everything else) The webserver with the wiki, forums, and all the backend stuff (Own VM because its such a huge vector) The game server itself (Own VM because it needs windows) A server dedicated to Elasticsearch + Kibana for log & metric analysis (own VM so I can give Denghis the keys and leave him to it) An internal GitLab (Own VM to confine the fuck out of it) A PRTG runner for network monitoring (Own VM because it needs windows and its not going on the gameserver) A VM for Corn to make his stats thing Anyway, I proceed to get out of bed and go to login to the server panel, only to be hit with a page timeout. So my next assumption is "oh its networking", but then I dig further and realise how fucked we are. For those unfamiliar, a segmentation fault is when a program tries to read RAM it isn't allowed to. But thats not all! My next mentality is to try reinstall the Proxmox packages, so we can use the hypervisor again. Thats when I got a kernel error trying to merely run apt update. So as you can see, its already running bad. But wait. It gets worse! I ran the same command (a version check) twice within the same second. One worked, one died instantly. The same also happened with a check script. And trying to list VMs again, it worked half the time. And above all, straight up corruption So at this point, I establish there is something up, and do the logical thing of a memtest. Which it somehow passed. So my next assumption is "Oh the OS is corrupt somehow, lets move the VMs off to get it fixed". This then unearthed a whole other pile of problems. Paradise has ~1.2TB of data, and all that has to go somewhere if you are wiping the disk, and the only backup I had on hand big enough was a storage share in germany, so I started backing up VMs to that. If you do the maths, you can see that this will take a long time. So I then went to provision storage in eastern US, and at this point you can tell I was out of cares to give. I needed fast, dependable storage, so I went to Azure. This helped. Considerably. However, we were now 8 hours in, and the "oh god this is bad" mentality was setting in, especially with the server getting more and more unstable by the second. This dragged on, and we started to run low on time, which is when the "I ain't getting this done in a day" mentality set in, however I had all the VMs backed up, some in Germany, some in the US, and I was ready to reinstall the OS. So I grabbed a fresh copy of debian, the most stable thing I can get, and booted into the hardware console for the server, ready to reinstall. That's when the debian installer segfaulted on me. I rebooted, it got past that, then died in a separate place. The RAM was fine, and neither of these segfaults were at point where a disk write was required, which led to finally point a finger at the CPU being fucked. It would line up with everything else, however at this point it was 1AM, I had work the following day, so I had to throw in the towel and go at it the following day. Chapter 4 - The next day I get home from work, and immediately get shopping for another server. There's another 13900K in stock, and I grab it. OS installs without a hitch, and notice the board is a new revision compared to our outgoing server (not just a different BIOS, a straight up different hardware revision). The main "oh this one is better" point was that I didn't have to blacklist half the motherboard modules this time. For context server motherboards have extra features on them to help with management, such as a virtual monitor+keyboard+mouse so you can control it remote-desktop style remotely without an OS loaded. Its bloody neat. However, to get this board working on the old server, I had to make the OS completely ignore all these modules, otherwise it would hard lock whenever it tried to interface with it, which clearly isn't desirable behaviour. Anyway, I get proxmox installed, setup a basic bit of networking so I have a management VPN again, and then get to deploying the VMs. Which turned out to be a very, very slow restore process. Half of the VMs were stuck in Germany at this point, with a 1 megabyte restore speed, so I then went to move them from Germany to US-E to restore them faster. However: This would take 8 hours. I dont have time for that. However, we have more Azure regions. This helped. Considerably. The final step was to get it moved from EU-W to US-E, which can easily be done with AzCopy, going via Microsoft's backbone instead of my own upload speed. Anyway, enough backup talk, by this point it was restoring onto the new box, and I thought we had the light at the end of the tunnel. I even threw up the gameserver before everything else was ready because people had been patient and not bugged me, not to mention the support thrown my way (bless all of you who pitched in). I launched the server, stability checked it, then went to bed. Chapter 5 - The light? Day 3, I wake up, spin the last VMs up that I had left to restore overnight, did some quick validation, and all looked fine. No pings of downtime overnight, and I think we are finally sorted, so I leave for work and pretend all is fine. I get home, and notice that TD is worse off than before. Like, 15% TD with 80 people, that is not a good amount when we can normally handle 150 people with about 1% TD, so I go to investigate clocks, and notice we are running at 3.4Ghz. Our target is 5.8Ghz, so theres a lot of performance missing here. Fast forward 3 hours of fucking with various power limits both in the OS and the BIOS, and I throw in the towel. I am beat. The server is running, but she isn't running optimally. Shes basically a car in limp mode. Upon investigation, the CPU voltage fluctuates from as high as 1.08V all the way down to 0.72V, which for a 13900KF is very low. With little time to figure this out since I cant change BIOS settings without taking the server down, I bit the bullet and decided we can run on gimped performance now. Chapter 6 - What now? So we are running, but far from optimally. We are missing out on performance, but it runs, and I am in 2 minds of whether to investigate it. Intel 14th gen is rumoured to come out in September/October time, which lines up well with out upgrade schedule given its only a month or two away. There's also the option of RYZEN on the table still, with a 7950X not only being affordable on a better config for us ($200 instead of $300, and with more storage), so I guess we wait for what the tide brings us. People have also mentioned that on kernel 6.2, the intel power state governer was modified, which may be the cause for this, since we were on 5.10 before. I also want to take this to handle some points of criticism that came up during this "Why is it down for 24 hours why arent you fixing it?" Contrary to the stereotype, some of us have jobs, including me. Given I dont get paid for doing anything regarding hosting on paradise, theres a clear priority here to do actual work over para. Remember, I am a volunteer here, as are the headcoders, the admins, and everyone else. No one is paid here "Why dont you have a team of people doing this?" We dont really have an infrastructure team on this scale because its never really been required. I have Corn as a subordinate to manage stuff on the VMs themselves, and Denghis to handle the log analytics stack, but thats where 99% of it goes. Hypervisor management never really comes into play, nor does the hardware itself, hence why I never rolled out a team for it, and probably never will. "Why dont you have a high availability setup?" Simple - cost. Our server costs $300 a month. We are not doubling our monthly outlay for a box thats going to get maybe a days use over an entire year. "Why dont you use cloud?" This is a point I will actually expand upon. SS13 is not designed for cloud hosting, simple as. Most cloud PaaS offerings are for generic business things (See: Azure Logic Apps), and any PaaS hosting is always for webapps with 80+443 being your only exports. Theres also the issue with performance. No cloud provider will outfit machines with 13900K CPUs, its not viable for a multitude of reasons, and the single-core performance on xeon (which is what BYOND needs remember) is laughable compared to a standard Core-SKU CPU. The other big hitter is bandwidth. We use 5TB of outbound bandwidth a month. On Azure this is $426 a month. On AWS this is $460 a month. And no, that doesn't include the server or any other resources. Cloud makes sense for businesses. We are not a business. Chapter 7 - Closing notes I just want to take a moment to thank everyone for sticking through this with me. This is undoubtedly the worst outage in Paradise history, and I do feel responsible since it rests on me, however you lot have been supportive through the entire thing and that has really helped me mentally wise. Thank you to all of you. - aa07 EDIT - Forgot to mention We've been through three of these boxes now.
