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Posts posted by ZN23X

  1. 5 hours ago, SkeletalElite said:

    carpire + gloves of north star + plus macro for max punch speed= why


    I literally don't know what gloves of the north star are. This feels as akward as the first time I experiended His Grace after nearly a year of playing sec. You'd think I'd know these things but don't ?

  2. Carp isnt bad by itself, its only really bad when a crappy antag sees someone who is known to be a good one and is like "Hey, you are robust, take all my TC and do my objectives so I can literally do nothing and greentext."

    If you think carp is OP wait till you see a full powered vamp with carp (or carpire). You'll find them parading around the station running thier mouth on comms thinking they are badass even though you could give someone who is below average at combat carpire and they'd still be a pain in the ass to kill.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Dovixx said:

    Did you know that you can use the cloning pod to clone people?


    9 minutes ago, Irkalla said:

    Did you know that you can use your eyes to see?


  4. 1 hour ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    I think it's hard to say patroling in pairs is overpowered because at the start security really has no idea what they're dealing with.

    People can endlessly justify whatever means they use to help them survive. Even wordlessly stunning. Patrolling in pairs from the beginning is also sticking to the "something bad always happens" mindset. OOC, we know there are usually always antags. IC you shouldn't actually be expecting something bad to happen until something bad happens. You are right, security doesn't know what they are dealing with at round start, in fact, they literally don't even know there is potentially anything dangerous that is going to happen. Too many people are too afraid to leave themselves vulnerable. Too afraid of losing. Its why people patrol in pairs, its why people wordlessly stun, and so on n so forth.

  5. I'm experienced sec and I hate patrolling in pairs because I think its too OP...and it makes things too easy. I think this is a tactic that is as bad as wordlessly stun cuffing. Its done for the same reason. Fear of dying/losing. I think teaming up in general, as sec or antags, makes things too easy. I'm under the general beleif that the only time sec should be in the same place at the same time is when responding to a known threat.

    I understand WHY people travel in pairs, I'm just pointing out that, to a degree, its just as detrimental as wordlessly tasing. People just don't hate it as much because the effects of it aren't as visible. Just like wordlessly tasing, its a tactic sec employs that forces antags to push harder to counter it.

    Again, what came first, the chicken or the egg?

  6. On 8/28/2018 at 7:18 AM, Aletmagne said:

    With regards to the unique equipment I'm not fully sure of the extent that admins can VV items. If its possible to spawn a telebaton, rename it to "Fabulous Baton", increase its knockdown time so that the victim can be restrained and even spawn confetti when it connects with someone (Oh hit effect?)

    I know the rename is easy. Stun time is probably doable. No clue on the confetti.

  7. I like the idea of anyone who isn't a fan of the current "vox culture" trying to create a new culture and playing vox in a way where they are a proud race and shame other vox for doing disgraceful things. Thats the approach I've always taken dealing with chuckle fuck security and it does the trick. Its not going to work on everyone but it should mitigate the problem, and thats all you can hope for.

    • Like 1
  8. On 8/28/2018 at 8:21 AM, Aletmagne said:

    A group of vox beating non-vox into crit for entering a vox box (All non-antags, I ahelped but it was 30 seconds before the shuttle arrived and I got no reply from an admin on the matter)

    Just because you didn't get a response from the admin doesn't mean it wasn't handled. Sometimes admins are too busy to respond to everything, especially when a round is ending. It's more important to actually deal with the rule breaking that is happening than it is to respond to everyone about it. Even if you saw the accused player in later rounds it doesn't mean it wasn't handled. Players will usually get a warning for first time offenses, bans usually only come from repeat behavior and/or simply the person being combative with the admin instead of accepting responsibility for what they did wrong. Don't let a lack of response deter you from reporting things. Admins can't fix it if they don't know about it. I feel like I should just add this quote in my signature cuz I repeat it frequently; while admins are capable of seeing everything, they are not omnipresent. They can only look at one thing at a time, and some stuff takes more digging than others.

    @Benjaminfallout we need to lead the charge on a new breed of vox who shame their fellow vox for making them look bad instead of defending everything they do no matter how bad it is.

