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Everything posted by Keroman

  1. As much as I like the idea of having a pistol hidden in a pen you could get a storage implant and stechkin w/suppressor for 13 TC. Shoot at your target (8 shots @ 20 damage for a potential of 160) and even if they don't die you can just hide the stechkin in your storage implant until you get another chance. I feel like, given the choice, many players will just opt for the hidden stechkin rather than worrying about trying to hit 3 shots without missing a single one.
  2. I like it, but it also shouldn't work against being buckled. And it 100% should not be counted as Contraband in any way. Make 'em spawn in maint and a few in the locker room. If possible give them a legit, non-criminal use, like allowing you to equip it to your head slot to change your hairstyle on the go.
  3. There already is an improvised garrote. You need (2?) planks of wood, a stack of cable coil, and a kitchen knife. It's not quite as effective as the fiber wire traitor item but still better than nothing in a pinch.
  4. They're already named like and have the same description as the items they're disguised as. The only way to test the AI Detector is to call the AI and have it come look at you for a moment to see if the light on the multitool turns red. For the sleepypen it's a little more difficult because any pen, when clicked on someone while using Help intent, says, "You jab X with the pen!" whether or not it's a sleepypen. You could potentially jab them then scan them with a health scanner to see if it injected anything, or if you have a dropper and beaker of any liquid you could try to refill it and see if it works (since you can't refill regular pens as they don't hold reagents).
  5. I'm fine with general crew not having in-depth knowledge of antagonists, however preventing Security from knowing about antags is, in my opinion, a step too far. It makes sense to me that anyone who works security (as well as Magistrate, Blueshield, and Captain) would be briefed on the potential threats the station might face. This becomes a problem, however, when either A) security is understaffed or B) security is wiped out. If the former is true then players aren't going to have anyone to report stuff to or who can inform them of what to watch out for. If the latter is true then it's likely the rest of the crew will know something's up and might already be gearing up for self defense, at which point it becomes tricky to differentiate between the people who are validhunting and the people who are acting in self defense upon getting attacked (or perceiving that they're being attacked even if that's not the case.) Maybe allow each department to have a specific type of antag knowledge? Engineers might know what types of explosives the Syndicate uses because they regularly have to make repairs caused by said explosives. Medbay might know more about the biology of changelings and that they have stingers and use chemicals. Science might know more about the capabilities of non-human antags. Robotics would be better suited for helping deal with emagged borgs or malf AIs.
  6. Welcome! I've been here for 9 months and still never been a blob so you better believe I'm all sorts of jelly.
  7. I agree with the idea of including this as part of the IAA's job description. Most IAA rounds involve sitting around waiting for Security to make a big enough SOP breach and then hammering down on that until someone is disciplined for it, either by Command or by CentCom. Being very much in favor of a parole system (something I already do when playing Security anyways) it would help to have someone to keep track of it and to me the IAA is the most logical choice. Often the Warden is too busy because they already have so many responsibilities - processing criminals, releasing people when their brig time is up, dealing with permabrigged prisoners who injure or kill themselves, handing out lethals and other equipment when necessary, going down to R&D/Robotics to pick up the latest equipment or mech. IAA in most rounds have little to do, and even when they do have a particularly busy round they can still spare a minute or two once in a while to check in on paroled crew. If giving this responsibility to the IAA isn't an option I could agree with making it a karma job, maybe 5-15KP. Have the Parole Officer share an office with the Detective because there's plenty of room in there for another person plus the security terminal which would be necessary for the PO's job. Adding another prisoner management console (same as the one in the Warden's office) but adding functionality for tracking monitoring bracelets/anklets would also help. It's pretty rare to see the Detective using the evidence lockers at the back of his office (more often evidence goes to, surprise, the Evidence room near processing!) so it would be simple to remove those and add in a second desk.
  8. Keroman


    Welcome! Before you join the Discord stop at an ATM and make sure there's plenty of money in your wallet. It's definitely not related to anything Cobradude might have said above.
  9. Welcome! I'm sure I've seen you around once or twice in game. If you ever want to learn Security or Engineering let me know and I'll be glad to give you a run down. If you're not on the Discord already I highly recommend you join up and say hello!
  10. I think a crow in the library would be a nice touch though... That room really needs to be spiced up or useful. Good sir, I do believe you mean .