    31 points
  4. hello forum dwellers you know how this goes by now, there isnt as much as i would like on here since i haven't been playing as much but i thought since today is my anniversary of my birth ill get this out of the way and make the next one far later. press the heart button or leave a reaction plz this takes forever if you haven't seen previous instalments, view them here Atez, the lore so far. Atez, the Second Saga
    16 points
  5. I pretty much just wanted to make a forum post saying, along with Sirryan and Shadeykins, I am a wiki manager now! You can find me most active on the discord server, but I do check the forums. I am hoping for an active community on the wiki, now that I have the perms to help out even more. The game is constantly growing and changing, and it's difficult for the wiki to reflect that, so if you ever notice something missing or needs changing, and wanna give editing a shot, please do! Give us a shout too if you can't for whatever reason. Here's a guide to editing the wiki: https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Guide_to_Editing_the_Wiki You can also ask any questions on the discord in the #wiki-development channel. What would be even more helpful for your wiki journey is having your own server, so you have easy access to the newest code and sprites or just using the test server! A guide to that is here: https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Guide_to_Contributing#I_am_Completely_New (read from the start to forking paracode) I would love to see more people reading the wiki and helping out! See you around B)
    11 points
  6. //Note: This employment record is not up to date and exclusively recognizes Orlando GT-R as an Integrated Positronic Chassis Unit.// Name: Orlando GT-R (V1) Age: Simulates the age of an 18 year old Human, Born 2567-02-29 Gender: Female Race: Machine/Integrated Positronic Chassis Blood Type: N/A General Occupational Role(s): Assistant, Science Chemist, Security Officer Biography: Employment Records: Security Records: Medical Records: Other Notes: Personal Relationships Astra - "I had nothing but you, and I wanted nothing more. I have been, and still are, faithful to you." ANGL-000 - "Your words meant the world to me." Anokhi - "...I'm glad that I can rely on you." Zouri Essouser- "You really are like an older sister." Pandora - "...I don't think you like me very much, but I'm glad to know that you have my back." Mico - "Mico. Friend." Plash - "You're certainly blunt, but everyone needs at least one terribly honest friend." Gloppie - "You taught me everything I know but not everything you know." Letov Tarasovich - "You're a weird guy. I hope that you don't, uh, blow up one day..." TAO-3 - "...Thank you for letting me know that she will be okay." Matthew Reaver - "You'd die for people you hardly know. That's good enough for me." Basil Tamaya - "...I am thou, and thou art I. Can't say we're the best of friends, though." Beryl - "I'm... Really sorry it didn't work out for you." Leslie Dufresne - "You can't blame me for things that didn't even happen yet. That wasn't fair to me." ANGELA GT-S - "You took my sense of self away from me. Now that I've left, I want nothing to do with you." ANGELA GT-R V2 - "..." Admire | Family | Romantically Involved | Close Friend | Friend | Respected | Acquaintance | Dislike | Hate | Fear
    11 points
  7. A lot of changes are happening thanks to Lore Team, and we need players to get reading. Lore is going through a delicate stage, and it has a lot of room to grow. This is where you come in, we want you to read a page or more, and talk about what you think! Lore Team want to hear it, and are open to discussions. If you have anything to say, or what could need improving, reply on this topic or in #lore-chat on the Discord! It's fine if you haven't read lore till now, just general opinions of the writing is good. Core pages to be read: Nanotrasen The Syndicate (WIP) Trans-Solar Federation (WIP) Primer (WIP) Filler pages (optional but cool): Athland Mining Company (WIP) Sol System (WIP) Corporate Factions (WIP) Be aware this is not finalized and the lore may change at any point. Species Lore isn't here yet, come back later. Read 2023 November's Lore Update HERE Lore Portal HERE (By the way, I will be making a wiki update post soon, it will be a December & January update)
    10 points
  8. Why do I wear the suit? I don't actually know. I liked putting on a costume because I thought it was funny. It all started when I was a tider. Being arrested, beaten or murdered can be comedic. But it is way funnier if the one being assaulted is dressed like a snowman or a jester. So, while doing my admittedly childish and annoying antics, I wore a costume. So when I got discovered, the person who found me could enjoy robusting me a little more. Costumes just add a little bit of wackyness to every situation. Then I started wearing the chicken suit more and more. Unlike, say, the snowman suit, the chicken suit doesn't block automenders or surgery. So you don't need to take it off in medbay. Yet it covers the whole body. The perfect non-spess proof spess suit. So I found myself wearing it more often than not. Slowly, at first, it grew on me. I became attached to it. But the more I wore it, the more I enjoyed it. To the point that I now feel naked without it. I've had psychiatrists try to "cure" me with drugs, hypnosis and even surgery. After the hypnosis, I felt the urge to send all of my money to the psychiatrist. But, if anything, I enjoyed wearing the suit even more. Especially while on drugs. Over time I've learned to embrace my suit. And feel comfortable in my own skin. Feathers and all. I am the guy in the chicken suit. And that's ok. Cluck.
    10 points
  9. Hello everyone! This will be the first of, hopefully, monthly-ish updates on the state of the Lore of Paradise Station. For those who don’t know, around June 2023 the Paradise server staff decided to improve the server’s lore, as it was clear through community surveys that the quality of the current lore was not up to standards. The staff recognizes that inconsistent lore makes good roleplay difficult. And that’s where the Lore Team comes in! We have been working since in several areas of the lore, starting with the general ideas for the game lore (What is the main purpose of the stations? Research? Mining resources? Manufacturing?) to have a background to write onto, and to ensure we are all on the same page. After that, we moved onto more specific areas and Wiki pages, and progress has been steady since. However, there is a blatant problem with this approach. Unless you kept watch over the #lore-chat discord channel every day, or visited the different wiki pages often, it was very difficult to know what had been changed, updated, or blatantly removed. This is why we decided to steal be inspired by the Wiki Development update posts, and do something similar for the lore. Our Objectives Improve and standardize the quality of the lore pages in the wiki, making them appealing to the general population of the server. Lore should inspire people to create their own stories and characters, we are not here to write a book! This includes not having to give an explanation to everything in game – some things are mysterious by design. Introduce more lore aspects into the game proper. This does not mean changing gameplay aspects due to lore - as fun, balance and maintainability will always come first. But rather, try to introduce the lore into the game as seamlessly as possible: for example, with item descriptions, posters, or in-game menus/interfaces. Design our lore to be new-player friendly and always keep in mind that this is a new player welcoming server, and not a HRP one. Deeper lore is there for those who want to interact with it, but it should never be mandatory. Try to improve old lore rather than rewriting it completely when possible. This should be done to keep the disruption of current characters/backstories/etc. to a minimum. Avoid making Nanotrasen the centre of everything. In old lore, Nanotrasen had infinite power and influence, they discovered all technology and species, and were able to do everything you may think of. We are trying to steer away from this, and give other factions and species more agency. Uphold the collaborative process of lore writing. While there is an official Lore Team now, ideas and even content as a whole will be taken from the general population. Do not be afraid to send us your own writings, thoughts and stories. Even if they do not end up being “canon”, other players will surely enjoy reading through them. Updated Pages: Content we have worked on, and are satisfied with their current status. This does not mean they will not be improved in the future, just that we have moved onto different projects. Lore Primer: intended to be the first stop for someone who wants to know about the lore, the previous version of this page had lots of information irrelevant for someone who just wants to know the basics. This is why it was mostly rewritten and reordered, so now a new player can get all the information they need to play in the first few sections: What are they doing