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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2021 in Posts

  1. Say something nice about Drask. They have three eye's. Their breath smells like soap. Always a lovely shade of blue.
    4 points
  2. I drew my Drask. Anyone else got Drask artwork?
    3 points
  3. Suggesting about having two Detective job slots by default instead of only one. With the server being on high-pop and usually busy and Detective's gun being less salt mine at least for now, when it comes to lone detective being called into multiple crime scenes at once wasn't quite a good experience. Been playing as Detective for sometimes and I do enjoy to actually do the job as it meant to be such as gathering evidences against the suspects then perform the complete dossiers to present rather than "point-n-click" this and spill the names then hurried up to the next location before the crewmembers get really impatience on your late arrival, be it the Security waiting for you to scan things in the Processing, Engineer waiting to fix the emagged door or Janitor waiting alone in the dark maintenance to clean up the blood runes. Not having enough time to further investigate your old cases and papers nobody really want to read except of you because it's your job. Detective job can also be very lonely at some point, most of times Security do not really have time to dive into Detective's detailed effort on evidences but wanting the suspect's name of the prints you found and move on unless the cases were that "interesting". I think having second Detective (and officially a real Partner) would improve the state of Detective's roleplay nature on any scenarios, having someone whose got the same job and SOP as their. Also it'd make Detective job less unpleasant (or boring) in someway. Having two Detective sharing tasks or working in separated cases. The two debating together or to talk with about the evidences they gathered, two brains to share ideas and solving the cold cases. Or one could even go undercover while another work on uniform and on the desk. However fits their style. Which is fun. So, are there any downsides to think about? Surely, redoing the Detective's office to actually fits for two people instead of one. Honestly, I do not really have bright idea with this. Weather to enlarge the office in the current location or completely relocate and re-create it. This is probably a big problem unless someone already got an idea about this. If so, big change or not, cool. Next up would be having two Detective means another player in Security. Despite the Detective's SOP they still pose as major problematic to certain antagonists. Two Det-curity might not be nice to certain perspectives, but that's IC related as long nothing too awful happens for validing as Detective going against their SOP. Feel free to share your thoughts, things I missed, and feedback.
    2 points
  4. After many hours wondering how people reacted so fast to my shenanigans I was told of this feature. Hope it s useful...
    1 point
  5. Make unwanted kissing battery under space law Why? Its REALLY annoying, and I DESPISE it as a feature. This way, as sec, I can now baton weirdos in the halls who randomly kiss me. It makes no sense in an space station environment for random people in the halls to spam blowing kisses at everyone.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Upmap.png has been updated
    1 point
  8. When I first started doing undercover officer stuff, I went to the HoP and got a second ID, While this makes you look less out of place, your new ID replaces your old ID in the crew manifest, which I think opens up new officer slots. I think there should be some guidance so this doesn't happen. Proposal: Undercover Officer SoP/Conditions. The Warden and Head of Security are forbidden from going undercover. You must ask the Head of Security for permission to go undercover, in lieu of a Head of Security or Acting Head of Security, you may ask the Captain. They may deny your request for any reason. // Idea: maybe make them get a signed paper with a stamp and signature on it. In addition, the person who grants you permission to be an undercover officer can place additional restrictions upon you. Ex: "Do not arrest people, only set their status" or "If code red is called you are to stop being a undercover officer." Failure to comply is means for demotion or revoked rights to be an undercover officer. Undercover officers are not to get a new ID, you may only hide your current ID. //Problems with opening more security slots. Undercover officers may get an ID change to "Undercover Officer" or similar. Changes to titles that do not reference their security status are forbidden. If you arrest someone you must first present your ID, even on red. Unless it is an active threat and you are currently being attacked. //Allows traitors with agent ID's to do fake arrests. If an officer stops you, you must present your ID. //Allows antagonists with sec ID's to identify undercover officers + Most undercover officers don't have a sec-hud on and cant see mindshields. Tips on how to go undercover: PDA Message the HoS and tell them that you want to go undercover/explain why. If they say yes, go to locker rooms and get a civilian bag, radio headset, jumpsuit and shoes. Get a screw driver from tool storage or cargo, and take the security key from your headset and put it in the regular radio headset, Put all of your security items including the bowmen headset into your bag. Put on your civilian clothes and put your ID into your bag. RP an undercover officer. Once you get in deep, arrest criminals, make sure to put on your ID, sec hud, and bowmen headset when arresting(prevents you from flashes, flashbangs and some protection from pepper spray and acid). Make sure to taunt them with how they've been deceived, and they should have never trusted you. I think its very hard to RP when as a regular officer, its very busy for me usually, run here get the antag, prisoner escape, vampires on the loose... Not a lot of time to sit down in the bar and have conversations. I've had a lot of fun being undercover and trying to get in the underground drug ring. I think undercover SoP would be a cool addition and prevent a few problems that people might have with it. It might be easier to remove undercover officers and prevent some of the confusion, but I think with a few rules it can add to the game.