  11. Team Meeting Notes (June 11, 2016) Wiki Team Roster (Alphabetical Order) Anibalviana - General Items list update Coldflame - Redoing Security Items page (updated armor/helmet sprites and other equipment) Cotux - Merging engine setup guides, setting up a Location page for engine containment CrAzYPiLoT DarkPyrolord - Scientist page (traitor section) update DisreputableSquid FlattestGuitar Grey - Syndie Item page update Jamania Keroman Purpose2 - Update AI page Shadeykins SigholtStarsong - Revamp of Xenomorph page Vesocia - List of emaggable items --- Discuss new Contraband page. How should it look: tables, lists, or something else? Get two more volunteers to help Crazypilot out with it. TOP PRIORITY > Kero, Cotux, and Crazypilot work on getting contraband list set up grouped by severity of the crime. Also maybe a grid like this at the top to quickly identify the item? http://i.imgur.com/m3eOuRq.png Discuss "Category: Locations" page and updating pictures of each location as necessary. Decide on standards for each location page. > Upload updated images for location pages wherever necessary. Cotux will add a new location for engine containment along with links to the engine setup guide. > Kero will look into resizing images so that the location pages show a slightly smaller screenshot of the location but you can click on it for a full-size version. Go through changelog and compare to wiki to ensure wiki is up to date. > Kero gon' do this Show and Tell! - Show your work, get suggestions for improvements. Go in alphabetical order. > DarkPyrolord = For Scientist guide revamp traitor guide and add info about scientist-only uplink items (poisons and stimulants) > Cotux = Merge Tesla and Singularity setup pages into one page, ensure that all pages that linked to singularity setup point to this new page. > FlattestGuitar = Tweak genetics guide for slightly better formatting. Change UI modification section to use a table instead of a long vertical list. Add icons to shadowling page for each listed power. Wiki Dev forum tags? > Done!
  12. Please yes. I said this in the Discord already but if we get these I will 100% make a clown character named The Brown Streak who runs around wearing only a brown morphsuit and clown shoes. "NO ONE CAN CATCH THE BROWN STREAK!"
  13. I would agree with changing the definition of Theft to include pets that have been claimed using a collar. It already applies to pAIs as far as I'm aware so why not pets too? In the situation you're describing it sounds like the corgis were part of the Chaplain's work and so you might be able to levy a Vandalism or Trespassing charge (there's precedent for kicking people out of public areas - the Bartender can declare the bar off limits to people causing trouble) or potentially even Petty Theft as long as Security was in agreement that the keeping the corgis were part of the Chaplain's job. In all honestly greytide is just something that you gotta deal with sometimes. As was said in the Discord chat if it happens over multiple rounds and you're pretty sure it's the same person ahelp it as it may be considered metagrudging. One thing to keep in mind, too, is that while players that do that kind of stuff but not necessarily breaking Space Law or SOP are still very much cultivating a reputation as a shit player which is something that can and will come around to bite them in the ass eventually. Side Note: This thread might go better in the Suggestions forum. Maybe an Admin could move it on over?
  14. I'd say that acting department heads only take precedence once the official chain of command has run it's course. If there are no actual non-acting heads, no NT Rep, BS, or Magistrate to take the acting-Captaincy, then go for it.
  15. The NTV Charon is the official corporate designation of the evac shuttle that shows up when called due to out-of-control emergency situations or at the end of a shift.
  16. Yeah, that part about the drugs was in contention. Her brig time was never actually extended beyond the standard for Creating a Workplace Hazard.
  17. Over the last few weeks since beekeeping has become a much more popular pastime I've found myself running into issues with a few botanists causing trouble with them. One botanist created holy water bees which eventually got out into the hallway (her fellow botanist opened one of the windoors). She was eventually arrested and brigged for drug distribution (something else she was doing unrelated to the bees), assault (the actions of the bees that escaped), and resisting arrest. Another botanist made Jagged Crystal (a drug which I'd never heard of until last night, surprisingly) bees and they got loose in the locker room while she was attempting to use a hand labeler on a locker with bees in it. She was brigged for creating a workplace hazard (for not only allowing bees loose outside of botany, even unintentionally, but also for having a variety of bottled drugs in her backpack and bringing them outside of botany.) I think we need to add some regulations to SOP and/or clarify Space Law with regards to bees. My suggestion is: SOP addition The botanist may only breed bees containing harmful chemicals (chemicals that can cause any type of damage - not counting the brute damage from bee stings - or can lead to an overdose) if given permission from the Head of Personnel (possibly CMO instead as this may have more to do with crew health). At any time the Head of Personnel may request that bees and queens containing any given chemical be destroyed. The botanist takes full responsibility for any damage the bees cause outside of hydroponics including, but not limited to, vandalism, assault, and manslaughter. Space Law addition Creating a Workplace Hazard should be amended to include bees being released from botany, regardless of the chemicals they inject with their stingers. Normally I wouldn't advocate for a specific action to be listed as this crime is more of a common-sense sort of thing however in the case of botanists who get pissy about getting in trouble when their bees get out and cause injuries it would be very helpful to be able to point to Space Law and be like, "NO EXCUSES!"