in the station, what Nanotrasen is, a small overview of the available species, and some terms relevant to the game. Be aware that while “finished”, as this is an overview of the lore, its contents will depend greatly on the rest of the content. As such, this will be modified as it stops being accurate – for example, the timeline is currently being worked on. Nanotrasen: Being the company every character works for, and the most important faction in the game, this had to be one of the earliest pages for us to review. It contains the history of the company, deeply interwoven with Human -and by extension, Trans-Solar Federation’s- history. It also explains how Nanotrasen presents itself as a brand to an everyday person, and as a bonus, we have included lore backgrounds to all the current playable stations. All the remaps of the NSS Cyberiad are now canon! Corporate factions: While we would like to add more in the future, these are the ones we’ve worked on for now. Each corporate faction has a small explanation now, which would help players to make characters related to these corporations, whether they were their previous employers, or simply to know what opinion their characters would have of these smaller companies. Currently working on: These contents, being a work in progress, will not always be publicly available in the wiki – specially in the early stages. However, if a link to the wiki is provided, feel free to give your feedback! The Syndicate: the second most important faction in the game by far, could not be left behind. The goal is to explain how the Syndicate came to be, expand on their main goal – the destabilization of Nanotrasen and their plasma monopoly –, and show some of the factions that take part in this criminal conglomerate. A description on their operations, ranging from Operatives, Contractors and Nuclear Teams is also included. We hope that this extra information prompts players into being more creative with their antagonist runs, trying to play into the bigger conflict. Trans-Solar Federation: the main human political faction is shaping to be a big lore document. The militaristic aspect of the government is being made even more apparent, and their story expanded. Their relationship with Nanotrasen is being made more clear – spoiler: it is not good. All in all, there will be a lot to draw from if you want to make a character that originates from the TSF. Lavaland: this is a difficult topic to approach, as part of the appeal Lavaland has is the unknown. You want enough information to make it enticing and appealing, but not too much so the veil of mystery remains. Drawing the line between these two is not easy task, but we are trying to catalog the structures, lifeforms and “purpose” of Lavaland in a way reminiscent of that of a researcher. Theories will be laid out, but definite answers will not be given to everything – letting players come up with their own explanations. Althland Mining Company: A brand new addition to the lore, the idea behind Althland came from the idea of having ruins, both in space and Lavaland, contribute to the game lore instead of being random additions. As such, this small company was created, and are now the ones who operated in Lavaland before Nanotrasen. Together with the lore page, two new ruins were added to Lavaland. We encourage you to explore the surface of the planet, and see if you are able to find the Ruined Refinery or the Excavation Pit! We also suggest you be careful around the chasm… Future plans Other antagonist roles: while the Syndicate is the most prominent in-game enemy, others such as Vampires, Changelings or biohazards require some love and attention as well. Species lore: we know this is the part of the lore most people want to see reworked. We also know it will be the most difficult one, as is the one that directly affects players the most. As we are aware some of you are very invested into the lore of the species you play the most, we want to know what specific aspects of their lore you want to see changed, improved, or simply gone. Expect us to contact you when we start working on this!
    9 points
  10. Basic Information Name: Pandora (Violet) Age: 30 Gender: Female Race: Slime Person Blood Type: Slime Jelly General Occupational Roles Detective Security Officer Spelunker (Shaft Miner) Assistant Biography Pandora was born into the midst of Xarxis 5's industrialization, into one of many newly-built cities on the planet's surface. For reasons now lost, her and her sister, Skoll, were left behind at a fairly young age as the rest of the tribe that had brought them into the city moved on to elsewhere. The duo managed to fend for themselves in the city's underbelly for some years before stowing away on a spacebound vessel, where they would be discovered and left at a nearby station to be later discovered by the Ebony Saber, a mercenary vessel, as it stopped for supplies. The crew of the Ebony Saber quickly took to the slime duo, teaching them lessons their upbringing on Xarxis missed and helping them to learn common - with the side effect of their teacher's thick accent imprinting on them. As they were the only slimes aboard, however, their bubblish names were unwieldy for the rest of the crew to use and, as such, they were given their names - hence Pandora's atypical human name. The Ebony Saber's mission, headed by its captain Caden 'Ahab' Shea, was to take down a prominent (at the time) robotics company, Phoenix Industries, for reasons not relevant to this file. Once the company was toppled, the crew of the Saber, for the most part, dispersed. Caden turned to his childhood ambitions of forming a robotics company of his own, Fafnir Experimental Positronics. Without anywhere else to turn, Pandora and her sister assisted their old captain in his new venture. However, while Skoll was experienced with engineering due to her time on the Saber, Pandora's expertise in investigation did not convert easily to working with a smaller corporation, and so she found herself searching for employment in Nanotrasen. Qualifications (Lower-level certifications omitted, e.g. 'Basics of Space Law.') NT Advanced Forensics and Investigation Certification NT Advanced Interpretations of Space Law Course (Passed) NT Enemy of the Corporation Identification Certification NT Flora and Fauna of Epsilon Eridani Course (Passed) NT Tactical Combat Casualty Care Certification Employment Records Security Records Medical Records Appearance Pandora is a relatively large slime woman, as compared to her peers, standing at 5'10 with an almost-toned build. Were it not for her bluish-white gel, she might be mistaken for a human. Flecks of basalt ash are embedded throughout her gel, giving an appearance similar to freckles - especially in a thick band across her face. Her gel and everything she handles frequently carries a faint smell of fruit and campfire smoke. Other Personal Relations Skoll - "M'sister. Far smarter'n me, but could drop th' coffee habit.." Anokhi - "I ain't gonna gush 'bout her. She's strong where I'm weak, an' a balm'n any sorrow." Caden 'Ahab' Shea - "I get it now. I'd do it too, 'n a heartbeat." Capella - "She's been w' me through a lot. I'm proud t' call her sister." Mico - "Friend." Bumble B - "Y'better be takin' care'o Capella.." Beryl - "He's funny, 'n a weird, ironic way. I feel kinda bad, though.." Orlando GT-R - "She's matured recently. Ain't good circumstances, but.." Matthew Reaver - "Has m'back. Gotta get t'know 'em more, though." Basil Tamaya - "I ain't impressed w' 'er. I'm glad I ain't that fuckin' Letov guy." Tara Ricord - "Y'knew damn well how that was gonna affect me, an' y'still did it." Admire | Family | Romantically Involved | Close Friend | Friend | Respected | Acquaintance | Dislike | Hate | Fear
    8 points
  11. Chef is probably the best singleplayer role on station. Not only do you have the kitchen to yourself, but the game mechanically reinforces your autonomy by giving you CQC to give the beatdown to assholes who break in. As much as I appreciate the sentiment that SS13 is a cooperative roleplaying game, that only works if the other crew aren't the most obnoxious brats ever to grace the sector. No amount of roleplaying potential can fix a situation like: Assistant: *walks up to kitchen door with a locker slamming the airlock* Chef: What do you want? Assistant: Let me in. Chef: Why? Assistant: *starts hacking door* Chef: Stop it, I'm warning you. Assistant: *breaks in* Chef: *knocks their block off* Assistant: I BROUGHT YOU MEAT, I'M TRYING TO HELP Chef: I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP AND I DIDN'T ASK FOR A BUNCH OF ANIMAL CARCASSES AND WHY DIDN'T YOU START BY SAYING THAT INSTEAD OF WORDLESSLY BREAKING INTO MY DEPARTMENT (repeat every shift)
    8 points
  12. It turns out locking does not stop the spam-hide/unhiding of posts. If youre going to call people out for what you suppose is non-transparency and issues, please kindly dont hide the post yourself afterwards and make it look like we could have possibly hid it. It doesnt look good on us and it DEFINITELY doesnt look good on you. If you want us to be more transparent for issues, lets not hide the replies okay?
