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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2019 in Posts

  1. No real reason to remove crewsimov. Any smart AI can justify and turn away unreasonable requests. >Let me beat you to death "I can't do that, I can't protect the crew if I'm destroyed" >you musn't tell anyone i murdered a dude "I must, you are dangerous to the crew, as you've murdered one, Law 1 is more important than Law 2"
    3 points
  2. This is a bad idea and will have the opposite consequence of what you think. Most of the time I see people greytiding or LRPing, they are using random names. I have mentally come to associate random names with greytide. It takes time to flesh out a character. If they are actually a new character each shift, they will either never get defined, or people will treat it as the same. This has happened before on a smaller scale, back when Vox were first introduced as a race, they would get a random Vox name at the start of each shift. I always played it as "Other species can't understand Vox names." But it did not have a meaningful effect on much other then reinforcing the Vox clique. Without an individual identity, the Vox identified as a species. Which was really cool for the development of the Vox culture, but also created the Vox greytide hivemind. The effect both created higher RP, in the form of unique Vox culture, but it also created greytide birbs. The "Kin, Shitcurity has steel VOXYGEN! SKREEEEEE!" thing came from when that would be yelled, and all the Vox would swarm security to rescue their kin. So.. I guess mixed? It will stop the IC favouritism, and replace it with OOC favouritism, you are suggesting removing the IC component. We already talked about the group-greytiding aspect (Cappy is crappy, is demand Vox rights Ya ya! Kikikikikiki) It will not create a healthier role playing environment, it will create a healthier PVP environment, as we move from a repeated game to a non-repeated game. This has consequences in player behaviour that is going to focus very much on the round, and payoff to ones self. A non-repeated game is call of duty. More on this at the end on what I have seen in the past from players who make this argument. I don't view this as a problem. It is a problem, if that OOC friendship starts moving to other characters that did not become friends IC. First, from a community perspective, people will be more OOC friendly to each other if they have some sort of OOC bonds. SS13 does not always have the best community, but we are not the CS:GO or Call of Duty communities either. Second from an IC perspective, we are a MRP server. We can't really say "Everyone should try to RP realistic characters" while at the same time saying "Except for the most fundamental part of the human social experience." ]-----Endnote-----[ This has come up before, it essentially boils down to "People should not be able to know who plays a character or use information from previous experiences in the round." I have been around long enough to notice a trend. This argument is most frequently raised by players who are concerned with "Metagaming" which they define as "I am an ass to people, and people have started to react poorly to my characters in game. SS13 should really be each round being unique with no pre-existing relationships." I am not saying the OP is in this category, just that whenever this has been brought up before, its brought up by people in that category. The end goal is to not just have randomized character names that opt them out of the "meta-grudges" but to make everything randomized so that "meta-friends" do not exist as yes, that does provide an in game advantage. Characters who are known as being friendly and well meaning, get way more leeway with other station staff then those who are known to be anti-social or murdery who are treated with less mercy. What these proposals seem to come down to is "Anti-social behaviour should not have a negative effect beyond one round, and positive behaviour should also not have a positive effect for more then one round." Where people fall on this seems to be controlled by where they fall on that spectrum. This is essentially "Why do I get the bad ending in Prey/BioShock/MassEffect if I murder everyone? That sucks."
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. My potions are too strong for you, traveller!
    2 points
  5. Cresimov is okay, you just need to remember that you are not a dumb machine, but an intelligent AI, capable of complex thoughts and imagination. It just takes extra lenghts, because you have to explain your reasoning to the crew each time you reject their dumb orders. Thats a hassle.
