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Everything posted by Keroman

  1. Neat stuff, man! The style on each piece varies quite a bit but they're all good.
  2. Alright, just finished with the team meeting. Below are my notes from what we discussed. Wiki Team Roster (Alphabetical Order) Anibalviana Coldflame Cotux CrAzYPiLoT DarkPyrolord DisreputableSquid FlattestGuitar Grey Jamania Keroman - Lead (until someone volunteers) Purpose2 Shadeykins SigholtStarsong - Xenomorph page revamp Vesocia Meeting Notes Paradise Wiki Team Meeting (5/21/16) --- Things to discuss: - Team leader/leader responsibilities - Outdated pages - Scour wiki for outdated pages - Update Jobs page/separate Antags into own page - Ideas for new pages - Prioritize work - Pick projects --- Leader responsibilities: Check in with team members once/week and get status updates. Share summary of updates with Regen and/or Tully as necessary. Organize team meetings. Searching for Outdated Pages: http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Category:Outdated FlattestGuitar DarkPyroLord Tauka Usanake CrAzYPiLoT - Search the wiki for pages with outdated content and add them to the Outdated category. 1 week Change "Jobs" page to "Roles" and change front page of wiki to reflect that? Done! Ideas for new pages: - Guide for using emags/List of emaggable items (See below) - Guide for going out into space (what to bring with!) - Medical cross-reference guide for different species - Add Golem page to Jobs/Roles - New machines added that aren't on the construction guide - Redirect main page from "The Basics" to "Starter Guide" which is more up to date. Done! Projects - Coldflame - Security items - FlattestGuitar - Chemistry Guide - Purpose - SOP (when forum discussion is done) - Vesocia - Emaggable items list http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Cat ... file_links http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Category:Outdated http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Cat ... n_Progress
  3. While I like the idea of having a functioning economy and persistent bank accounts for players it doesn't necessarily make sense to have each department charge for their services. There's two, maybe three departments where I can see it making sense. Service: It's literally in the name of the department. They're providing a service. Chefs can charge for food, bartender can charge for drinks, barber can charge for haircuts, chaplain can charge for various religious services, hydroponic can sell drugs/bluespace tomatoes, clowns can charge for sending honk viruses, and mimes can die in a fire. Supply: If an order is for a specific department charge it to that department, not to the individual who orders it. If an order is for an individual THEN you can charge the individual. It makes sense for Supply to charge for stuff! Hell, let the miners charge for ores, being mindful that if they ask too much they likely won't get fun toys from Science! Science: Charge for stuff from the protolathe. Like with Supply if they're providing items to benefit a department (weapons/mechs to sec, exp. welders to engineering, etc.) charge the department. If you're handing out stuff to randos who come to the window and ask for a bag of holding CHARGE 'EM. Otherwise the rest of the departments are there to keep the station running smoothly. Medbay keeps the crew on their feet, Engineering keeps the station intact, Security keeps the bad guys at bay. These three departments are getting paid by NT to do these things, why should they also get paid by the crew? These jobs should be higher paid than Service/Supply/Science because of the fact that they aren't making money off of the crew.
  4. Eli's a pretty common name for males, mostly in english speaking countries. It's usually short for Elijah which is a biblical name.
  5. I like the idea too! Certain traitors can already get bottles of poison so maybe having a special pen - like was suggested in the OP - which you can fill with poison so that the next person who touches the paper bare handed feels the effects of it. The mere fact that lots of people wear gloves all the damn time is enough to keep this from being overpowered, and if they see their target isn't wearing gloves then they could whip out the poison pen and mark the form before handing it over. +1 from me!
  6. Alright I pushed the update to the Cult Magic page here: http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Cult_Magic Got some last-minute edits in with suggestions from a few folks. If anyone's got a major problem with the new page we can always revert it. There's a cult-related PR in the works that will change a few things but I honestly don't think it'll be too difficult to update the page again when that happens.
  7. Hey guys, I'd like to get this team back to work. I talked to scrubmcnoob and he's decided to step aside for his own reasons. I asked Tully if he objected to me calling for a team meeting but I haven't heard back from him after 24 hours. Who all is still here and ready to get editing? I'd like to see about having a meeting sometime in the next week. Feel free to get in touch with me on the Discord as well. Let me know what time would work best for you for a team meeting and I'll try to schedule something for when the most people can attend. If necessary maybe we could have several meetings so that those who can't be there for one can still get involved and pick a page to edit. Mostly I'd like to focus on adding or editing stuff on the wiki that was patched in last week, including the addition of the Drask species! If you know of any wiki pages that are sorely outdated let me know and we can add them to the to-do list and get someone working on them.
  8. Okay, updated it again and I think I'm more or less done with it. All the rune descriptions have been reworked with a focus more on game-mechanics: http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/User:Keroman I'd like to hear what you guys think of the layout. I feel like the upper part of the page is kind of cluttered with images and gifs while the lower part of the page is very sparse with the visuals but I'm not really sure how I can balance it out.