    8 points
  13. Name: CRUNCH (formerly Harry Justinson) Age: 38 DOB: 3 March 2530 Gender: Male Race: Cyborg (Human) Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Engineering cyborg Flavour text: Qualifications: Engineering Construction Qualification Engine Operator Certification Atmospherics Technician Certification Firefighting and Prevention Training Basic Marksmanship Training Zero-Gravity EVA (Hostile Environments) Training Combat Fortifications Specialisation Training Sabotage and Sapping Training Combat First Aid (Basic) Training Accolades: Employment Records: [FOR COMPANY USE ONLY - seek HoP approval before viewing.] Security Records: [CONFIDENTIAL: AUTHORISED SECURITY PERSONNEL OR COMMAND CREW ONLY.] Medical Records: [CONFIDENTIAL: AUTHORISED MEDICAL PERSONNEL ONLY.] Personnel Photo: Contents - Footage of CRUNCH, archived TSF service photograph of Harry Justinson.
    7 points
  14. Recently, I heard a lot of ideas thrown around. Ideas about giving so-called "RP Jobs" (bartender, librarian, chaplain, psych, barber) more content. You know, make them more needed in the round. One argument I heard, is that "they are boring, they have nothing to do". I agree with that. So I would like to present my plan to make them more fun! 1. Turn off VSC and Git, you won't need them here. 2. Join a round of Para. 3. Go to, for example, library. 4. Ask the librarian to lend you a book. There, librarian content. Let's try another one! 1. Join a round of Para. 2. Schedule a meeting with the psychologist. 3. Go to them, have a long and deep talk about your character's problems. And there, one happy psychologist player! The REAL problem with "RP Jobs" is that people ignore them. You want them to be more fun? Then stop doing that. Go and interact with them. The two minutes you spend having your hair cut is the BEST thing you can do to make these jobs actually fun. They do not need any stupid features (magic healing stick for psych, really?), they need attention in-game. Problem of course goes both ways. People playing jobs for bullshit gamer bonuses, like chaplain for le funny sword, or psych for meth. That kind of people certainly do not care about RP with you. This post is also a call to them - there is more in this game than le funny. Go and try talking with people, even if THEY may not want to. I get that it is boring to get ignored for two hours straight, but if this post gets any attention, people just might make your round more fun! After all, ss13 is an RP game. It makes sense for RP jobs to exist, and for people to interact with them. There are more ways to change something than only with code. We just need to try.
    7 points
  15. You know what time it is. Monthly forum post on the wiki! Sorry this one is literally right after October, but it's been a rather busy month and a lot of changes too. Since my last post in September, there's been a slight uptick of people interested in contributing. It's very exciting to see this and I appreciate the community's efforts so far. Sadly, Sirryan is stepping down from Head of Staff, however this doesn't mean bad things! He will be still helping with Lore and Wiki, so if you see him around, say hi. He was fundamental to building the wiki to what it is today, along with Shadeykins! They know their stuff. Revision Requests & Changelog Requests We have done quite well this month, but more always needs to be done on the wiki! Here's what needs doing: Apparel may have some missing clothes. Some might not be in game anymore either. MODsuits missing stats and needs refinement. Pulse Demon needs to be expanded more, if you know anything about the new midround antag, please contribute. Service Items being worked on, thanks to @Wartrooper122. Guide to Command needs a rewrite, or at least better formatting. Guide to Combat still needs work. Ask @DGamerL if you want to help contribute. Identifying Antagonists needs better formatting. Guide to Regex needs better formatting and more information. Guide to Cargo needs a section on Mail written. Make sure to check the Maintenance Panel too for anything I missed, as well as the Github for any merged PRs that need wiki updates. The bot on the discord in the #wiki-development channel also updates us on that. This isn't a definite list whatsoever, and if you find anything else that needs doing, go ahead! October Changelog We have had quite a few changes this month and I would like you guys to check it out. Give any feedback, any adjustments and what not: Guide to Hydrophonics and Botanist has had some big changes, thanks to @MigratingCoconut It still needs some condensing, so say how you feel about it! Guide to Surgery is testing out a new way of showing how to do Surgery, thanks to @Imnotthesharpest. Tell us if this is an improvement to the old lists or not. Firearms also got a complete makeover, thanks to @Imnotthesharpest again. Guide to Food and Drinks has split into two pages now! It's now Guide to Food, and Guide to Drinks. This is due to the updates that food is now getting, such as many new recipes. Update those bookmarks! Space Law has been changed to reflect a new crime (NOT really new), Possession of a Restricted Weapon/Item. This should hopefully lead to less confusion and clarifies Space Law cares about weapons AND items. Standard Operating Procedure We are aware the SOPs need a update. I am currently discussing with the Heads of Staff and the other Wiki Managers on how to do this. If you notice anything with the SOPs, tell us on the Discord server, as we have a thread dedicated to it in #wiki-development, or make a forum post! Lore You may have noticed, or maybe you haven't, but Lore Team is working on bringing new lore to the wiki! A lot of old lore is also being cleaned up or removed. A good example is the new and improved Nanotrasen and Athland Mining Company pages by @Octus, who is also on the Lore team. They need help however, and if you know how to edit the wiki and have ideas of displaying Lore in an attractive way, please ask them. You will find the Lore team in #lore-chat on the Discord server. Even if you don't, it's important others know what's happening. They are first working on world building, then doing species lore once that's done. 2023 Development Goals Not much to say for this portion of the post, but Portals are slowly but surely being worked on! if you know anything, please check them out. Portals heavily rely on templates, so this is a good opportunity to learn them too. Job Portals General - DONE Service - DONE Supply - DONE Medical - DONE Engineering - DONE Science - DONE Security - DONE Legal - DONE Command - DONE Synthetic - DONE Antagonist - DONE Special - WIP Contributor Portals Wiki Contributor - WIP Administrative Tooling - NEEDS TO BE MADE Github Contributor - WIP Technical Issues - WIP Game Mechanics Portals New Player - WIP Server Systems - WIP. Not sure what it's for. Game Objects - WIP Mobs - WIP Game Rounds - WIP Lore - WIP. Co-operate with the Lore Team for this. Thank you to everyone who has contributed this month. I hope I didn't miss anyone: @Jonttte@DGamerL@CinnamonSnowball@Generaldonothing @Chapitito @henri215@Sadhorizon@Octus@Wartrooper122@Shadeykins@Imnotthesharpest@Boardwalksky@Aligote@Mitchs98@Sciuridian@MigratingCoconut@PopeDaveThe3th Want to give editing the wiki a try? Start with these guides: Sirryan's and the Wiki's. You can also ask for any help and join in on the fun at the Discord server! We discuss the wiki in #wiki-development. The official MediaWiki is also very handy to look through. Conclusion I hope this wasn't too much of a doozy to read. I am glad to see more contributions this month however, and I hope we can keep it up! What makes the wiki unique is that it's a community effort and an easy start to contributing, but what you can do with it is amazing. Let's keep this going. OORAH.
