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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2020 in Posts

  1. About time I posted a drawing of the Cyberiad's favourite officier de sécurité, Jean Regulier. @Regular Joe
    7 points
  2. GOSH I've not posted my draws in a while! Heeere are some things I've done. An emu spider. The most horrible and terrifying beast of Australia. A Vulp that gets too fluffy, particularly @Aelwyn. Beware the fluff, as soon it may grow large enough to create a gravitational pull. @Denghis's NULL, who's a really neatly designed IPC that did an amazing PR of late. HERE Is art. Thank you for looking at it (I love you guys)
    6 points
  3. Hello! This is a pretty simple and easily code-able suggestion, that I think alot of people would agree with. X-ray is a rather unfun thing to deal with, and goes very heavily against the spirit of SS13, in the sense that things should be uncertain and paranoia should be rife. Anyway my proposal is this: Change miner 'Eyes of god' to simply not drop from tendril chests anymore or rework it to be something a little more interesting and fair, maybe ghost allhud? That would be cool in my opinion. Miners have alot of toys, and free X-ray from RNG is pretty dumb game design to begin with. As for Genetics, changing their X-ray to just be Thermals would probably be enough, as it is currently just locked behind a bit of RNG, meaning you can get it 5 minutes into the round or never, which is again pretty dumb game design. Thanks for reading, have a nice day/morning/evening.
    3 points
  4. Some more Dungeons and Dragons related works. Here's some seasonal outfits. 1) for Spring/Summer 2) for Autumn/Spring 3) for winter Auriel in a sort of "Red Death" costume, I don't hope we have a sort of masquerade session at somepoint Designed outfits for the made-up company that the party has pretended to be a part of... When sneaking through a guild office. During the session from last week- We picked up a job to search for a ship wreck, and to salvage what we could from it. However, we may have gotten distracted on our way rowing closer... And maybe went in a little circle. After finding the ship wreck and dealing with some oozed possessed creature skeletons, we had this encounter. leading to Auriel being too close and personal with the oblex.
    2 points
  5. Gosh, there's so many amazing artists here, I thought I'd plonk down my work too. As you can see by my profile picture I've doodled my girl, Jay. (Jay 'Justine' Chase, I went with 'Justine Case' first, but then I realised having a pun for a name is a bad trait for a long term character... And everyone kept mistaking her for a guy.) She's a smilie human who's a bit bland, but tries her best. I really like starting items, and after a few tries, I found that the flat cap and the old scarf I realised that they fit together quite well. If I wrote a backstory for her it would probably come from one of her parents. Anyhow, I hope you like it! I hope to be posting a lot more art here, this is a very good game to draw, so many different characters and shenanigans... If you ever find Jay in game, if we happen to have a fun exchange just give me a message, I might as well draw up your character hanging out with her! I hope you all like it anyhow, I'm hoping to improve as time goes on.
    1 point
  6. You know. I am starting to believe we should be giving our security crewmembers classes on the potential negative impacts of smoking on their job performance...
    1 point
  7. How have I overlooked this thread until now? These are all fantastic. And there are so many. I don't even have time to look at all of them right now. Keep it up!