    2 points
  6. Greetings all, This suggestion will be layered and built upon as the post is read. ]-----The Suggestion-----[ I suggest that we trial a thing I will herein refer to as 'Randomisation (RS)'. RS is a feature that is already in the game, under preferences. It alters your name, and other details that are displayed by your avatar to other players. Meaning each time you spawn into the shift you will have a different name, or look, each time. ]-----Why The Suggestion?-----[ I believe, personally, that this suggestion will help combat OOC in IC Met buddying. One of the most negative things about Paradise. Administration will have an easier time spotting patterns, and therefore an easier time enforcing the rules. This suggestion also connects with the lore that Paradise is built around: https://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Lore ]-----The Positives-----[ - Fresh faces. Perhaps a new Roleplay Character each shift... because it is a Medium Roleplay Server and not a Low Roleplay Server. - It will stop the OOC interactions, or the favouritism, or the group-greytiding, based off who the Player is behind the Character name. Promoting a more health, unbiased gameplay experience. - Respects the lore. - A more IC experience. - OOCly become more attached to the Ckey at the end of the Shift instead of the IC name during the Shift. ]-----The Negatives-----[ - Roleplay Characters will be randomised. Thus established figures won't appear. Meaning the main opposition to this suggestion are those who Roleplay a select few gimmicks or Characters. ]-----The Summary-----[ This suggestion is to promote a defence against met buddying while providing a fresh, new, shift-lore friendly experience to veteran players who are fatigued by seeing the same faces, act the same way, with the same people, each round, every round. It feels less like a Roleplay Game and more like an OOC self-insert most of the time. With established names being given favouritism because of their name. These IC bonds were formed IC. But have evolved into OOC friendships that are rarely handled in a way that promotes RP. As Characters become prominent, and played, the more they become OOC. ]-----Endnote-----[ This suggestion will get a lot of negative responses from those who have established characters, and have grown to play a certain way or RP a small manner of ways. It's an RP Game and they should be capable of adapting to a new RP each shift. Not reinforcing the same RP, over and over, that eventually turns OOC.
    1 point
  7. You want my honest opinion? Adjust the Librarian role to be Media Curator in general, not just print media but digital as well. Books should be a nice throwback to simplier times in the 26th century and a large collection of them in the age of digital media something for niche audiences. Move the holodeck to the Library and give the Curator/Librarian authority over it. People want to goof about in it they can ask the Librarian for access or to load a program. Add programs based on books and stories. Give the Librarian a random set of programs the start of each shift that can vary from random Shakespearean play, a movie of some sort or some last stand like Thermopylae or aliens with hostile holographic entities attacking everyone in the room (non-lethal knock outs of course). With a few upgrades from science/engineering the LIbrarian could outfit mini shows for entertainment to any place on the station with a holopad (which the AI uses to talk to folks.) There is no reason for anyone to really want books in SS13 when books in the library don't do anything. Even if we slipped sleeping carp scrolls and wizard tomes randomly into the shelves, nobody would explore the library after the round start. The Librarian needs more to do than write fanfaction and run a gossip column. The ultimate ideal implementation of this would for a digital library of entities and customization tools the librarian could use to craft their own stories to put on shows or run Holo-LARP D&D campaigns.
    1 point
  8. looks great dude, keep at it!
    1 point
  9. love the art! if you ever want any pixel art tips (i don't have any miracle tips) hit me up, but i'm digging the drawn and pixel-ed art!
    1 point
  10. EDIT: redone all my active characters. Ryel Faas - sorta senile philanthropist. Turing - cowardly robot squidward. Phinax - benevolent(?) god complex. CLERIC-9119 - untapped potential, probably.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. The start of my SM Shard Chamber Ft: Wolf O'Shaw, Graynt and Rolhar who was the main engineer in this project.
    1 point
  13. Who is it? It's my favourite IPC! Torque! They taught me how nonchalant IPCs are about death, and how cool engineering is. *Bweep *Bwoop *BUZZ
    1 point
  14. Annnnd another one. I wanted to make sure I had to pieces to show off before I made a thread, to show the first one wasn't a lucky break. This one is of Iris Cooper, the CMO/Surgeon who taught Jay how to doctor, and stuff. Their player was really helpful and taught me a lot of things that turned out to be useful in the chaos that erupted in the later round. They're heckin' cool and I'm glad I got to draw them.
    1 point
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