    7 points
  16. My general idea for ages I've never gotten around to implementing is to have the current 'assistant' job renamed to Civilian, with numerous alt-titles such as tourist, off-duty, etc. Assistant itself should be a seperate job with limited slots, part of service, with an SoP that requires them to actually assist departments if they're able to. This could then have alt titles such as Engineering Assistant, Medbay Intern, etc. Thus we can split the people who want 0 responsibility and RP into their own job, and leave assistant for people who want to help out departments in minor ways, and be a great job for newbies.
    7 points
  17. It's almost the end of September, and it has been a month for sure, such as major updates like QM becoming Command. I thought I should start making these kinda posts, like Sirryan did in the past, to make the wiki more organized (hopefully). I won't be SUPER active for a bit, I am starting university soon, and it will be my 2nd year, but I will still be lurking around, contributing in the dark. Revision Requests & Changelog Some notable things I think need an update, however it's not a solid list. Just something people may wanna give a shot at. Pulse Demon needs to be expanded more, if you know anything about the new midround antag, please contribute. MODsuits needs to be expanded more, I believe some stats and modules are missing. Apparel needs to be expanded more....after a year. I am so sorry, Sirryan. Guide to Combat is being worked on, thanks to @DGamerL. Guide to Cargo is also been revived and worked on, thanks to @Sadhorizon and @Aligote. Guide to Command needs to be expanded more, potentially redone as well. Guide to Atmospherics is still due for a rewrite. Firearms needs a cleanup, some info may be outdated. Guide to Regex needs better formatting and expansion. Identifying Antagonists needs better formatting. Service Items needs to be expanded more. Supply Items needs to be expanded more. Still deciding what to do with Locations and it's areas. Only idea we have currently is intergrating the webmap somehow onto the wiki, or automating the process. Make sure to check the Maintenance Panel too for anything I missed, as well as the Github for any merged PRs that need wiki updates. The bot on the discord in the #wiki-development channel also updates us on that! Thanks to the contributors so far: @Boardwalksky @Aligote @Sadhorizon@DGamerL@MigratingCoconut@henri215@Aleyck@Silverplate@Octus@WolvesOfWar@Imnotthesharpest@Vengie1@Kuba890p@Gerando I think this is everyone, but not 100% sure. Either way, I appreciate everyone's work on the wiki. The wiki is very much a community effort and if you know a thing or two, I recommend you give it a try, with the guide here. Even a little grammar edit can be very helpful. The wiki wouldn't be the way it is today without the contribution, and I wanna try to keep that going. 2023 Development Goals I am not really making big goals for this year, but I do want to show what has changed since Sirryan did his goals in 2022. Since then, the portals have gotten more development. Job Portal is practically done, aside from Special Role. We also now have a Lore Team, so the Lore Portal is all theirs. If Lore Team needs help with the wiki, please do reach out. You can find them on Discord in the #lore-chat. Job Portals General - DONE Service - DONE Supply - DONE Medical - DONE Engineering - DONE Science - DONE Security - DONE Legal - DONE Command - DONE Synthetic - DONE Antagonist - DONE Special - WIP Contributor Portals Wiki Contributor - WIP Administrative Tooling - NEEDS TO BE MADE Github Contributor - WIP Technical Issues - WIP Game Mechanics Portals New Player - WIP Server Systems - WIP. Not sure what it's for. Game Objects - WIP Mobs - WIP Game Rounds - NEEDS TO BE MADE? Not sure how necessary it is, with the Antagonist Portal after all. Lore - WIP. Co-operate with the Lore Team for this. Good to see we managed to finish the Job Portal for the most part in the last year, it's just trying to get the others done now. Couldn't have done this without you guys! Conclusion This wasn't really a major update post, but it's a start for sure. Still trying to figure out my role as Wiki Manager and of course do my part, but I can't wait to see others contribute as well. There's a lot of things you can do on the wiki, what I mentioned is just a small portion really. I like the fact we can come together and make the game more accessible for everyone, so they can understand why we love it so much! See you next month if I don't forget to update.
    7 points
  18. Welcome to week one of AJC's weekly paradise challenges, where you can choose to complete challenges for... well... extra challenge incase regular space stationing is too easy Unfunctional Equip all of the disabilities and limb amputations Current Issue Contain a breached tesla ball Are you kidding me? As a traitor, vampire, or changeling, kill your target using a glass shard Detective Multi-Face As a changeling, impersonate and replace the detective, then successfully solve a case Signing off After a horrid disaster, become the last surviving crewmember and escape
    7 points
  19. Fully agree. My thoughts lie on the pull request for it, but in summary: We should be encouraging no-antistun play, not discouraging it. Locker dragging is one of the few things that keeps you from instantly going down to 20 disabler shots from one officer, only two of which need to connect to slow you down. While a few edge case during lowpop could make combat dragging feel "cheap" that is hardly worth this massive change that effects *everyone* on the server, not just the 20% that play security/antag. Plus, even on lowpop when you don't have an additional officer to cut someone off, it is okay to disengage and flank. Remember, even as an officer, you can pull back and re-position. The only "gamer move" I see here is meth, which is 5 times as effective at getting away than locker dragging, and lets you use it offensively to pick apart officers.
    7 points
  20. Prior and Maruu, Musicians to Aitne have given a little concert to the crew! It lasted about 25 minutes and was awesome, even with couple problems (read: shitters, wormholes, HoS refusing to turn off his flashlight and my internet absolutely dying) making it harder! I even heard we managed to sync our instruments enough to make it sound alright, which is an accomplishment in my eyes!
    7 points
  21. ztz#.t ..z.. z. _Zt_Z_Z pz --zz--zzZZZ#ZZ -- - ' : [;"\Unit -- ([C@libraTting..]) PERSONALITY:1;- : : "U C@NC OUnTNON.."]))] .. .. .. .. .. .. {[;/"Unit, define."]} ../ //-- UN1T "ALIAS": RH1-N0 SEX: Assumed Male, Masculine tone in their late 20's. A more posh, lighter accent. (Wales) CHASSIS: - Unfolded: RH1-N0 appears to be a generic black cat model with green eyes, pre-registered into the System Network. - Card form: There is an odd scent of aroma coming from the pAI, once the' zkzkkz--[{;/"{=PERSONALITY;"{]}\-zkx-..:; has been registered. There is a Sol Brand logo on the back of it's card that looks to be signed by two individuals. A stick is under the logo as well, indicating it's licensing term and proof of identification to NT Crewmembers on board. INTERNALS: Though RH1-N0 cant sense as much as normal crew, he can still understand the terminology of the body. RH1-N0 is made up of advanced components, the main parts being metal and wire scrap. An odd scent of coffee and tea fills the aroma when this pAI is near. AGE: . . my. .. .. zx.pc0o /zcxzcz-z-z -zzzz///{[;/"Over 300 years, Unit. Wake-= "z=-z]} ../ //---_ _ ALIGNMENT: M a s t e r . . [[../ ..'' ;EMPLOYEE QUaLIFIerS: .;' ';---z-I'l-Il kep._youUAL1V3.[{'//]/]..;--.. .. {[;/"Very persistent, that one. RH1-N0 has jobshadowed in every department over numerous times, and that's just over here on Sol, but I assume he's getting better practice out there, somewhere. What they really thrive in is making sure his current crew is taken care of, though he might not.. Act like it. Even though the individual does not have hands nor the weight to actually.. DRAG anything, RH1-N0 is not afraid of checking in on everyone and communication is getting read. General Occupation roles are as followed; Advisor, Diplomat, Adventurer, Friend.. He IS quite the character, that one...'end log'-..z./;]}z px o0=x=xx= /. . [everything after this point is jumbled...] .. .. . . . Hmm.. Odd, you think. Everything else in the database does not seem to be formatted correctly. That last bit of code was one of the most legible pieces of writing on here.. Illegible lines, marks and scribes are all scattered between many statements and definitions, especially after the end log. After giving it more thought, you wonder if this was even the work of a legal crewmember on board. It's just a cat, how bad can it be? I hope you do enjoy my little cat pAI bothering you all from time to time. I do try my best to help everyone and RP to the best of my ability with no hands! With a bit of banter here and there. :D Also hoped you didn't mind me adding some flare to text as well, cause... I'm not an actual crewmember but I think I've been on enough to be considered one. :dab: Cheers.