    1 point
  8. If an admin ruled you were being suspicious then YOU might have been the problem in that situation. Or its possible that nobody is at fault in particular. If its code red you're supposed to stay in your department and comply with all lawful orders from security. Cults are serious. Spessmen die and some can't even be brought back. A vampire is one of the most dangerous regular antagonists once they reach full power. They can't be faulted for trying to protect the crew. In fact if Security says stay out of maint and you go into maint you can be brigged for 10 minutes for creating a workplace hazard. Thats twice as long as your confusion from holy water and fully justified under space law, SOP, and common sense. Now if you're just in maint, its kinda borderline. You stuck your toe over the line, the officer jumped on you and you both ended up wasting your time. But if you're carrying a stun prod, cable cuffs, unknown, carrying paper or any combination Security is fully justified. At that point you're either validhunting or looking to get converted. Both are rule breaking violations. In either situation even if holy water did have adverse effects I feel like security would be justified in using it. Except now if you're just in a bad place at a bad time you're all messed up instead of just taking a 5 minute timeout. As for making the prayer beads the only method of conversion thats just... bad. I'm all for chaplains taking a more backline role against the cult but if you tie the only method of de-conversion to the null rod in a single form then you're making everything worse. If the null rod or chaplain goes missing Security's only option is to kill all cultists until a replacement can be found. And in more extreme cases they are going to want to kill suspected cultists. Take a scenario where you find a discarded tome and decide to turn it into security, on your way security decide to stop and search you due to a large number in your department being confirmed cultists. They find the tome and take you back to the brig for deconversion. The officer calls for the chaplain but hears on the radio that he hasn't been seen in 5 minutes and his sensors are turned off. The officer has 3 choices. They can let you go, there is little reason to believe you aren't a cultist at this point, if they do so they would be endangering the station. They could lock you in a brig cell and hope that both the HOP opens another Chaplain slot and that somebody latejoins, they're competent, and can make it to the brig alive. All the while they run the risk of you being teleported out of their grasp. Third option, they execute you on the spot for being an uncontainable EoC, they can revive and deconvert you once a chaplain is available. This isn't a great option either because there is a slim chance you're not a cultist and your story about just wanting to turn in the tome is true but as the cult gets stronger and stronger option 3 starts to look better and better. None of the options are good and in the two arguably best options the detainee ends up worse off. ---------------- Responding to Kyet's idea that antag tests are poor form I broadly agree but in this case I feel like the fact the test is accessible and slow means its a little more balanced. If the justification is loose then security is punished by having to hang around 3 minutes for the de-conversion to dud. I'd support making it less foolproof though. Ways to give security a false negative would mean it could have some interesting counterplays. See my suggestion of having it fake deconvert if the test fails for one example.
    1 point
  9. Due to player feedback on forums, an update has been made to space law. This section here replaces all previous space law concerning prisoners who escape, attempt to escape, or break stuff in their cells. Most of this is simply grouping up all information on the topic into one easy-to-reference section, however, there are a few changes: Successfully breaking out of tempbrig now earns you a full reset of your timer plus an additional ten minutes. "Escaping" is now very narrowly defined. You have to be physically outside of the secure area you're supposed to be confined to. Breaking your cell windows/etc without leaving your cell does NOT count. Running outside your cell when an officer opens it, DOES count. Breaking the barriers that keep you contained (including windows) is "Attempted Escape" which is not the same thing. Attempted Escape allows security to move you to a solitary cell for the remainder of your brig sentence. Breaking lights and other non-barrier-objects in your cell is just in-cell vandalism. Security can't punish you at all for this. However, they're not obliged to fix anything you break, and these are the only objects you can use, so its probably not wise to break them.
    1 point
  10. I drew bee. Gummy holding bee. Goombee. Bee.
    1 point
  11. This is a slightly different mini project I did to commemorate a shift I did with DTX, showing him the ropes to security. @AffectedArc07
    1 point
  12. Bak Bak, the Ghost of Malpractice Past! Seeking revenge on all the baldies that don't know how to take you out of cryo tubes. Very spooky. (I Hope I did okay with this, I was sorta struggling at the end with effects. Lighting is HARD to draw
    1 point
  13. I sorta like this sketchy style, It's something I did at the start of my artings but I've not returned to until now. Much less effort! THAT Said, it's PEPPER! The heckin' neat IPC who's got a soft spot for fluffy furballs. Hey. I don't judge. He also can like money times. Mone.
    1 point
  14. okay this one is a bit of a double whammy, uh... so basically a 'Crob' is a blue crab. It might be more sinister, or perhaps more unknowable, all that we know is that it is blue. CM, and one of the mods at CM, recently brought Crobs to the main stage. I drew some fanart. Enjoy the Crobs.
    1 point
  15. Bloofi is the most expert of science peoples. Here he is, developing a new type of machine. The purpose and reason behind this machine is top secret, so I can't tell you anything about it lest I incur his wrath. That said, he seems to be doing pretty well with it all. Science with sunglasses is often one of the best forms of science. They even count as safety goggles! And as we all know, being safe is the coolest thing you can do in a work environment. (He's totally qualified, trust me.)
    1 point
  16. Who's that pokemon? It's Seshi! With a GUN. Where'd they get that gun? Put it down. They're in a fancy Unathi R.I.G suit.
    1 point
  17. @BonkaiTheRoris streamed Slime rancher for me... and I couldn't get it out of my head that Jasmine was the one ranging these dastardly squishes. So I drew it! I cheated a bit with the background, I'm sorry. Jasmine is a good squish.