  9. 2 hours ago, TDS said:

    IMO, they should be as fragile as IPCs if they are supposed to be balanced with their huge upsides.

    They do take extra brute damage, I THINK their bones break easier (maybe due to extra brute) and they can actually be killed by EMP. 3 or 4 EMP bursts / shots from an ion gun will fry thier cortical stack. Fried birbs. Mmmmmm...

  10. Echoing something @McRamon said. When comitting crimes as an antag, if the situation allows, use a more "greytide approach" to doing things. If you break into the captains office with an emag and get caught, perma for you. If you get caught hacking the doors with common tools, worst you'll get is major tresspass and your tools taken (IF you haven't already stolen the unique item).

    Don't carry contraband that can get you perma'd unless you are committing an act that will get you perma'd anyways.

  11. @Rurik glad to hear someone approaching antag the same way I approach sec. When it comes to clearly noob antags making mistakes I'll sometimes try to help them out. Caught this poor atmos tech with an emag one time and I literally fed him an alibi saying "Are you sure you didn't just find this in maint?"

    I'll also reward good behavior in general. If i need to search you and you dont make a fuss, ill just check your bag,  "forget" to check any containers in your bag and your pockets, n send you on your way. Make a fuss, ill drag you to the brig, slap on a glove, and give ya a cavity search.

    • Thanks 1
  12. There is always a chicken or the egg thing with security behaving badly and players behaving badly towards security. Officers who attempt to follow SOP to the letter frequently get wordlessly killed, which breeds the type of officer who will just stun cuff without saying a word cuz they are tired of dying constantly while attempting to follow SOP. On the flip side you have players who will try to ne comoliant with security and be rewarded with being wordlessly stun cuffed and at least have thier time wasted by being dragged to the brig and at worst have thier antag round ended when contraband or other evidence of them being and EOC is found on them. This leads to people generally disliking security and leads to antags worldlessly killing security officers who are trying to follow SOP. The bad behavior on both sides breeds more bad behavior on the other side.

    Officers who remove a voxs tank get worse than demoted. They get bwoinked and warned. If they do it after being warned they get banned.

    This post is very bias against security and does not address the issues regarding way players negatively treat security which is half of the problem. You are essentially asking security to be more serious, responsible, and courteous without asking the rest of the crew to return the favor. Goes both ways.

    There is no cure for this issue. Its just part of the mindset of the community.

    I always like to point out, if I stun cuff you wordlessly chances are you'll just spend a little time in the brig and return to your round. Hell if you aren't being peice of shit ill search your bag in the field and send you on your way within a minute. I'll only waste your time by dragging you to the brig if you are spitting on me and spewing obscenities at me like a pissed off teenager. On the flip side, if I go easy on potential crimimals then I risk being wordlessly killed, disposed of, and waiting for the next round to begin. The consequences are not equal on both sides.

    • Like 4
  13. I just don't see the point of making things even harder for new players. I don't underatand how this change would enhance the rounds for anyone but a trigger happy chaplain. Neca has explained how you can work around this IC. Its never gonna be the permanent change you are aiming for so keep argueing till your fingers fall off. Good luck ?

  14. 2 hours ago, Corocan said:

    That's not really meta, that's just a good idea because it'll hamper Security's efforts in the future. I feel like that's akin to saying it's meta to try and kill the Blueshield if the Captain is your target, or something.

    Whether you want to call it meta or not it doesn't disprove my point. This change would cause experienced vamps to make sure they make more of a point to eliminate the chaplain due to them being a larger threat, and it would make inexperienced vamps lives even harder. This change would not enhance vampire rounds.

    If you've seen rounds where the chaplain was hunting cultists then you and any observers failed to report valid hunting. While admins are capable of seeing everything, they are not omnipresent. Or you weren't aware of the stuff that may have been happening behind the curtains. You don't know if the chaplains were bwoinked or banned for doing so. Many people do many things that they aren't supposed to do frequently, and you'll frequently find them falling SSD with no hope of recovery. Just because you've seen someone break a rule doesn't mean you are allowed to do it.

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