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Everything posted by Keroman

  1. "LOOC - NewbieMcTator: y r sum words bold?" Just kidding, I like it!
  2. HereticChurch did this a few times but instead of a lamp he used a gold ring.
  3. I'd be in favor of converting supply points to credits but not credits to supply points. Someone wins millions of dollars on the slot machines every other round, which would give Cargo way too much buying power. Yes more telepads. Beaming someone in a locker is already something you can do, but you have to have someone else use the RCS on the locker while you hide in it. Allowing someone to teleport themselves would be kinda OP. Agreed. Agreed. Not really sure what the point of this would be. The entire point of the existing mailroom is to prep packages for delivery via disposals/RCs. We just need to help Cargo Techs get more familiar with those methods, or make them just as viable as, say, delivery by MULE or by hand. Yeah, I did intend that a crate that's tampered with locks down completely, although forcing a Captain-level ID in order to open it is kinda iffy. Sounds like a good way to give the greytide something to do. Thumbs-up from me. Sure, more ordering options are always a plus. Doesn't the restocking "glitch-aka-feature" allow you to just instantly restock Youtools as well? We definitely need to fix that, but also make restocking via modules a viable thing. Agreed! Custom vending machines would be a great addition! I'm not sure I'm a fan of tying supply points to vendor usage, but as long as there's multiple ways to earn supply points (i.e. you can still get points for sending things back on the shuttle) then I'm all for giving it a shot. Agreed. I'll admit that I didn't even know crates with items missing on delivery was a thing. At any rate I'd be fine with having other shipping errors that Cargo must fix, but I don't really care for the idea of a crate of implants showing up instead of a crate of metal sheets. Sure, syndi-balloons or suspicious toolboxes are fine, as is anything that you might be able to find in maintenance. Security will probably steal them every other round, but sure! Sure, again having more options for ordering stuff is a plus. Having more options for traitor Cargo Techs would be nice as well. The most we see from a traitor Cargo Tech nowadays is them ordering a bunch of weapons and attempting a killing spree (emphasis on attempting.) It'd be great to have a real, functioning economy in-game but there's some limiting factors. Persistency is probably the biggest one, since we don't have any way of deciding which rounds should be "canon" for any given character that's playing at any given time. If we can find a way to make it work, though, I would love it. Yes, like alexpkeaton's suggestion of having items that grant bonus supply points when being shipped I'd like to have random loot be a more widespread thing over multiple z-levels. Once you get away from the station (aside from the recently added random space ruins) everything is more or less the same every round. As for people breaking into cargo to use the autolathe, well, that's why I suggested moving it to the lobby. Let people use it as they wish with part of Cargo's responsibility being to keep it topped up with glass and metal. This will also let them focus on orders from the supply console since nobody needs to ask them to print out a bucket or a flashlight anymore. Space needs to be more dangerous, yes. As for having an "abandoned" wing of the station... it might be worth trying out if someone's willing to map it. Lore-wise it's difficult to explain why there's even a single vacant office on the station, much less an entire department. Still, if it adds more variety to the game, sure!
  4. Well welcome to the game fellow Kevin! I did notice you around the last few days, particularly because I recognized the name Zahir from Avatar: The Legend of Korra. Don't be afraid of joining the Discord, most people only use it for the text chat and not the voice chat! From what I can tell based on your post your English is just fine - in fact it's probably better than a lot of native English speakers.
  5. Yes please! Or even things like trading via console, where the QM gets alerts about nearby ships looking to trade and offering a list of goods and things they'll accept in trade. I'm certain I saw something like that on another server once when I was very new to the game.
  6. I was waiting until a few people posted here before making my own suggestion. There's two things that I'd like to see for Cargo Techs (which would also affect the QM). 1) I'd like to see what would happen if Cargo Techs had basic access to all departments for the purposes of hand-delivering crates. I think this would make people more likely to pick Cargo Techs because in general people see more access as being better regardless of their role. They still wouldn't be able to meddle with anything that's not related to their jobs, and if they're entering a department just to greytide around they can be kicked out and demoted, but antags could easily fabricate a reason to enter a department by ordering supplies for that department and hand delivering them. 2) Locked crates should be openable in the same way abandoned crates are. The caveat here is that as soon as you attempt to guess the code a tamper alert pops up which is visible to anyone who examines the crate. The tamper alert remains until the crate opens, so if the person the crate is intended for just opens it up without examining it the Cargo Tech might get away with tampering. This would by no means guarantee that Cargo Techs could get into every single crate, since you only get a limited number of chances to open any given crate, and really if they're opening crates of weapons and running around shooting people they're going to get bwoinked pretty damn quick. NethIafin: I'm having trouble understanding what you're suggesting regarding the secondary station. Maybe I have to read over your previous post about that. I do like the idea of having mystery crates arrive with potentially dangerous things inside, although deciding what should be included would be another thread in and of itself. I could imagine a Cargo Tech antag item which allows them to have a booby-trapped crate with a custom name they could set manually (so it mimics the name on the order form). Crate gets delivered, person opens it and goes boom. Holyass: I'm not sure what you mean about bombs and toxin sprays. That stuff doesn't really have anything to do with Cargo Techs, but maybe you could bring it up when we talk about the Scientist role? I would like to see the autolathe get moved to the Cargo lobby so anyone can use it, and it's up to the Cargo crew to keep it stocked with materials. I'm not sure forcing Cargo Techs to man the mailroom or face punishment would make the role more fun, per se. Gathering empty crates form maintenance is definitely something that Cargo Techs can already do, and I have seen it happen several times. Maybe add empty crates to the round-start random maint spawns so there's more of them?
  7. EDIT - I've decided to include the Quartermaster job to this thread since they function essentially the same as a Cargo Tech but with Mining access. Miners will be covered in a thread of their own. There's been some talk among the staff about what we can do to make the game more fun for people and one of the things we seem to agree on is that some jobs just... aren't fun to play. I'd like to take some time to go down the list of jobs and get suggestions from you, the players, about what changes could potentially make jobs better or more interesting. I'll compile the ideas that show promise (i.e. support from multiple people) and we'll discuss them among staff to see what we think would work out well. Before we begin I want to stress that posting an idea in this thread in no way guarantees that it will be added to the game. I don't want that to discourage you, however! If you've got an idea that you think would be fun, please, please post and we'll discuss it! Our first job is one of the most basic jobs on the station: Cargo Technician Consider the following questions when posting your ideas: - What are the responsibilities of the job? - What capabilities do they already have? (i.e. access, equipment available, etc.) - Potential for Antagonists - How much does this job affect the round? (i.e. is the station crippled without it or do people barely notice when it's unmanned?) Note: In 1 week (or when the thread has died out) we'll move on to the next job. Don't be afraid to suggest what job the next thread should focus on!
  8. Well to start with it'd be fairly easy to make it so they CAN eat. I don't intend that they MUST eat to avoid penalties (for instance, how Humans slow down if they don't eat enough), just that their regeneration works by drawing on their nutrition and they gain nutrition by consuming plantmatter. Their regeneration rate right now, even just in regular light, is pretty ridiculous - and this is coming from someone who does play a diona character off and on. But this is all hypothetical anyways. Diona are significantly different from other species already so there's not really a reason to start changing them around unless we're trying to affect game balance.
  9. I've actually talked about potential Diona changes in staff chat on the Discord. Some of the ideas I had were: - Tie their healing ability to their nutrition. - Make their nutrition require plant matter. - Regeneration rate is slowed (I'm open to debate about the appropriate amount) - Increase movement speed to account for this debuff to regeneration (again, open to debate about an appropriate amount)
  10. Keroman