    1 point
  18. This was a commission done for @Esenno who's a wonderful trial of a nerd. It's law. MARSHAL law. Here they are doing some reading on a particularly difficult case. Probably the murder of 4 grey-shirts who broke into the kitchen via the chef who made them into delicious burgers. Trespassing in the kitchen will do that. or maybe not. He's probably looking at something a lot more serious. At least he's got some company to keep him motivated. *chirp
    1 point
  19. I'm also trying out a new drawing program, Paint tool SAI 2. I'm really liking its shading, and the ability to modify lines after you draw them. To test it out I drew a toaster-head I've been seeing around a lot, and who seems to be carrying medbay on their back a few times. Wyldcard! They're a neat player. I think it came out pretty nice. I think I'll try to use SAI 2 for a while. Also I love an appreciate all your comments and reactions. Honestly I don't get much reply when I post up my art on other platforms, which is likely why I mostly post on this forum with my art now you guys, honestly, are so kind, and your feedback is astounding!! JEEZE
    1 point
  20. A commission I did for some people, the Blacksheild of a HRP server. It was fun to do, I will say that uh... Uniforms are hard to vary. I DUNNO IF I SHOULD BE SHARING art of different spess plesses but uh... I do WHEEEEEEEEEEEE I love you all
    1 point
  21. It's Pride month, and I was asked to draw a very Cone-ie Vulp showing off some colours of celebration. I was happy to oblige. I hope everyone of all flavors and persuasions are doing well in this tremulous time. I love and appreciate all of you.
    1 point
  22. Who's THAT PLASMAMAN? It's AKIRA! With their habit of plasma bars and plasma drinking habits that lead to plasma alcoholism (Like normal alcoholism, but more deadly and flammable)
    1 point
  23. Just a whole load of art I've been bad at uploading. One of which is a commission! Then we've got some portraits for some ID cards, and of course, Port! Port is such a neat character, honestly one of the most seemingly developed on the Cyberiad. They actually feel like... well, a crew-member on a space station. Old grumpy man. He's amazing.
    1 point
  24. To continue with this character, I drew a second little thing after someone took the time to cook her some PIES. Meat pies. The favorite of many a liznerd. It ended up looking like a talk show...
    1 point
  25. A commission of Katlyn Hudson, with Saki! They're doing some moving in, with their newly adopted pet Eevee. @Veloxi was, and is still being, very patient with me in my getting-of-commissions-done.
    1 point
  26. SHUUUU'KAZA! A Tajaran that is always neat to run in to. Rare to actually see many Tajaran on station... So, it's always a treat when Shu'Kaza is around! This was another commission, gosh gosh, I'm getting a few, thank you so much for this wonderfully supportive community. I find it an honor to be a part of it every day! Yaya!
    1 point
  27. Isthel! A good Vulp, I've been experimenting with backgrounds... soon I'll find something that works. This pixel-style lines work better with thicker lines, but eh, I think it still came out okay.
    1 point
  28. Who's that Birthday Bot? It's Robbie! Toasters for everyone! Happy birthday you nerd. @rapaskoti
    1 point
  29. Another commission I did for @Cazdon, of the great and wonderful Mocha, who seems to have a plan for every situation! They are also fluffy and cute.
    1 point
  30. Here's a commission for our resident Russian Space Lizard, @CheekyCrenando, as a medic from the USSP. Filthy Space Russians... Hm...I guess this one is okay.
    1 point
  31. J'eff is the only character I've seen fit into the role of hair stylist so easily. Shame he bald tho. It's like Beethoven, the best artists cannot enjoy their own art... sometimes...maybe. SCHWING SCISSORS
    1 point
  32. Oh yeah, I forgot to post this. Speak of the devil, this is @Spacemanspark 's ANGELICA! It was a quick ol' thing... and uh, you can probably see I've been over-using the sparke brush. I'm trying to take Dreamy's advice on backgrounds. I'm GETTING there. Maybe.
    1 point
  33. So, a certain Vox, Krikikachik, turns themselves into a hell hound a LOT. Now, I'm not one to judge but... I had the sneaking suspicion that it was a reason. I have discovered that @BeanOS's Vox actually wants to be a hot dog boy. I don't know why I made this... I spent... a bit too much time.