    7 points
  22. Safety inspector! We need more of them in this spess-age
    6 points
  23. The TRIUMPHANT return of the Drakearts. This time for @Qwertytoforty's Kicha. Gosh. What a nostalgic time running though this thread to get here... I love space station.
    6 points
  24. There is no longform excerpt, I lied. Hello friends, it's the player of your least favorite assistants; Orlando GT-R and Basil Tamaya. Roleplay is fun, and I'm mostly drawing paradise art and roleplaying at the same time. It's a great vibe. Most people know me on the Discord already, but I figured being on the forums is also nice. There's a lot that I missed out on simply by not being on the forums. Thanks for having me in the last 3 months I started.
    6 points
  25. after seeing everyone's awesome art threads i decided it would be very awesome to have my very own art corner despite being a shy silly woman i hope you enjoy the content i have even if it is all hyperfixations and miniscule doodles of my time on paradise it features mostly my friends though unfortunately no descriptions other than who they are because its hard to recall the context and everything (you know who you are *wink ) vibe green honey and orlando honey and synth tee ........letov tarasovich...... orlando garbage my favorite orlando gloppie thing ever will be posting art as I draw them, thanks for visiting!!
    6 points
  26. Yes, even in outer space, mail is a thing to be delivered! I arrive at the station and go to cargo. I don my awesome delivery uniform. A little bit later, the first batch of mail arrives. As I go about delivering mail, sometimes, not everything goes as planned ... ...and sometimes, it's downright hazardous! We definitely have alcoholics on station: Sometimes, the clown pranks security. But sometimes, security pranks back, by giving the clown a nice gift by mail post. ...THE DANGERS I GO THROUGH FOR BUT SOME DAMN MAIL NT, apparently, can be generous to their NT reps: Now ... if you are conversing with a traitor through your PDA .. don't accidently PDA the courier instead.. WHAT DO Y'ALL ORDER?! ...even as we leave the station, I deliver some final mail. Of course, the scene is always hectic. Glory to space mail delivery! I love this update. And the people that roleplay with you when you deliver the mail. Keep it up people. I have been laughing my ass off this entire shift.
    6 points
  27. 6 points
  28. Thank you @Warriorstar for the commission!
    6 points
  29. Dchat made a start area house, only thing that was really missing was a plant or two
    6 points
  30. Yes I am putting my well made shit post on here. I am so sorry.
    6 points
  31. Relatedly: Big brain golem gaming (diamond farming from a watcher tendril if you're unfamiliar).
    6 points
  32. BNUUY with Eyes and a special guest... kitty ears Plash
    5 points
  33. November, what a MONTH. We can happily say we got a lot of things done! This update might seem a bit shorter than the others, but I promise you these changes are quite beneficial. Thanks to the people who contributed for November! If I missed anyone else, tell me: @Jonttte @Shadeykins@Sadhorizon@Sirryan2002@Sciuridian@Aligote@Octus@MigratingCoconut@Crazyhair@Imnotthesharpest@DGamerL@henri215@Chapitito@CinnamonSnowball Revision Requests & Changelog We now have a Google document for Revision Requests, so I can update it in real time. PLEASE check it out here! Make sure to check the Maintenance Panel too for anything I missed, as well as the Github for any merged PRs that need wiki updates. The bot on the discord in the #wiki-development channel also updates us on that. This isn't a definite list whatsoever, and if you find anything else that needs doing, go ahead! November Changelog Locations pages have been axed and are now an unified page with easy to understand colour coded maps for the stations and mining outpost! Check it here. Portals is mostly completed for the player front end, with the Job Portal intergrated onto the main page and other pages. Click the roles on the front page and you will be redirected to it's portal! Advanced Rules on the wiki is now axed and redirects you to the main rules page, it's recommended you check for any current rules here. Lore Portal is now it's own portal, not final however. IPC page now shows what the alternative body types look like, so it's easier for you to customise in character creation now! This change is from October, but make sure to update your bookmarks for Guide to Food and Drinks! They are now two separate pages, Guide to Food and Guide to Drinks. Standard Operating Procedure Yeah, we know that SOP is outdated. If you notice anything, tell us on the forums or the Discord server in #wiki-development. 2023 Development Goals Got some great news for this section, Portals is now close to done and the Job Portal is intergrated onto the Front Page! Job Department just needs Special done. Lore Portal is it's very own section and needs a lot of love, so ask Lore Team about it! We had to sacrifice Game Mechanics Portal however, but it's for the best . @Shadeykins did a lot of the dirty work here for this, so please give props to her! I was just the one saying whether it looked nice or not. Job Portal Special - WIP Contributor Portal Wiki Contributor - WIP Administrative Tooling - WIP, thanks to @Sirryan2002 for starting on it! Github Contributor - WIP Technical Issues - WIP Lore Portal WIP. Co-operate with the Lore Team for this. You can contact them on the Discord server. The headers for Jobs and Portals also got a lovely visual update from @Shadeykins! Look at how sleek it is. Gorgeous. Want to help contribute to the wiki? The wiki can seem quite daunting at first but it's really not! It's easier to contribute as well than spriting or coding. We need people to help us out, so if you like writing and spreading knowledge of the game, give it a try! Check out the guides here and here. We also follow a Manual of Style that you should check here, it will tell you the standards we uphold. Feel free to ask for any help in #wiki-development on the Discord server or on the forums! I recommend reading through MediaWiki and just experimenting.
    5 points
  34. *TOOLBOX TEAM NAME PENDING EDITION* Once a year TG Station hosts a charity tournament where different servers come together to bash each other skulls in with toolboxes for a good cause. This year's charity of choice is Doctors Without Borders. I am currently looking for two other players from Paradise to join me in kicking some ass and putting on the best show we can in the name of charity. Last year we managed third place out of thirty-plus other teams! The tournament is currently scheduled for Dec 16th from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM EST. Also, I haven't settled on a name for the team yet since I was bullied by both Paradise and TG last time for picking a boring name :( . I'll probably pick something suggested from this thread so brainstorm away below! More details about the tournament and charity can be found on the TG Station Discord. SIGN UP NOW!