  18. Keroman


    I certainly wouldn't object to having something like this in the game, although I do have the same fears about validhunting as have already been stated. While most antags do not have any form of grief protection (i.e. they're valid anytime as long as you have proof they're antags) it might be beneficial to have some sort of protection for these antags until they can be proven IC to have caused harm to the station or crew. If anything a crew member who wishes for ninja powers and then gets harmbatonned to a pulp by security for attacking people is more at fault than the person who grants him ninja gear in the first place.
  19. I would say the method for disassembly should be more difficult than that. Maybe more akin to a wall (2 steps) or r-wall (10 steps). The flaps are able to separate pressurized areas from low-pressure areas without causing atmos problems - the most prevalent case being in the mech bay on the mining outpost.
  20. If that clown's name isn't The Incredible Honk then whoever named him is just wasting everyone's time.
  21. Quick update. Here's what the Wiki Team is working on right now. I'm currently contacting each team member to find out just what their projects are so this list will be updated over the next few days: Anibalviana Coldflame - Sec gear page update/cleanup. CrAzYPiLoT - Scientist job page update DarkPyrolord - Xenobio page update. Fixing missing page links. FlattestGuitar - Shadowling page update Grey - ERT page update. Jamania - Tesla page update. Mockup formatting for potential revamp of antag pages. Keroman - Cultist page update Purpose2 - AI page update Shadeykins Vesocia - List of emaggable items and their effects.
  22. Keroman


    One of us One of us One o- what the fuck is that signature? Oh god it's hideous! Welcome.
  23. Well I guess my main argument against removing the ability is that (unless you're a hardcore validhunter) you're probably only going to use it when something else has tipped you off to potential hidden antaggery. In the case of yesterday's round it was the fact that not only was the door bolted but the bolt lights were off which doesn't happen when the door gets emagged (unless they were already off which isn't something the vast majority of door hackers worry about). In all honesty I never really thought about whether or not using the camera in that way was intended or not. Given the behavior of other items in the game I thought it was just how they were supposed to work and the explanation was, "It's bluespace, I ain't gotta explain shit." If it was truly an unintended use for the camera then I'm sorry for abusing it in such a way that it messed up your round, sdtwbaj.
  24. EDIT: To clarify to those who posted before me this isn't about AI cameras, it's about handheld cameras like you can get from the ArtVend or which spawn in several places around the station at round start. This is because of your Malf AI round yesterday isn't it? To clarify: As voxxy detective (yaya!) I was keeping a sec officer (Vah'ris Makin) company while he patrolled the station. We wound up in the locker room and I figured I might as well check the bathrooms while we were there. Door won't open, bolt lights are off, so I figure somebody might be up to no good in there, or has hidden something in there that they don't want found. I used my camera (the one from the detective's office which has 30 shots before needing film), set it to maximum coverage, 7x7, and snapped a few pictures to see what was up. Dark blue APC immediately tipped me off that the AI was malf. Sure there COULD have been a traitor who emagged it in order to frame the AI but the chances of a traitor messing with the door bolts after the fact was slim. At this point the AI started calling out that there were nukies and was the ONLY one to see them anywhere despite them supposedly being in central locations like the gravity generator. All in all using the camera didn't give me that big of an advantage. I could have strolled across the hall and grabbed a welding tool and wrench to cut my way into the bathroom, costing me all of 30 seconds to achieve the same result. I could have gone back to my office and checked the camera feed. I don't really care one way or another if the camera is changed to not allow peeking through walls, just figured I'd give some context to the thread.
  25. Yep! Several members of the team are working on finding as many outdated pages as they can in the next week and then we'll start prioritizing which pages need work first and get people going on those ones. In the meantime anyone's welcome to edit the wiki so if you come across anything that needs only minor tweaks then go for it. Also, liran, did you want to join the Wiki team? Anyone's welcome to join so I can just add you to the list super quick.
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