    1 point
  9. it's oke, I'm still salty but it's oke, you roleplay ok though like I see you talking to people a lot and stuff, that's always nice to see
    1 point
  10. It's a projectile like any other, and thus will interact with things such as the shielded hardsuit's kiss deflector, battlemage armor's anti-love barrier, RD's reactive anti-affection armor, and of course, sleeping carp practitioners know better than to be tempted like that. Admittedly makes sense for wizards, internet lore of old does imply they've been evading those for at least 30 years. It kinda sucks though because it can reveal/impede antags and it's an *emote*. Honestly I'm not a fan of actual physical kiss projectiles at all. You can just emote blowing a kiss at someone. Close range MELEE kisses are probably fine? Though huh I wonder what kinda RP this might encourage.
    1 point
  11. Unfortunately it's quite the opposite. Yes, I see you fuckers in maintenance. I don't want to, but I do. As a feature... eh. Not the biggest fan, but at least we could make it battery.
    1 point
  12. Someone seems to dislike affection.
    1 point
  13. Just play slimeperson, nobody wants to kiss them or send them any kisses even.
    1 point
  14. Coding Difficulty: I'd say medium? Have people enter shifts with their randomly generated "base genes" (as it is now), but make it so you have like, a 20% chance to spawn with a disability. If you fall within that 20%, then roll another check for how many disabilities you should get - 80% for 1 disability, 15% for 2 disabilities - 5% for 3 disabilities. No EXTREME disabilities should be able to be randomly assigned on shift start to avoid people being mutes/have non-working legs/being radioactive at round start. They should be mild, but not major, annoyances - Like chronic cough, being Swedish, having a constant twitch. This would make it so genetics have a little more to do than experimenting with monkeys - People would turn up at their doorstep wanting to be fixed. Additionally, it'd help genetics identify which blocks are disabilities, which would introduce another gene-meta other than the unstable mutagen one. Also, to avoid cheesing of this mechanic - Mutadone should not be able to flush all of your genes to get rid of all of your disabilities. It'd instead revert your genes to the state of which you got at the round start - So if you have chronic cough at round start randomly generated, popping mutadone would reset everything else but that chronic cough, so only way to get it removed is by going to genetics. Justification: A bit more to do for genetics, and nobody is created perfect, every human is more or less imperfect in their own way and everybody got a "quirk" to their character. Sure it is annoying a bit, but we don't get to chooses how they turn out when they're born - Right now disabilities are defects of rads causing mutation, nobody willingly will choose to be color-blind - Now imagine an engineer spawning with the color-blindness trait and him having to rush to genetics, would make a fun (for genetics) and emergent gameplay moment
    1 point
  15. I started to play this game clueless, I've never roleplayed before and I never understood what it meant till this point. When the guide said things like "how would your character react to seeing a dead body" along with other questions made me realize roleplaying isn't just playing your cargo role or whatever, it is to immerse yourself into the game and play a character that reacts and acts like a real person inside it. Reading the rules again I decided to disable most antagonists roles, leaving vampires on. I'll start to practice my roleplaying abilities and learn how to make a fun round before going back to antagonists and such. I realized I was powergaming, because to me, after playing lots of rounds seeing a hallway full of dead bodies wasn't a weird thing for me. But my character should react and I didn't make it react. I'm not native in english so emotes are hard to me so I'm making a list of useful things in a note to copypaste them like "blushes". I took a lot of time to read the lore, the wiki, and the rules (now really paying attention and reading the precedents) because I went to the beach and I have no PC now so instead of playing I started to read. (And because of the corona I won't go to the shore) Ending this, I have to say I feel a lot better and I'm ready to be a brand new player when I get back to play.
    1 point
  16. I demand everyone sign my petition to give diona nymphs hands once again, and allow them to charge into battle guns proudly raised Also if you say yes ill cut Robbie's antennae off by 1cm for each added vote in my favor Disclaimer: this thread is in no way serious, and does not accurately reflect opinions from staff or otherwise.
    1 point
  17. I sign, and furthermore suggest the sprite be updated to reflect these changes. Attached is artist's rendition of proposed changes. Furthermore I suggest the addition of a new nymph-based food item: Nymph-fingers, a crispy, fried lunch food.
    1 point
  18. Please note: This is my personal opinion Suggestion: Change the lavaland Chasms caused by Tendrils, into Lava, or something as equally dangerous Reasoning: Chasms are instant gib for no reason sure I can "Avoid the chasms" but it is hard when running on an old engine it has a lot of Space lag especially in lavaland, and when running away from the dangerous fauna there, you can always forget to look ahead and end up falling into a chasm, or have a second of space lag, and miss the "a" button. Replacements: Please note that I'm only asking for the tendrils chasms to be removed or changed, not the one naturally occurring in places such as ruins, with the tendrils from lavaland you could change the chasm into Lava, or keep the chasm, but make it possible for you to climb out or make it so you fall into a "cave" of some sort while dealing a lot of Brute damage to your legs. or making something entirely different happen when breaking tendrils, such as mega fauna being alerted to your location after a couple of seconds, or something more or less dangerous with this approach I'd recommend making them spawn nowhere near the base. My Opinion: Yes I realize that lavaland is supposed to be extremely Dangerous, but my issue with these instant gib chasms, is that it can take forever for rounds to end, and accidentally taking one misstep could cost you, your life, and as well is it not like MegaFauna which can Gib you, but on side of being gibbed you can also see them on your "GPS" with chasms you cannot.
    0 points
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