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Professor Cupcake

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Everything posted by Professor Cupcake

  1. Yes please. Then we can move those kits to the exam room, which is where they usually end up anyway.
  2. I still don't understand why the hardsuits come with the helmet detached.
  3. SEVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I wouldn't want this removed, but it should definitely be fixed so that it only burns the hand the lighter is in.
  5. This. It would certainly make for some more interesting situations. Also, it wpuld fit in better with certain antags (I'm thinking the devious, opportunistic Vox and/or the efficient, calculating Nuke Ops)
  6. Actually, yeah, davidchan has a point. If the paramedic actually had the access needed to fulfil the role, we wouldn't need extra departmental doctors.
  7. If they're worth a separate headset channel, they're worth a header in the manifest. Also, recognise the sovereign right of Cargonia!
  8. As someone with an unhealthy interest in Nerf guns: yes.
  9. Aftermath is an important part of the experience. Just stopping the round as soon as they are dead kinda robs us of that. So yeah, I agree with this.
  10. Agreed. It's not worth an entirely new law, but maybe something like "additionally, those found in possession of stolen items, whether they themselves stole it or not, can be charged with theft" tacked onto the theft laws would suffice.
  11. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Flat_Dough Made this as a little test, trying to play around with the idea of having pages like this for various items. The idea is to make two types of search possible: one where someone knows what they want to make, but doesn't know how; and one where someone has a thing and wants to know what they can make with it. To that end, the idea was to have each item have a list of the things that are one step before and one step after in production, with details of how that happens. This would also enable a nice little wiki adventure up and down the various "branches" of production. Hence, this page. I'm looking for some ideas and/or criticism here, since apparently nobody uses the wiki's talk pages or contributions pages grumble grumble. Also, I could probably automate this too, which would be a much better way of doing it, however to do that we'd need to start using SemanticMediaWiki - if anyone knows how to do similar things to its #ask command and page variables in standard MediaWiki, that'd be nice.
  12. This is still the main issue with this idea. That's like, a two-click process for any image editing software. How is that an issue?
  13. I play Arma with a mod that does this, and I love it there. I'd love it here too, but it should be a really subtle effect, and have an option to disable it. Or maybe an option to change its intensity.
  14. In RL, you can be charged with possession of stolen items, whether you were aware they were stolen or not. It'd surprise me if Space Law didn't reflect this.
  15. Looks to me like, in amongst all the messy human bits, all the major points have now been addressed. Cool. Looking forward to the result of your contacting TG, Jey.
  16. Not always. The internet is a catalyst for human interaction, both good and bad. I've seen just as many great stories come out of it as I have the terrible ones, including a few that I was a part of.
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