  9. But the Captain already has a private bathroom...
  10. Oh wait, this is Lask? Ha, I don't know why I didn't know that before.
  11. Older as in you've been playing SS13 for a while? Or older as in age? Because I probably have you beat if it's the latter. Also, welcome! [spoiler2]I don't give a shit about the game![/spoiler2]
  12. I mention the fact that runes and talismans cause brute damage like 3 times. Also there's a lot of information in this guide that's also in the Cultist page which, honestly, needs to just be in one place or another and not both.
  13. While I was tweaking the Cultist page the other day I noticed that the Cult Magic guide was kind of boring and not so well written. I've gone through and updated quite a bit using my temporary username page as a stand-in for now before I actually make any changes to the guide as it shows up on the wiki. I'd like to get some critiques about it so feel free to post here about any changes you might make. Here's what I've got so far. I haven't made it past the section about the Mask yet but everything up to that section was rewritten or reformated by me. All images and .gifs were uploaded by me as well: http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/User:Keroman Here's the old guide for comparison: http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Cult_Magic Have at it.
  14. I'm sure I've seen you in at least one round. Welcome! Also, your character's last name makes me think of this:
  15. I would say that swarmers, as an event, have less of an effect on a round than xenos. If they're not tracked down early they can absolutely wreak havok, but a few sec officers armed with lasers and accompanied by a borg (or monitored by the AI) should be able to get to anywhere the swarmers might be quickly enough to dispatch them. If I were going to nerf something about swarmers I'd suggest one of the following: - Bump up the number of materials needed to reproduce to 75. (Swarmers won't be able to reproduce as quickly.) - Remove the ability to deconstruct medical/R&D equipment. (Swarmers can't gimp the station quite so severely.) - Increase the amount of time it takes to enter a vent or scrubber by 2-3 seconds. (Swarmers will be easier to catch, meaning the shields and traps they can set up will likely see more use, costing them resources and thus preventing them from reproducing as quickly.)
  16. It should be very Hollywood. Turning off the safety should use the sound of a gun cocking (that ch-chk! sound) rather than the sound of an actual safety flipping off (click...).
  17. I remember Maximus! Also, the Larkens' are multiplying at an exponential rate, aaaagh!
  18. He's making a joke, man. The Admins have a "Man Up" button in-game that you've probably seen them use from time to time. Pretty sure he's just referring to that.
  19. While I think that having alternate forms of punishment besides brig time is a good idea fines are probably not the right answer given Paradise doesn't have a functional economy. All a fine will likely do is prevent the person paying the fine from being able to buy food or toys from the vendor in the Cargo bay lobby. Also it's super easy to win millions of dollars at the slot machines in the bar so that any fine you pay will essentially be a slap on the wrist.
  20. The irony of a player who thinks it's funny to run around blowing up stuff with welding tanks as a non-antag because !!FUN!! coming on here to complain about the quality of players who show up while we're listed is delicious. I'm all for us listing once in a while for maybe a day or two at a time. Dealing with shitters is a small price to pay to bring in new, worthwhile players. I never would have found Paradise if it hadn't been listed when I was new to the game. Now it's my home.
  21. That's actually pretty well thought out, then. I'm all for it.
  22. As far as key blanks I was thinking a blank would only work on a pod that's unlocked. If you forget to lock your pod and someone runs up and makes a new key from a blank (especially considering they could only get blanks from the Mechanic's spacepod fabricator) then that's on you. 10 seconds for removing a lock and 5 seconds for pulling someone out of a disabled or powerless pod sounds fair to me.
  23. More interactions with spacepods are a big ol' thumbs up from me. Kind of iffy on this one. Didn't your PR with the pod locks include a way for a player to create (or at least assign) a key for a given spacepod? I can imagine having an unassigned key, using it on an unlocked pod, and the key now functions only with that pod. Maybe add key blanks to the spacepod fabricator for, say, a cost of 5000 metal (the Mechanic will have more than enough leftover metal from creating their spacepod to make at least one spare key.) I'm all for there being a way to override locks, especially if the Mechanic or Pod Pilot lose their key and need to retrieve their pod. While it makes sense for Security to have one maybe have one in the CE's office at roundstart as well? The ion rifle already drains the pod's power cell within a few hits, effectively making it a sitting duck. This works on the sec pod too. Sounds good to me. While it would be nice for there to be some way for the person inside the pod to resist being pulled out all that would mean is that they're forcing security or whoever else to blow up the pod with them in it. A completely depowered spacepod is defenseless and so, too, would be anyone inside of it until they're pulled out.
  24. "Villains!" I shrieked, "dissemble no more! I admit the deed! --tear up the planks floor tiles! here, here! --It is the beating flapping of his hideous heart wings!"
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