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Professor Cupcake

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Virologist (10/37)



  1. 30 drone strikes killing all the civilians infidels and no one else
  2. This is the way I thought it worked already, until a couple weeks ago. It should work this way, though it'd be a lot of effort to implement.
  3. Except, it does. Hypothetically, it's possible to come close to not having a single spot of blood or cleanable material on the station as janitor---insanely difficult, but possible. With dirt, it's literally impossible---you can never have a perfect or near-perfect metric. This doesn't really strike me as a problem. I'd say it's part of the Janitor's job that they have an 'impossible' task. A janitor's work really is never done.
  4. Considering it's so easily countered, I don't see that much of a problem.
  5. Wait, people actually give a shit about the stats at the end? Weird. But anyway, yeah; I'd like dirty floors to stay. None of the reasons that have been stated so far strike me as particularly good ones for straight-up removing them. Reducing the rate it accumulates, maybe, but not removing them. Even then, I'm a little hesitant. Oh, and fix it so only living mobs cause it.
  6. I agree that the chaplain should be a major threat to cultists.
  7. FYI: A competent medbay will have a toolbox for fixing cybernetics, and will get robotics to prioritise parts if required. Also, a competent RD should've fired that roboticist. That's dereliction of duty at best, and being an asset to murder at worst.
  8. One that makes a bit more sense: take, and escape with, photos of each of the heads after having been slipped.
  9. I think he meant the perspex cover things that are used in public places to deter vandals.
  10. TullyBBurned. ohgodimsorrythatwasterriblepleasrforgivealmightysopmaster
  11. This looks freakin' amazing. If this were added, I'd probably lose a day experimenting with it. Although a 10-component limit seems like it won't be possible to make any properly complex machinery.
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