    Welcome to the game and to the server! Finally someone who's older than me (30) so I won't be the old fart on the server anymore. Don't be afraid to ask questions in-game if you need help. Lots of people are willing to guide newbies in-character (although some people can be jerks, it's part of the game) and Mentorhelp is always an option. Also if you think someone is breaking a server rules use the Adminhelp function so we can look into it! It sounds like you'll mostly be playing during the "night shift" so you probably won't see many of the crazy rounds with 100+ players. Good luck to you!
  11. Updated: Maxwell Edison - Now serving as a Lieutenant as part of Central Command. Unlikely to be seen on the NSS Cyberiad unless he's accompanied by an ERT or other CC officials. ----- Name: Zix Volqil Age: 33 Gender: Male Race: Skrell General Occupational Role(s): Security, Engineering, Cargo/Mining Biography: Generally considered of below average intelligence for his species Zix Volqil struggled with growing up on Jargon IV. Most of his peers seemed to have a natural affinity for scientific pursuits in which Zix struggled. Zix's interests were purely mechanical in nature - construction, robotics, and especially weaponry. When the time came for Zix to seek a job he hopped the first trader's ship that would have him on as Quartermaster. Over half of Zix's life so far has been spent on space ships, serving as Quartermaster, Engineer, Armorer, or generally some combination of the three. In general he is not particularly committed to staying on any one ship, often following opportunities as they come up, though he has occasionally moved from a higher-paying position to a lower-paying one simply to stay on the same crew as his friends. Qualifications: Master Armorer Certification from the Intergalactic Rifle Association, two years as Chief Engineer on the Karronakh - an privately owned 60 kiloton freighter operating frequently within SolGov and Vazzend space. Employment Records: Pre-Cyberiad Employment (mostly unverified) - Engineer for ships of varying size, from light scouting vessels to heavy cargo freighters. Armorer for several vessels, including at least one militia known to hire out their services to both NanoTrasen and the Syndicate. Employment on board the NSS Cyberiad - Frequently requests positions as Quartermaster, Miner, or Engineer. Occasionally takes work in the Security department when he knows his friends will be working Security. Security Records: While Mr. Volqil does not seem to hold any particular loyalty towards NanoTrasen he also has not done anything to harm the corporation. Medical Records: Likes to drink heavily-watered alcoholic drinks, even when he knows the risk to his liver. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A medium-height blue-green (more blue than green) Skrell with a mild smirk on his face. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: ----- Name: Guy Mann Age: 38 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: B+ General Occupational Role(s): Chaplain Biography: Guy Mann was born and raised in the colony of New Straya, a settlement that was originally set up to handle prisoners charged with crimes against NanoTrasen which eventually became a small, mostly-autonomous outpost. Qualifications: Infused with the HOLY SPIRIT of our Lord Neca Ladun, God of Bogans, Drop Bears, and Chundering. Employment Records: Chaplain, ye cunts! Security Records: Generally good-natured, but prone to occasional bouts of hooliganism, stating that it's part of his religion. Drunk or stoned for 90% of any given shift. Medical Records: Rarely goes to medbay except after the occasional scuffle. Sometimes handles venomous animals as part of his religion, usually because he's trying to wrangle them into cages in the Chapel, so keep charcoal handy! Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A gap-toothed, dark-haired, tan-skinned, fellow wearing flip-flops and a wife-beater, holding a beer in one hand, which also has a cigarette tucked between two fingers. His face is mildly dirty and has perpetual 5 o'clock shadow, but he sports a wide friendly grin. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
  12. I like it! Could be useful for borgs too so they know when their supplies are restocked. There's actually one on-station in the mining dock access room (where the miners' lockers are) which is meant for the miners to use. Just FYI there's already two food vendors on the main mining outpost, along with a box of donk pockets and a microwave. The far west mining outpost also has a box of donk pockets and a microwave. Agreed! But given cargo already has two pretty good options for automated delivery of orders (disposals and MULEbots) telepads would kind of be redundant. I wouldn't have any problem Science setting up telepads wherever they're requested, but having them there at round-start isn't really necessary. I've seen Bartenders do that and more with the bar before. It's honestly pretty easy to put in a basic airlock like that (takes 4 sheets of metal, 2 sheets of reinforced glass, and an airlock electronics board) so it's something almost anyone can do on any given round. Thanks for the suggestions!
  13. There's actually 3 ways that slimes can get loose without a scientist or someone else directly removing from their pen. > Dimensional Tear Event spawns random mobs including a slime. > Wormhole Event where a wormhole appears in one of the pens AND a slime happens to move into it. > Pyroclastic Anomaly spawns a red (maybe orange?) slime as part of the anomaly. I think it would be interesting if bluespace slimes had the ability to teleport short distances in search of food. Slimes are fairly harmless if you know how to deal with them and have the right equipment on hand. Fire extinguishers are relatively common and in the event of a massive outbreak the atmos techs could put their firefighting backpacks to use. That being said slimes can be quite dangerous, and if a slime isn't dealt with fairly quickly and it has a source of food it can multiply quite a bit.
  14. There was a time where the Summon Guns and Summon Magic spells actually did give a few players the right to go nuts. I'm not sure what happened with that but I honestly wouldn't mind seeing it make a comeback.
  15. Keroman