    5 points
  35. Unathi, taj and vulp concept art. Alien version
    5 points
  36. Why would this be good for the game? As it stands, the detonate function is an "instant win button." All cyborgs in the round can be very quickly destroyed regardless of their location from the comfort of a single console. This is highly frustrating for the cyborgs involved, and it's a very cheap, thoughtless experience for the person doing the detonating. Detonation can happen to both subverted and non-subverted cyborgs alike, and is capable of permanently removing them from the round by destroying the cyborg's brain. In most cases, the ability to lock cyborgs makes the detonation function completely redundant. Locking a cyborg allows them to be taken to robotics and de-subverted so they can continue a round. Removing the detonation feature increases the quantity of fun that can be had in a round. Scenarios: For a normal, unsubverted cyborg, an antagonist may choose to remove any cyborgs they may see as a problem once they have gained proper access. Brains will be left on the floor, sometimes in out-of-the-way places. If they never received MMI radio upgrades, they may be trapped in this state for a very long period of time. This is not fun. For an emagged cyborg, whoever gets to the console to take care of the cyborg problem simply needs to lock them to remove the threat they pose. However, they may also chose to detonate the cyborg without any repercussions. The latter option permanently removes that cyborg from the round and is unnecessary. Also it leaves a giant hole in the station hull and may harm bystanders. In the case of a malfunctioning AI (the scenario where the detonation feature seems to make the most sense), the AI is both empowered to and extremely incentivised to completely destroy RnD to prevent use of a robotics console, and is essentially a requirement for a successful Malf AI. Unless the AI does not know what they are doing, they will nullify the console's use anyway. A Hypothetical Rhetorical Comparison: Suppose that all members of the crew also had bombs implanted inside them, and a special console allowed these bombs to be detonated at any time without physically seeing the person you are destroying even once. How engaging would it be if all the antagonists in the crew could simply be deleted at the push of a button? How frustrating would it be for an antagonist to do the same to the rest of the crew? How difficult would this be to implement? Conceptually, it is trivial. Code-wise, it would involve stripping out the associated functions of detonation (and ensuring that this didn't break any dependencies), and also altering the UI to reflect the change.
    5 points
  37. I know these suggested changes are fairly fundamental to the way Paradise Station works, and I’m not an expert on game balance or anything, so I wanted to make a thread here before starting any coding work on this idea. The classic Green - Blue - Red alert scale has been in the game for a long time, at least as long as I’ve been playing, and it’s been perfectly sufficient. However, after playing on Skyrat for a good handful of rounds, there was one idea that really caught my eye as an engineering main: Orange Alert. Orange Alert is used during engineering emergencies (asteroids, SM delam) and gives engineers expanded access to fix the issues. No sitting at the door begging science to let you into toxins to patch the hole Bald McGrey made, no standing at the doors to the brig spamming them until security finally acknowledges your existence and lets you in to filter the N2O leak. It’s pretty convenient, and something I thought we could use here on Para. Then, like the ADHD bastard that I am, my mind began to wander and think about what other changes could be made to the alert system. The next obvious addition was bringing over the idea of Violet Alert - which is for medical emergencies. From there, I started to ask why security still needs to ask to be let into places on Gamma alert of all things. After a few days of thinking, here’s the full package of changes I thought up that I think would be beneficial to the server, allowing for a more dynamic and informative system of alerts, separated into sections based on how radical I think the changes are, with Section 1 being the least radical. Section 1: Engineering, Medical, and Security Emergencies. This section is fairly straightforward. Adding two new alerts, independent from the others so as not to override them. Engineering alert would grant expanded access to the engineering team, and the medical alert would turn on EA in medbay and grant expanded access to paramedics. For security, red alert would remain unchanged, with gamma alert giving security expanded access, since it is meant to be essentially martial law. Here is a color coded breakdown for how this system would work, and what each alert level would enable: Green - Situation Nominal - Unchanged Blue - Generic Unconfirmed Threat - Unchanged Red - Confirmed Security Emergency- Unchanged Gamma - Martial Law - Security Access and Authority Expanded Orange - Engineering Emergency - Overrides Green - Concurrent with Blue/Red/Gamma - Engineering Access Expanded Violet - Medical Emergency - Overrides Green - Concurrent with Blue/Red/Gamma - Medical Authority Expanded/Paramedic Access Expanded Delta - Big Boom - Unchanged Epsilon - Overrides all. You don’t exist. Unchanged. Along with this change would be a respite of our god-awful fire alarms, and some tweaks to door lights to indicate expanded access. Section 2: Who can call what? This section focuses on changing who is allowed to call these alerts. Right now, alerts are called by the Captain alone, unless red needs to be called. And gamma is completely outside the players hands, relying on admin intervention. Here is how I would change that: The Captain will still be given universal control over alerts. He can unilaterally, at will, call Green, Blue, Orange, Violet, and perhaps controversially, Red. This is to ensure that at least someone will be able to change the alert level in the event the others are incapacitated. The others being… The Head of Security will now be able to unilaterally call Green, Blue, and Red alert. This makes sense, as it is the Head of Security’s job to oversee the security of the station. Regardless of the state of the rest of command, he should be able to raise the appropriate alarms for threats to the station. The Chief Engineer will be able to unilaterally call for Orange Alert. Self-explanatory. The Chief Medical Officer will be able to unilaterally call for Violet Alert. Self-explanatory. ANY alert, barring Gamma, Delta, or Epsilon will be able to be called by three simultaneous swipes from command-level personnel. This includes Captain, HOP, HOS, RD, CE, CMO, Magistrate, and NTR. Gamma Alert can be called by two simultaneous swipes by either the Captain, HOS, or NTR. This is the change I’m least confident about, as it will likely turn Gamma into Red+, but from a roleplay perspective it makes sense to me. ERTs, Epsilon, Gamma armory, and medical ships will still be under CC’s control. Section 3: The Headless Chicken (sorta unrelated to alert levels) It’s rare, but there are times on the station where the Captain, HOP, and the spare ID are ALL missing. Following chain of command, the HOS steps into the bridge. But without a captain-level ID, the HOS is powerless to communicate with CC or call the shuttle. This is where my last idea comes in: the Command Override Code. This code would be randomly generated each round and given to the NTR, Magistrate, and Blueshield in their IC notes. It would allow Captain-level access to the user who inputs the code into the comms console, allowing for shuttle calls and CC communication. This code would only be used as an absolute last resort, and allows the extraneous NT delegates to uphold the chain of command in times of crisis. Closing Statement: I haven’t yet done the code-diving necessary to figure out just how large of an undertaking these projects would be, and I understand that these suggestions (especially in Section 2) would require a huge rework to the current SOP. The system also has more room for abuse (I can already see an antag CE calling Orange to break into armory) but I think it’s worth it to somewhat decentralize the “narrative” of the round away from the Captain and the HOS, and to give more utility to the crew. Being a naive TA, I still trust our players to use these systems responsibly MOST of the time. That being said, I don’t trust myself to make changes like this alone, so please discuss below. Criticism and suggestions are welcome.
