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Lars last won the day on March 6 2019

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Chemist (8/37)



  1. I'm also going to post this without context.
  2. An unusual discovery while unearthing the engine in the last ground station round -- you can charge up field generators with a KA. That was a quite gruesome round. Started having to deal with gibtonites exploding near the station, continued with crew being eaten by station level tendrils and NPC xenomorphs, ended protecting the shuttle from terror spiders that were rushing in.
  3. Sorry kids, no gifts this year.
  4. Totally not robots. BYOS round with bandits "Have a nice trip, crew" A lot of nope Why are plane seats so cramped?
  5. Nah, for some reason, the bottom external airlocks in the outpost mass driver room are free access and unbolted. You can just waltz in and borrow whatever from the two suit storages. Since that and white ship are free access fixed spawns, getting a suit is really a no brainer when you spawn with a GPS.
  6. To play devil's advocate, technically the mechanic doesn't need a suit to build pods and test drive them. The job description is "mechanic" not space explorer. They can also just fly to engi sector and go in thru the mass drive airlock to grab an engi suit, if not from somewhere else.
  7. Skeleclown: Omae wa mou shindeiru Captain: "NANI!!"
  8. Assistants are clearly the worst department. They never assist!
  9. Tator fakes stumbling in the arcade and dropping a pizza box. "Hahaha, that's obviously a pizza bomb" I open the pizza. It's a pizza bomb.
  10. ACK ACK like an idiot because I'm an actual plasma skeleton. Realize I never considered plasmamen reproduction biology.
  11. He's the plasmeme Cyberiad deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll nerf him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent nerd, a watchful powergamer. A dark blue knight.
  12. Screenshot dump time. After 4 or 5 recalls: When Paradise was down and we went to the clone server: When the Chaplain recruits you for their church:
  13. Syndicate Operative diona ashwalker. Nuff said.
  14. My potions are too strong for you, traveller!
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