    1 point
  34. It was @shatterdcoyote's birthday a... long while ago. I just finished this, so sorry it was so late. I like drawing things for people's birthdays! I wish people announced them more often! Thanks to @PhantasmicDream's wonderful reference! Such fancy clothes. ANYHOW, happy birthday! Enjoy the cake!
    1 point
  35. The newly wed Dee Jenkins, a real fun person to be around, who also might murder you horribly. But they've got a nice personality! (gosh I'm lazy with backgrounds :^) )
    1 point
  36. I like Reagan. They're a good CMO.
    1 point
  37. A little drawing I did for @Raven171. We've had a small (not small) RP going on for a while and I decided to draw the characters. A morally questionable Skrell called Volqix and a green ex-officer called Samantha. I like them!
    1 point
  38. This helpful CC Grey gave me the parts to make a BSA as CE, so we could fight those pesky Syndicate Comms agents!... And maybe also blow a hole though the escape shuttle. A tiny. Little hole. And then gib myself next shift with the new engine delivery system. I'm a competent CE, I promise. In all honesty @necaladun's Invisi-grey is really neat, and only SLIGHTLY terrifying when re-educating a HoP with an energy sword. Maybe a bit more than slightly.
    1 point
  39. A commission done for Torque, two move posters, that I made up... uh, there's probably some spelling mistakes, but heck, here you go!
    1 point
  40. Qur! The warbling Skrell that makes me love the fact we have a sound for that emote every time I encounter them. GOOD STUFF. She's adorable.
    1 point
  41. Eyyy. I love Greys. They're always a fun race to interact with. This one is ooooof Gemini! Ionward's character! They are QUITE a talented artist, so I was so glad to get an art trade with them. Heck. YEAH.
    1 point
  42. VULPS! Vin and Sam, two different Vulps. Here they ARE just chillin'
    1 point
  43. This one was drawn quick. It Praxis!
    1 point
  44. my quality hasn't been great of late, probably because I've been so busy playing... But, here's my favorite Lizboi, Srusu. They're always a pleasure to play with, and they're a preeetty good traitor too, heh.
    1 point
  45. A picture for FROGBOT, one heck of a nice IPC. It was my first game a Plasma experimenter, and I wanted to learn how to blow things up. The person who taught me, I knew from some engineering shinanigains. They were really eagar to help and showed me... the start of how to set things up. Cool down the oxygen, where to put it and all that. Then came time to actually mix the Oxygen and plasma. 33/66. It... wasn't working for some reason. And for some other reason, it was really cold. I should've noticed that was because of the Oxygen leaking, but I didn't until it was too late and we opened the plasma. Obviously we had a flood and I... well, nearly died. The IPC took me to medbay, and the AI got atmos to Toxins. We went back and tried again, got further than we did last time, but the IPC accidentally unhooked a pipe again, but there wasn't that much plasma left so it didn't really show up visually... So, I was dying and I couldn't tell the IPC why, and they just kept on with their business until they noticed me dying. We... were not very good Toxin Scientists. Luckily I got saved by a cute vulp with x-ray vision.
    1 point
  46. Kikeri!!! FOOOR @gangelwaefre ... I just realized I can tag people. That's neat! Anyway, I've had a ton of nice interactions with Kikeri, she's a real nice character and her actions are so... descriptive, I suppose. Cute. This is a moment I had with her while we were building a BSA (that we couldn't test-fire before the shuttle launch because of that TROUBLESOME CE ) and then I accidentally threw myself into space. Kikeri showed me how to save myself, by throwing things, and then when I got back I see her wandering around in space around the BSA. Vox. With their pressure-suit skin and everything... Gosh, they're neat. It's going to be hard to decide between Vox and Slimepeople when I do try and get a race... Vox are real cute, but also, *squish
    1 point
  47. It's! Zeke! Your favourite drunk Skrell. PhantasmicDream was kind enough to do an art trade with me, so this is my part! They did such a good job! Ah! I hope you like it, Dream.
    1 point
  48. Annnnd another one. I wanted to make sure I had to pieces to show off before I made a thread, to show the first one wasn't a lucky break. This one is of Iris Cooper, the CMO/Surgeon who taught Jay how to doctor, and stuff. Their player was really helpful and taught me a lot of things that turned out to be useful in the chaos that erupted in the later round. They're heckin' cool and I'm glad I got to draw them.
    1 point
  49. Dabbing is terrible and makes you 10 times less robust.
    1 point
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