    Yaya, legitimate businessvox. See ID? Is saying so!
  16. As the voxxy doctor who performed the IPC-to-Tajaran mind transfer you better mention me! It's spelled Yakihikraekhekh. You might also mention that Kang's body originally belonged to a clone of Araris Valerian who graciously donated it for scientific purposes.
  17. Great stuff as always! I can imagine the Vox in that last picture now, "Yaya, is only room on station for one birbs people. Into disposing with you now, skrek. Is will fetching Poly to keeping you company, kikiki!"
  18. Keroman

    My art

    For reals though, cool stuff!
  19. Welcome! I know I'm biased but I feel like Paradise is probably one of the easier servers to start playing on when you're new to SS13 in general. I hope you stick around for as long as you can!
  20. My go-to story whenever I'm telling someone about SS13 who hasn't experienced it for themselves yet is this one. This was back when I still played Maxwell Edison and he was still Tajaran. I was the Detective and it was early in the shift so of course I was hanging out in the bar. Thanks to Nat Adams I wound up with pink fur/hair and of course Nat hits me with a gender-swap UI from genetics. So pink female Maxwell, drunk off her ass, wanders back to the brig. My in-game speech was alternating between normal and slurred which for Detectives (who start with the sober gene) means you have gone way overboard. I get back to the brig and find the HoS and Warden waiting. I slur a greeting and one of them says, "Detective Edison, are you drunk?" I reply, "No," and immediately pass out. I mean it was so perfectly timed that I couldn't have made it happen if I was trying.
  21. Welcome to Paradise. I was new, once, too. Not so long ago, in fact. Also, dat avatar:
  22. A player managed to infiltrate Command using an Agent ID, chameleon stamp, and the following two notes. Dude fuckin' earned my karma for sure.
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