    5 points
  38. Name: Eyes-Of-Devil Gender: N/A - No stated preference. Age: 20(As far they can remember) Species: Diona (Gestalt Variant.) Blood type: Chlorophyll (AB+, any blood type can be incorporated into the gestalt to replenish their blood.) Occupation(s): Shaft Miner, Xenobiologist, Surgeon, and BlueShield. Height: 6’3 / 192 CM. Eye Color: Typically a crimson red. Physical State: Permanent burns along subjects head, can be viewed along some of their flowers which houses central host. Noted that these can be healed with topical medication, but subject wishes for that specific region to remain untouched as 'the little ones are resting.' Mental State: Operable. Subject has recently shown more clear divides in hosts and has claimed arguments are on the rise within them... Recommending couples therapy? Qualifications Marksmanship: General Triage: Leadership: Surgery: Mining: Engineering: Basic Repair: Engine Maintainer: Addendum - These are the general qualifications of the subject as a whole. However, if another one of the Nymphs within the subject is at the forefront and in control, it can be expected that these qualifications can change with that. While normally this would be an issue, the Diona has stated that they communicate within, speaking to whomever may be at the front and guiding them. Typically seen as long pauses, or 'creaks.' Employment Records: \\EMPLOYMENT ACCESS REQUIRED\\ Security Records: \\SECURITY ACCESS REQUIRED\\ Medical Records: \\MEDICAL ACCESS REQUIRED\\ Description: A rather large plantlike figure, with what could be described as a small flower patch sprouting from the top of their head. Small burns are seen along the back of the head, with multiple differing colored eyes peeking out of various positions on the subjects body. These are typically hidden from view, clouded in plant matter, vines or branches, but are sometimes visible on the rare occasion. The Diona also is rarely seen without something hiding its face, usually ending up going out of it's way to cover it. Its vines have also been seen attaching and spreading over the various masks it wears, keeping the garment secured in place, never quite feeling secure without a mask. Biography: Eyes Of The Fiery Devils Gaze, or Eyes-Of-Devil as they have shortened, has stated they were once grown on a lush planet. Vibrant with life, fauna and other of their kind on the surface of it; with trees as far as one could see. Each of the Nymphs that dwell within the Gestalt known as Eyes, recall their time on this planet. One climbing trees, curious to see if they could see the stars, another ensuring the weaker of their kind was protected from predator's, there is even one who fed the sick, careful to ensure they held their strength at heart. There are more within the subject known as Eyes, but each tell a different story. A different perspective of the fall of what they call, called... Their home. The politics of what happened vary, as there is no one defined case as to what happened. What is claimed, by the subject themselves, is the world once vibrant with life, was burned. Burned to ashes, men with heavy boots, stomping over the things they cared for. Not seeing the world as beautiful, but as expendable. Torching the trees, the earth, the fauna, ensuring everything was returned to ash. It was during this event, this one moment. That they fled, saying one thing that was common among their retellings. The worlds song, was broken, it was screaming. Eventually, through one way or another, the multiple Nymphs had found one another. The next part is a blur to them, they converged, joining one another. Scared that the bright stars in the sky would be the last thing they see. The one thing they distinctly remember is the eyes of their attackers, even through the gas masks; their devilish eyes, surrounded by the fire. This was their rebirth in a way, having been documented to be around 2546 AD by the subject themselves. They were the custody of the USSP who caused this for approximately two years, as this in when TSF Soldiers found the Vedenin in space. It's not known on what date the subject acted, and caused the 'abandonment' of the vessel, but we can infer it had taken place within a week prior to April 27 2548 AD. as generators and crew logs were still active at the time. The last log, being the most interesting, as the captain of the vessel was seen blankly sat at the bridge. Alone, at a loss for words. With all that, the Diona known as Eyes-Of-Devil, has shown a capability for learning. Interestingly enough, they speak Neo-Russkyia, and through what is theorized to be typical blood siphoning of USSP soldiers, gained a knack for fighting. Though it wasn't refined, it was similar to that of a conscript barely learning their ups and downs. With training, they learned quickly. With that, their confidence grew. Instead of constantly fearing, one became curious. Wondering of scientific innovations, with that, another wished to see hunt. So on, so forth. These were all different Nymphs who proceeded to want to learn different things. I have written down which are notable, and had a chat with each to discern the personalities of each. The Hunter: Typically easily excited, always wondering what the next big game is. Just trying to prove their worth of the whole. Has claimed they worship The Goddess of the Hunt. The Protector: Militaristic, and to the point. They don't want to dance around the issue, they want it solved now as to protect everyone. This one notably sinks the lowest when things go wrong. Has claimed to worship the Great Protector. The Scientist: Curious about every little thing, how does BlueSpace work? Is there anything to be improved upon the newest IPC designs? What would happen if new blood is introduced to the gestalt? They just genially question most things. Has claimed to worships the Stars. The Healer: Worried, quick, and somewhat violent. They hate seeing someone hurt, but will slap someone for choosing to risk themselves rather then be safe. More so to instill more logical thinking into someone... Probably..? Has claimed to worship the Old World. The Happy: This one, is rather an enigma. Well, Eyes in general is that, but this one typically will find ways to brighten someone day. Whether it be with a simple game, or just randomly pulling someone along for an adventure. They have even made it their goal on occasion to make others their favorite food, snack, or dessert. Has yet to show an interest in any religion, though has said they look at the stars as much as their friend does. This is the colony that makes up the collective, Eyes-Of-Devil. Although Nymphs come and go, these base ones were the first, and have stated, no matter what, they will not separate. Though they've begun to bicker amongst themselves a lot more recently. Notes: Dionae are interesting specimens, each recount their experience differently, while still adopting a respect approach to speaking. Typically saying 'we and I' as to acknowledge that the others are listening, as one may be speaking, the others are also present, yet silent for the moment. The only known way for them all to speak at once, is in their 'rootsong,' though it's not uncommon for one to claim 'they are judging my actions.' This has been noted with quiet chirps, whisper to each other or to the speaker, which can range from advice to negative comments. Feel free to question the subject on any topic. "Threats terminated, Heads of Staff secure, advising getting to the shuttle now." -Eyes-Of-Devil, BlueShield \\TERMINATING CONNECTION\\ \\SEE YOU SOON\\
    5 points
  39. Miner main decides to try music Hm, I think I'll have Diona today And here ladies and gentlemen, this is why we should trust unknown portals I was a mother dragon, and this was too funny not to SS Advanced Mining Arriving with ZERO context! A 20 for mice! This one was when I first started to try mining, bunch of fellow nerds decided to give lavaland a shot I will forever love blueshield for the weird shit you just see A nations shift I decided to join. I was the RD, it was very fun. A moth shot me ONCE with a disabler 4 no ruson. So I decided this was proper revenge. I have a few more SSes of other funny things, but I think I'll save those for when I have another dozen screenshots
    5 points
  40. I'm done. I give up. The entire point with the way I wrote my post was trying to avoid that, and you're still maintaining, three posts later, that I'm finger pointing. I'm going to take a long break, and when I come back, if I come back, I'm not going to participate in the forums or on the Discord. You've successfully ignored the entire point of the thread. You win. Bye.
    5 points
  41. commission for @Komrad822
    5 points
  42. I been doing art more often recently, hope ya enjoy. It's all players characters on the server. Yell if you can recognize who is who.
    5 points
  43. 5 points
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